Tag Archives: mass manipulation

Kabbalistic Origins of Modern Astrophysics, Evolution, and Quantum Theory…

I finished this piece yesterday, and already I am quite eager to continue exploring further the implications touched upon in this video. It really fits in to so much of my previous research and speculation, confirming it in certain ways that I honestly never imagined.

This really is pretty huge…

To hear a guy like Michio Kaku blatantly admitting the astonishing correlations between things like String Theory and the Kabbalah? Hard to get more convincing than that.

I created the ‘featured image’ above in order to illustrate just one more interesting correlation between Kabbalah and the vast swath of modern pseudo-scientism which I have noticed. The left side depicts the “Ein sof” of Kabbalah, which basically represents their concept of ten “emanations” (or dimensions, you could say…) and on the right side, a simple diagram representing an early Copernican-era conception of the Solar System.

See any resemblance? 😉

This is but one of several avenues I intend to explore more in upcoming videos and blog posts, because if indeed we CAN trace a direct connection between Kabbalah and guys like Copernicas (in the video above, Kaku mentions that they know that Newton had possession of Kabbalistic texts..) then wow, it really would seem to underscore this idea I’ve been kicking around for many months now, about how the conception of the “planets” as spherical worlds could indeed be another example of an “exoteric, materialistic rendering” of what is originally a mystical/occult concept. (Just like Evolution itself is originally a mystical/occult concept…)

Who, Me….???

So, once again I have really lapsed with writing on the ol’ blog, but today I hope to try and explain a bit about why that has been the case, and share a little about the curious position I am now finding myself in at the moment.

For several years I was plugging away here on my blog, rather content with my relatively small amount of readers/subscribers, and appreciating the cathartic nature of being able to post about whatever I happened to find intriguing in the moment, all under the screen of my little WordPress pseudonym…

I had gone back and forth for some time, considering the idea of taking a stab at making videos and putting them up on youtube, and aside from a few that I had done on topics like CERN and “Transformational Festivals”, I really didn’t get that involved with until I found myself diving down the “Flat Earth rabbit hole”, and then suddenly I found myself furiously making videos discussing various “Flat Earth proofs”, as well as looking into the Biblical case for a flat, enclosed Cosmology.

When that began, I could count on one hand the number of Youtube subscribers I had on my little channel. Like I said, I have been accustomed to obscurity, and that has really been my preferred vantage point! Yet, as the months have passed, and the “Flat Earth Movement” has continued to expand and get more and more attention, so have my little videos, to the point where now not only does my “exposure” via YT far surpass anything I had previously experienced through blogging, but now it has also reached the stage whereby I am currently sitting on around half a dozen invitations to be interviewed by other Youtube channels/shows, or participate in discussion panels to talk about Flat Earth, Biblical Cosmology, etc.


And frankly, I’m terrified. It’s as though I’m inadvertently pushing the ever-shrinking line between remaining “safe” in my anonymity, and finally stepping across that line, into a realm where suddenly the human being has to step out from behind the internet avatar…

I have prayed about it. Agonized over it. Gone back and forth, again and again, between one day feeling like “Okay, I’m willing…” to then the next day feeling more compelled to simply pull the plug on everything altogether, and just get on with “real life”. I’m not trying to be anything remotely resembling an online “figurehead”. I never was. There are few things I dislike more in this world than the phenomena we often refer to as the “cult of personality”.

But then again… I find myself unable to pull myself away from continuing to explore this topic of the “Biblical Flat Earth”, and all the countless ways that it seems to fit in with all the various topics of Bible Prophecy, End-time Deception, New World Order agendas, and so much more, which I’ve already been navigating my way through over the past six years or so now. It’s almost like everything I’ve been learning up to this point has laid the foundation for now considering them all in this incredible “unified context” of a Cosmological model which I now have to confess appears to have been staring at me from the pages of Scripture the whole time. I mean, seriously, SO many things which I’ve written about over the past few years, whether it be interdimensional portals, or the Book of Enoch, UFO Deception, Genesis 6, the Occult, the Creation vs. Evolution debate, transhumanism, the fake moon landings, ancient megalithic structures, the infamous “Illuminati”, the tower of Babel, CERN, and on and on, now suddenly all “gel” in a way which before I never would’ve imagined…

Anyhow, so, this is my conundrum at the present moment. This is my crossroads that seemingly I can’t find a way around…

Another Christian FE Youtube channel by the name of “Celebrate Truth” recently finished a documentary he’s been working on for some time, called “The Global Lie”, and I was very privileged to be able to contribute several segments of content to the production. I’d have to say that the finished product is really quite superb and I hope everyone reading this is able find the time to watch it, as it really focuses on the connections between the Copernican system/cosmology and the Theory of Evolution (among other things). Several other fantastic researchers such as Rob Skiba are featured in the film, and it was truly an honor to be able to take part in this project. Here’s the full documentary:

“Globes In My Mind”…

A couple months ago I wrote a post called “It Would Take a Lot of BALLS to Indoctrinate Everyone Like That”, and for a while now I’ve been wanting to try and take those thoughts and put them in a video, since it deals with such a visually-oriented idea. Finally got a chance to put it together. Here it is.

