Tag Archives: Amerika

Qui sont les vrais salauds..?

I’m hoping that at least a fairly decent translation. I guess I have to trust Google Translate on this one, since my French is WAY rusty since High School. (“Je voudrais aller à la salle de bain..?”)

Anyhow. “Who are the real bastards..?” That’s what I was aiming for. Why? Because everyone by now knows about the Paris attacks. I didn’t write anything about it in the first few days. I almost barely feel like writing anything now. I guess I just don’t quite know what else to say, that hasn’t already been said a zillion times, either by myself or many, many others…

At this point, I guess I’m starting to feel like either you’re gonna see it all for what it is, or you just aren’t, because you simply don’t want to step outside that box which makes it all seem so simple and straightforward.

I was reminded of the “box” on Saturday, when I had to take my car into the mechanic first thing in the morning. My mechanic sees me walk up to the counter in the little office, and asks me, “So did hear the news yet this morning?”

“No”, I reply. “I only saw the coverage last night. Haven’t looked at the news yet today…”

“28 minutes ago ISIS claimed responsibility for the attacks”, he tells me. “Time to go kill every last one of those mother-F’ers, that’s what it is.”

I almost opened my mouth, to say one of a dozen different quips that suddenly sprang to mind, but then thought twice about it, reminding myself that it might not be the wisest thing to speak off the cuff and potentially offend the very individual I am relying on to get my car fixed in a timely and honest manner…

Perhaps, not all that long ago, I would’ve been so infuriated by the perpetuation of such mindless propaganda, such obvious use of the false-flag tactic to incite yet MORE unjustified war-mongering, etc., that I would’ve gladly launched into a debate, regardless of the jeopardy I might be putting my broken vehicle into. But now, fourteen years after 9/11, and the litany of “acts of Terror” which has followed in so many other countries…?

Either you see the script, or you don’t. Call me apathetic, but I don’t think it’s that. It’s just the result of now having seen years of people being goaded and baited into chasing after the created-bad-guy du jour, and it working, over and over again. We like having clearly defined bad guys. We like to think we know and understand who the bastards are, and where they’re hiding, since they clearly deserve a good solid air strike or two (or a hundred).

We like our flags. We like our artificial lines drawn on artificial maps, and we are ever so comforted by continually believing that however crazy things in the world might currently be, it’s still able to explained and understood within the bounds of those artificial lines, be they geopolitical, economic, or whatever else.

But it’s not about that. It’s really not. Not about crazy “blood-thirsty Muslims” trying to create a “Caliphate”. It’s not about Muslims being innocent victims either. It’s not about corporate greed, or Nationalist military expansion, or violent religious fanaticism.

It’s about the ongoing agenda to create the framework for the New World Order.

(Psssst. Hey you… Conspiracy person…)

So you know all about 9/11, Sandy Hook, the Boston Bombing, all the other false flags, the chemtrails, the rfid chips, the NWO, Bilderberg…. You know ALL the “stuff”. You know cuz you’ve researched all the “fringy stuff”, even when all the “sheeple” out there laugh and dismiss it as nonsense.

But you won’t actually research the question of the Flat Earth. In fact, now YOU’RE the one laughing, and mocking, and deriding people for considering such a “ridiculous, crazy thing”.

So listen up….

“Globes In My Mind”…

A couple months ago I wrote a post called “It Would Take a Lot of BALLS to Indoctrinate Everyone Like That”, and for a while now I’ve been wanting to try and take those thoughts and put them in a video, since it deals with such a visually-oriented idea. Finally got a chance to put it together. Here it is.

Randy Quaid, Illuminati Whistleblower..?

Most people have probably seen a news clip recently about Randy Quaid and his wife Evi being arrested over the weekend (as I did this morning). I suddenly found myself vaguely recalling seeing some random vid on YT some years ago, about how Quaid was in Canada somewhere, being filmed talking about the Illuminati in Hollywood or something to that effect.

I always loved Randy Quaid, especially in National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation as “cousin Eddie” (who didn’t though?) But somehow through the last five years of my “conspiratorial auto-didactation”, I somehow missed digging into this story being a passing glance. I was quite surprised to see the wife Evi has had a Youtube page, on which they’ve apparently been posting videos from what looks like public parks in Canada, up until the recent arrest in Vermont. Amazing.

