Category Archives: New World Order

Am I still allowed to say, “Florida”…?

Let’s conduct a little experiment here, since I haven’t used the ol’ blog in quite some time indeed. But this seems like a fitting reason. The fact of the matter is, that because of the very nature of this very topic, trying to make a video about would most likely be futile anyhow, since A) using any msm clips would be instantly jumped on for copyright violation, and B) it seems that virtually any video or webpage for that matter that dares to mention the name David, uh, let’s say “rhymes with dogg”, is now apparently in danger of getting instantly flagged, removed, (reported to the authorities for possible psychological health examination?)

Forget jumping the shark… The shark is now daring to jump over the Fonz.

Cooper is straight up takin it to the “right wing conspiracy crazies”. The “ignor and marginalize” strategy seems to have given way to the “let’s acknowledge the allegations and confront them directly” approach. But this whole thing is SOOO pushing the limits of plausibility, on so many fronts, that I’ve literally been hearing about people with family members, who for YEARS have rolled their eyes every time 9/11 inside job came up, etc., now…… they aren’t scoffing.

It’s almost like they are intentionally making it SO blatant, and so bumbled, that they are DARING every truther with any voice, to stick their hand in the proverbial hole in the wall. I went to David H-rhymes-with-dogg’s YT channel only a day ago, and almost every video had only a couple hundred views. Now? After being interviewed by countless reporters, and talking to Anderson Cooper (in the most deadpan, non-traumatized manner imaginable) he’s not surprisingly getting thousands:

And there is just so much weirdness, and plasticity to it all, that it just boggles the mind…

Even in the handful of videos he had up, as part of his “vlog”, before the incident, it smells! Yet, this is just all being doubled down on, tripled down on. Kids are getting on buses directly from the funerals, and going to the Florida courthouse, to lend their voice to the coincidentally unfolding hearings on gun control.

But that’s all crazy conspiracy theory. Just like if H-rhymes-with-dogg had some kind of affiliation with Jon Podesta’s “charity”, or had actually graduated High School in California, in 2015…

So, okay…. Let’s see how long it takes for this post to get removed and labeled as “hate speech”.

The fact that this whole Florida incident happened right around the same time as the insanely laughable “Tesla Roadster in Space” stunt only makes it all seem that much more like the lines are being intentionally drawn, daring folks to either cling to their cognitive dissonance with every fiber of their being, or risk actually being hunted down via social media, as some kind of criminal, simply because you can see what should be painfully obvious to anyone, who isn’t completely brainwashed.

I used to be able to laugh at the deplorable levels of group-think and State worship, in places like North Korea. I can’t anymore…

It’s Just Another Day…

It’s just another day

Another unsuspecting town

Where another crazy gunman

Mowed another workplace down…

Just another routine story

Another headline to remind

Why police must be soldiers

In these perilous of times…

It’s just another exercise

Please stay inside your homes,

Another lock-down protocol

While through your streets they roam…

It’s just another press release

Another open and shut case,

Another reason why more gun laws

We must all quickly embrace…

Just another sleeping psycho

Who without warning finally snapped,

Another radicalized citizen

Unforeseen until they cracked…

Just another grave reminder

To report “suspicious” acts,

If we all suspect each other

We might prevent more attacks…

It’s just another tragedy

another tale of woe,

Another baby step in pushing us

Towards N, double-U, O…

FLAT EARTH: “The Choice Awakens”…

(transcript of the video’s narration below, just in case it’s hard to hear some of the recording I guess…)

What do Star Wars, the recent attacks in Paris, and the Flat Earth, all have in common…?

Most people would probably think, not much, but I would actually like to suggest the idea that there is in fact a great deal of commonality amongst all three of these subjects, and I’m going to try and weave them all together by examining a theme which many us are probably already familiar with.

That theme, is the Hegelian Dialectic.

Now, for most people who would consider themselves a part of the “Truth Movement”, or participants in “conspiracy research”, and so on, this is something you are most likely already understand, at least on a certain level.

When looking at things like the New World Order agenda, and the laundry list of False Flag attacks that have increasingly occurred since 9/11, for a lot of people it’s fairly easy to comprehend how we can see this playing out again and again. Create the problem, which stimulates a reaction, then provide the solution. Thesis, antithesis, then synthesis. They instigate the crisis, and then promise to deliver everyone from said artificial crisis, using means and methods which previously there was no political will to support. In the “War on Terror”, we see how again and again the citizenry is manipulated into willingly giving up their personal freedoms in favor of an increasingly invasive surveillance society and militarized police state, because it promises to ensure safety in the face of the suddenly existent “terrorist threat”.

