Tag Archives: Genesis 6

Who, Me….???

So, once again I have really lapsed with writing on the ol’ blog, but today I hope to try and explain a bit about why that has been the case, and share a little about the curious position I am now finding myself in at the moment.

For several years I was plugging away here on my blog, rather content with my relatively small amount of readers/subscribers, and appreciating the cathartic nature of being able to post about whatever I happened to find intriguing in the moment, all under the screen of my little WordPress pseudonym…

I had gone back and forth for some time, considering the idea of taking a stab at making videos and putting them up on youtube, and aside from a few that I had done on topics like CERN and “Transformational Festivals”, I really didn’t get that involved with until I found myself diving down the “Flat Earth rabbit hole”, and then suddenly I found myself furiously making videos discussing various “Flat Earth proofs”, as well as looking into the Biblical case for a flat, enclosed Cosmology.

When that began, I could count on one hand the number of Youtube subscribers I had on my little channel. Like I said, I have been accustomed to obscurity, and that has really been my preferred vantage point! Yet, as the months have passed, and the “Flat Earth Movement” has continued to expand and get more and more attention, so have my little videos, to the point where now not only does my “exposure” via YT far surpass anything I had previously experienced through blogging, but now it has also reached the stage whereby I am currently sitting on around half a dozen invitations to be interviewed by other Youtube channels/shows, or participate in discussion panels to talk about Flat Earth, Biblical Cosmology, etc.


And frankly, I’m terrified. It’s as though I’m inadvertently pushing the ever-shrinking line between remaining “safe” in my anonymity, and finally stepping across that line, into a realm where suddenly the human being has to step out from behind the internet avatar…

I have prayed about it. Agonized over it. Gone back and forth, again and again, between one day feeling like “Okay, I’m willing…” to then the next day feeling more compelled to simply pull the plug on everything altogether, and just get on with “real life”. I’m not trying to be anything remotely resembling an online “figurehead”. I never was. There are few things I dislike more in this world than the phenomena we often refer to as the “cult of personality”.

But then again… I find myself unable to pull myself away from continuing to explore this topic of the “Biblical Flat Earth”, and all the countless ways that it seems to fit in with all the various topics of Bible Prophecy, End-time Deception, New World Order agendas, and so much more, which I’ve already been navigating my way through over the past six years or so now. It’s almost like everything I’ve been learning up to this point has laid the foundation for now considering them all in this incredible “unified context” of a Cosmological model which I now have to confess appears to have been staring at me from the pages of Scripture the whole time. I mean, seriously, SO many things which I’ve written about over the past few years, whether it be interdimensional portals, or the Book of Enoch, UFO Deception, Genesis 6, the Occult, the Creation vs. Evolution debate, transhumanism, the fake moon landings, ancient megalithic structures, the infamous “Illuminati”, the tower of Babel, CERN, and on and on, now suddenly all “gel” in a way which before I never would’ve imagined…

Anyhow, so, this is my conundrum at the present moment. This is my crossroads that seemingly I can’t find a way around…

Another Christian FE Youtube channel by the name of “Celebrate Truth” recently finished a documentary he’s been working on for some time, called “The Global Lie”, and I was very privileged to be able to contribute several segments of content to the production. I’d have to say that the finished product is really quite superb and I hope everyone reading this is able find the time to watch it, as it really focuses on the connections between the Copernican system/cosmology and the Theory of Evolution (among other things). Several other fantastic researchers such as Rob Skiba are featured in the film, and it was truly an honor to be able to take part in this project. Here’s the full documentary:

Wandering Stars: Spheres of Deception…

This video is one I just made as a reflection on the Planets from a Biblical Flat Earth perspective…

Additional info on the angels being stars, Book of Enoch, etc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfev-ivn320

“Apollo’s Key”: Connecting CERN to the Flat Earth Puzzle and Biblical Prophesy…

This. Is. Epic. Possibly the best comprehensive documentary touching on all these issues I’ve seen thus far. The first two hours offer a very well edited and fairly exhaustive compilation of the all the typical questions involving “Flat Earth proofs”, the true Biblical support of this model, as well as the evidence for a vast Luciferian N.W.O. agenda manipulating NASA and so much more. This portion alone would stand tall as a very well made piece, weaving together TONS of information in a manner which flows very naturally and is quite easy to watch. They really put a lot of effort into making this into a solid presentation.