What’s more amazing though, is how apparent it should be to anyone with much common sense at all that what Randy and Evi are going through absolutely IS a very malignant case of being persecuted by the “hidden hand of Hollywood”, because Randy had the courage to stand up and speak out regarding rampant corruption in the industry, or more accurately, just pure evil, as in things such as actors David Carradine and Heath Ledger being murdered, and not suicides…

When you stop and consider that the Quaid’s legal troubles all stem from the seemingly victimless “crime” of allegedly “squatting on a property they used to own”, which was somehow turned into a vandalism charge, it’s hard to not see it all as looking incredibly fishy indeed. I mean, come on now… We live in the day and age where celebrities get away with just about every conceivable crazy thing imaginable, where drug binges and DUI woes get swept aside with just a sprinkling of Hollywood-lawyer pixie dust. In the case of the Quaids, apparently their former lawyer/financial manager was really the start of much of the trouble, in that they claim he was siphoning off funds, setting up unauthorized trusts, etc., and basically draining them dry.

This is actually a pretty common thing in Hollywood, and the more I think about it, the more it makes me wonder if it might not actually represent a large part of how so many of Hollywood’s stars are effectively “handled”. I mean, if everyone knows that basically their entire fortunes, their mansions, their very careers and reputations, can all be ripped away and dragged through the mud at any time, then of course they’re going to “play ball”. Especially if it means ending up like like another “suicide”, a la Heath Ledger, David Carradine, Philip Seymour Hoffman, or Robin Williams. evi-randy-quaid.jpg w=360&h=202&crop=1

My goodness, if such a thing is really true, and someone of such “Hollywood royalty” stock wasn’t immune to being made an example of? How sobering to think of what degree of control the Enemy would truly have over the minds of everyone working in Hollywood and the media. That is real fear friends.

But think about it.. Anytime the media jumps on board with demonizing/ridiculing someone in such a way, that is a big red flag. And all because they supposedly were “squatting” in a house they used to own? How many dollars in damage did they allegedly cause, in their “vandalism” anyhow, to the degree that it would validate years of court costs and police work and now possibly being extradited back to California..? Doesn’t that seem a little ridiculously excessive to anyone else, considering the nature of the original “crime”? (well, throw on top of that now the fact that they missed court dates, so of course they’re probably going to treat that as “contempt of court” and such…)

I know it’s easy to look at someone like Randy Quaid, especially now with his bushy beard and videos of him and his wife drinking wine in a public park, etc., and think that he must just be a washed up loser who broke the law and didn’t want to face up to his mistakes. I honestly doubt this narrative as much as I’ve ever doubted anything, and I think it quite possible that this “goofy actor” we’ve all loved might in fact be one of the few brave souls to have come out of the Hollywood machine in the past decades and actually spoken some diabolical Truth about the movie industry, even when he knew it would only make him appear crazier than any role he played on screen.


Hang in there Randy. Not everyone thinks the things you have been saying are crazy…

If you’re still mocking the very idea of a Flat Earth…

This interview is rather monumental, in my estimation. It is a conversation with an active-duty, career U.S. Navy man, who specializes as a technician for, and instructor of, the “Sea Sparrow” weapons systems, and in this he talks about:

1. From everything he has observed with military equipment during his last 5 year tour, there is absolutely no curvature to the Earth.

2. There is no coriolis effect taken into account with the ranged weapon systems he has been working with for 10 years. The world isn’t spinning.

3. That navigation systems and maps currently being used by the military on the open oceans are completely wrong.

If you’re still a skeptic, then I challenge you to listen to what this guy has to say.

So….. It’s the 24th of September. Does that mean the End of the World has been cancelled? :-)

Do we now get to go back to just watching football and planning our Christmas vacations?

Can we finally laugh away all those crazy “conspiracists” and their Doomsday predictions?

Does this mean that Jonathan Cahn will finally just go away? 😉

I guess probably not, since the “Final Blood Moon” isn’t due till Sunday, and even then if there isn’t any apocalyptic craziness by then, I’m sure it will be explained away by the fact that the “Blood moons” are only “harbingers” of significant event within a general time frame.

Obviously, I don’t think much of any of the uneventful events lately, since I didn’t really expect the Pope to be declaring the new One-World Religion when speaking to Congress, or E.T.’s to land on the White House lawn or anything, but at the same time, I also don’t think anything has changed, in the long run, and that’s the main point.

