Tag Archives: embedded rituals

It’s Just Another Day…

It’s just another day

Another unsuspecting town

Where another crazy gunman

Mowed another workplace down…

Just another routine story

Another headline to remind

Why police must be soldiers

In these perilous of times…

It’s just another exercise

Please stay inside your homes,

Another lock-down protocol

While through your streets they roam…

It’s just another press release

Another open and shut case,

Another reason why more gun laws

We must all quickly embrace…

Just another sleeping psycho

Who without warning finally snapped,

Another radicalized citizen

Unforeseen until they cracked…

Just another grave reminder

To report “suspicious” acts,

If we all suspect each other

We might prevent more attacks…

It’s just another tragedy

another tale of woe,

Another baby step in pushing us

Towards N, double-U, O…

Wandering Stars: Spheres of Deception…

This video is one I just made as a reflection on the Planets from a Biblical Flat Earth perspective…

Additional info on the angels being stars, Book of Enoch, etc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfev-ivn320

G is for Gravity? Ruminations on the “Generative Principle” in Evolution…

Virtually anyone who has spent any time at all looking into the secret societies behind the panorama of conspiratorial activity within this country and around the world, has undoubtedly become familiar with Freemasonry, and in turn, with the infamous “G” so often incorporated into the square and compass logo.
Cursory explanations delve into the notion of the Freemasonic “god”, or “Grand Architect”, (who they ultimately point to as being Lucifer, of course), while the G is also said to represent the so-called “Generative Principle”, as explained here:

“It conceives of the divine nature as residing in man, and that it is especially active and expressive in the sexual passion; and that the gratification of this passion is pleasing to the deity and is the duty of the Mason. It aims to make passion, therefore, sacred by making its gratification a moral and religious duty. On its theological side, Freemasonry is a sort of Pantheism, the deity being the generative principle, the reproductive power which pervades all animated nature. And as this power inheres in man, it is viewed as “incarnate in humanity in toto,” thus establishing man’s union and unity with the divine nature.” (excerpt from this exposition on the meanings of Masonry)

Now, so far all this is fairly old news. But what has been really persistent in my inquiries towards the possibility of true enclosed, Flat Earth, (and the subsequent realization that heliocentricism is itself a component of the broader Evolutionary lie) is that the more I think about it all, the more it very much seems to me that perhaps this whole “NASA paradigm”, if we can call it that, in many ways has served to essentially indoctrinate the masses not just with lies, but lies that are actually materialistic, “scientistic” versions of ancient Occultic, Luciferian doctrines.

sts121-masonicAnd the subject of Freemasonry is itself a perfect example of helping us comprehend this, because we can look at the layers/levels/”degrees” of Masonry itself, and recognize how the lower, entry-level degrees are indeed quite oblivious to the hardened Satanic belief system propelling the entire thing. At the lower levels, they sincerely do just believe they are part of some kind of altruistic charitable Fraternity, and yet at the same time in those stages they are being presented with shallow, “hollowed out” explanations of the symbolism and rituals, which if they continue to “progress” in the Brotherhood they will become privy to the “deeper” meanings, etc.

Now, if we can fairly easily recognize Darwinian Evolution to be a repackaged Luciferian doctrine, masked in the guise of humanistic science, then when pondering the false cosmology of Copernicanism, I now have to say that the “theory of Gravity” does also seem to actually be another one of these ancient mystical concepts that has been repackaged and re-introduced to the masses as “scientific fact”.