“Just Let It In…?”

“The Force… It’s calling to you. Just let it in…”

When I heard the last two lines of the new Star Wars trailer, I just thought, “Wow… It’s all coming together.”

And yes, I will admit that to write this post, it takes a considerable amount of effort to squelch my inner fan boy, and not gush over how cool the new movie actually looks, or how bad a** it is to see Harrison Ford resuming the mantle of Han Solo, or how basically just watching that trailer was itself more satisfying than any of the prequels in their entirety… (oops, okay, no FURTHER gushing, beyond that.)

But in all seriousness, from what small plot points can be gleaned from the trailers, it really does seem to me that the message of Mysticism inherent in the entire SW franchise is really taking center stage in this final trilogy.

From what I can surmise, it appears as though our beloved “galaxy far, far away” is once again being threatened by totalitarian forces with Empirical aspirations, led once again by some black-clad Sith lord, wearing a mask, with a scary voice…(not exactly what you’d call originality there, but hey) It seems that one of the main characters is a stormtrooper (redesigned for the umpteenth time) who apparently abandons his post and joins up with what looks like the same 70’s-color-schemed (yay!) Rebel forces.

Then, good ol’ Han is explaining to the young Rebels that, “It’s true. All of it… The Dark Side. The Jedi. They’re real…”

Sounds like the GFFA has mostly forgotten about the magic and mystery of the Force-wielding Jedi, and in this movie, we get to watch them rediscover it. (Okay, I realize that this isn’t some genius-level investigation on my part, since the title of the movie IS “the Force Awakens”, after all…)

But all you need to do to get the case in point here, is apply this to our time, our own galaxy. It is all, of course, propaganda of the purest sort, playing upon the nostalgia of Gen-xers like myself, and the now Star-Wars-saturated-generation of my children as well.

Carl Teichrib refers to this phenomena as the “Era of Re-enchantment”, the amazing fact that indeed today we are observing our popular culture continue to veer away from the meaninglessness of Post-Modernism, (which itself was a reaction against the raw materialistic void of Modernism…) and is now in the middle of coming full circle, returning BACK to the mysticism and paganism of bygone centuries, mixed in with our modern technology of course.

And this is precisely what Star Wars always has, and continues to, embody 100%. Ancient mysticism, set in a high-tech world. It is about synthesizing what for a long time was perceived to be two fairly non-symbiotic elements, bridging that gap that had for a long time held strong in the realm of fiction, between pure “Science Fiction” with it’s robots and warp drives and aliens, and “Fantasy” with it’s magical wizards and powerful swords and endless connotations towards ancient Mythology.

So, sigh… As much as the inner 7-year-old in me just wants to revel in the rebooted Wookie howls, and light saber clashes, and the goose bumps I actually did get when in the new trailer, the orchestra started to play “bum buuum, buuum, bum ba buuuum, buuuuuuum….”, I have to steel myself, and step back, and remember the very LYING message that is still being trumpeted here, and probably more so than ever before.

Yes, “the Force IS calling to us”, more and more all the time. That “Force”, however, is not the power that comes through the Holy Spirit. It is not the Force which can raise the Dead, or heal the sick, or set men free from the bondage of their own sin. It is a lying Force. It is the same power once wielded by the magicians of Pharaoh’s court, and the girl in the Book of Acts who told fortunes, before the demons in her were cast out…

It is the “Force” which I really do believe the Devil is trying to entice the entire world into desiring, as a part of the final Great Deception, which somehow will all be tied into the Mark of the Beast system and the coming One World Religion and everything else. Ancient Occult magic meets modern technology indeed…

It is only going to keep “calling to us”, more and more and time progresses, but friends, we most certainly, unequivocally, do NOT want to “just let it in”…

A Media Clinic on Vilification…

Wanna see how to get the most “anti-anti-government” bang for your news-propaganda buck? Check out this story that I happened to catch this morning on the local Vegas news.

The piece I saw on tv today featured a young woman who supposedly had gone to this guy, after being referred to him by someone at a grocery store (?), and apparently she thought he was just some kind of wholeistic medicine dude, doing herbal remedies, etc. She described how “horrified” she was when she got there and discovered that his “clinic” was being done out of a trailer on his property, and how there were bags full of blood lying around on the floor, the place was filthy, and son on. The anchor goes on to explain how Rick Van Thiel was not a licensed physician, but was performing all kinds of procedures, such as abortions, “cancer cure treatments” and so on. The interviewee even mentions how shocked she was when the man’s girlfriend walked into the room topless, and at that point she just wanted to run out of there…

Topless girlfriend, perfect segue into sharing the juicy tidbit that apparently before Thiel was a non-licensed doctor, he was a porn star and director. Quite a zinger…

The tv news story also mentions how his website featured a “nude” picture of himself, (which actually only featured his bare upper body) wherein he apparently was claiming to have been able to cure a skin condition which he had contracted after the military had exposed him to harmful chemicals.

