Tag Archives: obfuscation

America, Blueprint for World Federalism and a “D.W.O.”..?

The history of our civilization is reaching its final destination. From a chaotic amalgam of competing and rival nations, the world is evolving into a unitary framework, in which different organized communities cooperate to prevent conflicts and promote the progress of humanity.

The above eyebrow-raising quote above is from the World Federalist Manifesto. I currently find my interest in the topic of Federalism being increasingly piqued, especially as I learn more about it in the context of it’s central role in the political debate since the very inception of the United States itself. I admit I am torn as I write this. Part of me wonders if the themes presenting themselves in such a discussion are already overly obvious to anyone who would be prone to reading it, and so the whole thing might be an exercise in redundancy, yet at the same time I feel as though the ramifications of World Federalism, and the role in which the U.S. has played in bringing the world closer and closer to it, is of such universal importance that it would hardly seem to be something that could ever be exhaustively treated.

Recently I have begun plodding my way through a copy of the “Federalist Papers”, an endeavor which unintentionally sparked a more pointed study of the whole topic I just described. While I confess that trying that trying to plod through the actual words of Madison and Hamilton has proven quite laborious, (due to the profuse usage of rambling, 18th Century sesquipedalian rhetoric), simply becoming more familiar with the gist of the debate itself has provided a much more focused picture of the early American political landscape, and also gone a long way in tracing the connections between the themes present at that time with those of our own day. In short, I find it fascinating to ponder the possibility that the very creation of the United States itself, has embedded within it’s own “political DNA” the inherent questions, arguments and obstacles connected to the broader challenge of actualizing a true, functioning, global government.

From my perspective, the formation of the United States is such a curious thing, and like so many other matters, I find it increasingly difficult not to view it through some kind of Hegelian lens. The “Federalist Papers”, as I have been recently learning, were a series of what were essentially political op-ed pieces, published bi-weekly in New York newspapers roughly a decade after the 13 American colonies achieved independence and established a government based upon it’s original founding document, the Articles of Confederation

But apparently there were many in the newly formed American Republic who became convinced that the Articles were insufficient, and so a campaign was mounted to try and convince enough of the newly formed States to ratify something which would provide a more effective and “energized” Union, a more powerfully endowed Federal government. The Constitution… At the time, New York State was one of the most stalwart of resistors against replacing the Articles of Confederation, and so these articles were written in hopes of swaying the voting public of New York towards a more sympathetic stance towards elevating the principles of a stronger Union.

(But hmmmmm… The ideals of Confederacy, pitted against the ideals of the Union. Why does that sound familiar? Ah, who knows…)

But is it not peculiar, when you stop and think about it, that the “Founding Fathers” decided to attempt this precarious approach to democratic government to begin with, in what would eventually be dubbed the “Great American Experiment”, whereby they started off by bequeathing the full privilege of “sovereignty” to each of the original 13 colonies (and I will try my best here to restrain from hypothesizing on the bizarre “coincidence” of them being 13 in number), yet each one a piece of a larger whole, a move which essentially created from the start the quasi-paradoxical scenario of determining which level of “sovereignty” truly held in the long run? The question of how state sovereignty could co-exist with a Federal sovereignty is a theme which fills many pages of the Federalist Papers, and so it is quite remarkable that a political debate which sprang forth in the first few years of the country’s existence has of course endured right up into our own time. It is essentially the quandary behind determining whether goal of the “experiment” was intended to result in the creation of a United States, or the United States…

Okay, I will cease with my lame topical prefacing here, and just get to my underlying point. As I see it, the fabricated political paradox of the State/Federal tension, serves (whether you want to ascribe it to sheer coincidence, or more calculated intention) as a pointedly applicable road map towards the eventual establishment of the same thing on a global scale, whereby the sovereignty of individual nations (“states”) are much less of a contrived and juvenile decision (as applied to the original 13 colonies), but the derivations of centuries upon centuries of combined historical, political, cultural and ancestral contexts. In short, the United States of America is as close a thing to a blueprint for establishing A Federalized (Centralized) Global Government as there ever has yet been.

So much could be touched upon as tangential explorations of this idea over the 200 plus years of history of the American empire, it’s hard to know where to go next. Simply examining the ramifications of these developments on the plane of economics alone could probably fill another ten posts, not to mention the arenas of things such as global militarization, cultural homogenization, technological revolutions, and so on. The ways that the United States of America could be demonstrated to have been steadily preparing and driving the rest of the world towards the eventuality of a true global empire are numerous and almost impossible to overstate. And for myself, the more this reality permeates my conscious reflection upon the nation of my birth, and the various political, economic and militaristic contexts of today, the more I am increasingly compelled to distance myself from the persistent narrative within American citizenry which longs for some nostalgic return to “Founding American Principles”, particularly the strain of this narrative commonly found amongst those who regard America as being built upon some set of allegedly “Christian Values”…

Where did Jesus, or His disciples, or the Early Church, ever agonize over things like the balance of powers between the governmental sovereignty of an individual “State” and it’s overarching Federal counterpart? Where do we find in the New Testament (or the Old…) deliberations on the definitions and protections of property, whether “realty” or “personalty”?

