Category Archives: CERN

The Cosmology Documentary is finished!

It’s been a really big push the last couple weeks, but it’s finally done, and overall I will say I’m satisfied with how it turned out, even though of course things could always have been done better. This was the largest project I’ve ever committed myself to, but it was worth it in the end. Hopefully this will help many more people out there start to see how Cosmology and FE “fits” into the rest of the Biblical/Prophecy/Conspiracy narrative, from beginning to end. That is my hope anyway. Thanks to everyone who has been an encouragement and support over the past couple of years, since I first started tumbling down this crazy, crazy rabbit hole… – Will

1. The Ancient Conflict 4:36
2. A New Nation 11:00
3. The Cosmic Rewrite 17:30
4. The Quantum Deception 25:49
5. Sorcery Reborn 35:09
6. The Power of the Air 51:27
7. New Age “Zience” 1:12:33
8. Oracles of the Technium 1:28:27
9. The Templum Defiled 1:42:10
10. The Choice 1:47:53

Carolyn Hamlett and Daniel Duval: Higher Dimensions and Parallel Worlds (interview with Zen Garcia, V of VI):…

“What is Reality?” [Quantum Gravity Research]

“Flat Earth… Let there be Light” [Dan Dimension]


Questions of causation have already arisen in the past with CERN, in connection with things like the plane that crashed in the French Alps, smaller earthquakes, etc. If what BPEarthWatch shows here is in fact the case, then it appears that indeed higher energy collisions at CERN could indeed prove to have very catastrophic effects on our world, which of course only serves to make the scheduled collisions at the end of this month that much more ominous, considering that it will involve energy levels far higher than ever before attempted.

Jewish Mysticism Spoke of Aliens, (and a universe full of distant worlds), a long time ago…

This really floors me. Half because of how all of these vectors just all keep coming together more and more, and half because it continues to amaze me how some people STILL can’t see what’s right in front of their faces when it comes to the Occult origins of not only “aliens” but the entire Copernican universe itself, complete with “thousands of worlds” etc. How do you point to something as a demonically-inspired source of false teaching for one thing (aliens), and then turn around and try to apply it as reliable in terms of what it says about humanity achieving “space travel” in the Last Days etc.? I really don’t think this kind of two-sided reasoning is intentional here, but it’s really starting to defy my ability to comprehend.

Maybe in the end, being wary of the idea of Alien Deception is itself enough, and the true cosmology of the Earth is irrelevant. I don’t know… I’ve been wrestling with this very question a good deal lately. Maybe it is turning into a “how many angels can dance on the head of a pin” kind of argument at some point. I am open to that possibility, but at the same time, I can’t help but feel that there IS something quite substantive to not only identifying the alien deception stuff, but the degree to which the Enemy has deceived mankind about the very straight forward question of the nature of the Cosmos itself.

“Beam Me Up, Satan”…

I haven’t posted a video from Face like the Sun in a while. Honestly, I think Gonz is getting pretty tired of me leaving comments mentioning the Flat Earth and interdimensional travel and such, but, I guess I just can’t help it. His Canary Cry Radio podcast is where I first encountered Flat Earth Theory, and Gonz himself seemed to be giving it some consideration for a short while, that is until I listened to him do this interview: Stan Deyo: CERN and the ET deception. In the interview he asks Deyo what he thinks about Flat Earth, and Deyo just scoffs, and says something like “ergg, no, well, that’s ridiculous, because it would run against everything we know about the solar system and the orbits of the planets and the rotation of the Earth, etc…” Ever since that moment, I haven’t heard Gonz mention FE again.