But then, the final 45 minutes or so gets REALLY good, examining how the “Cosmic origins agenda” followed the “space race” agenda, and shows how the two fit together quite seemlessly, as seen now with CERN being the true “rebuilt tower of Babel”, the “Rainbow Bridge”, the “stargate”, etc., with which they intend to pierce the veil, punch through the Firmament, and invade the heavens… The UN logo, amazingly, not only depicts the flat earth map, (dividing the Earth into 33 regions), but ALSO has encoded within it a depiction of the 8-spoked “wheel of time”, just like the LHC, and the same elements can be found within the logo for “2015: The Year of Light” as well.

It shows how the UFO/alien Deception fits into the Globe/NASA deception, along with the Vatican, along with the LHC, all working together to bring about the very things which God revealed to the apostle John, almost two thousand years ago. If you are already in the place where your eyes are being opened to the Flat Earth issue, and don’t have time watch the entirety of this film, then I’d say it’s still well worth your time to watch that last 45 minutes. It even talks the New World Religion of “One-ness” which I’ve talked about in previous posts.

It’s all coming together, oh man… All these pieces we’ve been looking at individually for years now. To a degree that I honestly am not sure I ever fully expected to see it. This is it, the Great Deception, unfolding before our very eyes! This IS “Mystery Babylon”… And it’s only now being revealed to us, not by our own wisdom, but by the God of Heaven and Earth, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End…

This is just one of those crazy, Holy-Spirit-confirming kind of junctures for me, to be honest, because again and again I keep coming across other people who are seeing how all these pieces fit together too. This video puts it all together far better than my own feeble abilities of explanation could do. CERN is the “key”. Lucifer’s weapon is light…

As In the Days of Noah…

This is epic. I don’t know when Gonz finds the time to even sleep anymore…

God of Love, or Death..?

exodus-scene-6Recently I was invited to chime in on a post on the question of miracles and the Bible. My main response included a fairly long list of the examples of humanly inexplicable miracles found in both the Old and New Testaments. The author responded with what I thought was a very thought-provoking comment, which after thinking about it I decided probably deserved further exploration. He says:

1.) Plagues to kill thousands of people
2.) Parting the Red Sea to drown thousands of people
3.) disintegrate a city’s massive stone walls using only trumpets to kill every living thing in it
4.) make the sun stand still in the sky and prolong the day so they can kill more people
5.) make earthquakes happen, so that they rip the earth into a chasm which swallows up our enemies
6.) trigger massive meteor showers that will utterly destroy entire cities

These wouldn’t be miracles from a God that I could ever consider worshiping.

You are entitled to your opinion but you might want to drop the 6 examples above when you are out witnessing for Jesus.

This is an interesting question… Would it really be better to drop examples like those above when telling people about Jesus? Should we just focus on Jesus’ teachings on “loving our neighbor” etc., and try to whitewash the Bible as best we can? I certainly grew up being familiar with enough church circles who more or less attempted to do this very thing, in one way or another. Downplay the “scary” God of the Old Testament, all the wars, death, “weird stuff”, and just try to boil it all down to as simplistic an idea as possible in order to coax someone into saying the “sinner’s prayer”. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not disparaging people from making simple prayers of repentance in faith. What I’m saying is simply that all of that stuff IS in there, and like it or not, you have to face it. Atheists are quite fond of bringing up what they believe are incredibly damning examples of this “genocidal God” who they regard as being oh so terribly cruel and unfair in causing the deaths of so many people, in so many ways…