Jade Helm supposedly “ending”, without any major incidents or declarations of Martial Law, isn’t a “win”, because all it really signifies overall is more normalization of massive military activity on domestic soil. If the military really DOES move towards imposing dictatorial control over the populace, then the odds now are more likely that most people wouldn’t bat an eye. It’s just another “conspiracy nut freakout”, they’ll say.

Maybe September 23rd WAS an event, in that it was a “non-event”, a hyped-up hysteria, (perhaps perpetrated by “Them”..?) in order to just test how much of a frenzy they could whip up via the net…(maybe?) Maybe it was actually a “Psychological False Flag”, or psy-op dry run, or, who knows… Maybe it’s just yet another exercise in building up “Doomsday frenzy”, in order to lull people even further to sleep after yet another Y2K or 2012 type thing has come and gone without the sky falling on us all, cynicism and pride being the prevailing attitudes, after many people feel silly for having gotten so worked up over nothing…

Then again, maybe they just pushed the Apocalypse back till next Tuesday. (I hear major cataclysms are more destructive and incite more mass panic when they happen on a Tuesday…)

EKKLESIA of the ESCHATON: The Last Days Church…

This video incorporates a section of David Wilkerson’s Vision which God gave him concerning the fate of America, the World, and the road of refining that the true Body of Christ would have to endure in the days ahead. I believe he shared this vision around 1973 or so, and yet now, in the infamous month of September 2015, with all the talk of foretold collapse and martial law and everything else, it seemed like a rather fitting time to pull out Pastor Wilkerson’s words, and the words of Jesus too.

G is for Gravity? Ruminations on the “Generative Principle” in Evolution…

Virtually anyone who has spent any time at all looking into the secret societies behind the panorama of conspiratorial activity within this country and around the world, has undoubtedly become familiar with Freemasonry, and in turn, with the infamous “G” so often incorporated into the square and compass logo.
Cursory explanations delve into the notion of the Freemasonic “god”, or “Grand Architect”, (who they ultimately point to as being Lucifer, of course), while the G is also said to represent the so-called “Generative Principle”, as explained here:

“It conceives of the divine nature as residing in man, and that it is especially active and expressive in the sexual passion; and that the gratification of this passion is pleasing to the deity and is the duty of the Mason. It aims to make passion, therefore, sacred by making its gratification a moral and religious duty. On its theological side, Freemasonry is a sort of Pantheism, the deity being the generative principle, the reproductive power which pervades all animated nature. And as this power inheres in man, it is viewed as “incarnate in humanity in toto,” thus establishing man’s union and unity with the divine nature.” (excerpt from this exposition on the meanings of Masonry)

Now, so far all this is fairly old news. But what has been really persistent in my inquiries towards the possibility of true enclosed, Flat Earth, (and the subsequent realization that heliocentricism is itself a component of the broader Evolutionary lie) is that the more I think about it all, the more it very much seems to me that perhaps this whole “NASA paradigm”, if we can call it that, in many ways has served to essentially indoctrinate the masses not just with lies, but lies that are actually materialistic, “scientistic” versions of ancient Occultic, Luciferian doctrines.

sts121-masonicAnd the subject of Freemasonry is itself a perfect example of helping us comprehend this, because we can look at the layers/levels/”degrees” of Masonry itself, and recognize how the lower, entry-level degrees are indeed quite oblivious to the hardened Satanic belief system propelling the entire thing. At the lower levels, they sincerely do just believe they are part of some kind of altruistic charitable Fraternity, and yet at the same time in those stages they are being presented with shallow, “hollowed out” explanations of the symbolism and rituals, which if they continue to “progress” in the Brotherhood they will become privy to the “deeper” meanings, etc.

Now, if we can fairly easily recognize Darwinian Evolution to be a repackaged Luciferian doctrine, masked in the guise of humanistic science, then when pondering the false cosmology of Copernicanism, I now have to say that the “theory of Gravity” does also seem to actually be another one of these ancient mystical concepts that has been repackaged and re-introduced to the masses as “scientific fact”.