In this article, is says that his procedures included “everything from circumcisions and tooth extractions to cancer and HIV treatment. Authorities also found two firearms and ammunition in a safe inside the trailer.”

Another excerpt says, “A notice at the bottom of one site hints at an anti-establishment mindset: “For the purposes of this website the term ‘doctor’ or ‘Doctor Rick’ is a nick name and not intended to infer state sanction or Rockefeller drug pushing training. The purpose of this site is not to beg for FDA endorsement or to diagnose or treat disease, it is to help you make informed decisions necessary to take control of your own life and health, and now to care for it in in the manor you decide is best for you.”

And in this ‘full interview’, we discover that not only did Rick learn how to perform surgeries from watching Youtube, but he is also a part of a the much-maligned ‘sovereign-citizen’ movement, with connections the notorious ‘Bundy Ranch’ and also apparently to some plot against the life of a police officer. It says, “On his website, Van Theil offered “Sovereign Babies” delivering children in his trailer without a birth certificate. Telling parents that when the child is 18 they would have the choice to be a “free being or to become a slave”

I mean, wow…

You really gotta hand it to em, because they sure recognize that when an individual like Van Thiel finally gets brought out into the public eye, they’re gonna milk it for all it’s worth.

So hey, let’s do a little run-down of all the memes they managed to cram into this one story.

You are basically being are put into the same category as a “sex-crazed, backwards, baby-killing, nut-job” IF:

*You dare question the medical establishment, or would ever consider alternative/wholistic options.
*You dare to think that just MAYBE there ARE some ways that cancer could be treated or cured, which didn’t involve chemo/radiation.
*You would ever think that the military would expose it’s own soldiers to harmful substances.
*You dare have any misgivings about the “Rockefeller drug cartel”.
*You dare entertain the idea that somehow birth certificates and/or social security numbers could somehow be linked to a form of financial slavery.
*You own guns.
*You dare to entertain such “dangerous” questions about the ways in which ordinary citizens might be able to take more responsibility and informed ownership over their own health, and lives in general.

So yes, well done, dutiful propaganda establishment. While this specific individual may very well deserve to be prevented from doing various things that might indeed be a health and safety hazard, you have done a splendid job in not letting the story go to waste, and fear-porning it to the Nth degree so that the rest of the citizenry can be reminded to associate any and all notions of questioning the monolithic medical/drug empire, or the ever-increasing system of total government control, with “crazy” shirtless guys with leaky blood-bag-filled trailers in their backyards…

How Many of These Shootings Have to Happen Before People Realize There Is Something More Behind it All..??

I haven’t written anything about mass shootings involving potential mind-control victims in some time. One of the last times I did, I linked to some report which inadvertently prompted the most hits I’ve still ever had in a single day. In the end it was just hundreds of people in a reddit poke-fun-at-conspiracy forum, checking out my post and then laughing at the idea that there could be any sort of connection between these incidents.

That was almost a year ago now, and the number of these kinds events that have occurred since, even just in the last few months, is just ridiculous. I guess I just sort of concluded that if people can’t figure out for themselves that these bizarre “random killings” are occurring with increasing regularity, and increasing degrees oftheatergunmannashvismit8150086887_t700_hf1005318214aac3373938a3e0f7cadbe45437c96 strangeness, just from watching the mainstream news, then I don’t really know what to say to convince them. It feels like practically every other day now, I’m seeing something about another shooting, more frequently involving police or military personnel, to the point where it’s like we aren’t even fazed anymore. Today it was some guy in a movie theater (again…) in Nashville. The new twist on this one I guess being that he had an axe…

I glanced at this report put out by the Congressional Research Service the other day, and it cracks me up how they manage to finagle their way to the point of saying, “”No matter how you cut it, there’s no epidemic…” The “data” doesn’t lie of course (only those who manipulate it…). There’s no real increase in these kinds of killings, despite whatever you think you might be witnessing with your own two eyes as the years go by… 😉 These aren’t the droids you’re looking for. Move along…

This vid by “the Scariest movie ever” does a good job delving into this whole topic of MK Ultra shooters and recent headlines, including the bizarre courtroom disturbances in the James Holmes trial, and he makes some really poignant remarks about how these sorts of ideas are filtering their way more and more into mainstream news and entertainment, such as in the upcoming Jesse Eisenberg movie “American Ultra”, which actually depicts two stoner kids who turn out to be mind-controlled assassins:

And just for fun, here’s the link to the “shooting tracker” page for 2015.

I think it’s pretty safe to say that 2015 has already had a significant number of very suspect, headline-grabbing mass shootings. Probably one of the most saturated years yet. And we still have five months left…


Wandering Stars…

The other day I was listening to Pandora and heard this song by Portishead, and even though I’d probably heard it dozens of times before, suddenly the words jumped out at me. “Wait, isn’t this a line straight out of the Bible somewhere..?”