For the majority of my lifetime, I have been surrounded by a good many well-intentioned, patriotic, church-going folks, who have simplistically regarded things like the Constitution as though they had effectively been produced from the minds of more modernized prophets of the Almighty, primarily concerned with issues of individual rights and liberties as understood through a paradigm whereby all men are created by God, when in fact the more I look into it for myself, I find that such questions are themselves really only secondary to the core convictions tied to finance and industry, which the Founders seemed most primarily concerned with. I have come across a book written back in 1913 titled “An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution”, by Charles Beard, which puts forth a number of incredibly fascinating proposals indeed. In many ways it does challenge to turn a number of commonly held assumptions about the true nature and purpose of the ratification of the Constitution on their heads, yet at this point in my life I suppose I have become quite accustomed to having my previously-held assumptions and paradigms turned on their heads, and so at this stage this sort of perspective tends to add more light and clarity to such considerations than it does to confuse them. I am still in the process of trying to read this work in it’s entirety, and so I expect I will most likely be speaking more on it’s possible implications in the future.

But where to end this… Bringing it back to the present, I suppose the parallel between the late 1700’s and the modern world which most stands out to me is this question of how/when a centralized, Federally-modeled global government goes from being one which simply exists on paper, or just in some superficially-institutionalized form, to being one that has (as the writers of the Federalist Papers described it) one that has sufficient “energy” to truly exercise governance. That is essentially the transition point at which the world lies right now. After all, the United Nations has already been in existence, to a degree, since the close of WWII (and saw a type of incarnation even prior to that, with the failed “League of Nations”, I suppose), yet everyone knows that despite it’s decades of councils and resolutions and everything else, the U.N. does not hold true sovereignty over the sovereignty of individual nations to the same degree that Washington and the Federal branches hold ultimate sovereignty over the fifty “states” in the Union. The P.O.T.U.S. and the Secretary of State, etc., are still considered to have far more true practical sway over the affairs of global politics than say, the Secretary-General of the U.N. But, I do sincerely believe that this is state of affairs that will eventually change. Moreover, I believe that the intention was always for such a change to occur. The transition will be brought about, (through whatever specific calamity or set of calamities), so that the “Phoenix” of the Global, Federal, Government, will rise from the ashes of it’s precursor. This is why it should come as absolutely no surprise that the symbol of the United States is that of the Phoenix, disguised with the exoteric form of an “eagle”.

The “Great Experiment”, the “United States” (which if you think about it, is merely another way of coining the term, “United Nations”) must “die”, so it can then be reborn on the scale and scope of the entire world, for “Federalism”, as it’s own internal nature dictates, can ultimately aspire to no lesser aim.

I’ll close this post by simply directing the reader to a most intriguing example of what I am talking about, which I found on the Democratic World Federalist’s website, in an article titled “Stop the New World Order”, the argument being put forth that the current New World Order run by Oligarchs and Banksters etc., needs to be replaced by a “Democratic World Order”, where “we, the people” are in charge instead of a small group of people unaccountable to the world.” This kind of sentiment no doubt sounds about as appealing to the global citizenry of today as it did to those in the 1700’s who were tired of the tyranny of ol’ King George, and I fully expect this same type of message to be that which takes a deeper hold on the hearts and minds of people in the coming years, and America breathes it’s final, dying breaths, and it’s long-awaited offspring, the Phoenix, prepares to rise from it’s ashes…

Outrageous Coincidence Theories…

bcc8bdf6d269f237c278a2e85bdb5623“Coincidence theory”. Oh, how I wish I had come up with that one… I didn’t of course, but was simply enthralled by the term and the inference behind it when reading a recent repost from Orwelliana. I could have just reposted the article once again, for it itself is quite good, focusing mainly on this idea in the context of Charlie Hebdo, but I suppose I simply wanted to ruminate on the rather profound implications of just how much “coincidence theory” is actually promoted and preferred to such an overwhelming degree.

Lots of people have already put forth a good deal of thought-provoking content dealing with this, and I suppose I might just put together a little collage of sorts here centering around the “Coincidence Theory” theme.

glass_pyramidDave Hodges has a rather pithy but intriguing article called “Conspiracy Theorists vs. Coincidence Theorists” in in which he elucidates nine examples of “coincidences” which beleaguer the mind…

All the way back in 2004, Jeff Wells wrote a piece called “The Coincidence Theorist’s Guide to 9/11”, an absolutely fantastic compilation of factoids and links surrounding, of course, the litany of bizarre “coincidences” attached to 9/11.

Much more recently Bernie Suarez wrote “How Coincidence Theorists (Non-Conspiracy) Are Playing Key Role In Destruction Of America”, which does a fairly nice job of describing how the system is undergirded by a basic mentality whereby: “They believe that politicians, government bodies, agencies, and committees accept the end results of daily political 6849817403_1f5a563739events as all due to happenstance. They believe chaos and spoof coincidence is the norm…”

Another fascinating little tidbit I came across whilst searching for “conspiracy-or-coincidence-related stuff”, was the story of the “Deadly Double Dice Game“, which was advertised for in the New Yorker a few weeks before the attack on Pearl Harbor, bearing all kinds of rather telling occult symbolism and numerology that seems to predict the attack.

Also, these two vids seemed worthy of inclusion on this topic. The first is “9/11 Coincidence Theory”, an excerpt from a speech by David Ray Griffin:
And here is Alan Watt on Conspiracy vs. Coincidence Theory:

(I certainly don’t necessarily agree with every little thing the guy has to say, but I think he at least creates plenty of decent conversation-kickstarters, and really the last minute of the video is the best part)

This Is Exactly Why I Can’t Stomach Ol’ AJ Anymore…

This is almost comical, even by Alex Jones standards… At one point I thought one of the veins in his forehead might pop. You know what burns MY britches Alex? When guys like you dominate the internet making those who actually believe in the shadow government shenanigans look just the crazy, angry, unstable lunatics that the shadow government wants to portray them as. Way to go buddy, way to go…

