Tag Archives: MK Ultra

How Many of These Shootings Have to Happen Before People Realize There Is Something More Behind it All..??

I haven’t written anything about mass shootings involving potential mind-control victims in some time. One of the last times I did, I linked to some report which inadvertently prompted the most hits I’ve still ever had in a single day. In the end it was just hundreds of people in a reddit poke-fun-at-conspiracy forum, checking out my post and then laughing at the idea that there could be any sort of connection between these incidents.

That was almost a year ago now, and the number of these kinds events that have occurred since, even just in the last few months, is just ridiculous. I guess I just sort of concluded that if people can’t figure out for themselves that these bizarre “random killings” are occurring with increasing regularity, and increasing degrees oftheatergunmannashvismit8150086887_t700_hf1005318214aac3373938a3e0f7cadbe45437c96 strangeness, just from watching the mainstream news, then I don’t really know what to say to convince them. It feels like practically every other day now, I’m seeing something about another shooting, more frequently involving police or military personnel, to the point where it’s like we aren’t even fazed anymore. Today it was some guy in a movie theater (again…) in Nashville. The new twist on this one I guess being that he had an axe…

I glanced at this report put out by the Congressional Research Service the other day, and it cracks me up how they manage to finagle their way to the point of saying, “”No matter how you cut it, there’s no epidemic…” The “data” doesn’t lie of course (only those who manipulate it…). There’s no real increase in these kinds of killings, despite whatever you think you might be witnessing with your own two eyes as the years go by… 😉 These aren’t the droids you’re looking for. Move along…

This vid by “the Scariest movie ever” does a good job delving into this whole topic of MK Ultra shooters and recent headlines, including the bizarre courtroom disturbances in the James Holmes trial, and he makes some really poignant remarks about how these sorts of ideas are filtering their way more and more into mainstream news and entertainment, such as in the upcoming Jesse Eisenberg movie “American Ultra”, which actually depicts two stoner kids who turn out to be mind-controlled assassins:

And just for fun, here’s the link to the “shooting tracker” page for 2015.

I think it’s pretty safe to say that 2015 has already had a significant number of very suspect, headline-grabbing mass shootings. Probably one of the most saturated years yet. And we still have five months left…


Definitely one of the top NWO-insider interviews EVER…

I believe I posted something earlier about this, which was basically just a partial transcript of this interview, but yesterday I wound up actually listening to it, and all I can say is, wow. I don’t know if I’ve ever heard a single source cover so many “conspiratorial” topics, and from the perspective of personal connection mind you, not just from “researching” it. It just goes and goes, and really kind of served to “slap me awake” a little bit to be honest, in terms of reminding me just why things like Jade Helm and false flag terrorism and a “planned WWIII” etc., are really not some joke or paranoid delusion… This interview is actually from the late 90’s or early 2000’s I believe, but it seems to be getting a bit of a resurgence lately after being put back online via youtube recently. Crazy how much further things have progressed towards the bottom since even this was recorded…

I’m not sure I should even try to list the topics she mentions, but dang… It’s like a smorgasbord of “Praetorian” New World Order shenanigans: Inter-governmental intelligence operations, Operation Gladio-style assassins, illegal arms dealing, false flag terror, secret societies, Skull and Bones, Cap and Gown, O.S.S., mind-control, drug-running, the banking cartel, “Kabbalistic Zionists”, the mafia, Henry Kissinger, Linda Tripp, Lee Harvey Oswald, Benghazi, Bohemian Grove, homosexual orgies, blackmail, infiltration of the military, “Tailhook”, jag parties, gang stalking, Operation Paperclip, and on and on.

And I’m not even halfway through the almost seven hours of recorded material yet…

What I love about whistleblowers like these, is that if you saw this woman standing in line at the grocery store or something, you’d never think to yourself, “Hey, she’s probably some crazy conspiracy theorist!” She defies all the pathetic stereotypes, an intelligent, gentle, well-educated and well-travelled individual who loves her country and people in general. Almost every flag-waving, church-attending person I know would probably think she was just such a sweet soul who loves Jesus, yet they would have the hardest time accepting even a fraction of what she talks about as the truth.