The thing is, the Bible is essentially an epic war story. From beginning to end, it outlines the story of Creation, the Fall, and Redemption, in the context of a great spiritual battle between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Darkness.

warinheavenThe many examples of people being killed by war or plague in the Old Testament simply cannot be rightly understood outside of this broader spiritual context. People such as the Babylonians, the Assyrians, the Egyptians, the Canaanites, the Philistines, the Greeks, the Romans, etc., etc., all of these peoples/nations were living under the worship and “covering” of their various pantheons of pagan gods, and under the influence of their demonic spiritual “princes” were constantly in opposition to the nation which God had set aside for Himself. The spiritual and physical battle lines can be understood to be very much intertwined when looked at from this perspective, and so it must be emphasized that nowhere in the Bible do we ever see God simply deciding to go wipe out some populace somewhere who were minding their own business, simply because God was like some bored sadistic child wanting to entertain himself by burning ants with a magnifying glass.

According to the Bible, the conflict did not originate in the Garden of Eden, but in the realm of heaven, involving an angelic individual named Lucifer who became proud and sought to take the Throne of the Almighty for himself. Whether we like it or not, all of humanity has been thrust into the epicenter of this cosmic battle, and ultimately every single one of us must choose which kingdom’s agenda we will serve. There is no “opting out”. No neutral parties in this war.

Like I said, many objections to the God of the Bible involve these questions of how a loving God could possibly kill humans who people who have rebelled against Him or the people He chose to implement his purposes. This has honestly never been much of a philosophical thorn in my side. It just hasn’t. Such arguments really couldn’t even be made in the first place if an omnipotent, omniscient God was actually as petulant and tyrannical as is being suggested, because you be fried by a lightning bolt the second you were about to open your mouth to criticize him.

Instead, I admit I have struggled FAR more with the simple question of why God would allow a majestic, angelic being such as Lucifer to Fall from Heaven and then wreak havoc upon the human race in the first place. My own human faculties would seem to think that it would’ve saved us all so much pain and heartache if he had just tossed Lucy into the pit or the lake of fire right from the start and just gotten it over with! Wouldn’t that have been so much more logical God, and saved us all so much hassle…?? Jesus wouldn’t have had to die, no need for a Flood, or a “Passover Lamb”, or Armageddon, or any of it. We’d all still be blissful nudists drinking fruit smoothies in the Garden, right?

But of course, that’s not what God elected to do, and instead He allowed the serpent to wind his way in there, and kick off this whole war, which someday will finally end when the “Seed of the Woman” destroys the “Seed of the Serpent”. The God of the Bible allows lots of seemingly unnecessary evil to persist longer than we would think makes sense, not only with Satan in the Garden, but with the Watchers who came down on Mt. Hermon, who are then later not destroyed, but instead imprisoned in a place called the Pit, or the “Abyss”, held in chains until a time in the future when they will once again be let out.
Again, to me this is one of those things that I must simply confess I don’t understand the full reasoning behind God’s decisions, but I simply have to trust it. God has allowed the Kingdom of Darkness to have dominion over this world, up until a point in the (near) future when the entire epic of world history will culminate in a very intensely climactic conclusion. In that time, there will once again be some seriously “Old-Testament-style” plagues and distributions of mass-death, yet just as it was in the days of Old Testament, it will not be something that anyone is left without a means of escaping…

In the modern political climate of the “war on terror”, we constantly hear about this idea of “winning hearts and minds”, and this is exactly what the Bible declares this epic War of the Kingdoms is ultimately all about. The Winner of this War was decided 2,000 years ago, when He laid down His own life and took it up again. We all have now have this pathway open to us, if we are but willing to lay down our own lives, in order to take them back up again. This is a battle that is ultimately fought, and won, by letting go. Letting go of your own little crown, your own little self-determined right to rule over your own life, your own definition of “morality”, your own ability to shape and harden your own conscience as it suits you. That is essentially the manifesto of the Fallen Cherub himself, the one who entices humanity into questioning God’s goodness, God’s wisdom, God’s love. Satan is the true god of Death, not Yeshua.