The Order of the All-Mocking Tongue…


So much is going on globally right now, so many pieces moving forward in the broader agenda intended via the “war on terror”, I almost find myself apathetic towards continuing to keep writing about it, dissecting it, urging people to wake up and recognize the pervasive use of false-flag attacks and the consistent message being put forth day in and day out through the mass media. 17 deaths in Paris. Political leaders marching arm in arm with scores of people in “solidarity” against terror. Now Boko Haram is once again making headlines as well, using children to carry bombs. France is deploying thousands of troops and policemen to patrol their street. Netanyahu is beckoning French Jews to come find safety in Israel. The stories of “hacking” and “cyber threats” run constantly. As many expected, we all took a nice little Christmas break from all the turmoil, and now we are back in session, seeing the Agenda move right along. My goodness is it ever moving along…

If you see it, you see it everywhere, because it is everywhere. If you don’t, it is because you won’t. You can’t. To believe such a thing transgresses a psychological line which most people still are unprepared to cross. A fellow I occasionally interact with recently encapsulated this mindset quite succinctly by saying, “Would individuals possibly kill others to consolidate and expand power money, power, and control. Sure, I’m sure it has happened. But I don’t believe that there is a vast government conspiracy to that end or that there is some secret fraternal organization of the rich and powerful that is pulling everyone’s strings.” Not trying to pick on anyone here, I hear this sort of sentiment all the time.

Do people for the most part believe in “conspiracy”? Well, yes, technically they certainly do. After all, the entire premise of the “war on terror” itself hinges upon the very belief in people organizing and plotting to carry out extremely nefarious plans. Remember the “Axis of Evil”..? We might be tempted to remember that as nothing but a Saturday Night Live parody, yet George Dubbya was quite serious that it was a real thing! But it goes even farther. Would such a thing as war in general even be possible if there was no pervasive belief in the concept that rich, powerful people over in some other part of the world were conspiring to possibly attack at any moment? Isn’t that very idea what spurred on the Cold War for decades? Doesn’t everyone already implicitly agree on the fact that Hitler and his chiefs “conspired” to take over Europe, and eradicate millions of Jews and political prisoners, before they acted? Isn’t the notion of “malicious conspiracy” by the leaders of nations such as North Korea and Iran and Russia the very reason that we are constantly told to regard them as potential dangers to our “national security”..?

Well, “Sure”, people will say, “but that is totally different from the idea of people in robes sitting in “smoke-filled rooms” decided the fate of millions, making secret, sinister oaths, and deceiving the public who believe them to be nothing more than upstanding citizens, civil servants and titans of industry…”

Simpsons_-_6x12_-_Homer_The_Great.rl 008 (1)It’s a joke to be laughed at, and has been at least since the death of JFK over fifty years ago, the “weaponization” of the term “conspiracy theory” having taken deep effect.

So essentially, we believe in the concept quite pervasively, yet only when it is being applied towards those we are told are the enemy. To believe such a thing about our own politicians, bankers, policy-makers, media moguls? Ludicrous! After all, the media outlets owned by those moguls consistently remind us of this impossibility… While the dust from the Twin Towers was still settling over Manhattan, Dubbya was reminding us not to tolerate “outrageous conspiracy theories”. How interesting. Anecdotally, I’ll just mention that when I began to learn the truth about things like “Building 7” and the rest, Bush’s comment there was one of the pieces that absolutely SCREAMED towards the sickening reality that I was suddenly being forced to digest.

But the veil of absurdity is a far more convincing ploy than many will acknowledge. Speaking of personal anecdotes, there was a time when I was struggling to let go of smoking, and I would quite regularly sneak cigarettes behind the back of my spouse, who was also trying to quit. Rather than own up to my faltering, and be forced to undergo closer daily scrutiny, I am ashamed to say that when my wife would catch a whiff of smoke on my breath, and ask if I had smoked that day, I’d scoff, and scrunch up my eyebrows as though laughing at the very idea, and lie my ass off. My little secret dug itself in deeper and deeper over time, and I quickly learned that feigning amusement at any accusations or questions was typically much more convincing that staunchly denying it directly. We all understand the principal of “The lady doth protest too much, methinks”, and I’d say that we all at some point learn the deceptive tactic of projecting dismissal and indifference to allegations, rather than granting them serious consideration. Mockery is a fundamental tool of denial, something quite rooted in our fallen human nature…lodge

And so how amusing indeed has it been, to see so many instances in pop culture where the reality of the Luciferian globalist conspiracy is mocked and parodied, and increasingly so, eird-al-yankovic-tin-foil-hatas if to try and keep in step with the growing amount of awareness that steadily increases as alternative media and the internet in general allows. The Simpsons spoofs the role of Freemasonry. Weird Al Yankovic pokes fun at tin foil hat wearers. Jim Carrey goes on Jimmy Kimmel and Saturday Night Live, mocking the concept of the Illuminati (calling it the “Illumi-nutty”) and pretending to prod Kimmel about “As if you don’t know what this symbol means”… q
“It’s the order of the All-Mocking Tongue”, he continues, making a reference to the Masonic “All-seeing Eye of Lucifer”. Everyone laughs. The interview continues, on to promoting his latest piece of Hollywood crap…

Yes, the audience keep laughing, yet the agenda rolls on. This morning I actually just sat at let CNN play, while I wrote this, made breakfast, got on with the day. I let it play, listening to the almost painful barrage of press-release-readers go ON and ON and ON about France, Nigeria, Did the U.S. make a mistake by not sending Obama to the rally in Paris, wewillkeeptalkingandtalkingtopoundthemessageofsolidarityagainstterrorismintoyourheadswhilepretendingtodebatemattersofnoultimateconsequence.