War is a vehicle through which so much evil is able to be brought about. So much more so than simply the dead who fall on the battlefield. The Machine of War is vast and deceptive, and the governments and militaries of today, (which so many people still continue to put their hope in…), are in fact completely infiltrated and controlled by people who are in deep, deep bondage, to hollow existentialist philosophy, to sexual addiction and perversion, to fear, to the Fallen one, the god of this broken world. If we love the Truth and are true to Love, then there is no reason we should still be blindly rallying behind some flag, some political party, some nonsensical litany of “anti-terrorist” government propaganda, etc…

Okay. Sorry for the rant there. Just wanted to say that this interview is well worth listening to, so, check it out!

An Army of Lone Gunmen…

There’s an army of lone gunmen
tell me have you noticed this
which one by one keeps coming
like those foreign “terrorists”

For reasons know one ever knows
one at a time they snap
and without warning, in a crowd
they start to bust a cap

Racists? Muslims? Disaffected?
Some head-case off their meds?
Whatever background story’s told
the headlines count the dead

So while the country mourns once more
the State their hoped salvation
the next Lone Gunman waits for his
programming’s activation…

Whistleblower Wednesday: Paul Bonacci

I was not aware of Bonacci until quite recently, and be forewarned, what he shares is not the easiest sort of thing to listen to, yet I feel it is an important testimony in that it pulls together several different elements of the almost unimaginable underbelly of Amerika. His experiences provide a direct link between the likes of Bohemian Grove and the Franklin Cover-up, as well as speaks to the reality of MK Ultra mind control, and even names the participation of well known figures such as George (H.W.) Bush himself.

Perhaps we are well served to be reminded of the reality of these things, especially in light of how yesterday I heard someone talking about how this whole recent episode in Paris has served to effectively nullify the entire discourse and investigation into pedophile rings in Britain. This stuff is still going on. Right now. Even as we rail on about free speech and which group is responsible for what attack, countless victims are suffering in our midst, and all too often at the hands of those who claim they are working to serve the citizenry…

Is The “Black Awakening” Gaining Momentum, And Are We Hitting The Snooze Button…?

mass-shooters6Last night’s shooting on the campus of Florida State University is the most recent ‘mass shooting’ in America, an occurrence which seemingly now become so common-place in our collective thinking that it almost seems as though societally we have become virtually numb to them, lest we happen to have been personally on the scene of the incident, or related to someone who was. A gunman walked into the campus library after midnight and shot at least three people, before being shot by police, and the very morning after it is not even the headlining national news story. We are instead being bombarded with pre-emptive backlash against Obama’s speech later tonight where he will allegedly explain his new executive order on Immigration (as if it’s the first time he’s done this!), or seeing footage of the amazing snowstorm taking place in Buffalo, New York. “So the guy only managed to wound a few people before killing himself?”, we say. Yawn. Is the Buffalo Bills football stadium going to be ok under all that snow?

Back in the days when something like Columbine happened, people all across the country were aghast and in shock, racked with the haunting, inner question of “Why? WHY!?!??”

But now, after all the intervening years with Gabby Giffords and the Boston Bombing and Sandy Hook, a few people getting shot in a University midnight study session, or at lunch in a High School by the homecoming prince, is hardly something to get our feathers ruffled over anymore. This report posits that there have now been more than 90 school shootings just in the last two years, since Sandy Hook, in December of 2012. THIS website features a “mass shooting tracker” and actually lists 253 incidents of multiple-victim shooting in 2014 alone. It’s hard to know for sure exactly how they derive their statistics, but even as a generic measure the number is nevertheless quite astounding. These kinds of incidents continue to occur again and again, sometimes with a few months hiatus here or there (such as this summer when we were allegedly on the verge of war with Russia for a couple months…) but they inevitably start up again, and the gun-control agenda slowly marches onward in stalwart manner.