But the crazy thing is, that from where I now stand, having plunged pretty deep down the FE rabbit hole now, it just blows me away how much virtually everything Gonz continues to report on and talk about, only fits in perfectly with the picture I now see. In the video above, he quotes from an article from Joseph P. Farrell, where Farrell talks about how CERN and interdimensional travel is possibly the answer to all the problems that space agencies are now coming out and admitting involving the issue of radiation and deep space flight. I mean, this is almost PRECISELY what I see coming together! This is even the same sort of message we can discern from propaganda films such as Interstellar. Traditional space travel = Slow. Cold. Dangerous. But using a wormhole to pop from one side of the universe to another? Instantaneous! Comfortable. Safe…

But so far, Gonz doesn’t seem to want to hear it. He more or less seems to be leaning in that opposite direction, namely, that the reason for all of NASA’s lies and trickery, isn’t because true “outer space travel” is impossible, but rather because they are hiding the REAL “secret space program”, which involves all kinds of more advanced technologies and types of craft than the public currently knows about, and that basically the Luciferian elites are actually very accomplished astronauts, who probably have massive star cruisers, and planetary bases, and who knows what else. Sigh….

Whether or not the chicanery of NASA will ever become a majority-accepted fact or not, it seems that the trajectory that everything is on is one whereby things like CERN and “light technology” will replace the primitive efforts of trying to travel the stars using booster rockets and space helmets. Personally, I am becoming more and more convinced that this was actually the intention of Lucifer, and his Masonic “spacemen”, all along….

“Apollo’s Key”: Connecting CERN to the Flat Earth Puzzle and Biblical Prophesy…

This. Is. Epic. Possibly the best comprehensive documentary touching on all these issues I’ve seen thus far. The first two hours offer a very well edited and fairly exhaustive compilation of the all the typical questions involving “Flat Earth proofs”, the true Biblical support of this model, as well as the evidence for a vast Luciferian N.W.O. agenda manipulating NASA and so much more. This portion alone would stand tall as a very well made piece, weaving together TONS of information in a manner which flows very naturally and is quite easy to watch. They really put a lot of effort into making this into a solid presentation.

But then, the final 45 minutes or so gets REALLY good, examining how the “Cosmic origins agenda” followed the “space race” agenda, and shows how the two fit together quite seemlessly, as seen now with CERN being the true “rebuilt tower of Babel”, the “Rainbow Bridge”, the “stargate”, etc., with which they intend to pierce the veil, punch through the Firmament, and invade the heavens… The UN logo, amazingly, not only depicts the flat earth map, (dividing the Earth into 33 regions), but ALSO has encoded within it a depiction of the 8-spoked “wheel of time”, just like the LHC, and the same elements can be found within the logo for “2015: The Year of Light” as well.

It shows how the UFO/alien Deception fits into the Globe/NASA deception, along with the Vatican, along with the LHC, all working together to bring about the very things which God revealed to the apostle John, almost two thousand years ago. If you are already in the place where your eyes are being opened to the Flat Earth issue, and don’t have time watch the entirety of this film, then I’d say it’s still well worth your time to watch that last 45 minutes. It even talks the New World Religion of “One-ness” which I’ve talked about in previous posts.

It’s all coming together, oh man… All these pieces we’ve been looking at individually for years now. To a degree that I honestly am not sure I ever fully expected to see it. This is it, the Great Deception, unfolding before our very eyes! This IS “Mystery Babylon”… And it’s only now being revealed to us, not by our own wisdom, but by the God of Heaven and Earth, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End…

This is just one of those crazy, Holy-Spirit-confirming kind of junctures for me, to be honest, because again and again I keep coming across other people who are seeing how all these pieces fit together too. This video puts it all together far better than my own feeble abilities of explanation could do. CERN is the “key”. Lucifer’s weapon is light…

The “Barren Land”…

“When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it passes through waterless places* seeking rest, and finding none it says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’” Luke 11:24 (*sometimes translated “arid places“)

“…But the rebellious dwell in a dry land.” Psalm 68:6

“And in the columns of heaven I beheld fires, which descended without number, but neither on high, nor into the deep. Over these fountains also I perceived a place which had neither the firmament of heaven above it, nor the solid ground underneath it; neither was there water above it; nor anything on wing; but the spot was desolate.
And there I beheld seven stars, like great blazing mountains, and like spirits entreating me. Then the angel said, This place, until the consummation of heaven and earth, will be the prison of the stars, and the host of heaven. The stars which roll over fire are those which transgressed the commandment of God before their time arrived; for they came not in their proper season. Therefore was He offended with them, and bound them, until the period of the consummation of their crimes in the secret year.” 1 Enoch 18:13-16

(another version says ” And beyond that abyss I saw a place which had no firmament of the heaven above, and no firmly founded earth beneath it: there was no water upon it, and no birds, but it was a waste and horrible place.”)