Sometimes I find it somewhat therapeutic to do this. It helps remind me of just how real and constant and unrelenting the brainwashing really is. Sometimes watching hours of CNN itself does more to convince me of the “Conspiracy” than anything else. It really takes all the effort out of trying to “put the pieces together” and figure out what the “officially-sanctioned narrative” is. It’s almost no fun anymore. (as if it’s ever “fun” to watch reports of more innocent people being killed for the sake of furthering the globalist agendas of more surveillance, more police, more war…)

Ok, I’m turning it off now…. 🙂

Is The “Black Awakening” Gaining Momentum, And Are We Hitting The Snooze Button…?

mass-shooters6Last night’s shooting on the campus of Florida State University is the most recent ‘mass shooting’ in America, an occurrence which seemingly now become so common-place in our collective thinking that it almost seems as though societally we have become virtually numb to them, lest we happen to have been personally on the scene of the incident, or related to someone who was. A gunman walked into the campus library after midnight and shot at least three people, before being shot by police, and the very morning after it is not even the headlining national news story. We are instead being bombarded with pre-emptive backlash against Obama’s speech later tonight where he will allegedly explain his new executive order on Immigration (as if it’s the first time he’s done this!), or seeing footage of the amazing snowstorm taking place in Buffalo, New York. “So the guy only managed to wound a few people before killing himself?”, we say. Yawn. Is the Buffalo Bills football stadium going to be ok under all that snow?

Back in the days when something like Columbine happened, people all across the country were aghast and in shock, racked with the haunting, inner question of “Why? WHY!?!??”

But now, after all the intervening years with Gabby Giffords and the Boston Bombing and Sandy Hook, a few people getting shot in a University midnight study session, or at lunch in a High School by the homecoming prince, is hardly something to get our feathers ruffled over anymore. This report posits that there have now been more than 90 school shootings just in the last two years, since Sandy Hook, in December of 2012. THIS website features a “mass shooting tracker” and actually lists 253 incidents of multiple-victim shooting in 2014 alone. It’s hard to know for sure exactly how they derive their statistics, but even as a generic measure the number is nevertheless quite astounding. These kinds of incidents continue to occur again and again, sometimes with a few months hiatus here or there (such as this summer when we were allegedly on the verge of war with Russia for a couple months…) but they inevitably start up again, and the gun-control agenda slowly marches onward in stalwart manner.

I will say that when you look at the incidents since Sandy Hook, there DOES seem to be somewhat of a trend of the mass shootings being smaller in the number of victims per incident on average, yet they are increasing in frequency. Is this by design? Has the much publicized scrutiny of the events of Sandy Hook (at least within the “truther” circles) prompted the perpetrators of these programmed killings to dial it down a bit, or are the shooters perhaps just not managing to tally up as large of body counts before either being taken out by the police, or the suicide protocol kicks in?

It is also admittedly quite perplexing to notice that in an increasing number of these shooters, they are sometimes quite difficult to trace back any “tell tale signs” to programming. The recent case in Marysville, Wa with the high school shooter there is a case in point. The cold, calculated manner in which the shooter actually gunned down not just his classmates, but his close friends (one of whom was his cousin), as well as the self-inflicted gunshot to himself, chillingly seems to indicate a sinister underlying motivation, yet at this stage it is hard to make any connections to things like military family members or previous “psychological problems”.

Overall, it just seems like this whole phenomena gets weirder all the time, as these kinds of events become increasingly common, to the point of almost being “routine” to the American public…

(For more info on just what the “Black Awakening” is, I’ll point you here, here and here.)

It Is Time to Rise Up Together and Demand HOVINDICATION…

220px-Kent_Hovind_mug_shot Starting yesterday, the Father has taken hold of my heart and mind and lit a fire in my spirit, and I feel compelled to write the first in what is certainly going to be an ongoing series of posts about the current plight of Dr. Kent Hovind. This fire was first kindled after listening to this very recent phone interview – Digging for the Truth with Ark and Neo: Interview with Kent Hovind from Prison.  Immediately after listening, I quickly emailed my good friend Sam from God’s Property Radio (who is mentioned in the podcast) and he filled me in on more details, and directed me to this short interview, and podcast, which also gives information on the recent arrest of Paul J. Hansen as well: God’s Property Radio Coin Toss: Free Kent Hovind / Free Paul J. Hansen. I not only recommend everyone listen to these two audio files, I URGE you to, I plead with everyone reading this to start by downloading these programs, get informed on all that has transpired in the past surrounding this preacher of the Gospel, and what is now unfolding as we speak.

Essentially, what is happening right now is that Hovind, only months before he was scheduled to be released from prison, is now being slapped with a laughably bogus charge involving mailing a notice of pending litigation in regards to a property that the government confiscated and sold anyhow… This new charge carries a sentence of up to 20 years.

Even after almost nine years, perhaps the majority of people who are familiar with Kent Hovind’s arrest and incarceration are under the false belief that he was tried and convicted of tax evasion. Simply do a google image search for Hovind and you will be treated to dozens upon dozens of pictures totally mocking him and his predicament. For the most part, the Church as a whole in America has turned a blind eye to this horrific injustice and chosen to be swayed by the smear tactics, but what has happened to Kent Hovind is not only a complete and utter abuse of the IRS and the justice system, but it is a case which has ramifications for every one of us living in this country. “My people perish for lack of knowledge”, and yes, we are lacking indeed….