“Wandering stars, for whom it is reserved, the blackness, of darkness, forever….”

Sure enough, it’s right out of the book of Jude, (verse 13), in the same chapter where the book of Enoch is quoted, as the wicked men who pervert the Gospel of Jesus are likened to the fallen angels who sinned before the Flood and incurred the fearsome judgment of being cast into the Abyss.

I suppose the reason such words suddenly stuck out to me has much to do with all the pondering I’ve been doing lately around all this “flat earth stuff”. Even though I’m fairly sure that the majority of my already minuscule readership is probably quite put off be treating such a topic with any degree of seriousness, I suppose I just don’t really care at this point, and to be honest it’s somewhat freeing. In the end however I think I’m really much less interested in debating specific aspects of various flat-earth models or the vast lies of institutions like NASA, and more interested in exploring the ways in which suspending our long-held assumptions about what we “know” about the universe might actually help unveil certain plain yet profound truths about the ways in the physical and spiritual dimensions are intertwined.

One of the fascinating tidbits which has arisen through the consideration of flat earth ideas in relation to ancient Biblical and pagan cosmologies, is the question of what exactly the planets ARE, if indeed the “heavens” are not actually “outer space” as we have been taught our whole lives that they exist, but instead something far nearer and more pressing upon us, and yet at the same time much more mysterious and mystical, more mind-bendingly spiritual in their supra-dimensional aspects.

We all know how much the ancients were enthralled by the planets, to the point of worshipping them and naming the days of the week after them, but of course, we also must admit that they weren’t imagining spheroids orbiting around a solar system, but rather saw them as “wandering stars” who didn’t follow the paths of the other constellations.

How absolutely fascinating that this is precisely what the Bible seems to describe them as being…

The angels who fell to earth and “kept not their first estate”, were those who taught mankind warfare and witchcraft, seduction and civil engineering, the building blocks of “civilization” (or the hierarchical elements necessary for empire and oppression, depending on how you look at it…)

But these earth-bound luminaries are those credited with bringing that first Promethean spark to humanity, the golden gods and plumed serpents for whom the first wave of ante-deluvian cities and temples and monoliths were all erected for. Should it come as any big surprise that all the ancient pagan temples and mystery schools are obsessed with celestial alignments and zodiacs and astronomical affiliations?

The ancient astronaut folks are of course convinced that this is because our panspermiating, extra-terrestrial space fore-fathers came to this planet in ages past in their Corrillian starships and helped us evolve out of ape-hood. Their fixation with the stars is interpreted almost precisely the way the archeologists in the film Prometheus present it, as some kind postcard from our ancient alien homeworld.

But according to the Bible, these “gods” were not alien saviors or benevolent gift-givers, but rebellious angels who abandoned their posts in God’s order of Creation. And if this is so, then would it not perhaps make a great deal of sense to see why a deception might be foisted upon the world, as to reality of the nature of the heavenlies, to the connection between the angelic and the skies above which we see with our own eyes…?

Would it not fit quite seamlessly to conceive of a fictionalized Copernican cosmology to serve as the foundation for the fictionalized Darwinian paradigm?

Like chapters in a fairy tale book they build on each other, and create an encapsulating worldview which is quite apart from that of Genesis, and after enough time has passed, (and this is the facet which I find intriguing), it sets the stage for another introduction of these same photo-morphic beings within a new “modern scientific” context. In short, in order to pose as “alien creatures from outer space”, first you’d have to establish the concept of what “outer space” even IS in the minds of the public.


I dunno…. Perhaps I really have just lost my marbles completely at this point and should feel free to continue on in my own delusion without feeling like I need to write about it here. I will say that my perspective, on so many things, has felt quite different of late. I’ve spent far less time fretting over news headlines or NWO shenanigans the past few weeks than I have searching the scriptures with a new found fervor, and staring up at the day and night sky, just marveling at it all… It’s odd. Almost as though it feels like I’m actually starting to come out on the other side of some long, dark tunnel, as if the “rabbit hole” really does have an exit far on the other side. But of course, it wouldn’t be fitting if it didn’t turn out to place you squarely back where everything began, in that delicious sort of irony which reminds you just how much a sense of humor God really must have. Somehow, the machinations of the Enemy seem more laughable to me now than ever before, the more you realize how rebellion against God is the seed of all self-delusion, we weave and accept the stories about everything which best suit our predetermined sources of sovereignty. This is how it has always been. Even the angels, who watched the Earth and heavens being formed by the Hand of God Himself, who encircled the throne and worshiped Him in His full glory, still some fell, conspired even, and then set about spinning tales and twisted accounts of their descent. That’s all I see the ancient pagan mythologies and “mysteries” and pantheons as adding up to in the end, as attempts by the “wandering stars” to whitewash their damnable errors and confuse humanity into worshiping them, instead of the One who made us all….

America, Blueprint for World Federalism and a “D.W.O.”..?