On September 10, 2001, there was absolutely no way the Bush administration could’ve cajoled the American public, and other countries around the world, into invading Afghanistan (and of course, Iraq a little later). By September 12 people were screaming for bombing raids and boots on the ground.
On November 12, 2015, France had little involvement in the hostilities in Syria. By the 14th, they were busily bombing “ISIS targets”…

Okay, so this is nothing new. But what about the Flat Earth? How does the Hegelian dialectic factor in there?

One of the amazing things about the “Flat Earth movement”, is that for so many individuals it is truly working to bring them to a place where they realize that they are NOT simply just a random accident of the Universe, an evolving blob of matter descended from countless others, which billions of years ago all just happened to spring to life from the primordial soup which had puddled together on a chunk of rock that was expelled from the Big Bang. And this is a fantastic, marvelous thing.

However, even when people get to that point of recognizing the lie of Evolution, and opening there hearts and minds to the idea of a “Creator”, the next big question of course has to do with just who/what that Creator actually is, and what do they want…
Was it “God”? Gods? Some advanced ancient alien race? Is the Cosmos itself sentient, i.e. pantheism? And so on.

One of the things which is so intriguing about the Flat Earth movement, and indeed the “Truth movement” in general really, is that there is actually a very strong tide of people coming to a place where they recognize that there just has to be something true in the belief in a spiritual reality. Lots of people who are seeing the evidence for the claims that the Earth has no discernable curvature, and that Heliocentricism is demonstrably false, are understably stopping and taking a second look at the Bible, even if often times they never considered themselves “religious”, because of all the things that it has to say pointing very much to an enclosed, finite cosmology.

But getting excited by the fact that the Bible describes a Flat Earth, and listening to what the Bible also has to say about things like the fallen nature of humanity, the Holiness of God, Christ’s atonement for sin on the cross, the existence of a literal devil, etc., are of course, two very different things…

So, just like with so many other “non-Flat-Earthers”, this “awakening to a greater spiritual reality” essentially leads one to a crossroads. What is the nature of this spiritual reality? What does it mean to “find God”? Or, are we all on our own journey of “finding our own God”? What about all these ancient, mystical traditions and shamanic practices, is there some value to be found in exploring those? And how does such esoteric knowledge which deals with issues like “magic” or “advanced entities” and dimensional transcendence and such relate to the sorts of things we can deduce about what the “NWO Elites” are themselves engaging in…?

And this is where we segway into Star Wars, and the whole cinematic, mythological universe that Lucas and co. created…
Unless you’ve somehow managed to boycott the Star Wars franchise altogether, and avoid watching the original trilogy, you undoubtedly know the scene from The Empire Strikes Back where in the Degobah swamp Yoda explains to Luke what the Force is… (scene here)

Now, the thing is, that this whole explanation of the Force here, is really a nutshell version of the entire belief system which the Bible sometimes refers to as “Mystery Babylon”. This is the core of ALL “mystery traditions”, ancient occultism, shamanic practices, and the modern New Age movement. Biblical prophecy actually says that in the Last Days there would be a renewed surge of interest in this Luciferian philosophy, and we can absolutely see this very thing taking place within the FE movement, the broader “Truth movement”, and yes, even “mainstream society” as a whole. So in that sense, (and I realize this may ruffle some feathers to hear this) it almost doesn’t even matter if a person becomes “awakened” to the reality of the New World Order agenda, or even “enclosed world cosmology”, because in any case we are all still faced with the same over-arching choice between the believing in the spiritual narrative of the Bible (where God sets the boundaries and defines how Deliverance from the Fallen system will ultimately happen) and believing in the alternative, in it’s countless varieties and forms.

You see, throughout the Star Wars films, we are presented with the duality between the forces of tyrannical oppression, military aggression, and ruthless domination. This is all represented by the agenda of the “Empire”.

This is of course contrasted against the forces of the “Rebellion”, the collection of humans and alien races devoted to peace, harmony and galactic cooperation and so on.

Both sides have heroes and villains who have mastered the use of the “Force”, with the Sith Lords serving the evil forces of Empire, and the Jedi knights of course serving the cause of Truth, Justice and Peace.

But the “Force” itself is said to itself be rather unbiased. It can be used for ‘good’, or used for ‘evil’. And this is the trap, this is the spiritual lie. This is the same Hegelian dialectic being embedded into these most popular of films.

Because interestingly enough, Hegel didn’t actually invent the “Hegelian dialectic”. He merely recognized, categorized it, gave it a name. It was really Lucifer, the Fallen angel, who first developed and applied this method of deception, back in the Garden of Eden, in the account found in Genesis 3 where he tempted the first man and woman into eating the forbidden fruit. It was Satan who “created the first artificial problem”, by lying to them about the nature of God, and painting God Himself and the tyrannical, oppressive “Dark Lord”, who was holding Adam and Eve back from “having their eyes opened, so they could be like God…”

It was he who first suckered humanity into believing the lie, because he KNEW that it wouldn’t actually deliver that which he promised, but would instead bring death and seperation from God. It was indeed a “false flag argument”, whereby God was turned into the bad guy, while Lucifer portrayed himself as the “Savior”, who was trying to “free” humanity by showing them the path to enlightenment…

And absolutely, we can hear this very same argument being made to this very day.