Those who were killed in the body by the God of Israel in the Old Testament had seared their consciences in just such a way, and chose to follow the flesh-gratifying enticements of their false gods, instead of bowing their knee to the true God who demonstrated His own superior might and majesty. We all ultimately face this same judgment ourselves, before the Throne, whether we die a violent death or of old age safely in our beds. The War is already won, but you must pick a side, and you will ultimately choose between the God of Perfect Love or the god of Death…

Jesus the “Conspiracy Theorist”..?


Recently someone told me:

I briefly checked your blog. It seems you are something of a conspiracy theorist. I subscribe to Occam’s razor. I suspect you know of it, but someone else may not. (He then leaves a wiki definition for Occam’s razor) Occam’s razor (also written as Ockham’s razor and in Latin lex parsimoniae, which means ‘law of parsimony’) is a problem-solving principle devised by William of Ockham (c. 1287–1347), who was an English Franciscan friar and scholastic philosopher and theologian. The principle states that among competing hypotheses that predict equally well, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected. Other, more complicated solutions may ultimately prove to provide better predictions, but—in the absence of differences in predictive ability—the fewer assumptions that are made, the better. (from => http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occam’s_razor)

So yes, let’s go ahead and apply “Occam’s razor” to this question of Christianity and “conspiracy theory”. If the “simplest explanation is really the most likely”, then what “simple explanation” does the Bible itself give?

You can’t get very far into reading the Bible before you start getting hit with “the conspiratorial”… 3 chapters into Genesis, we read about a “serpent” who comes in, and convinces Eve to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. After the “Fall”, another 3 chapters in we read about the “Sons of God” having children with the daughters of men, resulting in the Nephilim. I realize this is a very touchy subject for most “mainline Christians” today, so I won’t go into great detail on it now, as I have already written about it a fair amount, but in a nutshell I feel quite comfortable in asserting that indeed these verses speak to the fact that fallen angels did in fact produce “hybrid offspring” with humans, which through the world into even deeper evil and bloodshed, ultimately contributing a great deal towards God’s decision to cleanse it with a worldwide flood.

After the Flood, the story of the Tower of Babel touches upon the figure of Nimrod, who in many ways can be understood as the “grandfather” of all the occult traditions and “mystery schools” that would follow down through the centuries. Abraham, when still known as “Abram”, left Babylon and it’s climate of pagan worship to go to the land God called him to. Upon arrival, he was beset by many more kingdoms embracing idolatry, witchcraft, and abhorrent pagan practices. The sojourn of the Israelites in Egypt was marked by living as slaves in a country dedicated to the worship of false, demonic deities. Their Exodus from Egypt into Canaan brought them face to face with more pagan nations practicing idolatry and occultism (and, as it turns out, Nephilim giants as well…)
This tension between being obedient to the One True God and the false Canaanite gods such as Molech and Baal was a battle that continued on throughout Israel’s history up until the times of the two major captivities. And then, several hundred years later, the promised Messiah is born. And what sort of world does Jesus find Himself facing as He begins His ministry? The religious leaders of Roman-occupied Israel rejected Him, and He called them out for what they were, a synagogue of Satan.

Jesus goes around healing the sick, making the blind see, performing miracles, and casting out demons from people. He didn’t scold the people for being “superstitious” in believing in the reality of demons, but instead demonstrated His authority over them, as the Son of God, the One with the power to cast them into the pit. When Jesus goes out into the desert to fast and pray, He is confronted by Lucifer himself, who tries to tempt Him into sinning. In one of these attempts, the devil took Jesus to the top of a high mountain, and “showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor”. “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.” Jesus doesn’t rebuke Satan for trying to offer something that was not his to give. He instead counters with another scripture saying, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.” (Matthew 4)

The New Testament continues on with a verse most Bible-believing Christians are quite familiar with: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6:12)

43db1f217c1b5ea8b30fa75d0947d4f4Now, this verse is a very important one, because it factors in very heavily as to the mode of thinking by which so many Christians today reject notions of “conspiracy theory”. “See? The Enemy is spiritual”, they say, and they are quite correct! The only problem is, this spiritual Enemy is not at all content to just twiddle his thumbs in the spiritual realm, and leave humanity alone, until the time comes for him to be judged! Ever since the Garden, he has been hard at work to do everything he possibly can to interfere with God’s plan of Redemption, touching the real lives of individuals and whole nations in very tangible, evil ways.