Universe_expansion2After all, “Gravity” is not merely taught to be the pulling force produced by humongous collections of mass, such as stars/planets/moons etc., but it is also the very force which is alleged to have pulled all these celestial bodies together in the first place! According to the Big Bang, from the original “Singularity” sprang forth all the physical matter that is now still constantly being flung outward in every direction in an ever-expanding universe. But, that matter from the singularity then had to begin forming all the “elementary particles”, as described in such insanely convoluted manners as the following:

“In the most common models the universe was filled homogeneously and isotropically with a very high energy density and huge temperatures and pressures and was very rapidly expanding and cooling. Approximately 10−37 seconds into the expansion, a phase transition caused a cosmic inflation, during which the universe grew exponentially. After inflation stopped, the universe consisted of a quark–gluon plasma, as well as all other elementary particles. Temperatures were so high that the random motions of particles were at relativistic speeds, and particle–antiparticle pairs of all kinds were being continuously created and destroyed in collisions. At some point an unknown reaction called baryogenesis violated the conservation of baryon number, leading to a very small excess of quarks and leptons over antiquarks and antileptons—of the order of one part in 30 million. This resulted in the predominance of matter over antimatter in the present universe.”

hqdefaultOf course, this is pure nonsense, but throw in enough impressive-sounding words, and you can make it appear quite scientific indeed. First the “elementary particles” somehow are formed in all the heat, from an explosion which occurs for who-knows-what reason. Then those particles somehow form into atoms, then the atoms into the various periodic elements, and then the elements into molecules, and so on, and so forth…

1979-moon-masonic-medallion nasa-mason-signsEvolution is without question a mystical belief system at it’s core (which I have written about before), and so now in the context of Flat Earth research and the knowledge that NASA is basically a Freemasonic institution, it’s interesting, don’t you think, to ponder that ol’ “G” in the middle of the square/compass, in light of how Evolution and “Gravity” are more or less watered-down, “materialized” versions of what are really mystical, occult precepts.

This whole idea is one that I am actually exploring on a number of fronts here, as I do also suspect that the entire subject of the “planets” is again, another example of this same thing, but that will probably have to wait until another post. I do think I’m barely scratching the surface here, if indeed there is anything to these kinds of observations at all, and so I think it will be interesting to see what all might come out of it over time. If we have that much time left for such secondary speculations, I suppose…

A World Full of Santa’s Helpers…

(No, this isn’t a post about Christmas. Just bare with me.)

Almost all us probably knew at least one kid when we were growing up, who continued believing in Santa Claus far longer than their peers. Maybe you were that kid, I dunno. If so, please don’t be offended, but simply try to appreciate the allegory I’m working to build here. For me, it was my younger cousin, whose steadfast belief in Santa extended far beyond that of even her own younger siblings. I don’t remember how old she was before she eventually let it go, but I do remember her fearlessly defending her beliefs in Santa to her younger brother and sister, explaining to them that yes, Santa CAN visit all the children in the world in just one night, and yes, he DOES have a sleigh with reindeer that can fly, because, after all, he is Santa, and Santa has special Christmas magic available to him that we just don’t have…

But what about all the “mall Santas”? Those guys with the fake beards hired to have children sit on his lap and get their picture taken. (which actually really creeps me out, now that I’m an adult and a parent, but nevermind…) As some still tender young age, most kids start to figure this one out too. “They can’t ALL be the real Santa, cuz I just saw three of them in the same afternoon!” But then of course, everybody knows the explanation that we are told as young children, whose parents are still trying to preserve the mythos of Christmas lore in our young yule-time-bedazzled minds. “Why, yes, you’re so smart. They aren’t all the real Santa. But, they are Santa’s helpers, and they work for him like this, because they know he can’t be everywhere at the same time, especially this time of year when he’s so busy getting everyone’s presents ready!”

And so, this little maneuver seems to pacify the curious young mind, at least temporarily, preserving the innocent belief in Santa’s magical altruistic mission for at least one more year.

And the reason I bring up such a random example of psychological reinforcement? Honestly, it’s the best way I can describe what I have been constantly coming up against almost everywhere I turn when it comes to discussions of the Flat Earth question. Virtually everyone I talk to about this, who is skeptical, or even downright aggressively hostile, to the FE questioning, seems to be in this weird “Santa’s many helpers” phase of their intellectual relationship with NASA, or all the “proof” that they and other space agencies have allegedly produced for the reality of space travel, or even “space” itself.