I will say that when you look at the incidents since Sandy Hook, there DOES seem to be somewhat of a trend of the mass shootings being smaller in the number of victims per incident on average, yet they are increasing in frequency. Is this by design? Has the much publicized scrutiny of the events of Sandy Hook (at least within the “truther” circles) prompted the perpetrators of these programmed killings to dial it down a bit, or are the shooters perhaps just not managing to tally up as large of body counts before either being taken out by the police, or the suicide protocol kicks in?

It is also admittedly quite perplexing to notice that in an increasing number of these shooters, they are sometimes quite difficult to trace back any “tell tale signs” to programming. The recent case in Marysville, Wa with the high school shooter there is a case in point. The cold, calculated manner in which the shooter actually gunned down not just his classmates, but his close friends (one of whom was his cousin), as well as the self-inflicted gunshot to himself, chillingly seems to indicate a sinister underlying motivation, yet at this stage it is hard to make any connections to things like military family members or previous “psychological problems”.

Overall, it just seems like this whole phenomena gets weirder all the time, as these kinds of events become increasingly common, to the point of almost being “routine” to the American public…

(For more info on just what the “Black Awakening” is, I’ll point you here, here and here.)

How Great is that Darkness….

steps-leading-from-dark-to-lightQuite often, I find myself feeling a tad guilty or embarrassed, because I engaged with someone either in person or online, and wound up launching into some massive tirade about something like what really happened to Building 7, or how ISIS is a creation of American/Israeli intelligence forces, or how you can’t believe any of the tripe being droned into your head through the mainstream media, and so on…

Around the time of the 9/11 anniversary a week ago, it got especially bad, and there were a couple of bloggers who I regularly frequent their writings who were subjected to having me essentially completely take over their comment sections and dive into heated debate with a bunch of people I’ve never met over why the official 9/11 story is patently and provably false. I honestly felt quite embarrassed about it afterwards. After all, I should know better by now. I should at this point be able to appreciate just how unrealistic a thing it is for me to expect that I can go and write a few blog comments somewhere and cause someone to instantly do a complete 180 on a subject that goes to the very core of what they’ve been indoctrinated into believing for the entirety of their lives. I start thinking about it, later in the day, and just kicking myself, feeling like a real jacka** for once again, getting sucked into trying to beat someone else over the head with my 9/11 truth stick. Am I really just that arrogant? Drawn to the idea of “crazy conspiracy theories” because in some backwards, twisted way, they “empower” me with a type of insider knowledge that the majority of the “sleeping public” can’t or won’t open their eyes too?

Do I seriously just have some kind of psychological or emotional issue going on, and in fact suffer from being “obsessed” with talking about “conspiracies”, as many people in my extended family have asserted…?

Well… Like I said, I wrestle with these kinds of thoughts on a fairly regular basis. I start letting the accusations of “you’re just crazy” get to me, without even realizing it, and then the guilt and self doubt start to set in. But then, I come across something like this article on Nicole Kidman’s recently deceased father, which I read yesterday, and I am reminded of really what all is “at stake” here:
Nicole Kidman’s Father Dies Suddenly Amid Pedophile, Child Murder Ring Allegations.

1410508130648_wps_13_Nicole_and_dad_Antony_KidBy wkchild on September 17, 2014
Source: Before Its News

Dr. Antony Kidman died Friday after fleeing Australia when accused of the sexual abuse and murder of children in an elite Sydney pedophile ring. A month prior Fiona Barnett had filed a complaint with the Australian NSW police and Child Abuse Royal Commission alleging Kidman’s sexual and physical assaults on her throughout childhood. When the Commission opened an investigation the clinical psychologist suddenly left his 43 years with the Sydney University of Technology and Royal North Shore Hospital to stay in Singapore until he died. The family has refused to comment and Singapore police opened an investigation on what they termed as an unnatural death.

Yesterday Barnett released her own theory about Kidman’s death,” The main perpetrator of my child sexual abuse, Antony Kidman, is dead after I filed formal complaints accusing him of the rape, torture and murder of children in an exclusive Sydney pedophile ring. As a child victim of mind control I feel he’s been sacrificed for failing to adequately program me.”