The Bible says, “By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God; and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world. You are from God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.” (1 John 2:2-4)

What so many Christians today do not want to admit, is that the demonic, spiritual forces with which we are fighting, are very much now, and always have been, desperately intent on manifesting themselves and their rebellious, Luciferian “agenda” in the physical world in which we live. Think about it. Satan himself had a real, person-to-person conversation with Eve, who ate a physical fruit, and so she and her cohort in rebellion, Adam, were sentenced to real, physical and spiritual death. The demonics “gods” of the Old Testament demanded that their worshippers sacrifice their real children, in real physical fire! The Nephilim giants of Canaan were real, physical beings who were cannibals and sought to completely wipe out the children of Israel. The demons of the New Testament (who many believe are possibly the disembodied spirits of Nephilim, and not actual fallen angels, but who knows for sure) didn’t just “float around” but sought out the physical bodies of people to inhabit and torture. The Pharisees who burned with Satanic fury against the scathing words of Christ, truly DID “conspire” to get Him hung on a cross!

Jesus knew what they were planning in their hearts before their plot was ever sprung into action, and he even called them on it, saying:

“I know that you are Abraham’s descendants. Yet you are looking for a way to kill me, because you have no room for my word. I am telling you what I have seen in the Father’s presence, and you are doing what you have heard from your father. ”

“Abraham is our father,” they answered.

“If you were Abraham’s children,” said Jesus, “then you would do what Abraham did. As it is, you are looking for a way to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. Abraham did not do such things. You are doing the works of your own father.”

“We are not illegitimate children,” they protested. “The only Father we have is God himself.”

Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I have come here from God. I have not come on my own; God sent me. Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies…” (John 8:37-44)

Of course, their conspiring did not result in a victory for Satan, but rather his ultimate defeat, and so it is to this day. But the fact that Jesus won victory over Sin and Death on the cross, did this mean that the apostles then turned around and forgot everything Jesus had said about the “yeast of the Pharisees”? Did they learn about the Resurrection, and then suddenly close their minds to the threat of Judaizers infiltrating the Early Church? Did they close their eyes to the reality of all the demon worship that was rampant throughout the Roman Empire? Did Satan suddenly become some wistful archetype who no longer sought to derail the Gospel of Jesus in the physical realm???

Hardly! Christians were imprisoned, beaten, falsely accused, thrown to the lions in coliseums, and used as human torches in Nero’s gardens.

The Bible concludes of course with the book of Revelation, which indeed proves to be a very prickly pear for thosewaiting_for_nesara Christians wishing to argue that “conspiracy” within the evil Spiritual realm, being manifested on earthly political and religious plains, is no longer something to be wary of. Unless one subscribes to a preterist eschatology (a view of all “end times prophecy” which believes all the prophecies have already been fulfilled) then you must admit that we are told that the greatest manifestation of Satan’s deceptive influence and designs for a global Luciferian empire are still yet to come. This is the “blueprint”, if you will, for a true, Biblically-sound belief in modern day “conspiracy”. If you claim to believe in the Bible itself, instead of some popular narrative about how civilization is more or less constantly “progressing” towards the greater good, then you have to at least be willing to look at all the evidence with these realities in mind. The world we live in today is indeed much darker and more sinister than most Christians themselves are willing to acknowledge, despite what their own scriptures tell them! Ironically, it never ceases to amaze me how so much of the time, it is people who don’t espouse Biblical beliefs who are often much more willing to ask the difficult questions, and look past the artificial veneers and phony explanations constantly being offered to us on our television screens. Is that not totally backwards? How does it make sense that people with quite secular beliefs could in fact be more able to recognize events happening today, which the Bible prophesied roughly 2,000 years ago, when the self-proclaimed “Bible-believers” do not?