The history of our civilization is reaching its final destination. From a chaotic amalgam of competing and rival nations, the world is evolving into a unitary framework, in which different organized communities cooperate to prevent conflicts and promote the progress of humanity.

The above eyebrow-raising quote above is from the World Federalist Manifesto. I currently find my interest in the topic of Federalism being increasingly piqued, especially as I learn more about it in the context of it’s central role in the political debate since the very inception of the United States itself. I admit I am torn as I write this. Part of me wonders if the themes presenting themselves in such a discussion are already overly obvious to anyone who would be prone to reading it, and so the whole thing might be an exercise in redundancy, yet at the same time I feel as though the ramifications of World Federalism, and the role in which the U.S. has played in bringing the world closer and closer to it, is of such universal importance that it would hardly seem to be something that could ever be exhaustively treated.

Recently I have begun plodding my way through a copy of the “Federalist Papers”, an endeavor which unintentionally sparked a more pointed study of the whole topic I just described. While I confess that trying that trying to plod through the actual words of Madison and Hamilton has proven quite laborious, (due to the profuse usage of rambling, 18th Century sesquipedalian rhetoric), simply becoming more familiar with the gist of the debate itself has provided a much more focused picture of the early American political landscape, and also gone a long way in tracing the connections between the themes present at that time with those of our own day. In short, I find it fascinating to ponder the possibility that the very creation of the United States itself, has embedded within it’s own “political DNA” the inherent questions, arguments and obstacles connected to the broader challenge of actualizing a true, functioning, global government.

From my perspective, the formation of the United States is such a curious thing, and like so many other matters, I find it increasingly difficult not to view it through some kind of Hegelian lens. The “Federalist Papers”, as I have been recently learning, were a series of what were essentially political op-ed pieces, published bi-weekly in New York newspapers roughly a decade after the 13 American colonies achieved independence and established a government based upon it’s original founding document, the Articles of Confederation

But apparently there were many in the newly formed American Republic who became convinced that the Articles were insufficient, and so a campaign was mounted to try and convince enough of the newly formed States to ratify something which would provide a more effective and “energized” Union, a more powerfully endowed Federal government. The Constitution… At the time, New York State was one of the most stalwart of resistors against replacing the Articles of Confederation, and so these articles were written in hopes of swaying the voting public of New York towards a more sympathetic stance towards elevating the principles of a stronger Union.

(But hmmmmm… The ideals of Confederacy, pitted against the ideals of the Union. Why does that sound familiar? Ah, who knows…)

But is it not peculiar, when you stop and think about it, that the “Founding Fathers” decided to attempt this precarious approach to democratic government to begin with, in what would eventually be dubbed the “Great American Experiment”, whereby they started off by bequeathing the full privilege of “sovereignty” to each of the original 13 colonies (and I will try my best here to restrain from hypothesizing on the bizarre “coincidence” of them being 13 in number), yet each one a piece of a larger whole, a move which essentially created from the start the quasi-paradoxical scenario of determining which level of “sovereignty” truly held in the long run? The question of how state sovereignty could co-exist with a Federal sovereignty is a theme which fills many pages of the Federalist Papers, and so it is quite remarkable that a political debate which sprang forth in the first few years of the country’s existence has of course endured right up into our own time. It is essentially the quandary behind determining whether goal of the “experiment” was intended to result in the creation of a United States, or the United States…

Okay, I will cease with my lame topical prefacing here, and just get to my underlying point. As I see it, the fabricated political paradox of the State/Federal tension, serves (whether you want to ascribe it to sheer coincidence, or more calculated intention) as a pointedly applicable road map towards the eventual establishment of the same thing on a global scale, whereby the sovereignty of individual nations (“states”) are much less of a contrived and juvenile decision (as applied to the original 13 colonies), but the derivations of centuries upon centuries of combined historical, political, cultural and ancestral contexts. In short, the United States of America is as close a thing to a blueprint for establishing A Federalized (Centralized) Global Government as there ever has yet been.

So much could be touched upon as tangential explorations of this idea over the 200 plus years of history of the American empire, it’s hard to know where to go next. Simply examining the ramifications of these developments on the plane of economics alone could probably fill another ten posts, not to mention the arenas of things such as global militarization, cultural homogenization, technological revolutions, and so on. The ways that the United States of America could be demonstrated to have been steadily preparing and driving the rest of the world towards the eventuality of a true global empire are numerous and almost impossible to overstate. And for myself, the more this reality permeates my conscious reflection upon the nation of my birth, and the various political, economic and militaristic contexts of today, the more I am increasingly compelled to distance myself from the persistent narrative within American citizenry which longs for some nostalgic return to “Founding American Principles”, particularly the strain of this narrative commonly found amongst those who regard America as being built upon some set of allegedly “Christian Values”…

Where did Jesus, or His disciples, or the Early Church, ever agonize over things like the balance of powers between the governmental sovereignty of an individual “State” and it’s overarching Federal counterpart? Where do we find in the New Testament (or the Old…) deliberations on the definitions and protections of property, whether “realty” or “personalty”?