I have for a while now been a fan of Round Saturn’s Eye and his videos, (and continue to be, finding validity in both his personal testimony and confession of the Gospel), and there is one theme that pops up very frequently in his material, which just recently became a lot more clear to me.

He is constantly mentioning this idea/imagery of the “barren land“. He talks about it again and again and again and again, often times when breaking down the embedded symbolism in some commercial or movie or Olympic ceremony, or whatever, whenever some kind of desert-looking, salt-flats type of scenery is being shown. And it’s amazing how often this occurs, these shots of very Luciferian and nephilim related themes, constantly being filmed with a backdrop of this barren, desert landscape. And after a while, I was really starting to wonder, what is the deal with this “barren land” stuff, what is that supposed to symbolize?

Well recently when I was reading back through the chapters of 1 Enoch, (in the interest of seeing more of what it has to say regarding flat Earth ideas or “Enochian cosmology” etc.), I was reading that portion in the 18th chapter, where it is talking about when Enoch is being shown the place where the fallen Watchers are to be imprisoned until the Day of Judgement (“until the period of the consummation of their crimes in the secret year…”)

Suddenly the light bulb clicked on. I immediately thought of that verse where Jesus casts the evil spirit out of the mute man, and then uses the parable of tying up a strong man in a house, to explain about how demons leave a person, and then “travel through arid places”, before coming back to the cleaned “house” (person), this time bringing along seven more spirits more evil than itself.

That verse has always been one of those ones that just made very little sense to me, where eventually you just shrug your shoulders and move on, figuring that well, Jesus obviously knows what he’s talking about, so, okay!

I had always been really confused by what “arid places” could mean, or why Jesus would say it like that, if he was describing sort of how a demon would just “fly around in the air” after being cast out. Were demons bound to dry air? Were they somehow pulled towards the desert? Hmmmm. Of course, that’s not what any of us who believe in the reality of demonic spirits would realistically think, because we logically we understand that these spirits are bound within a certain dimensional barrier somehow. They don’t literally fly through the physical air molecules like a mist, prowling for people to inhabit.

But here again, this “barren land” realization is part of a larger theme I’ve been exploring lately, involving this broader question of there being “places” in a dimensional sense.

Most of us who believe in some form of spirituality are probably already likely to believe in this already, on some conceptual level at least. I’d say that I more or less always did, but I suppose it is only now that I am beginning to stretch my imagination further, in pondering just how much this dimensional aspect may permeate our reality, our entire universe…

We tend to think of other “dimensions” as being a fairly ethereal thing. At least I’d say I did. But maybe now that I’ve been taking a much more serious look into things like the concept of the “firmament”, or the idea of the stars themselves being both a physical aspect of our Created world, and also, somehow, attached to luminous, angelic beings. The “multidimensional universe”… This concept has taken such a hold of me. My whole comprehension of the distinctions between what we call “physical”, and what we call “spirit”, seems so much more complex, and yet, so much simpler at the same time now.

In the Book of Enoch, he basically describes being taken up into the heavens, where he talks about walls being built of “crystal stones”, and “portals” (basically doorways) and rings and pillars of fire, etc. He sees mountains made of gems and fountains in the deep, etc., and He sees the very throne of God. The “desolate place” where the Watchers and spirits are imprisoned, is described as having no water in it, as well as no water OVER it either. I find that very interesting. It propels this notion that the firmament over our own place of existence does indeed have water OVER it. This actually makes a lot of sense, when we think about the Great Flood and other things, and I have also wondered if the “sea of glass” or “sea of crystal” described in Revelation and elsewhere, doesn’t in fact pertain to something going on at the top of firmament…(!?) It’s very weird, but also very thrilling too, to start thinking of all these possibilities in a more literal, yet “multi-dimensional” way.