I hear things like “Well, I totally understand that NASA has faked photographs, and have misled the public”, etc., and often times they may even completely agree that we never went to the moon at all, yet they’ll still insist, “..but that doesn’t mean that everything is fake”.

Well okay, I’ll grant you that. But now that you’ve gone so far as to recognize the ruse, to admit the existence of fraudulence, then how exactly do you KNOW where the fakery ends, and the reliable data begins? How do you KNOW, unless you go back to the beginning, and retrace through all of it, questioning everything….?

It seems that in lieu of even entertaining the possibility of the Earth being a plane, many conspiracy folks would rather just lean even harder in the opposite direction. They admit NASA is lying, but then are far more drawn to the idea that this is only because NASA’s fakery is due to the fact that they are hiding the REAL “secret space program”, and that in fact right now there are military bases on the moon and Mars who knows how many other planets, and they’re using satellite-based space weapons against various Earthly targets already, and the “Elite” are all getting ready to leave the planet altogether once the SHTF, etc…


But, ok. I don’t dismiss such possibilities altogether. Could be. But… Hmmmm. Does that seem like something that we would really have much of a realistic chance of ever really knowing, barring the event that it was all “disclosed” at some point? (presumably around the same time that the “bad E.T.’s” showed up, and the intergalactic war began in earnest..?) It’s the “Land of Rampant Unprovable Speculation”, and part of me suspects that a lot of “conspiracy folks” really prefer those kinds of “safer” environs. The thing about this Flat Earth stuff, in contrast, is that sooner or later, it WILL be either decisively debunked, or decisively proven. And not by NWO-owned institutions or governmental agencies, but by average Joes, doing experiments, testing data, repeating said experiments, etc. If the curvature of the Earth exists, well then it can be measured. Period. If the surface of the Earth is a plane, then it can be measured and shown to be so as well. We are not living in the days of the Bedford level experiment after all, with nothing but looking glasses and flags and such. We have lazers, rockets, balloons, digital cameras (even ones without fish-eye lenses!) And these things are being put to use, and experimentation is being done, and collected in various online forums and compendiums. People are taking this inquiry very seriously, and doing very real science!

When I first started digging into the Flat Earth question, I was really blown away by the kinds of in-depth questioning and cooperation that is going on surrounding this investigation. It is so far beyond what almost every snarky skeptic assumes, as they rifle off some regurgitated response or another about ship’s hulls disappearing over the horizon, or Erotosthenes “proved” the spherical Earth around 170 B.C. These are knee-jerk reactions. Manifestations of the internal programming that we have ALL had to experience to some degree, and eventually get past, just as we have to in order to learn the Truth about all KINDS of things going on in the world today….

But the Santa’s Helpers crowd? I don’t get that one. I get how people who are still 100% bought into the whole system, and the whole narrative, can scoff and smirk, but for those people who already understand that the world isn’t simply everything they say it is on CNN?? The people who understand that the “Illuminati” isn’t just some corny plot device that Dan Brown came up with? 😉 Those people who can sit there and say, “Yeah, I know that NASA has lied, and faked pictures of planets, and moon landings, and the Earth itself, but…..” I don’t get that. I don’t get why people would go out of their way to make excuses for why they should just continue on swallowing the nonsense we have been fed by NASA and others, instead of doing the (admittedly) more difficult work of examining the evidence for oneself and seeing if it really holds water. Are we too afraid to lose our precious beliefs that filled our heads with visions of “interstellar sugarplums” in the nostalgic days of our youth…?


What do we really know? What images, and information, is truly reliable? That which we have been spoon-fed since toddler-hood, or that which we can observe and test with our own two eyes….?