For the majority of my lifetime, I have been surrounded by a good many well-intentioned, patriotic, church-going folks, who have simplistically regarded things like the Constitution as though they had effectively been produced from the minds of more modernized prophets of the Almighty, primarily concerned with issues of individual rights and liberties as understood through a paradigm whereby all men are created by God, when in fact the more I look into it for myself, I find that such questions are themselves really only secondary to the core convictions tied to finance and industry, which the Founders seemed most primarily concerned with. I have come across a book written back in 1913 titled “An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution”, by Charles Beard, which puts forth a number of incredibly fascinating proposals indeed. In many ways it does challenge to turn a number of commonly held assumptions about the true nature and purpose of the ratification of the Constitution on their heads, yet at this point in my life I suppose I have become quite accustomed to having my previously-held assumptions and paradigms turned on their heads, and so at this stage this sort of perspective tends to add more light and clarity to such considerations than it does to confuse them. I am still in the process of trying to read this work in it’s entirety, and so I expect I will most likely be speaking more on it’s possible implications in the future.

But where to end this… Bringing it back to the present, I suppose the parallel between the late 1700’s and the modern world which most stands out to me is this question of how/when a centralized, Federally-modeled global government goes from being one which simply exists on paper, or just in some superficially-institutionalized form, to being one that has (as the writers of the Federalist Papers described it) one that has sufficient “energy” to truly exercise governance. That is essentially the transition point at which the world lies right now. After all, the United Nations has already been in existence, to a degree, since the close of WWII (and saw a type of incarnation even prior to that, with the failed “League of Nations”, I suppose), yet everyone knows that despite it’s decades of councils and resolutions and everything else, the U.N. does not hold true sovereignty over the sovereignty of individual nations to the same degree that Washington and the Federal branches hold ultimate sovereignty over the fifty “states” in the Union. The P.O.T.U.S. and the Secretary of State, etc., are still considered to have far more true practical sway over the affairs of global politics than say, the Secretary-General of the U.N. But, I do sincerely believe that this is state of affairs that will eventually change. Moreover, I believe that the intention was always for such a change to occur. The transition will be brought about, (through whatever specific calamity or set of calamities), so that the “Phoenix” of the Global, Federal, Government, will rise from the ashes of it’s precursor. This is why it should come as absolutely no surprise that the symbol of the United States is that of the Phoenix, disguised with the exoteric form of an “eagle”.

The “Great Experiment”, the “United States” (which if you think about it, is merely another way of coining the term, “United Nations”) must “die”, so it can then be reborn on the scale and scope of the entire world, for “Federalism”, as it’s own internal nature dictates, can ultimately aspire to no lesser aim.

I’ll close this post by simply directing the reader to a most intriguing example of what I am talking about, which I found on the Democratic World Federalist’s website, in an article titled “Stop the New World Order”, the argument being put forth that the current New World Order run by Oligarchs and Banksters etc., needs to be replaced by a “Democratic World Order”, where “we, the people” are in charge instead of a small group of people unaccountable to the world.” This kind of sentiment no doubt sounds about as appealing to the global citizenry of today as it did to those in the 1700’s who were tired of the tyranny of ol’ King George, and I fully expect this same type of message to be that which takes a deeper hold on the hearts and minds of people in the coming years, and America breathes it’s final, dying breaths, and it’s long-awaited offspring, the Phoenix, prepares to rise from it’s ashes…

“Meritocracy”, another anti-Establishment message brought to you by, the Establishment…

If you told me the following video was created as a clever piece of satire, I’d probably believe it, and find the whole thing to be a rather entertaining parody which quite adequately portrays how the an idealistic new political system might be advertised to a younger generation who “know all about the Elites, and hate them…”

Unfortunately, this is all completely real…

But really it serves as a terrific textbook example of Hegelianesque social engineering at work. One of the things of interest to me in this little video pitch, is how it all falls so nicely into the growing stream of millennial-generation political thought which one many levels has a greater awareness of there being an “Elite”, and on the surface seems to pushing back against a good many truly odious forces in our modern society. It is Zeitgeist phenomena trying to turn the corner into tangible political action. The “Occupy Movement” hoping to gain genuine traction and dethrone those pernicious “One-percenters”…

However… “There is nothing new under the sun”… It would seem that the Ecclesiastical Biblical maxim holds true, yet again. As a quote from Patrick Wood’s technocracyrising.com reads:

“In the heat of the Great Depression during the 1930s, prominent scientists and engineers proposed a utopian energy-based economic system called Technocracy that would be run by those same scientists and engineers instead of elected politicians. Although this radical movement lost momentum by 1940, it regained status when it was conceptually adopted by the elitist Trilateral Commission. (co-founded by Zbigniew Brzezinski and David Rockefeller) in 1973 to be become its so-called “New International Economic Order.”