“Kidman was responsible for ensuring that I never disclosed pedophile ring activities that I witnessed as a child,” she continued. “He failed.”

News of Kidman’s death impacted me, someone who has undergone intense treatment. I know that there are other victims of Kidman’s crimes out there who are perhaps not as far along the healing path as I am. I anticipate that news of Kidman’s death may have a serious impact on these victims. A perpetrator’s death can even trigger suicidal ideation.
“My complaints last month to the Australian Child Abuse Royal Commission detailed two incidents in which Kidman subjected me to horrific physical and sexual assault” Barnett said. “But there are even more serious crimes against children that I witnessed Kidman commit as a member of the elite Sydney pedophile ring. Those complaints have gone to the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels.”

Five years ago, if I had managed to even come across a story like this at all, I suppose I would’ve just understood it as the simple death of a celebrity’s father who was being accused of sexual abuse.

But now, I read something like this, and understand that these sorts of allegations such as the ones being put forth by Fiona Barnett are really just tiny glimpses of the underlying, horrific underground whose existence is possibly one of the most horrific things a typical person might ever imagine. And as I do so, I am reminded why I get so worked up sometimes.

Right now, the mainstream media is in a full-on campaign of debating the topics of domestic violence and child abuse in the wake of there being now three separate NFL players whose conduct has been brought into the national spotlight, and yet, when you compare any of these incidents with the gravity and scale of the proposition that there are actually untold number of secret groups of people, powerful people, involved in things like Satanic ritual abuse, pedophilia rings, human trafficking, and actually sacrificing innocent children in occult rituals, it is so beyond the pale that most folks just can’t even begin to let themselves think that such a thing could be possible, and going on all over the place, right under our collective noses.

satantic_ritual_abuseI am reminded of the fact that when I myself was first introduced to these claims, I absolutely and categorically did not want to believe them either. Such an idea is so repulsive, so contrary to the conception of the kind of world we thought we lived in, that it staggers the mind. I fully confess that I was a hard and fast skeptic of the entire notion of “SRA” (satanic ritual abuse) and the accompanying phenomena commonly referred to as MPD/DID (multiple personality disorder / dissociative identity disorder), otherwise known as “mind-control programming”.

The whole thing just seemed like way too much, way too disturbing, too hard for me to understand, and too hard to “prove” anyhow. After all, with 9/11, every time I started to wonder if maybe I was just “obsessed” with the idea of a conspiracy that didn’t exist, I could always go back to the footage of building 7, and sure enough, there it was, still unmistakably falling as a clear-cut and obvious controlled demolition… But SRA? There was no “smoking gun” evidence, no video I could go and watch to crystalize it into my mind in the same sort of way. And so, it was a much slower, longer process of coming to believe that it was in fact just as real, and something I was in fact very reluctant to admit my belief in.

In many places, the Bible talks about “the testimony of 2 or 3 witnesses” (John 8:17, Deut 19:15). So what about when you are faced with the testimonies of dozens upon dozens of individuals…?

After almost five years now having gone by since I was first introduced to this idea in earnest (and by that I mean, a clear and educated explanation of what SRA is, how it works, and where it comes from, not just distorted caricatures portrayed in movies or tv) I have now heard enough testimonies, from enough people, coming from separate trajectories, which all ultimately serve to underscore the fact that satanic ritual abuse is a very real thing, happening today, and as such should be something which sickens and motivates the believers in Christ, indeed all people who care about the innocence and lives of children and victims, to do something about it, and stop pretending that such a thing isn’t even real…

There are far too many names and resources attached to this study for me to list them all in a single blog post, but here are a few that have been central to my own journey of coming to understanding this dark reality:


Russ Dizdar – Former pastor, evangelist, counselor of victims of SRA/DID, former consultant to police departments on occult crimes. Author of the book “The Black Awakening”.
Doug Riggs – Pastor and counselor of victims of SRA/DID
Patricia Baird Clark – author and counselor of victims of SRA/DID and demon possession. Teaches on spiritual warfare.
Dr. Preston Baily – counselor and author of “SPIRITUAL WARFARE: Defeating the Forces of Darkness”. Also assisted law enforcement agencies in occult crimes.