I could rant and ramble on and on about this whole topic, but I will end with a great short video by Gonz Shimura (of the blog Face like the Sun) who adds a lot of rational insight into this very topic.

Portals and Prisons…


This morning, I loaded up my mp3 player with some fresh content as I prepared to launch into my routine of making breakfast, washing dishes, and getting things moving along in the daily routine, as I usually do. (don’t have a dishwasher, so doing dishes by hand almost inevitably involves listening to one of my regular podcasts while I scrub away) Today, it happened to be Derek Gilbert’s latest interview from “A View from the Bunker”, as he spoke with author Dr. Michael Lake about his new book ‘The Shinar Directive’. Fabulous stuff. In many ways, it really reminded me of just how much information and understanding was all simultaneously assaulting my previous understanding of the Bible and the cosmos it describes, almost five years ago.

As phenomenal an idea as the “Genesis 6 paradigm” (the belief that fallen angels or “Watchers” mated with human women and had hybrid offspring) is to most church-reared folks, it is really just the launching point into an entire spectrum of ideas and events which shake most of our preconceived assumptions about the universe we live in, as is well explained in the aforementioned interview, which starts off with a great discussion of the person of Nimrod, a central part of Dr. Lake’s book.

Nimrod, as Dr. Lake explains, actually achieved something even beyond what the Watchers themselves were able to accomplish, that is, he “became a Gibborim”, a “mighty man before the Lord” (Genesis 10:8). Many scholars have limited this verse to simply meaning that he was a great warrior, hunter, king, but in fact, a deeper look reveals that what this is saying that Nimrod actually found a way to actually become a “nephilim”, through some manner of dark occult practice which the scripture (understandably!) does not expound upon, and became the figure who to this day stands as the epitome of what they hope and strive to become themselves, and what they hope to actually succeed in building as the coup de grace against God and His angelic army. Essentially, it could be regarded as the Tower of Babel 2.0, a gate to the heavens which Satan and his minions believe will give them the chance they’ve been waiting for to storm His presence and dethrone Him once and for all. I certainly never heard about those kinds of things in Sunday School…
Recently I saw the film “Snowpiercer“, which honestly I must say has to instantly rank right up at the top of the list of movies containing multiple layers of gnostic symbolism and interpretations. Seriously, I’d say it rivals the Matrix trilogy in terms of how much embedded ideas could be found within this screenplay, and as a result I’m still in the process of unpacking it all, but there is plenty that jumps out from onset, indeed just from the premise alone. Like all good examples of gnostic/NWO/fight-the-system movies, it works from several angles, the first being the more obvious allegory of humans fighting against an oppressive totalitarian system run by other humans. But, for those who have begun to understand what the underlying belief system of Gnosticism is truly all about, by the end of the film, we can start to recognize the similar themes being presented in terms of it working as a metaphor for “oppressed beings” seeking to find a way out of the prison they are in, built by a deluded and maniacal “Creator” who is always portrayed as having no inherent sense of morality in the end. The “tyrant god”, who must ultimately be outwitted and out-maneuvered in order to achieve true, lasting freedom…

snowpiercerfishtankIt is always about “escaping the Matrix”, escaping the “Cube”, the prison, the maze, the oppressive system. The genius of this gnostic “plot device” is that it appeals to what is often times a genuine reaction against real human examples of sin and misuse of authority, when in actuality we are being sucked into cheering for the cause of snowpiercerrevoltthe fallen angels who feel that God has callously and ruthlessly judged them for rebelling against Him, convincing themselves that they are in fact the benevolent ones, the true saviors of humanity, the “rebels” against an evil galactic empire…