Just recently I was listening to an interview with Jeran of “Jeranism”, where he was talking about the Bible as it relates to Flat Earth, (and I’m not picking on him or trying to attack him personally at all) but he was articulating this very same idea, wherein he believed the Bible has some “good stuff” in it, as it pertains to FE, and also certain generic concepts of “love your neighbor as yourself”, and so on, but adamently rejected the whole idea “idly sitting by and just waiting for Jesus to come back and save the world”, instead of getting up and trying to do something about all the problems in the world.

You hear this sort of thing all over the place, in the Truth movement, and again, in society as a whole. And so, while the concept of a “Creator” might be permitted, the question as to how we “approach all that is wrong with the world” is the one that is of the most ultimate significance, even more significance than the question as sweeping and massive as the size/shape of the world in which we live…

Because, really, how much sense does it make, if on the one hand we begin to see the scope of so many of the lies being perpretated upon the world, by this extremely nefarious group of “Elites”, only to turn around and eventually embrace the same ideology, and same spiritual practices, that they have…?

Why do you think that right in front of Rockefeller Center in NY, there is that famous statue of Prometheus, “The Light Bearer”…?

That is a representation of THEIR hope, THEIR “deliverence”. Prometheus is Lucifer! He is the one they believe “stole the fire from heaven”, and graciously shared it with humanity, so we can “save ourselves”… They too hate the idea of a Soveriegn, all-powerful God, who found mankind guilty of sin, and provided a way of Redemption through Jesus’ death on the cross. They too have instead turned to lying and suducing spirits, and their promises of “secret knowledge”, and benevolent gifts of “higher technologies” and the ability to transcend our current human limitations.
And so it is a complete false duality, to entertain this idea of trying to resist the forces of “Empire” by turning to the same spiritual sources and ideologies that they use.

You see, the God of the Bible does not offer us anything akin to the idea of the “Force”, whereby we can hope to master certain metaphysical secrets and become wizards, eventually elevating above the physical plane itself (as we see in Star Wars when “Jedi Masters” become ascended “light beings”…) His Way is completely upside-down from how we typically assume we can and should “fight the powers that be”. Jesus defeated Death, by submitting to it, as a sacrifice on our behalf. HE has the true power. His Holy Spirit is capable of workings and miracles which would shame anything Hollywood could dream up, BUT, it is not something that we can learn to wield like some mystical weapon, not something that “guides our actions, but also obeys our commands”. The Holy Spirit is a PERSON, whom we learn to Trust and submit to, and He leads us through this fallen, rebellious world…

I don’t know how much sense I’m really making here, I could honestly go on and on about this for hours probably, but for some time now, I have been feeling convicted to start speaking out on this issue more, especially as the longer I find myself navigating through this so-called “Flat Earth movement”, and seeing how many people are coming to a place where they are starting to seriously reconsider their opinions on things like astrology, and meditation, and hallucinogenic drugs like ayahuasca and DMT, and the role which various “spiritual entities” might actually be playing in the “Heavens” above our heads, and so on. Again, please know that I am not intending to attack or berate anyone for their current beliefs, but I do hope to do my part to ignite and sustain the conversation on this whole topic of the spiritual realm.

I believe it’s only going to press more and more to forefront as time goes on anyhow, and if you are someone who through looking into the Flat Earth has brought to taking a second look at the Bible, or the Book of Enoch, because of their FE implications, then I’m simply trying to encourage people to continue looking into what these writings have to say about the true nature of this “panorama of conspiracy” as a whole…

Qui sont les vrais salauds..?

I’m hoping that at least a fairly decent translation. I guess I have to trust Google Translate on this one, since my French is WAY rusty since High School. (“Je voudrais aller à la salle de bain..?”)

Anyhow. “Who are the real bastards..?” That’s what I was aiming for. Why? Because everyone by now knows about the Paris attacks. I didn’t write anything about it in the first few days. I almost barely feel like writing anything now. I guess I just don’t quite know what else to say, that hasn’t already been said a zillion times, either by myself or many, many others…

At this point, I guess I’m starting to feel like either you’re gonna see it all for what it is, or you just aren’t, because you simply don’t want to step outside that box which makes it all seem so simple and straightforward.

I was reminded of the “box” on Saturday, when I had to take my car into the mechanic first thing in the morning. My mechanic sees me walk up to the counter in the little office, and asks me, “So did hear the news yet this morning?”