“Apollo’s Key”: Connecting CERN to the Flat Earth Puzzle and Biblical Prophesy…

This. Is. Epic. Possibly the best comprehensive documentary touching on all these issues I’ve seen thus far. The first two hours offer a very well edited and fairly exhaustive compilation of the all the typical questions involving “Flat Earth proofs”, the true Biblical support of this model, as well as the evidence for a vast Luciferian N.W.O. agenda manipulating NASA and so much more. This portion alone would stand tall as a very well made piece, weaving together TONS of information in a manner which flows very naturally and is quite easy to watch. They really put a lot of effort into making this into a solid presentation.

But then, the final 45 minutes or so gets REALLY good, examining how the “Cosmic origins agenda” followed the “space race” agenda, and shows how the two fit together quite seemlessly, as seen now with CERN being the true “rebuilt tower of Babel”, the “Rainbow Bridge”, the “stargate”, etc., with which they intend to pierce the veil, punch through the Firmament, and invade the heavens… The UN logo, amazingly, not only depicts the flat earth map, (dividing the Earth into 33 regions), but ALSO has encoded within it a depiction of the 8-spoked “wheel of time”, just like the LHC, and the same elements can be found within the logo for “2015: The Year of Light” as well.

It shows how the UFO/alien Deception fits into the Globe/NASA deception, along with the Vatican, along with the LHC, all working together to bring about the very things which God revealed to the apostle John, almost two thousand years ago. If you are already in the place where your eyes are being opened to the Flat Earth issue, and don’t have time watch the entirety of this film, then I’d say it’s still well worth your time to watch that last 45 minutes. It even talks the New World Religion of “One-ness” which I’ve talked about in previous posts.

It’s all coming together, oh man… All these pieces we’ve been looking at individually for years now. To a degree that I honestly am not sure I ever fully expected to see it. This is it, the Great Deception, unfolding before our very eyes! This IS “Mystery Babylon”… And it’s only now being revealed to us, not by our own wisdom, but by the God of Heaven and Earth, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End…

This is just one of those crazy, Holy-Spirit-confirming kind of junctures for me, to be honest, because again and again I keep coming across other people who are seeing how all these pieces fit together too. This video puts it all together far better than my own feeble abilities of explanation could do. CERN is the “key”. Lucifer’s weapon is light…

Spaceships or Spirit-Journeys, Either Way it’s about “Planetary Consciousness”…

I’m really not even sure how to start this post off, or what is the best way to attempt to navigate through the jumble of thoughts in my head on this matter, but I have resolved to do my best, and see what might come of it.

The “flat vs. globe earth” debate continues to intrigue me, yet I think at this point my interest in leaning heavily towards the theological implications of the debate, particularly in the context of End Time prophecy and GR009cmass-deception-agendas, rather than simply just the material issue itself.

One point I find particularly notable is that on both sides of the issue, there is actually a pretty fair consensus on the basic matter that NASA is a fraudulent organization full of Masonic members and occult symbolism, and that they can hardly be trusted with a word they say. And so I think that it has been through encountering a large amount of people who on the one hand, agree that the moon landings were completely faked, and the NASA releases “composite” images of everything that they are supposedly studying in the universe, including the Earth itself, and so, has ultimately failed to produce what should now serve as the most irrefutable of evidences when it comes to this whole debate, and yet, they still not only believe in a round, globe earth, but still hold to every conventional belief about the solar system and the vast stretches of Space, this has really prompted me to ponder…

The whole driving force behind NASA and every other space agency is the fixation with what is “out there”… The other planets in our solar system. Other systems. Other galaxies. The dedication and excitement people feel towards NASA, or the Apollo and Mars missions, etc., is almost impossible to disentangle from our pop-culture obsession with the topic of exploring space, and how it saturates our entertainment media. Millions of us grew up watching Han telling Chewie to “punch it”, right before the wookie hits the switch and the stars streak past as they hit light speed. We nostalgically remember hearing William Shatner begin each episode of the iconic, first Star Trek series with the words “Space, the final frontier…” Indeed, I don’t think it would be an exaggeration to say that every person who ever put on a real spacesuit and climbed into a rocket, had been dreaming about “going where no man has gone before” since the time they were a little kid sitting in front of the tv set…

What's your favorite space movie...?
What’s your favorite space movie…?