The scene at the end of the film, where the freedom-fighters reach the “Engine” is perhaps the most revealing, in terms of just blatant visual cues. The room housing the “eternal engine” resembles a typical Hollywood portrayal of a “Stargate” if anything does, yet, in an interesting plot twist, the ultimate way of escape lies in blowing open the “gate” to the frozen outside world, rather than stepping into the role of becoming the conductor oneself. Like I said, there is a LOT that could be unpacked from this movie, but in the end we can at least say that it serves as yet another example of these same gnostic themes showing up with increasingly regularity in the latest Hollywood releases, alongside films like Noah, Transcendence, Maze Runner, Hunger Games, X-Men, Lucy, The Purge, and on and on and on…

It’s sort of funny, actually. One of the first things I came across when I encountered this realm of what some might call “fringe Christianity”, was this guy on youtube talking about “Nephilim Stargates“, and at the time I thought, “Wow, what a NUT!” 519hrrGgZeL__SY344_BO1,204,203,200_

But, alas, several years later, I count myself among those who now look at the Bible as the Word of God, and very much do see it describing things like interdimensional portals, and genetic manipulation, and a “Shinar Directive” which very much does link those in occult societies today to the person of Nimrod thousands of years ago. The objective is really quite unchanged, and even being loudly proclaimed all around us, if only we stop and take notice…

Nephilim, the Book of Enoch, and lingering questions…

Yesterday I was listening to a really interesting interview done by Derek Gilbert, who spoke with Guy Malone about the topic of the Nephilim, and how this rather peculiar topic has started to become the source of an alarming amount of contention in certain circles.  Guy’s work deals mainly with people afflicted by various elements of the UFO phenomenon, but since there has been so many people who have connected ufology and the concept of modern-day nephilim, he has ended up doing a lot of research and teaching on that issue as well.  He talks about how before he had been in a place of putting a lot of credance to the book of Enoch, making use of all the typical biblical arguments (the quote from Jude, for instance…), but now after several years has had to make some changes to his perspective.  He shares about how some Christians have actually come to the sad place of rigorously debating whether or not “modern nephilim” can be saved… (!?)  Something which honestly sounds pretty dang “out there”, even to someone like me…

Interestingly enough a lot of what he had to say about Enoch have more or less been directions that I’ve found myself gravitating towards lately as well.  I initially was really blown away when I read about the “Watchers”, and the accounts of how they married human women and created their own little kingdoms, with themselves being more or less god-kings, and how they taught mankind the arts of war, and seduction, and sorcery, and all the rest…   So in the interview Guy talks about how he’s had to go back, and rethink his acceptance of the book of Enoch as being not canonical, but still having some kind of weight.   He refers to a video he helped produce called “The Case Against the Book of Enoch”, (seen below) which I then sat down and watched.

I will say that there was a great deal of info in this presentation that I found really helpful and informative.  They go to great lengths to explain the many places where the Book of Enoch does’t jive with the Old Testament, and also spend a lot of time to show that in fact the Book of Enoch is not even needed in order to have evidence for things like the Sons of God marrying the daughters of men, their hybrid (giant) offspring, or even the judgement of the Nephilim and their fallen angel fathers as they were thrown into the Abyss. 

The section where they get into the idea of the “principle of replication” was extremely interesting as well, where they go into explaining their case for the idea that while man and woman come together to create a new life, it is from the father that the spirit is passed down from.  Though it may sound a little strange at first, such a concept really would seem to make sense when considering how the Nephilim were both partially physically human, but spiritually speaking they were as fallen as their fathers.  (It also makes a lot of sense when you think about things like the virgin birth…)

However, as I continued on through the video, and then later took some looks through more of their material online, the thing that puzzles me is that after all of this exteremely thorough treatment of Enoch, as it compares to scripture (which all sounded pretty convincing), they then go on to talk about how the nephilim that were around after the flood (such as the giants in Canaan when Joshua and the spies went in) weren’t really true “nephilim” at all, but only people who happened to inherit a recessive gene for giantism, that must have been passed down through either Noah’s wife or his daughters-in-law.  They try to explain that the true “Nephilim” and the later “Rephaim” are distinct from one another, and so how this concept of their being any true fallen-angel-descended nephilim after the flood is erroneous… 