As far as I can tell, the differences between Technocracy, and Meritocracy, are merely subtle discrepancies in the way the same core concept is being packaged and presented. As such, the basic tenets of Meritocracy are neither new, nor any genuine threat to the entrenched power brokers who originally spawned and funded such propositions in the first place, almost a hundred years ago. There are many interviews and lectures Wood has given, breaking down the elaborated definition of all that Technocracy was championed as in the past, as is finding a resurgence now once again. It does make a lot of sense that in our technologically-infused age, this kind of ideology would find an increasing amount of sympathy, where instead of spoiled billionaires and pompous politicians, people would welcome the suggestion of having engineers, scientists, (i.e., the “Technocrasts”) run things. After all, we’ve already seen people worship figures like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, for their perceived techno-revolutionary Buddha-like wisdom and philanthropic altruism, why not put people like that in charge…?

And so, the familiar Hegelian dance sashes on. Front foot thesis, back foot anti-thesis, everybody shuffle over into synthesis…

As has been before, in so many previous prepackaged “counter-culture” movements, the ideological seeds of this “grass-roots” were first nurtured under the warm lamps of an “Institutional Greenhouse” of thought manipulation. And, also like so many other “independent” and allegedly fight-the-Man groups and movements, we once again see how the same familiar kinds of long-used Establishment/Esoteric symbolism keep popping up as doubleheadedphoenixwell. The compass/rose of the main “Meritocracy” logo is telling in and of itself, yet I also found this other symbol that is supposedly affiliated with the Meritocracy political movement, and was rather amazed at how much it resembled a somewhat abstracted version of the double-headed eagle/phoenix, a symbol of Empire, secret societies and mystical ambitions of power which goes back who-knows-how-many millennia…

Of course, speculations involving symbolism is always just that in the end, speculation. But, what I would heavily argue is NOT speculation, is that the both the political mechanisms being proposed in the video above, as well as the broader almost Utopian vision being touted, is undeniable the very SAME vision that has been held by the very Elites which the naĂŻve young believers in Meritocracy have convinced themselves they are going to break away from. It’s merely a different road to the same ultimate destination. Or maybe not even that far, maybe only more like a newly upgraded billboard, on the same road, to the same NWO destination…

I mean, come on, the guy is in his twenties after all, and he’s wearing a sport coat over a cool-looking graphic tee. You think stodgy old New World Order billionaires and aristocrats are hip to wearing graphic tees? No way man… 😉 Never mind that as the video goes on, it becomes increasingly hard to tell if the Illuminati-related images being shown in the background are included as examples of things intended to be done away with, or actually emulated and pursued, only in a younger, more hipster-friendly way. The Georgia Guidestones? Hey those are cool, as long the people putting their message of massive population reduction into effect are smart, educated, tech-savvy scientists, and not a bunch of stuffy lame media-mogul billionaires…

In the end, the only conclusion I am able to come to is that Meritocracy is simply Technocracy 2.0. It is a political ideology which ultimately seeks to establish the same globalist, totalitarian, privacy-eliminating, “data-omniscient”, State-worshipping goals already being advocated by the current batch of ruling “crats”, and only attempts to repackage it in such a way as to make it appear less threatening, more “scientifically-based”, more environmentally-friendly, and overall more attractive to a world embracing the integration of technology into every corner our everyday lives.

So… “Out with the Old, in with the New”, but then… “Everything that was old, is new again!” Please stop the merry-go-round sir, I want to get off. I think I just threw up a little bit on my graphic tee..

Money is Magic…

It’s one thing to learn that our money, (through the Federal Reserve, and it’s wicked step-mother, the Bank of London), is really nothing more than an artificial construct, an illusion of substance, being nothing but debt from it’s very inception. It’s quite another to then try and ponder what all the implications of this reality might be, as it effects us all on the day-to-day level.

The more I think about this bizarre concept, the more I find myself being convinced that the true purpose of fiat currency really is a type of “slavery”, though it’s arguably the most ingenious form of it, because inherent within this system of virtual finance and “voodoo economics” is the eventual take-away realization that the accumulation of money itself does not empower the individual, but only confine the individual further to the system as a whole. This may seem like a rather obvious thing to say, but what I am trying to get at is the idea that there really is a very marked distinction between money, and true physical wealth.

Most of us are inclined to believe that the “elite” are those holding positions of great power and influence, largely because they are also rich, which I would say has a great deal of truth to it, only, the true concept of being “rich”, in the way applied by the “Elite”, is one that I increasingly believe involves the understanding that wealth is something acquired through money, not simply by acquiring vast sums of money itself. After all, the true “wealth” of the world encompasses everything from raw goods, precious metals, land holdings, corporate ownership, military muscle, intelligence-gathering capability, and means of production. If you hold and control these things, as well as the means of producing the currency itself, then you are really the one calling shots. The quantification of dollars and pounds and yen are totally illusory in the end, ways to make the markets appear “vibrant” and self-actuated, rather than controlled and monopolized.
So from this kind of perspective, it is making more and more sense to me this concept of money being an “alchemical working”, a magic trick if you will, put in place to perpetuate the dream of the common person being able to go out and carve out his own little niche in the world, build up his own little “estate”, when in reality, all we are effectively doing is participating in a system of neo-feudalism that is so massive, and so complex, we can’t see it for what it is…