But when did this really begin? In the broader course of human history, I mean. How far back were people conceiving of planets being these fascinating and fantastic places that one might hope to experience? If there were no telescopes through which to peer before Galileo, and supposedly enable astronomers to realize that the “wandering stars” were actually other planetoids, like the Earth, orbiting the same sun, then isn’t it interesting to think that hundreds, nay, thousands of years before that, people had belief systems which incorporated the planets as being other dimensional realms, as they did in Vedic cosmology..?

Of course, in that kind of construct, the “universe” is not necessarily viewed as simply a massive expanse of time and space in all directions, but of a multi-dimensional existence. Hindu cosmology certainly isn’t alone in this either, since all ancient cultures and spiritual belief systems essentially held a similar belief in some form or another, the Bible being no exception. The Hebrew scriptures speak of the heavens, plural, indicating the notion of multiple higher dimensions of spiritual existence.

So what does this have to do with NASA and flat Earth debates? I suppose in my own little mind, it all keeps coming back to the same thematic elements described by Techrib in his discourse on Transformational Festivals, and the “myth of One-ness”, where he describes the now burgeoning phenomenon of what he describes as the “era of re-enchantment”…


In essence, it is the societal movement, occurring as we speak, whereby the scientific materialism and raw atheism of the past century is being rejected by the younger generations, who are in turn returning back to the mythologies and mysticisms of bygone eras, to “spirituality without religion”, to a reinvented, techno-enhanced paganism. We can see this phenomenon taking place everywhere we look, and it is not some accidental thing either, but actually being propagated and pushed by every mainstream media outlet conceivable. From Harry Potter mania to teenage vampire obsession to ghost hunter shows to transhumanist superheroes, and on and on, we see it everywhere. Real-live Google bigwigs like Kurzweil are dead serious in their quest to use technology to achieve immortality. People are enthralled by the idea of immortality, of special powers and human enhancement. Riveted by the prospect evolving into something “more”. Enchanted by the notion of becoming like miniature gods….

And, people are still very much dazzled by visions of exploring the reaches of Space

Which I very much believe is quite connected, really, and a significant piece of the broader narrative being both proselytized and embraced. All in all, it is the simple concept of “endless possibility”, of “limitless potential”. No ultimate boundaries. No limit to the wonderful realms and worlds we might eventually explore. No barriers to what levels of evolution and “consciousness” we might attain, to help us get there…


And it’s funny too, having been watching in on this whole Flat Earth debate, because even within the “Flat Earth community”, as it were, there are varying opinions about things like whether or not there is some kind of “dome” or if the world just goes on forever, infinitely in all directions. I have heard people talk about how they believe that our sun and moon have effectively “melted out” the area in which we live from a vast expanse of ice, and that there are many other worlds, with their own sun/moon, melted out of the massive ice sheet, all over the place, beyond the bounds of our Antarctic, and that THIS is the big the “secret” that the Elites are keeping from everyone! domeNow, I am not trying to poke fun, but I will say that the real interesting part to me comes when you hear these believers in the “Puddle Theory”, as it’s called, speak to why they believe in this model. Do they have any sort of evidence pointing to this idea? No. They simply state that they simply can’t accept the idea of there being a barrier. They can’t accept the idea of a “prison Earth”…(!) Nevermind the fact that if they had never stumbled across the Flat Earth idea in the first place, they would’ve never in their whole lives worried about trying to travel to Antarctica, or to some other planet, but…. Once it is suggested that they can’t go outside of a certain boundary, no matter how far away it is, well then, hells bells, that’s just not tolerable!