All four of the above sites contain a great deal of information on the topic as a whole, including videos, audio files, written articles, and many testimonies of victims who have witnessed experienced these horrible acts firsthand.

Other victims/testimonies:

Carolyn Hamlett – Grew up in a generational occult family, survivor of SRA/mind control, born-again Christian.
“Meadow Rain” – 2 part interview of a Christian woman who talks about her experience of SRA in an elementary school. (part 1 / part 2)
Nancy Dunn – SRA survivor
Jenny Hill – SRA survivor whose story is told in the book “22 Faces” by Judy Byington

PDF article on The Origins and Techniques of Monarch Mind Control

Survivorship – An organization which supports the survivors of extreme child abuse, including sadistic sexual abuse, ritualistic abuse, mind control, and torture. Lots of information to be found here as well.

The bottom line is, I am convinced this stuff is all too real, and impacting the lives of men and women, boys and girls, all around us. It is when you start to listen to the testimonies, and understand just how widespread and devious the secrecy surrounding it all is, that you begin to really appreciate just how important it is for us to be educated about the reality and presence of dark spiritual forces in our world, our country, and our neighborhoods. It is one thing to feel somewhat removed from the plottings and schemings of the nefarious “banksters” and cabal members fomenting their plans for world domination in smoky boardrooms or lavish private mansions somewhere. It is quite another thing to think about the fact that people all around us, children, are being used and abused in such a way that I know kindles the wrath of God like nothing almost nothing else.

They need to hear about and experience the pure, freeing, life-giving love of Jesus probably more than anyone, and we have to first be willing to accept the reality that such forms of radical evil actually exist in the world, if we are going to be of any help to the millions of people who have been directly affected by it…

Laurel Canyon: The serene Illuminist suburb which sprang forth the largest “counter-culture” psy-op in history…

Laurel_CanyonThis whole thing is has so many pieces, so many tangents, so many points which branch off, and then circle around to reconnect again, it’s just hard to even know where to begin. The other day, I came across the research of a guy named David McGowan, where he gets deep in the weeds of all the various bizarre and beyond-coincidental connections between this supposedly “organic” group of people/musicians who came together in the Laurel Canyon area of Los Angeles and suddenly proceeded to manifest into many of the most famous bands in the history of Rock ‘n Roll…

So, ok, “spoiler alert”, the basic preposition here is that the “hippie movement” wasn’t a spontaneous creation of the youth, but in fact a calculated move on behalf of the folks starting all fake wars and injecting occultism into

Weird_Scenes1SOCIALdsdsdsthe government/culture, in order to supplant what was originally a quite articulate, clean-cut and educated anti-war movement which began on college campuses, into a drugged-out, long-haired, free-loving mess, to be written-off by the majority of “average America” and woefully embraced by the rebellious youth.

In other words, the suit-wearing “stiffs” of the NWO actually created the music culture, the drug culture, and the “sexual revolution” that we all associate with the 1960’s today…

After all, if you are trying to create your masonic New World Order, you have to find some means by which to redirect the angst-filled scrutiny of the few young, educated people who might actually piece together the crimes you are committing in the name of “freedom and democracy”.

How fascinating it is to see McGowan trace out just how many of these famous artists were actually the children of people working deep within the military/intelligence community?

What are the odds that Jim Morrison’s father would actually be the Admiral in charge of the fleet which was claimed to have been attacked in the Gulf of Tonkin incident? (the false-flag event which prompted the U.S. to jump into full-fledged “police action in Vietnam…)

Frank Zappa’s daddy was a military intelligence insider, having classified involvement in secret chemical weapons programs before moving out to California.

Overall, the absolute complexity and irony of the characters involved in the stories of Laurel Canyon are hard to exaggerate. You got Charles Manson, you got Harry Houdini (tho supposedly he only owned a mansion there, but never lived in it…) You’ve got virtually every rock name you


could think of to have come out of the 60’s spending time there at some point, from the Monkees to Alice Cooper to Jerry Garcia to the aforementioned Jim Morrison and the Doors. (the name of that band coming from Aldous Huxley’s book “Doors of Perception”…) You’ve got all these military bases and complexes, including the property which served as the U.S. military’s nuclear program film studio. You’ve got Frank Zappa’s “log cabin” house, as well as dozens of other properties, which are reported to have networks of interconnecting tunnels, and caves, and “grottos”..(!)