Think about it like this for a moment: When you stop and consider it all, again, from the perspective of “thinking like an Elite”, there is a very interesting dynamic that is really unavoidable. No matter how many millions, or billions, or trillions of dollars one might possess in their account, no matter how many hundreds or thousands of acres of land one might have, no matter how many cars and planes and yachts one might have at their disposal, no matter how many mansions, etc., all of these luxuries are really impossible to enjoy, in their modern sense, without the vast workforce of people required to build these vehicles, maintain your houses and land, grow and cook your food, etc., etc. Again, pretty simple concept! It is one we have very little difficulty in grasping when it comes to watching episodes of Downton Abbey, or studying the feudalism of the Middle Ages, but of course we have been convinced that these economic models are supposed to be a thing of the past. Particularly here in the United States, the “middle-class boom” that followed World War II was cemented into our collective consciousness as being the new normal. Capitalism was believed to have “triumphed”, and the proof was in the pudding, it was believed, and this belief was only deepened when the Soviet Union “unexpectedly collapsed”.

Today, especially after the market plunge in 2008 and associated housing market crash, followed by banker bailouts and occupy movements and all the rest, we are of course living in a time where the “dying middle class” is a real concern of people in America. The dreams once held of virtually everyone in this country being able to attend college if they so wanted, get a decent job, buy a home, etc., are now more of a pipe dream for many.

But did the “middle class” really go away? I actually don’t really think so. What I more or less perceive is that it is today simply much more globally dispersed…

So much of the issue, I believe, really comes down to a function of your vantage point. From the 1950’s to the 1990’s in America, despite a few recessions occurring intermittently, the middle class was seen as being pretty solid overall. Owning a home, driving a car down massive freeways to work everyday, shopping at massive grocery stores and malls, this was just accepted as the way “modern life in the 20th century” now was.

It just wasn’t like that for most of the rest of the world… When the United States (and it’s Allies, let’s not completely ignore them) emerged victorious from the clashes of WWII, it suddenly stood atop a vastly increased military and corporate empire around the globe. Access to important wartime materials such as oil and steel, were still maintained, and could now be funneled into the production of consumer goods, which the workforce of America quickly set out to make, for themselves, and slowly, the rest of the world, and… the “Elite”. But as the decades went on, and globalization of trade became more of a reality, the forces of labor costs and supply/demand shifted things.


Anyhow, you all know the story by now, how factories in Asia and South America became much cheaper options for production, and slowly outsourcing became the norm, first for factories, then for mundane cubicle jobs like telephone call-centers and so on. But what is the point here? I guess the point I’m driving at is just that despite all the economic hardship, skyscrapers are still being built, million-dollar warplanes and missiles and aircraft carriers still being commissioned. Oil is still being drilled and satellites still being launched into space. The natural resources of the earth are still being collected and processed, turned into all sorts of manufactured things. There is really just only so much need for this middle “administration” class…

Not only this, but so much of what is being “built” today is in the form of computer codes. So much of the “middle class” today involves not armies of factory workers, but armies of programmers, busily constructing the vast digital virtua-scape that increasingly touches every corner of our lives. This is something I think about quite often actually, since our own family is supported by employment in the “tech sector”. It is a really sobering thought sometimes, to step back and think about the fact that what so many of us lingering “middle class folks” are really doing is building, line of code by line of code, the computer infrastructure that is all coalescing into what will eventually comprise the Mark-of-the-Beast-system.

And money, little pieces of paper, (or more accurately) little digits punched into a computer program out of NOTHING, are the incentive used to prompt us all to build it. It is the carrot-on-the-stick through which the Beast System as a whole is being constructed. The driving force used to build the very infrastructure which the Spirit of Lawlessness is simultaneously bringing down upon the lives of the people building it.

The thing is… We talk so often about the “Luciferian Elite”, and the “Banksters”, and the “Cabal”, the “Bilderbergers”, secret society members, and bla bla bla… But honestly, this relatively tiny group of people could not possibly build the “throne” for their long-awaited Osirian leader, without all of us

In the end, that’s essentially how I now view the “middle class” of United States in the 20th century. The first embodiment of the “administrative class” of the modern, global Luciferian empire. And just like this “administrative class” was not viewed by the elites as needing to be something that remained within the boundaries of a sovereign nation, (since dismantling the sovereignty of nations is a primary objective), so too I believe the will the financial tool once used to mobilize a massive workforce, (the “almighty dollar”) be eventually cast aside after it’s usefulness is over. After all… It’s just a fiat currency, an alchemical illusion, designed to lure the masses into building what they themselves could not, whilst acquiring the real wealth and power outside of the smoke and mirrors of global economics…