If you take any time to examine the details of Hovind’s case, I promise you be shocked and dismayed, and you should realize that what is being done is an undeniable example of modern-day political persecution, the implementation of fraudulent and frivolous litigation against an individual who is guilty of nothing, other than courageously speaking unpopular truths, and defrocking the lies being embedded into our society and propagated by the Powers That Shouldn’t Be…

There is so much that could be said, yet I simply want to get this ongoing conversation started here, and continued on, and get the word out to as many as possible. I will conclude this particular post by including a video of Hovind’s presentation at the Prophecy Club, talking about the New World Order, which is EXCELLENT. In this speech he covers a whole array of topics such as the Federal Reserve system, the education system, politics, etc., but throughout them all, he weaves them altogether by looking at them all through the lens of Evolution, which he reveals as being a philosophy in itself, and demonstrates how it basically functions of as one of the foundational tenets of global luciferianism, without people even realizing it…

A list of links for Kent Hovind and the current developments:

Main page: 2peter3.com
Donate to Kent Hovind legal fund
Free Hovind website
Petitions for Kent Hovind:

Human Shields…


Once again the calendar brings us to “Veteran’s Day”, the day which the government has set aside to “honor” those who have “served our country”.

I pray this post is not unduly offensive to anyone reading it who has lost anyone they love to military conflict. That is not my goal. I only ask that you read this in it’s entirety before offering up a reaction.

Perhaps I should start with the caveat that my own two grandfathers served in WWII. They were both remarkable men, who I respected immensely, and through having a relatively close relationship with two figures who did in fact “serve” in the armed forces in wartime, I believe I can honestly say that my opinions towards the “system” as a whole is not an attack on the individuals themselves who have played an integral part in the various wars, conflicts and “police actions” embarked upon by this government over the past century or so.

The men and women who enlist, and fight, and die, do so largely in part because they sincerely believe they arewarposter fighting for the greater good. Sacrificing their own time, energy, family life, and even lives in order to protect and preserve something of great value. The “American way of life”. “Democracy”. “Freedom”…

But sincerity does not automatically equate to an accurate grasp of history, nor the political machinations behind what really causes wars to happen, nor the true depth and breadth of what is really being accomplished through all these global episodes of death and destruction.

Most folks have heard the abbreviated quote by Major Gen. Smedley Butler saying, “War is a racket.” The quote in it’s entirety reads,

War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.”

Another quote by this man who “served” is even more scathing:

I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.”

aa-military-industrial-complex-map-of-USIn the “information age” we are living in today, anyone who chooses to do so can easily look into such allegations and discover that this is the sickening reality behind war, behind military build up, behind the stubborn belief that America is really “bringing peace and democracy to the world”. Modern warfare does not exist, cannot occur, without the infamous “military-industrial-complex”, a staggeringly massive infrastructure of companies and government institutions which build weapons, train personnel, and operate bases around the entire globe, and we are told that this massive edifice is an absolute necessity in order to keep us, the “civilians”, safe.

In the 2011 film ‘Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows’, the dastardly aim of arch-villain Professor Moriarty was eventually revealed to be to start a massive war across Europe, spreading across the rest of the globe, whereby he would fund and arm both sides, profiting immensely from a conflict triggered by the assassination of a single diplomat, a terrorist act of his own design. He describes the psychology behind this nefarious plot as thus:

“You see, hidden within the unconscious, there is an insatiable desire for conflict. So, you’re not fighting me, so much as you are the human condition. All I want to do is own the bullets and the bandages.”

Sadly, ironically, (and almost expectedly for those who have studied the correlations between Hollywood memes and the “deep state”), this is almost a perfection depiction of what has occurred behind the scenes of virtually every major global conflict going back well into the 1800’s, as has been thoroughly documented in examples such as the banking exploits of the Rothschilds in the Battle of Waterloo.Plutocracy

Indeed, The Napoleonic Wars, The War of 1812, The Civil War, The Spanish-American War, The Philippine-American War, the “Great War” or “War to End All Wars” (also now known as WWI), WWII, Korea, Vietnam, The “Cold” War, Gulf War I, Afghanistan, Iraq, (Syria…?) ALL of these spectacles of death have been born out of slightly modified variations this same, calculated equation. Bankers fund the war machines. Corporations build the war machines. Politicians sell the war machines. The blood of people “serving their country” fuels the war machines….

Any time you encounter a discussion/report on the never-ending conflict occurring in Palestine/Israel, you inevitably hear the refrain about how the Palestinian “terrorists” hide like cowards in homes and businesses, using the Palestinian citizens, men, women and children, as “human shields”. It is one of the most oft-cited pieces of propaganda implemented in the debate over Israel’s “right to defend itself”, and it is not something I intend to get into now (for it would merit a post of it’s own to give it the treatment it deserves) but I only mention this because to me, it brings it all home in a way that I had not quite previously considered.

We instinctively balk at the idea of a group of militants and killers hiding behind innocent people like cowards, and yet, this is precisely what is done by the War-Mongers of Washington, or the Financiers of Bloodshed, or the Military-Industrial-Complex or whatever else you want to call them, and we the American people help them do it.

How disgustingly ingenious is it, to have managed to both compel supposedly free-thinking individuals into signing up to “serve” in the military, no draft required, to be used as human fodder for an endless litany of profit-producing wars around the planet, and then turn around and use the veterans of those wars as a type of ideological shield, a human smokescreen of propaganda, a cultural defense mechanism against any true and cutting scrutiny of what is propelling this behemoth from deep underneath!

“Don’t speak ill of those who gave their lives so that YOU could enjoy the freedoms you have!”

Don’t you have any appreciation for the sacrifices made to protect this country!?”

How dare you question the official 9/11 story, don’t you have any respect for all the fire-fighters who died trying to save people trapped in the towers?”