It’s just the stuff that could really only come out of the nexus of generational occult families living and working in black-op military programs, near bases and secret facilities with all the typical Monarch and MK Ultra mind-control stuff that was going on in that “first generation” of Project Paperclip’s “Mengele’s kids”…jim__s___lizard___poster_by_doorofperceptionqs-d4jwf7a

I’m still researching here, but am definitely blown away by the vast amount of evidence which points to the fact that the occultists working through intelligence and military channels for so many years, may in fact have been the ones responsible for creating the gospel of “sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll”. Perhaps all those preachers back in the day who ranted and raved about the dangers of the “devil’s music” weren’t all that far off after all….

Dissociation, of a nation…


A few days ago, I listened to an episode of the End Times Matrix News podcast, where the host Tim Clark talks about “Mind Control programming and the occult illumination process being conducted on all of society” (amongst some other topics including current events).  I’m really digging the podcast overall, and ever since listening to that particular episode, I’ve found myself thinking a lot about this whole issue of dissociation / thought-programming / societal manipulation / compartmentalization and so on…

I know it’s not really a new revelation or concept to anyone who has any understanding of the “NWO agenda” on any level, because of course, that’s what we mean when we talk about being “freed from the Matrix”, or, “having your paradigm shattered”, or whatever other metaphors we might use.  We are talking about that old schemata of beliefs about the world around us, that previous way we used to regard our reality, which was in so many a lot more pleasant and fluffy than the one we have come to accept as the truth…

Even the most mainstream definitions of “dissociation” within psychology readily admit that this is something that yellow-brick-road-the-wiz-5occurs on a whole spectrum of varying degrees of intensity, the most extreme examples being of course the kind we find in SRA victims and individuals subjected to MK Ultra / Monarch programming, and other such forms of demonically inspired mind-control programs.  Trauma is the underlying factor is this most extreme form.  Intentionally inflicted, this causes the victims, (usually children to start with) to actually “split” their core person, in order that their might be one “person” (or alter) who can be present during the abuse/torture, allowing the other “core” person to go “down”, dormant, to find a “safe place” to hunker down until the trauma is over and it feels ok enough to re-emerge to the surface, while the newly created “alter” then goes “down”, taking with them all the painful memories associated with that horrific experience.  In the parlance of the “Wizard of Oz” programming so often used with monarch/MK Ultra, that act of splitting, of finding the “safe place”, is referred to as “going over the rainbow”…

Okay, so anybody whose researched mind control or MK Ultra stuff probably knows all that.  I guess I’ve just been thinking about how, in a much broader sense, and also indeed in my own life and testimony, how this urge to just “go over the rainbow” is just so dang ubiquitous, whether you were the victim of something as real and psychotic as satanic ritual abuse, or just the more “generic” types of physical, psychological or sexual abuse so many people undergo during childhood/adolescence, or… (like myself), you experienced virtually nothing that could honestly be described as “traumatic” in your personal life, aside from the exposure to the same societal memes and messages coming from pop culture and the mass media propaganda machine as the rest of the population…

Even as a kid, I was all about “escaping” in my head.  I would sit in my room and just draw, for hours, while other kids would be outside playing, imagining worlds of treehouse cities, or massive futuristic submarines, or mansions with their own miniature train sets in them like the one Ricky Schroder got to live in on the 80’s sitcom “Silver Spoons”.  I wasn’t escaping some abused childhood or anything, I just preferred my imagination, inspired by movies and television and books, to the “boring” reality that was around me as a child.  Church was a dry, smelly place to me, full of gray-haired people singing hymns and wanting you to sing in a choir at the Christmas service.  School wasn’t much better.  How said is that.  I basically had the middle-class suburban childhood that so many people strive to be able to give to their children, and I honestly couldn’t (and still really can’t) remember most of it, because I was “living in my own head” so much of the time.  (It’s actually sort of a running joke in my immediate family, how I somehow can’t remember all sorts of details about various camping trips or holidays or whatever…)

