Tag Archives: police state

How Many of These Shootings Have to Happen Before People Realize There Is Something More Behind it All..??

I haven’t written anything about mass shootings involving potential mind-control victims in some time. One of the last times I did, I linked to some report which inadvertently prompted the most hits I’ve still ever had in a single day. In the end it was just hundreds of people in a reddit poke-fun-at-conspiracy forum, checking out my post and then laughing at the idea that there could be any sort of connection between these incidents.

That was almost a year ago now, and the number of these kinds events that have occurred since, even just in the last few months, is just ridiculous. I guess I just sort of concluded that if people can’t figure out for themselves that these bizarre “random killings” are occurring with increasing regularity, and increasing degrees oftheatergunmannashvismit8150086887_t700_hf1005318214aac3373938a3e0f7cadbe45437c96 strangeness, just from watching the mainstream news, then I don’t really know what to say to convince them. It feels like practically every other day now, I’m seeing something about another shooting, more frequently involving police or military personnel, to the point where it’s like we aren’t even fazed anymore. Today it was some guy in a movie theater (again…) in Nashville. The new twist on this one I guess being that he had an axe…

I glanced at this report put out by the Congressional Research Service the other day, and it cracks me up how they manage to finagle their way to the point of saying, “”No matter how you cut it, there’s no epidemic…” The “data” doesn’t lie of course (only those who manipulate it…). There’s no real increase in these kinds of killings, despite whatever you think you might be witnessing with your own two eyes as the years go by… 😉 These aren’t the droids you’re looking for. Move along…

This vid by “the Scariest movie ever” does a good job delving into this whole topic of MK Ultra shooters and recent headlines, including the bizarre courtroom disturbances in the James Holmes trial, and he makes some really poignant remarks about how these sorts of ideas are filtering their way more and more into mainstream news and entertainment, such as in the upcoming Jesse Eisenberg movie “American Ultra”, which actually depicts two stoner kids who turn out to be mind-controlled assassins:

And just for fun, here’s the link to the “shooting tracker” page for 2015.

I think it’s pretty safe to say that 2015 has already had a significant number of very suspect, headline-grabbing mass shootings. Probably one of the most saturated years yet. And we still have five months left…


An Army of Lone Gunmen…

There’s an army of lone gunmen
tell me have you noticed this
which one by one keeps coming
like those foreign “terrorists”

For reasons know one ever knows
one at a time they snap
and without warning, in a crowd
they start to bust a cap

Racists? Muslims? Disaffected?
Some head-case off their meds?
Whatever background story’s told
the headlines count the dead

So while the country mourns once more
the State their hoped salvation
the next Lone Gunman waits for his
programming’s activation…

The NWO and the Rise of the Praetorian Class…

As I have increasingly begun to understand the depths to which the “war on terror” has always been intended to be used not to keep the public safe from genuine Terror threats, but to impose a host of Draconian measures upon ordinary citizens in the progression towards global governance, one aspect that has continued to both amaze and baffle me are the questions related to the realization that the so-called “elites” are absolutely incapable of ever truly creating any sort of “New World Order” without the compliance and assistance of a comparatively large subsection of the “regular people”, in order to physically enforce any given tyrannical system. They can print all the fiat currency they like, and pass a myriad of executive orders, pork-filled bills, Supreme Court rulings, etc., but ultimately, unless there is some kind of boots-on-the-ground method of enforcement, the fact remains that it would still be quite easy for millions of people to finally get fed up and oust a tiny handful of corrupt bankers, political leaders, and corporate heads. They need a human buffer…

And this was what really perplexed me for some time. After several years of hearing source after source point to the same chilling conclusions that some kind of martial law was eventually planned for America and elsewhere by the globalist elites, I still would get hung up on trying to understand just how it would be possible to ever convince soldiers of any sovereign nation to actually militarily occupy their own people, their own cities, their own neighborhoods, their own friends and families. After all, it’s one thing to understand how events like 9/11 were effective in convincing thousands of troops to occupy the streets of Kabul or Baghdad for years on end, but New York? Los Angeles…?

Of course, there are lots of examples we can point to now where there have been short glimpses of this. The WTO protests in Seattle in 99. The aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The “man-hunt” after the Boston Bombing. Ferguson. And now add Baltimore to that list.

But speaking of Baltimore, what prompted me to sit down and start writing about this specifically, was listening to the latest Revelations Radio News podcast (which I am absolutely addicted to), “Episode 151: End the Drug War”. In this episode, co-host Andrew Hoffman reads the entirety of an excellent article from vice.com called “David Simon Talks About Where the Baltimore Police Went Wrong”, in which Simon (also creator of the HBO series “The Wire”) calls from his years of experience as a police journalist in Baltimore in order to outline how the Drug War played a major factor in turning the police force into a “mechanism of societal control”. Really fantastic piece.