I find it to be such a perfect example of a broader psychological reaction which really manifests itself in a variety of ways. The more I think about it all, the more it’s hard not to see how the doctrines of Evolution and “outer Space” are inextricably linked.

But okay, going back to this idea of these “Trekkie Generations”, (which is now all of us really), who have been collectively saturated with the believe in other worlds, in the belief in our ability to eventually explore and possibly “develop” them, and for the most part now too, the belief in other intelligent life in the universe. We have seen so many representations of achieving space travel and technology which rivals magic, that is has been embedded deeply into the core of our collective thought processes. This seed of belief, which has been planted and diligently cultivated over the decades, has effectively ingrained within us an insatiable desire to visit the dark sides of moons, to pass event horizons, to dive into black holes…

After all, to settle for anything less would be to deny our destiny as gods-in-the-making….

And so, having now walked through all of that clumsy preamble, I wish to simply ask you this:

Where does that hunger turn, that yearning to sail amongst the stars, and walk along the alien surfaces of unexplored worlds, if indeed the priests and gatekeepers of modern science who have promised us these things for years, prove to be ultimately incapable of delivering? What if the world as a whole came to a sudden and jarring realization of the massive fraud that NASA has been since the beginning? Would the dream of being able to fly through the cosmos, like Superman, just, die…?


Or would the longing to achieve cosmic, celestial divinity perhaps have to take another form? Would the masses instead look to the ancient idea that “outer space” can be grasped by first exploring “inner space”? Could it be sought through some new combination of space-age technology and occult wizardry? Is something to this effect already what is being done, by the Masonic hoaxsters, as they pretend to be going here and there by rocketship, while instead they are looking towards portals and inter-dimensional travel, “jump gates” and so on…? Were the Apollo missions some kind of ritual, an alchemical working, designed to baptize the public into the lower, materialistic, “profane” version of what they believe in on the esoteric and inter-dimensional level? A fictionalized version, for us to swallow, in order to cull our participation and approval (and taxpayer dollars) while simultaneously deflecting us from the true magikal agenda of it all…???

When I think about two recent space-related movies, “Interstellar” and “Gravity”, which came out around the same time, I do see them both fitting in to this sort of idea. “Gravity” more or less served to show just how dangerous and scary traditional approaches to space travel could be, while “Interstellar” portrays both how long it would take to travel far distances (using cry-sleep a la “Aliens” etc.) and also the idea of how much handier and easier it would be to travel through “wormholes” instead!

G CIEL 1_025
G CIEL 1_025

Anyhow, I know this has been a ramble-and-a-half, and I honestly don’t know if anyone will be able to read all of this and see the kinds of connections my brain is trying to make here, but, there it is. Is all this NASA-nonsense simply designed to prep the world for some kind of UFO deception? Could be, who knows. Maybe the “aliens” will teach everyone who is interested how to fully unlock their third eye and be able to travel anywhere they want to go instantly, (or, at least that’s what they’re promising…) I fully realize this post belongs solidly in the “massive speculation” drawer, but, I have to say that there has been something really nagging me about this whole weird thread of supposition. I feel like there is really something to all this, and I am certainly still sorting through it all, but it’s funny how certain themes and memes and everything can keep coming around and around again, weaving together, revealing a deeper whole over time…

It’s just pretty incredible really, to keep looking around at all these various elements of Modernism and Humanism, be it Evolution, scientific materialism, atheism, and see how it’s almost as if every piece was actually designed to bring the world all the way back around, full circle, back to the gurus and Druids and sorcerers of old, back to the ancient gods and goddesses, as the ones who will provide the fulfillment, of all that our years of sci-fi-fueled rocketeering has sought after. Somehow, it all speaks to the same underlying message, the same lie told by the serpent in the Garden…

If any of this, makes even a little bit of sense, to anyone, then please don’t hesitate to leave me a note. 😉