Congressional Medal Of Honor Sirius BridgeThese are the kinds of responses you can expect to hear from those who have drank the Home-of-the-Brave-Kool-Aid, who instantly resort to defend the array of American “heroes”, just as they have been conditioned to do their entire lives.

But just how many innocent, nameless men, women and children have been wiped off the earth, through “surges” and “campaigns” and drone attacks and “smart” bombs and “counter-insurgencies” in the last decade alone, under the banner of “Pax Americana”..? I don’t think we’ll come close to knowing the true number this side of eternity…

And on that note, I conclude. Ignorance is not an excuse. Patriotism is not tantamount to cheering on our sons and daughters as they resign themselves to becoming order-following mechanisms of death, because we choose to believe that this is the price that must be paid in order to “preserve democracy” or the “American way of life”. The elite who constantly engineer and orchestrate these geoLightning-Washington-Monument-political “hot spots” in order to prompt the continuous need for further military intervention do not subscribe to any of these ideals of altruism or self-sacrifice or the “greater good”, as they build their vast financial and industrial empires on the graves of people whom they regard with no greater affinity than any other asset or liability on their books, so really the question is, why should we…?

Why do you suppose the “ISIS flag” is in this picture with the Nigerian girls kidnapped by Boko Haram…?


I noticed this a couple of nights ago when the TV News was doing a bit talking about how the missing Nigerian girls had still not been found. After a little digging, I learned that this image is a still shot from a video of the captured school girls taken by Boko Haram that surfaced in the middle of May this year. I find this incredibly curious, especially when I went to do a google search for anything discussing the presence of the “ISIS flag” all the way down in Nigeria, and found nothing…

The distance between Nigeria and the northern regions of Syria/Iraq where ISIS is attempting to set up their “caliphate” is approximately 2,500 miles, so they aren’t exactly what you’d call in the same neighborhood, geographically speaking! Furthermore, this picture/video was released in May, whereas most of the Western world didn’t start hearing about the new horror of the fundamentalist muslim world, “ISIS”, until around July. (Of course allegedly they existed for several years prior to this, under the radar of the mainstream media. I wonder if it’s because during that time we were simply referring to it as “Al Qaeda in Iraq” instead?)

But back to the flag itself. We can clearly see that it was printing using some form of professional machinery, it was painted onto a scrap of black fabric or hand-stitched or anything. The meaning behind the Arabic writing on the flag is itself quite universal, the “shahada”, but of course, the specific arrangement of the first line across the top (which means “there is no god but Allah”) and the second phrase of the shahada being put in the white circle in the middle (meaning “and Mohammed is the messenger of god”) isn’t something which goes back centuries along with the Islamic mantra itself.  I am still looking, but so far I haven’t been able to locate a single example of this specific design existing prior to 2014.  Boko Haram now appears to be using this design in earnest, as a befitting backdrop for public beheadings.  Maybe they were using it from the start, in what would be an amazing stroke of coincidence, to have independently adopted the same black, menacing symbol for their terrorist organization, that ISIS would months later.  When ISIS started making headlines, the leader of Boko Haram,  Abubakar Shekau, was quick to voice his support.

Logo_of_Boko_Haram_svg_So what does all this point to? I guess for me, this kind of thing strikes me as the sort of thing I wish more people would stop and take notice of, the people who are still unable to wrap their heads around the concept that countries/alliances like the U.S./NATO would now, and have historically, create all kinds of false flag attacks, false flag groups, and false flag scenarios in order to further their broader goals of military and financial domination of the globe.

What’s amazing to me is just how transparent these agendas can be, and yet so many people can be so oblivious, when for instance, last year, Obama and Kerry and co. were lobbying hardcore to go in and bomb the snot out of Syria, because “we knew for certain that they’re using lethal gases on their own people!” The war-weary public dug in their heals, refusing to put more American military personnel in the line of enemy fire, for reasons that increasingly fuzzy to American political understanding. The “war with Syria” was averted, thanks to the overwhelming voice of the people, to the cheers (and surprise) of many who oppose the ceaseless trend of American militarism.

So what happens next? On no… Look, this massive, well-funded army of blood-thirsty terrorists, who drive American made trucks and like using Facebook and twitter to “recruit”, are taking over, where…? Oh no, northern Iraq and Syria! Shucks, looks like we’re gonna have to start dropping bombs and droning houses, to “save the people”. What a co-inky-dink.

With Nigeria however, I can’t help but wonder if sort of happened the other way around… First, Boko Haram kidnaps all these innocent school girls, prompting the First Lady herself to mount a campaign complete with it’s own catchphrase “Bring Back our Girls“. Perhaps the massive amount of attention received by this very dastardly act wasn’t random, wasn’t as altruistic as we always want to believe either. Perhaps this event was meant to motivate the lethargic populace into turning their eyes toward yet another horizon filled with turmoil and threats of Islamic jihad. But alas, as saturated as we all now are by wars and rumors of wars, images of death and threats of “terror”, it’s no easy task to get the people riled up enough to want to support marching off into yet another forgotten corner of the globe to see it unfold into yet another tragic example of American military quagmires. We had special twitter hashtags and facebook pages, but this didn’t seem to intimidate the terrorists, or appeal to their guilt, nor did it lead to military intervention by the West. A few months and 18 different global crises later, we’ve all but forgotten about Nigeria.