I suppose the reason this would be of any real practical significance for us, at least while we’re still on this side of eternity, is when considered in the context of all that is progressing in the World right now, in terms of things like CERN, and the Luciferian agenda, etc. The Bible speaks of a time where the events are so incredible, amazing, and terrifying, that men essentially become paralyzed with fear.
I do believe that part of keeping our Faith in the times ahead, involves taking a deep look at the scriptures and at least being willing to keep an open mind towards a broader cosmology that might be a far cry from the traditional modernistic, dichotomous mentality that mainstream Evangelicalism has held, particularly in the last century or two. We need to be in such a place as to not be surprised or overwhelmed by whatever crazy or mind-blowing things may transpire in the coming times. We should be able to stand firm, and unmoved, even if we WERE to witness things as fantastic and frightening as the spiritual veil being torn, and entities from the dimensional realm of the “barren land” being unleashed upon our own plane of earthly existence for a short time.

I do believe this is what they have been conspiring FOR, all these millennia. It was the Bible prophecies will take place, when it speaks of Apollo, or Abaddon, coming up out the Abyss, out of the “pit”, with his hordes. It a very real place, this desolate land…

It’s gonna get weird, folks. But we should not be shocked or dismayed by any of it. The scriptures tell us who the victor is, who is the King over heaven and earth, death and hades, over every dimension, every creature, every spirit. We know Who will judge all, when the Books are opened, and the dead are raised, and we look forward to that Day…

Next You’ll Be Saying There’s No Such Thing As Gravity…

Oh, it never ends, does it… But indeed, it is hard at this point to deny the massive amount of material I have now come across which casts serious doubt on this theory which is so foundational to so much of our assumed modern scientific knowledge and technology. When I first heard Anthony Patch mentioning the electric model of the universe, vs. the gravitational model, when speaking about CERN, I was intrigued, but at the time was too busy processing so much of the other information that looking into the “electric universe” thing more or less got put on the back burner. But now that I’ve been neck-deep in looking into the matter of a globe vs. a flat earth, I’ve been inundated with eye-brow raising questions about the entire Newtonian/Einstein(ian?) paradigm itself.

Basically, what you begin to realize is that when it comes to guys like Einstein, sure he was a brilliant mathematician, but, that’s just the thing, he was a brilliant, mathematician

Right along with a ball earth and Evolution from a “big bang”, gravity is something we are taught is unquestionable from the time we first start learning ABC’s and 123’s. We learn about Newton getting hit on the head with an apple, and then “discovering” gravity, and as elementary-age children we think to ourselves, “Wow, isn’t that kind of a ridiculously obvious thing to discover? Even us little kids know about that!” And funnily enough, the vast majority of us never give much thought to it after that as we move on into adulthood. Gravity is as obvious to all of us needing air to breathe, and if you’re going to question that, you might as well be questioning the reality of reality itself.

But of course, gravity is about so much more than what causes apples to hit the ground, or raindrops to fall. The entire Copernican, heliocentric model of the universe hinges upon it, needing an explanation for how a spheroidal planet could hold itself together, and how people and objects on all sides of it’s surface don’t just fall off or float away into space. You see, before pushing the concept of a vaccumous, infinite universe full of exploding stars and round planetary objects and orbital paths, “gravity” was simply the concept of “what goes up must come down”. “Up” and “down” were both true, absolute, universal directions, and for whatever reason, there is some force at work which is constantly pulling everything toward the latter. But Newton and Einstein weren’t just trying to explain that, they were trying to explain a universe in which nothing was fixed, (as in the arcane geo-centric model…), but rather where the earth, sun, moon and all the heavenly bodies were constantly spinning, moving, orbiting each other, yet all holding their relative trajectories and galactic relationships with one another in a staggeringly precise balance.