Then shortly after, I did some searching and found this absolutely phenomenal article called “Rise of the Praetorian Class” by Pete Kofod. Honestly, I am very tempted to simply paste the entire article here but I think that might be a tad lengthy. Essentially Kofod outlines a breakdown of society whereby instead of classifying folks into the three basic economic camps of lower, middle, and upper class, there are three classes of people defined far more by internal motivations and self-identity than their purchasing power.

“Much attention has been paid to the “disappearing middle class” and the “vanishing American Dream.” While the observations are largely accurate, they are also misleading. The traditional three-tier model of the upper, middle and lower class broadly categorizes people according to income and net worth. One significant problem with this model is that membership in any particular class is very much in the eye of the beholder. One man’s “scraping by” is another man’s “opulent living.” This subjective and arbitrary grouping and boundary assessment inevitably gives rise to the simmering class warfare that is starting to rear its ugly head in many Western countries. Such categorization is therefore meaningless at best, if not outright deceptive as it conflates a variety of economic actors.

The chief fallacy of this model rests in the fact that it focuses on how much those actors are compensated, as opposed to how and why they are compensated. A far better perspective is perhaps gained using two classes, the Political Class and the Economic Class, with a third class emerging.” (the Praetorian class…)

Simply stated, the “Economic Class” is us, and the “Political Class” are the Elites. Bit of an over-simplification I’ll admit, but again, it’s a measurement based on degrees of true power and influence, rather than just money. Already I’d say this represents a far more accurate description of how the populace is truly segregated, but let’s look more closely at what Kofod has to say about the Praetorian class, and the psychology behind them:

Legions and Lictors – the Praetorian Class

“The Praetorian Class includes members of the Armed Services, federal, state and local law enforcement personnel as well as numerous militarized officials including agents from the DEA, Immigrations, Customs Enforcement, Air Marshalls, US Marshalls, and more. It also includes, although to a lesser extent, various stage actors in the expanding security theater such as TSA personnel. The main mission of the Praetorian Class is to keep the order of the day. This requires displaying an intimidating presence in their interactions with the Economic Class.

As the Praetorian Class ascends, the clear, albeit unstated, message that emerges is that actions and events in the Economic Class only occur with its tacit consent. Whether driving on roads, traveling in the air, visiting public land, walking down the street or even living in your own home, every action you take is predicated on its permission. By preconditioning the populace to enforcement of its edicts, most of which are completely arbitrary, the Praetorian Class sets itself up for a high degree of autonomy in its actions. This is confirmed by the fact that consequences for malfeasance within the Praetorian Class are almost never observed, and when it happens, it typically becomes a grotesque spectacle in which one of their own is sacrificed as an example, so as to keep appearances of effective internal controls.

Members of the Praetorian Class are typically recruited from the Economic Class and usually from the lower socio-economic spectrum, which offers them an opportunity for personal and professional gain that otherwise might be out of their reach. Early on in the training and indoctrination process, a strong emphasis is placed on teamwork and advancing the welfare of the team above the individual. While independent thought is never overtly discouraged, the fact is that questioning authority and failing to display complete loyalty to the team results in censure, shunning and even expulsion. Naturally, the recruit learns in short order which behavior is rewarded and responds accordingly. This forges a lifelong, unbreakable bond between the brothers-in-arms. This bond can be observed when people proudly display unit insignia and decorations decades after their departure from service.”

The article goes on to make many more very insightful points about the Praetorian mindset, such as “as the members of the Praetorian Class socially distance themselves from both their origins and their masters, even though they are paid to do their bidding, a new group identity among them emerges“, and how senior members of the Praetorian class might be invited in to join the Political Class, and so on. But I don’t think it takes a great deal of reflection to really recognize how so many of the things Kofod describes have truly been fostered and propelled further and further in the context of the last several decades, perhaps even over the last century or so.


The Military/Industrial Complex had the Cold War, Local Law Enforcement had the Drug War. Both created and controlled scenarios which (amongst other things) served to bolster the spending for such arenas, but also to maintain and fortify a social identity for both subgroups which was distinct from “ordinary civilians”. Then 9/11 was the match that lit the fire designed to burn and slowly melt away the division between the two. Tours in Iraq and Afghanistan gave American soldiers experience not in fighting uniformed soldiers of some other super-power with tanks and missiles of their own, but plain-clothed “enemy combatants” with I.E.D.’s and using “unconventional warfare”. These eventually became openly labeled as “wars of occupation”, and after dragging on for years, the tired troops eventually started coming home, bringing much of the specially-designed, IED-proofed MRAPs and other hardware home with them. (the rest was left for the next incarnation of CIA-sponsored terrorists to scoop up)