So, just like Syria, you have to go back to the drawing board, get yourself a plan B as it were. I wonder what else we could roll out, that would enable us to put troops into the region of Western Africa…? Hmmm. Maybe if there was some kind of “outbreak”, some super scary contagious disease, that would prompt immediate and decisive global response. We’d need troops to go in and help “secure the area”, keep it from spreading, etc. And then, yeah… Once we get em there, get our foot in the door, it only takes another “incident” to compel those troops to make the short trip over to Nigeria, and then it’s game on…

Just speculating, of course. Just speculating….

I Just Couldn’t Help Myself…

I never do this. I swear I don’t. Ok, I RARELY do it. But today I did, and I didn’t hold anything back. It was because it was something that touched upon a particular nerve that, I confess, really is hard for me not to react to. It shoots to the core of so much of what I have labored in and wrestled with and battled over in my own heart and mind. It’s what you might call a “pet peave”, but then again, “peave” doesn’t really come close to describing how this particular attitude and mindset amongst Christians continues to aggravate me, to an ever-increasing degree, whenever I come across it. I came across it today here:


It reads as follows…

Conspiracy Theories. Don’t.

Should you pay attention to that idea of a conspiracy theory? Let’s dive into the Deeper Waters and find out.

Okay. I know right up that conspiracies do happen. People do try to cover things up and pull them off together. Usually however, we have some idea that this is definitely going on. Eventually, it all comes down on those who do it. For instance, Watergate was a conspiracy of sorts, and frankly, it didn’t really last too long.

The main conspiracies I’m talking about are the kind that are popularized by too many Christians and are also the same mindset found in a number of atheistic circles. For Christians, these often involves “satanic plots” to control our children and indoctrinate them. Much of the time, you know that the Illuminati has to be behind it all!

Because, you know, the main way to send that secret message is to go through the half time show on Super Bowl Sunday. How is it that the Illuminati managed to reach all these dancers and send a secret message to people watching the Super Bowl? Before going off on how it is something you think is part of hidden satanic symbolism, why not just consider something else?

Maybe it’s just a tasteless performance.

Now this is saying nothing about the morality of what goes on in said performances. I am not at all endorsing that. What I am saying is that you need to be on the watch for thinking that there are several conspiracies afoot. For a Christian, this can result in a heightened paranoia and to the rest of the world, you just look ridiculous. We already look ridiculous for believing in Jesus. There’s no reason to add to that.

Atheists don’t always do much better. You can think about plots in Christianity to destroy everything that disagreed with Christianity and then of course, the process of canonization, that was all just a total plot! Very rarely is any actual real historical study done on the topic. Unfortunately in our internet age, too many people find something on the internet and think it’s true. We all laugh at the idea of “I read it on the internet so it must be true”, but too many people have that same mindset.

The thinking also leads to a heightened arrogance. Sure, everyone else misses the main message, but I know what it is. I am not going to be fooled the way everyone else is. If you do not see it, well you just haven’t really reached this level of insight and thinking. Of course, a possibly even worse case could be that you’re part of the conspiracy.

One point to keep in mind when researching these claims is see who is being cited as a source. Too many times conspiracy theorists regularly cite each other and validate one another’s claims. Try to find a source that you think will be as objective as possible. Of course, total objectivity could be impossible, but try to get as close as you can.

For Christians also, please especially avoid conspiracies related to end times madness. I have seen too many times the idea of secretly implanting chips in us that are supposed to be the Mark of the Beast. Honestly, I have reached the point where my eyes just start rolling immediately at this. It’s not just because I’m a preterist. If you’re a futurist, you should avoid this as well.

There are far too many important things to study than the idea of possible conspiracies. If some Christians would seek to interpret their Bible as well as they try to interpret a show at halftime on Super Bowl Sunday, we’d all be better off.

In Christ,

Nick Peters

(my response is as follows…)

So, you basically see the apex of “paranoid Christian conspiracy theories” as centering around things like Satanic messaging embedded in Super Bowl half-time shows..?

I guess you can’t be faulted for that. There are after all bajillions of youtube videos which invest themselves in exposing and decoding such things.

However, I must interject as to your overall resistance to Christians being too “paranoid” about Satanic conspiracies in general. Since you clearly seem to be writing from the perspective of a Christian yourself, I am curious as to how exactly you parse this out, in relation to what the Bible actually has to say about Satan and his intentions towards this planet and the entire human race….

You make a rather puzzling statement how even though you’re a preterist, you believe that futurists should avoid getting sucked into “end time madness” as well. Not sure how you can claim to not have a certain amount of bias on that one, but no matter. As a preterist, how exactly DO you see history playing out, might I ask? Are we just going to keep “progressing forward” as things get better and better? Is there no Second Coming of Christ at all in your view?

Anyhow… Your article is more or less built around the typical argument of “Well of course conspiracy happens, but hey, they’re small and easy to spot, and so we should be able to make a distinction between those “realistic” examples of conspiracy, and the full on “crazy” ones…” (is that a fair description?) Yet, there are much bigger “substantiated” examples of massive-scale conspiracies than Watergate, and far more sinister as well…

Hitler and the Nazis “conspired” to eradicate Jews and the “non-desirables” from Europe (and ultimately, the world) through the implementation of a highly organized system whose sole function was to destroy human life with assembly-line efficiency. (I suppose you don’t think there was anything “satanic” going on with any of that…?) The rest of the world allegedly had no knowledge of this massive program (there were rumors, of course, but to believe in them would’ve mean believing a pretty intense “conspiracy theory”)

The Manhattan Project involved thousands upon thousands of people all working on various aspects of a project whose intention was to create the most devastating weapon the world had ever seen. It was as though an entire city was all working together on a singular secret project, yet the rest of the American public was completely unaware the whole time, until later when the project was disclosed.

