Am I still allowed to say, “Florida”…?

Let’s conduct a little experiment here, since I haven’t used the ol’ blog in quite some time indeed. But this seems like a fitting reason. The fact of the matter is, that because of the very nature of this very topic, trying to make a video about would most likely be futile anyhow, since A) using any msm clips would be instantly jumped on for copyright violation, and B) it seems that virtually any video or webpage for that matter that dares to mention the name David, uh, let’s say “rhymes with dogg”, is now apparently in danger of getting instantly flagged, removed, (reported to the authorities for possible psychological health examination?)

Forget jumping the shark… The shark is now daring to jump over the Fonz.

Cooper is straight up takin it to the “right wing conspiracy crazies”. The “ignor and marginalize” strategy seems to have given way to the “let’s acknowledge the allegations and confront them directly” approach. But this whole thing is SOOO pushing the limits of plausibility, on so many fronts, that I’ve literally been hearing about people with family members, who for YEARS have rolled their eyes every time 9/11 inside job came up, etc., now…… they aren’t scoffing.

It’s almost like they are intentionally making it SO blatant, and so bumbled, that they are DARING every truther with any voice, to stick their hand in the proverbial hole in the wall. I went to David H-rhymes-with-dogg’s YT channel only a day ago, and almost every video had only a couple hundred views. Now? After being interviewed by countless reporters, and talking to Anderson Cooper (in the most deadpan, non-traumatized manner imaginable) he’s not surprisingly getting thousands:

And there is just so much weirdness, and plasticity to it all, that it just boggles the mind…

Even in the handful of videos he had up, as part of his “vlog”, before the incident, it smells! Yet, this is just all being doubled down on, tripled down on. Kids are getting on buses directly from the funerals, and going to the Florida courthouse, to lend their voice to the coincidentally unfolding hearings on gun control.

But that’s all crazy conspiracy theory. Just like if H-rhymes-with-dogg had some kind of affiliation with Jon Podesta’s “charity”, or had actually graduated High School in California, in 2015…

So, okay…. Let’s see how long it takes for this post to get removed and labeled as “hate speech”.

The fact that this whole Florida incident happened right around the same time as the insanely laughable “Tesla Roadster in Space” stunt only makes it all seem that much more like the lines are being intentionally drawn, daring folks to either cling to their cognitive dissonance with every fiber of their being, or risk actually being hunted down via social media, as some kind of criminal, simply because you can see what should be painfully obvious to anyone, who isn’t completely brainwashed.

I used to be able to laugh at the deplorable levels of group-think and State worship, in places like North Korea. I can’t anymore…