vaderAnyhow….  This is a kid, born in the late 70’s, growing up through the 80’s we’re talking about.  We didn’t have computers or internet or dvd players.  We didn’t even have cable, or a VCR until I was like ten years old or something.  It was such a far cry from today, from the environment in which my own kids are now growing up in, and yet even then, I was a full-on, sucked-in, pop-culture disciple.  I was a part of that “Star Wars generation”, who played the original black-and-green screened arcade game and like everyone else thought that having your very own lightsaber would be something worth cutting off more than a couple toes for…

But then, you “grow up” and get “serious” about the World…  You go to college, or start to listen to what all the adults in your church circles are saying is how the world is (that is, if you even grew up in a church, like I did…)  You exchange the old fantasies, for new ones.  More sophisticated, more complex, but ones that are nonetheless infused with all kinds of nostalgic, dopamine-inducing morsels, designed to hearken you back to some idyllic perspective on the modern world…  Your opinions on America, and it’s history, and how it’s “shaped the world” are still riddled with visions of Norman Rockwell-esque scenes, and Coca-Cola commercials, and everything else that the Madison Ave folks have been throwing at you since birth.

And the thing is, we like it.

Even as someone who has read the very words of GOD, and come to an understanding that this world, this life, and everything in it, is but a blade of grass to be blown away with the wind, a mere breath before the expanse of eternity, it is still, so very easy, to “dissociate”, by choice, and try to bounce back and forth between realities, depending on what I am feeling in any given moment…

This is just how we live, as a society today, flipping channels, using the web, checking our phones, texting our tweets, tweeting our pics, TiVo-ing this, and streaming that.  The vast amounts of “programming” we are constantly being subjected to via tv, movies, the internet, is mind-blowing.  Can you imagine someone from even a century ago suddenly being immersed in our ocean of digitally-defused vomit?

I suppose I’m sounding like just another tirade against the moral bankruptcy present in popular culture here, but what I was intending to get at is really more than that.  I suppose now that when I look at something like the “mainstream Christian church” here in America (and other countries, don’t feel left out), we can honestly say that “dissociation-by-choice” is the rule rather than the exception.  Francis Schaeffer described it as being like a two-story house, where the upper story is where the eternal/spiritual realities were allowed exist, and the lower story was the realm of the practical/physical.  In the metaphor, it becomes a case of hopping into whichever story is most convenient at the time, whichever one fits the personal agenda I might have going on.  This “split” is a really a theme that runs through so much of the history of this country, in a number of varying applications, in terms of people holding their faith in Christ in one hand, and attempting to reconcile it with their faith in a human government in the other.  We are time and again exhorted to recall the “Protestant roots” of this country, and think about how each of the original 13 colonies was associated with a particular Protestant denomination, etc., filled with Europeans who were fleeing persecution by the hands of both governments and the Catholic church.  So, even though they had centuries of European history filled with failed attempts at merging the Gospel of Christ with nation’s government, the colonists, I suppose, became convinced that “democracy” or “Federalism”, or some carefully crafted version thereof, could overturn that history, and create what the Bible never calls us to do? compartmentalized-lifeOkay I’m probably really rambling here, but the point at the end of all this is simply to recognize just how deep and pervasive the natural, sinful desire is to CHOOSE an alternative to God’s reality.  Victims of SRA and other forms of intentional abuse had absolutely no choice in the matter.  The rest of us, do, and yet what do we usually choose?  We split ourselves, time and time again, not as an internal mechanism of psychological survival and self-defense, but as a rebellious act, a deliberate choosing of the World and it’s narratives, because they offer alternative realities which ultimately do nothing but feed our basest desires, of exalting ourselves, of trusting in our own ingenuity and intelligence, of indulging our lusts and desires, and of promising us security and prosperity in the here-and-now, rather than in the reality that is to come…