Universe_expansion2After all, “Gravity” is not merely taught to be the pulling force produced by humongous collections of mass, such as stars/planets/moons etc., but it is also the very force which is alleged to have pulled all these celestial bodies together in the first place! According to the Big Bang, from the original “Singularity” sprang forth all the physical matter that is now still constantly being flung outward in every direction in an ever-expanding universe. But, that matter from the singularity then had to begin forming all the “elementary particles”, as described in such insanely convoluted manners as the following:

“In the most common models the universe was filled homogeneously and isotropically with a very high energy density and huge temperatures and pressures and was very rapidly expanding and cooling. Approximately 10−37 seconds into the expansion, a phase transition caused a cosmic inflation, during which the universe grew exponentially. After inflation stopped, the universe consisted of a quark–gluon plasma, as well as all other elementary particles. Temperatures were so high that the random motions of particles were at relativistic speeds, and particle–antiparticle pairs of all kinds were being continuously created and destroyed in collisions. At some point an unknown reaction called baryogenesis violated the conservation of baryon number, leading to a very small excess of quarks and leptons over antiquarks and antileptons—of the order of one part in 30 million. This resulted in the predominance of matter over antimatter in the present universe.”

hqdefaultOf course, this is pure nonsense, but throw in enough impressive-sounding words, and you can make it appear quite scientific indeed. First the “elementary particles” somehow are formed in all the heat, from an explosion which occurs for who-knows-what reason. Then those particles somehow form into atoms, then the atoms into the various periodic elements, and then the elements into molecules, and so on, and so forth…

1979-moon-masonic-medallion nasa-mason-signsEvolution is without question a mystical belief system at it’s core (which I have written about before), and so now in the context of Flat Earth research and the knowledge that NASA is basically a Freemasonic institution, it’s interesting, don’t you think, to ponder that ol’ “G” in the middle of the square/compass, in light of how Evolution and “Gravity” are more or less watered-down, “materialized” versions of what are really mystical, occult precepts.

This whole idea is one that I am actually exploring on a number of fronts here, as I do also suspect that the entire subject of the “planets” is again, another example of this same thing, but that will probably have to wait until another post. I do think I’m barely scratching the surface here, if indeed there is anything to these kinds of observations at all, and so I think it will be interesting to see what all might come out of it over time. If we have that much time left for such secondary speculations, I suppose…

“Beam Me Up, Satan”…

I haven’t posted a video from Face like the Sun in a while. Honestly, I think Gonz is getting pretty tired of me leaving comments mentioning the Flat Earth and interdimensional travel and such, but, I guess I just can’t help it. His Canary Cry Radio podcast is where I first encountered Flat Earth Theory, and Gonz himself seemed to be giving it some consideration for a short while, that is until I listened to him do this interview: Stan Deyo: CERN and the ET deception. In the interview he asks Deyo what he thinks about Flat Earth, and Deyo just scoffs, and says something like “ergg, no, well, that’s ridiculous, because it would run against everything we know about the solar system and the orbits of the planets and the rotation of the Earth, etc…” Ever since that moment, I haven’t heard Gonz mention FE again.

But the crazy thing is, that from where I now stand, having plunged pretty deep down the FE rabbit hole now, it just blows me away how much virtually everything Gonz continues to report on and talk about, only fits in perfectly with the picture I now see. In the video above, he quotes from an article from Joseph P. Farrell, where Farrell talks about how CERN and interdimensional travel is possibly the answer to all the problems that space agencies are now coming out and admitting involving the issue of radiation and deep space flight. I mean, this is almost PRECISELY what I see coming together! This is even the same sort of message we can discern from propaganda films such as Interstellar. Traditional space travel = Slow. Cold. Dangerous. But using a wormhole to pop from one side of the universe to another? Instantaneous! Comfortable. Safe…

But so far, Gonz doesn’t seem to want to hear it. He more or less seems to be leaning in that opposite direction, namely, that the reason for all of NASA’s lies and trickery, isn’t because true “outer space travel” is impossible, but rather because they are hiding the REAL “secret space program”, which involves all kinds of more advanced technologies and types of craft than the public currently knows about, and that basically the Luciferian elites are actually very accomplished astronauts, who probably have massive star cruisers, and planetary bases, and who knows what else. Sigh….

Whether or not the chicanery of NASA will ever become a majority-accepted fact or not, it seems that the trajectory that everything is on is one whereby things like CERN and “light technology” will replace the primitive efforts of trying to travel the stars using booster rockets and space helmets. Personally, I am becoming more and more convinced that this was actually the intention of Lucifer, and his Masonic “spacemen”, all along….