10375675_642528995834869_1967842546_nAnother factor which began in earnest after 9/11 was the psychological conditioning of the “economic class” (i.e. “civilians”) to revere the Praetorians. The whole “heroes” meme. “Thank you for your service” became an ingrained maxim of expected civil participation. The military, police officers, fire-fighters and almost anyone in uniform were elevated to a such a status of quasi-worship that to question anything about what the government was doing was tantamount to spitting on the honor of these brave, self-sacrificing souls. (A psy-op which to this day continues to play a major role in the intellectual dissonance preventing most people from even looking at the copious amount of evidence regarding things like 9/11 being an “inside job”, and so much else…)

Then only a few years ago, we start hearing about how the Obama administration is “cleaning house” among all the top military brass. Seasoned generals are suddenly being let go left and right without any external explanation. Only military leaders who appear to have passed some secret sniff test are kept in place. There are reports of the government buying up massive quantities of hollow-point ammo, and survival rations. Then last year, ISIS suddenly “appears” out of nowhere in the Middle East and takes over parts of Iraq and Syria (which coincidentally the White House and Pentagon were pushing to bomb, but failed) and we also had that bizarre period where the southern U.S. border was basically opened wide in order to let in all these “refugee children” from Central and South America that allegedly had suddenly showed up on the door step.

And now we are weeks away from Jade Helm…

Has a true “Praetorian class” been sufficiently created to the degree where they would now really, truly, blindly obey orders to the point of openly disregarding Posse Comitatus, trouncing upon the fundamental tenets of the Constitution, and treating the “economic class” as though we were suddenly the real enemy…?

Analysis of Psychological Preparation for Martial Law…

This is a really good short video from TheScariestMovieEver (great youtube channel btw), where he talks about another youtuber who is ex-military psy-ops explaining the use of “PPTB” (psychological preparation of the battlefield), and connecting it to Jade Helm and psychological conditioning for martial law, specifically the now famous AARP ad. TSME also talks about all the different terror attacks/shootings from the past which coincided with Military Exercises “practicing” the very same thing on the very same day, as well as other examples of pop-culture “easter eggs” showing martial law in America:

Here is the video from “Smokin Joe” which he references:

Wake Up Church in America! This is our “Dietrich Bonhoeffer Moment”…

Right now I am listening to an interview on Truth Frequency Radio with Roy Potter, an ex-military, ex-special ops, and a Christian, talking about Jade Helm and how it is absolutely a preparation for imposing martial law in the United States.

How many people have to come out and speak up about this before Christians in America (and not just Christians of course, but everyone!) will stop and take heed????

I suppose I am just venting a little frustration here, towards my own fellow Christian brothers and sisters, even ones who I enjoy interacting on their own blogs etc. There are good many who are “awake”, and fully aware of what is going on, but there are also many, many others who will more or less admit “yeah, we know what’s coming down the road”, but then really don’t want to open their eyes and look at what is taking place RIGHT NOW.

Why are the people who believe in what the Bible has to say about the creation of a One World Government so often the same people who are the hardest to even have a conversation about it with?

I don’t know… I suppose I am just feeling frustrated with some of the great fellow Christian bloggers I’ve come to know out there. Many of them of them are quite happy to have me comment about theological matters or socio/political issues, etc., but man… Don’t get too much into that “conspiracy stuff” or they just kind of close off. No! Is this stuff real, or isn’t it!? Is Jade Helm really what people are saying it is, or isn’t it? Was 9/11 a false flag, or wasn’t it? You can’t keep running and hiding from these questions friends. You can’t. No more than we can look back on Germany in the 30’s and say that it was all well and good for the German churches to stick their heads in the sand when everything was developing all around them.

I read Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s “Cost of Discipleship” many years ago, and boy did it shake me up. I know that Bonhoeffer is a controversial figure even within Christianity, and maybe not everyone is going to agree with every little detail of what he did or said. But the fact remains that to this day he is remembered as one who stood up amidst what he saw taking place around him, and he refused to be silent, and he eventually paid the ultimate price for his courage and faith.

We are not called to be afraid. But speaking out about the realities of the world in which we are living is not fear, but the very opposite. So many times we hear people accuse others of “fear-mongering” when they are only using common sense and critical thinking, and putting things together in a way which reveals how we are being steered towards a state of affairs which is opposed to everything that is of God.

Roy Potter’s Youtube page: https://www.youtube.com/user/roypotterqa

“Maple Resolve”, Canadian Component to Jade Helm…?

Somehow I’m only just now hearing about the massive military exercises slated to occur in Canada dubbed “Maple Resolve”, in step with the much-discussed Jade Helm drills. It truly does appear to be shaping up to possibly be a truly continent-wide event getting ready to go down. Apparently, scores of Target stores have been inexplicably closed across Canada, just like how people have been connecting the Walmart closures in the Southern U.S. to Jade Helm.