The Federal Reserve as well was formed in secret, and confessed by the men who created it as something they “conspired” to do, using all sorts of chicanery to put the production of the U.S. dollar into their private control. (The “Federal Reserve” is definitively NOT a Federal institution, but a private bank). This is not “theory”, but open, documented fact.

But as to your question about “How is it that the Illuminati managed to reach all these dancers and send a secret message to people watching the Super Bowl?” The answer to that one is really quite simple, in that you obviously don’t need to brainwash every dancer on a stage for a performance filled with Satanic symbolism. (duh!) Every music video, every stage performance, and for that matter, every film, tv show, news program, etc., is produced, directed, and edited by a comparatively small number of people. Those are the people who can put whatever symbolism, message, meaning, or imagery they choose into anything they produce…. The people dancing and singing and acting and reading the teleprompters are really just living puppets.

But finally, as to your point about our belief in Jesus making us look “ridiculous” to the rest of the world…

You’d better believe the world is going to think you’re “ridiculous” for believing in Him, and if you think that’s something you need to try and mitigate as much as possible, then wow, that frightens me…

Think about it. You lament how Christians need to better interpret their Bibles, but when we pick up the Bible and actually read it, it is full of the most “fantastic” stories and ideas and claims you could imagine. It claims that God made man and woman, put em in a garden, then some serpent/devil creature comes along and tells them to eat it, and if they do, they’ll become like God, become “enlightened”, so they do it, but they don’t become gods, only trapped by sin, and then they realize they’re nude, get kicked out of the garden, etc., etc., God later floods the whole earth yet saves eight people. He raises up a people to be His own, saving them through plagues and miracles and seas that split in two and water that pours out of rocks. He smashes cities with parades and trumpets. He kills giants with pebbles. He turns kings into beasts, and makes other beasts speak. He closes the mouths of hungry lions, keeps people singe-free in fiery pits, and takes people on underwater ocean cruises inside the stomach of aquatic wildlife. Then this “Jesus guy” comes along, and whoa baby, does HE ever do some weird stuff. Making the blind see, the lame walk, casting out these invisible spirit things who apparently were taking control of people all over the place… He even was killed, and then was claimed to have risen from the DEAD and could walk through walls and teleport and such. Then they say He floated up into the sky, back to “heaven”, after which His followers stayed here and told everyone about it, and cast out these invisible evil things that are supposedly flying around everywhere, but we can’t see or hear them, and this Jesus guy is supposedly still alive and even “coming back” one day, yet, in this totally crazy book at the end, it talks about this “dragon” character and how he’s totally been fighting against this Jesus dude the whole time, and is going to try and kill everyone who loves him, and is even at some point going to gather “all the kinds of the earth” to make war against Him……

Yet… You don’t at all see the Bible itself that fully encompasses the “fantastic” and even the “conspiratorial”……?
(end of my original comment)

Now, there are only a couple other points I’d want to add to my already ridiculously long retort to this article.  First, to the pred-purple-jellyfish-crossota-millsae_10670_600x450oint insinuating that “conspiracy theorists” are guilty of the mindset “I read it on the internet so it must be true”.  You hear this all the time, and it’s really a sucker-punch, a pathetic attempt to discredit information or ideas by pointing to the fact that the internet played a part in the exchange of this information and ideas.  It’s really quite a tired and poor argument, honestly.  Never mind the irony that this accusation is itself being put forth in a blog post, on the internet (so should we disregard the author altogether as total nonsense because he’s sharing his thoughts online?) but the underlying implication going on here is that of course the people looney enough to believe in grandiose “conspiracy theories” or in such nonsense as the “illuminati” couldn’t actually have done their due diligence and looked for a weighty compilation of independent yet agreeing sources, or well-examined and authenticated evidence, no, they must have simply watched some youtube video made by some unemployed, anti-social middle-aged bum living in their parent’s basement.  It’s just substituting insult for argument.  Such accusations and ad hominem attacks come from people who have never even heard of, let alone looked into themselves, such vast compositions of true, bona fide research and data-analysis as found in things like Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.  (oh wait, sorry, that’s a link for a website, and if it’s on the internet, it must be baloney…) 😉  I guess that’s why corporations, governments, media outlets, etc. all have chosen to eschew putting their information online as well, because it would only serve to discredit them….(!?)

deep-sea-creatures-002Secondly, there is the other common claim that “this thinking also leads to a heightened arrogance”.  It’s funny, because this is exactly the SAME sort of thing you hear on a regular basis from atheists and other non-Christians who find your claim that the Jesus is the only way to God, that heaven and hell are real, and that all the other religions are false and deceptive to be the absolute epitome of arrogance!  All the belief systems are wrong, and deceived, and leading people to hell?  Why, what narcissism!  What gall!  As though the people who have come to put their faith in Christ and His word have done so simply as a function of their own internal desire to be above everyone else, to condemn them, and have some sort of self-created sense of exclusivity in the world…  Yes, atheists can be pretty adept at smacking Christians around with this one, and yet Christians will then turn right around and use the exact same logic to try and silence their brothers and sisters who they find to be totally off the deep end…fish

But alas, I AM off the “deep end”, learning to embrace the tides of life and let the currents take me, instead of hiding in my own little cove and pretending that entire roaring ocean doesn’t exist.  And the further I go into those “Deeper Waters” Mr. Peters, the deeper they seem to get.  The weirder, and crazier and more amazing and beautiful and scary and awesome and almost unbelievable they become.  Only HE can plumb the depths of all that is and has been and will be in this vast and incredible universe that He has made, but He has promised to be with us, always, as we swim through even the darkest, and deepest, and most shark-infested of waters…