I guess in some ways I can maybe understand why Guy might feel swayed to come to such a conclusion, particularly after bearing witness to more and more people who are now making these pretty bizarre conclusions about how the gospel doesn’t apply to certain people today because they are (or at least believe they are) modern-day nephilim…

The only thing that trips me up with this however, is the fact that when we read Genesis 6:4, it plainly says, “The Nephilim were on the earth in those days–and also afterward–when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them.”  So if the nephilim before the blood were the progeny of fallen angels and human women, then it would that you’d have to say that the same thing were somehow also around after the flood too.  (Because, well, that’s just what it says!)

One of the things that really blew my mind when I first started to take seriously the whole concept of the “Genesis 6 paradigm”, was when I started then reflecting on how so much of the ancient mythology and pagan tradition has such a large amount of “overlap” with this concept, in the sense of the massively recurring themes of “gods” and demigods all over the world, legends of giants, and tales of beings that came down from the sky and gave civilization to men, etc.  From basically that point on, I have been unable to keep myself from wondering about just how much of those myths/legends were merely hand-me-down stories from the antediluvian era (with a “pro-demonic” spin of course…), and how much of this “mythology”, the worshipping of fallen angels and demons as “gods” over a particular city/kingdom, (in a very direct way) carried over into the generations after Noah…

When you look at things such as the building of the tower of Babel, the king Nimrod and the city of Babylon, it’s hard not to see that there appears to be a very similar out working of what we think of as occurring in the pre-flood days…  And if indeed the Israelite spies were seeing true, post-flood Nephilim when surveying the land of Canaan, then it sort of begs the question, did more angels fall, after the flood, and commit the same sins as before the flood?  That seems like it would be hard to understand, after God going through such trouble to wipe out the incredible sin and the genetic corruption that had covered the earth once before…

I guess for me the element of this whole “topic” that most seems like it has actual, here-and-now implications, is basically the question of whether or not  the current “Satanic echelon” is comprised of mostly or all demon-spirits (who very well could be the spirits of the deceased Nephilim…), or if fallen angelic hosts (who can exist as both ethereal spirits, or manifest into a physical body) are still a part of the mix…

Seems like part of the reason for so much ambiguity about this matter, is the fact that people can have all sorts of “encounters” which may be only happening in a spiritual sense, but which can seem every bit as real and tangible as every day life.  This is an aspect that people like Guy Malone obviously understand all too well, and so it would seem to make it difficult to ascertain if someone was every actually seeing a physically-manifested fallen angel, or just having type of psychic experience in which they believed they were seeing one…

I’d say a big reason that I never got too worked up about the notion of “modern-day nephilim” has to do with good ol’ Ephesians 6: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”  To me, Nephilim would definitely seem to qualify as “flesh and blood”, and as such the Bible seems to negate the idea that at some point we’d have to worry about dealing with their ilk again.  Some people then of course look very closely at the whole genetic modification thing, and think that the “new” nephilim will have something to do with that, instead of the original angel-sired generation of nephilim, but I just don’t know…

One thing I really appreciated about Guy Malone’s approach to this topic, was how he went into detail on Matthew 24, and really took apart this popular notion that the phrase “As in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man” means that there will again be Nephilim on the earth before Christ returns.  That sloppy interpretation has kind of bugged for a while, and it was good to see someone who is more “respected” in the field stand up and point that out…

Hmmmm.  I dunno….  I guess when I first came across it, the whole Nephilim thing seemed to really have a lot of significance (I guess the fact that Tom Horn was one of the first teachers I came across when researching the “NWO” probably played a part in that…), but now I’m just not quite sure what to think about it.  Maybe it’s not that significant after all.  Maybe, as the title of Derek’s interview alludes, there might be more distraction going on than any real threat…(?)