Honestly folks, I wish I could say I wasn’t truly worried about this. After having now having had my ear to the “alternative” news arena for over five years now, I can’t say I’ve ever seen so much attention being given to any particular development, which is saying something, considering how much has gone on in the world during that time.

From Ferguson now on to Baltimore, these protest/riot events are clearly not purely accidental, but themselves part of the developing narrative. The media is constantly hyping the tension between police and citizenry. There are the reports about supposed “ISIS cells” just over the Texas border in Mexico. ISIS has claimed responsibility for the recent shooting in Garland Texas.

The more all the pieces come together, it really does appear to be setting the stage for what appears to be possibly the most massive false flag attack in all of history…

Border Checkpoints, But Not on the Border…

59 miles within the U.S. border, Aaron and Melissa from Truthstream Media get stopped at an “inspection station” after a day of hiking. The ensuing dialogue with the Border Patrol agent is half humorous, and half chilling…

“Answer the question, and you’re free to leave”. This is Amerika now…

These are the kind of guys out there blindly following orders, enforcing unconstitutional policies with a shrug of their shoulders. People getting stopped while driving down the highway, yet the actual borders are left wide open.

As If Political Correctness Wasn’t Confusing Enough Already…


I know they say context is everything, but I must admit I’m still a little perplexed here…

Had this sort of “disciplinary parental intervention” occurred on some random, normal day, in say a Walmart parking lot, or the mother’s own backyard, and people had captured it on video, then she’d probably be hearing accusations of child abuse, or even be in jail already and at risk at losing custody, rather than having people talk about her as a candidate for Mother of the Year.

Sooo, I guess this calls for a small addendum to our “bully-free America” policy when it comes to zero tolerance for things like spanking/discipline, etc.. If it helps further the narrative of why we need the State to be ready to intervene and put boots on the streets in order to keep us safe from backpack-wielding terrorists, or crazy right-wingers, or bored and angry black teenagers with ski masks on, well… SMACK AWAY!

“Free Range Parenting”, Here’s My Rant…

I’m only learning about this situation with this family in Maryland for the first time yesterday. You’d think that by now, there would little left going on out there in the world that would shock me anymore. This whole thing though? I’m like… Are you? Is this? What the? Is this a joke!?!?

So… Where did this term “free range parenting” even come from? Suddenly we have this one insane case of a couple of kids being taken into custody by Protective Services, FOR WALKING IN THEIR OWN NEIGHBORHOOD A FEW BLOCKS FROM THEIR HOME, more than once now!?!?

I mean, if it had simply happened one time, it would be a crazy story, but you could regard it as a bizarre singular event, a misunderstanding, an overly-concerned neighbor calling the police or whatever. But it’s not some fluke thing anymore, it’s sparked an entire “nationwide debate” about something which I can hardly believe I’m hearing… “Free range parenting”? This is a “thing” now? This is a concept that many parents out there are actually accepting as something that is some kind of truly dangerous, neglectful act?

The thing is, as a parent myself, it’s been a very bizarre thing to realize just how much we ourselves are so much more leery and protective of our kids being out in public “unsupervised” than our own parents ever were about us at the same age. We really do live in an age where people are so much more conscious of real dangers like sex offenders, so it’s not like I’m at ALL the kind of person who feels very comfortable with my kids being out where anyone could just come up and grab them and throw them in a van. But at the same time… Protective Services?? Two blocks away from home??? This is insanity people! The “Nanny State” is truly going too far here. I mean, I just don’t get it… Do people in Maryland not even let their kids walk themselves to school anymore??? Is that considered “neglect” nowadays?


Most people like myself who experienced childhood prior to the mass hysteria of the war-on-terror, everyone-outside-your-door-could-potentially-be-a-terrorist-or-child-molestor era that we live in today, can probably remember being afforded a level of outdoor freedom that would be largely unthinkable in today’s climate. In the summertime, we’d be out riding our bikes around the neighborhood until the sun went down, having “adventures” in the woods, building forts, making little trips to 7-11, playing football at the nearby school, etc. Parents would simply tell you to “go outside and play!”, and so we did. People would’ve laughed their asses off at any sort of term such as “free range parenting”, (particularly in the pejorative sense that it is being applied), as if was even something worthy of debate.

Maybe part of the reason this story is just so bizarre to me, is that the neighborhood I live in currently is a far cry from whatever mindset is apparently the norm now in a place like Silver Springs MD. We actually live right by a park, and so if I were to be calling the police every time I saw kids walking around without parental supervision, I’d be clogging up the entire 9-11 dispatch. It’s almost funny, because whenever we do take our kids to the park, the other kids usually look at us as the weird ones, for being the only parents around. Even though we don’t necessarily feel comfortable ourselves with letting our children “roam free” the way we did as kids, we certainly aren’t going to call CPS on anyone else simply because they’re outside trying to play…

Insanity. Absolute insanity…