“No”, I reply. “I only saw the coverage last night. Haven’t looked at the news yet today…”

“28 minutes ago ISIS claimed responsibility for the attacks”, he tells me. “Time to go kill every last one of those mother-F’ers, that’s what it is.”

I almost opened my mouth, to say one of a dozen different quips that suddenly sprang to mind, but then thought twice about it, reminding myself that it might not be the wisest thing to speak off the cuff and potentially offend the very individual I am relying on to get my car fixed in a timely and honest manner…

Perhaps, not all that long ago, I would’ve been so infuriated by the perpetuation of such mindless propaganda, such obvious use of the false-flag tactic to incite yet MORE unjustified war-mongering, etc., that I would’ve gladly launched into a debate, regardless of the jeopardy I might be putting my broken vehicle into. But now, fourteen years after 9/11, and the litany of “acts of Terror” which has followed in so many other countries…?

Either you see the script, or you don’t. Call me apathetic, but I don’t think it’s that. It’s just the result of now having seen years of people being goaded and baited into chasing after the created-bad-guy du jour, and it working, over and over again. We like having clearly defined bad guys. We like to think we know and understand who the bastards are, and where they’re hiding, since they clearly deserve a good solid air strike or two (or a hundred).

We like our flags. We like our artificial lines drawn on artificial maps, and we are ever so comforted by continually believing that however crazy things in the world might currently be, it’s still able to explained and understood within the bounds of those artificial lines, be they geopolitical, economic, or whatever else.

But it’s not about that. It’s really not. Not about crazy “blood-thirsty Muslims” trying to create a “Caliphate”. It’s not about Muslims being innocent victims either. It’s not about corporate greed, or Nationalist military expansion, or violent religious fanaticism.

It’s about the ongoing agenda to create the framework for the New World Order.

Funny How the Same Symbols Always Seem to Pop Up…

Shout out to Blogger at the Edge of the Universe for bringing this to my attention.

So I guess Patriot News is reacting to a story posted in the Army Times, talking about how this new patch being given to the Army troops assigned to fighting “ISIS” actually LOOKS like the ISIS logo itself, which seems to have even some people in the Army itself scratching their heads. I agree the use of the scimitar swords is interesting, but on top of that, I can’t help but notice how the same sorts of “point triangulations” seem to have managed to work their way in there, once again….
Not only that, but there is the wreath in the background, which is said to represent “Honor” (!?), but quite recently I have been coming to understand that in fact the wreath traces all the way back to Apollo, whom the Bible identifies as “Apollyon, the Destroyer”, a fallen angel, and almost certainly at least a sort of archetype for Lucifer himself. This is why we see the exact same wreath wrapping itself around the Earth on the U.N. flag (which if you haven’t heard by now, also happens to be a depiction of the Flat Earth map, interestingly enough…)
Thus, in short, the wreath wrapping around the Earth signifies Satan’s intention of ruling the entire world. When we then note how United States military insignia are looking more and more like U.N. insignia, it only underscores this constantly progressing agenda.
The point of ISIS/ISIL is ultimately only to serve as a pretext for destabilizing/ invading/overthrowing more sovereign Middle East countries such as Syria, in order to implement the Globalist plan that has been in place for decades now, if not centuries.

Oh You Don’t Like Central Banking? Well Then You Must Be a Terrorist…

That is basically what I glean from the latest “slick” production from the CIA, err, “ISIS”. People who are opposed to the world-wide Central Banking Cabal are fundamentalist crazies like that of the “Islamic State”. Yep, makes perfect sense to me. Demonize the desire to move back to a currency that is actually backed by something. Demonize people who make any connections whatsoever with the IMF central banks and the Rothschilds or Zionism. It’s so ridiculously transparent at this point, I almost feel like it’s pointless to keep posting about it. Like the guy in the video below says, they’re shoving their masonic logos right in our faces, using the same white-skinned actor to hand out coins, and it’s just beyond the pale. The agenda is about as blatant as it could be. Yes, they are using ISIS as a pretext to invade Syria. Yes, they will continue bombing and sending in “support” to combat ISIS, and yet somehow, this ragtag group of “Islamic mercenaries” driving U.S. made pickup trucks will only continue getting stronger, and yes, they will most likely keep expanding all the way to Israel’s doorstep, at which point the spark will truly have hit the powder keg…

Babel 2.0, Elevator to Space…

So a Canadian company has recently successfully filed a U.S. patent for a “space elevator”. The company’s name? “THOTH TECHNOLOGY“…(!!) You really couldn’t make this stuff up if you tried…

Needless to say, I am as of late rather skeptical of the idea that such a thing as “outer space” even exists, at least not in the heliocentric conception of it that we have long been told it does. But even so, that doesn’t mean that Lucifer and his human minions wouldn’t be quite dedicated to exploring every possibility towards “cracking the veil” above, does it…