So, this is the assumed cosmological scenario to which a guy like Einstein is then essentially handed a piece of chalk and challenged to “make it make sense”. Explain how all this actually works, not by using the traditional scientific method of creating hypotheses, testing hypotheses, etc., (which we also learned about in school) but instead by basically building a “model” of various aspects of the universe using mathematics, and then you tinker with that model by playing around with different equations (equations that 99.999% of the world’s population couldn’t do themselves, no less). And if/when the really smart theoretical physicist is able to tinker with the model to where he manages to get the math to work? Then Eureka! Science has triumphed and now we understand how the universe works!


But of course, we don’t… We still don’t even know what gravity is, or how it actually works, apparently, but hey, we do have these really impressive looking equations on a black board for you to look at. Here, we printed them in a million text books for you. That should settle it. What? You’re still doubting? My, you’re an idiot… Well, how can you question our understanding of gravity when we had to use our vast understanding of it in order to send all those men to the moon and back? (oh, wait…) 😉

So, yeah…. That’s more or less the spot I’m standing in right now. Learning about how wonky all this gravity business really is, learning about how a guy like Tesla said he thought Einstein’s theories were nonsense, while busily setting out to invent practically half of the technological innovations we are all now using today on a daily basis. Interesting, don’t you think, that Tesla wound up destitute, his lab destroyed by arson, all his surviving files and experiments scooped up and locked away by rich, powerful folks and kept from the public for decades while Tesla was all but forgotten, meanwhile Einstein is Time magazine’s “Person of the Century” and gets a Nobel prize. Hmmmm… (I know, I know, supposedly Einstein didn’t win the Nobel for his theory of relativity, but whatever. It was mainly for his work in “photo-electrics”, interesting…) But you get the point.

It all just goes to make you wonder, when you start to learn just how interconnected and interdependent all these different streams of information that we’ve been “educated” with since childhood really are, and then start holding it up against the fake moon landings, and “bubbles” outside the ISS, and the air-brushed “photos” of earth, etc… Right now it’s sure making ME wonder, and making me think this whole “electric universe” idea might be well worth looking into much more…

And here is a great flat earth vs. globe earth vid I found today which has a really interesting segment talking about gravity (8:14-11:00), and the issues with the idea that the spin of the earth and gravity offset each other to keep everything/one in place, when of course, the earth is spinning exceedingly slower at the poles than it is on the equator, yet the gravitational pull is the same everywhere on Earth…

Collapsing The Pillar / Chopping the Tree…

Another great video. R$E really does continue to stretch my imagination, and challenge my assumptions. Not saying I necessarily agree with everything he says, but I really do find this whole concept of “breaking through the veil of time and space” and/or “tearing down the pillar/tree”, etc. to be quite fascinating, because it really IS a theme that is found over and over again within Luciferian eschatology. He briefly mentions this idea of the “tree” being akin to the layers or levels of dimensions, being stacked on top of each other, and I have to say that this makes a lot of sense to me, albeit at this stage it is still in a very vague sense. All this talk of dimensional barriers, “veils”, boundaries, prisons, CERN etc… It really does fit with a lot of what the Bible has to say, even though it’s one of those things which perhaps we don’t stop and think about at much length when encountering them in scripture. It also reminds me of some things which I heard Tracy Twyman talking about, how the “entities” ultimately want to “collapse the pillars” of the universe and storm the gates of Heaven etc. Anyways… I just find this whole topic to be so interesting…

Dancing With the Star(gate)s….

I’ve never watched this show before, so it’s something I would have never come across on my own, but this dance number that Gonz takes a look at here is really pretty amazing with all the embedded symbolism it contains! Transhumanism, portals/stargates, orbs, holograms/aliens… What a trip. I really love how Gonz has really keyed into the prevalence of all the “portal propaganda” out there, as it’s something I’ve been unable to ignore myself.
