HILLARY CLINTON: Feminism, Eugenics, and the New World Order…

This is a really great piece where Gonz has a guest named Isa, the “End Times Mama” from Women on the Fringe, talk about all the connections between Eugenics, the Rockefellers, Margaret Sanger, neo-feminism, population control, and of course, Hillary Clinton. I hadn’t been acquainted with this blogger until watching this vid, but I’m thinking they’re going to quickly become one of my faves…


“Temple of Oculus Anubis” in Oregon…?

So the other day I came across a few blogs that were writing about a property in Damascus, OR with some very interesting features indeed. They all seemed to be more or less pulling from an original article published last fall in That Oregon Life called “Temple Oculus Anubis, One of the Creepiest Places in Oregon”. The story cites other online investigations/discussions on the property to be found on reddit and elsewhere, including some very frightened testimony of a young woman living in the area who had visited the entryway seen in the pictures several times, and reported seeing unmarked white vans and being followed and harassed.

Is this just typical “urban legend conspiracy theory” type stuff? Or is there possibly really something rather sinister going on in this place?

If you’re the kind of nerd like me who can find themselves reading through all the various threads and checking the place out on google maps etc., then I’d say there really is evidence to support that this very well might be something more going on here than just a “rich dude who likes weird Egyptian stuff”. There is indeed a business listing online for “Oculus Inc.”, (supposedly some kind of vague medical supplies company) which lists as it’s website heavensgate.com, which is amazingly enough the website associated the “Heaven’s Gate” cult famous for the “Haley Bop comet spaceship” suicides in 1997.

1377112355001sFor me, one of the most significant elements of this bizarre looking entryway is the “crest” on top of the gate. If it was just a matter of there being some pyramid-shaped stone markers and an Egyptian statue in the woods, then I might not be so inclined to find it so suspect. That crest alludes to much more than just “rich guy who likes Egyptian stuff”. It bears a rather obvious similarity to the Royal British crest, and other emblems of monarchies, and to me it just reeks of “ancient occult bloodline” connections. I mean, lions, a dragon, and a crown? Come on now…

Digging through the various threads, you read about claims of underground tunnels being built, about how the property is sold regularly to shadowy personages, etc., and again, it does become difficult to separate fact from speculative fiction. But at the same time, one thing that REALLY struck me almost instantly, especially as I was looking at the aerial view on google maps, was the realization that this ornate occult-themed entryway couldn’t possibly be the only entrance. This is a million dollar home we’re talking about after all. There is most certainly a multi-car garage back there somewhere, which would necessitate a driveway, presumably with a formidable gate, presumably on the other side of the property, possibly connecting to Clackamas highway which runs along the backside of the expansive wooded land surrounding the home/”business”…(?)

Of course, it really could just be some eccentric person/family with a taste for landscaping that is almost cliché in it’s Illuminati connotations…

oculus-damascus-or-1But especially whenever the calendar starts coming around to one the various occult holidays such as the one approaching tomorrow, and we know that on these “high days” of the Druidian and occult calendars ritual sacrifices ARE performed all over the world, while the majority of us go along with our merry little lives without noticing anything unusual, these sorts of head-scratchers really give me pause. Actually, they give me real chills. Because the reality is that there ARE properties and buildings, all over the place, which we probably drive by and see from the outside all the time, and never imagine the kinds of ritualistic horrors that take place inside them while we’re doing the laundry, or falling asleep to reruns of Seinfeld. They do “hide in plain sight”, relying more than anything else on the fact that most people simply can’t imagine that such organized evil really does exist, or that people really DO worship ancient “gods” in the modern technological world we live in today.

As If Political Correctness Wasn’t Confusing Enough Already…


I know they say context is everything, but I must admit I’m still a little perplexed here…

Had this sort of “disciplinary parental intervention” occurred on some random, normal day, in say a Walmart parking lot, or the mother’s own backyard, and people had captured it on video, then she’d probably be hearing accusations of child abuse, or even be in jail already and at risk at losing custody, rather than having people talk about her as a candidate for Mother of the Year.

Sooo, I guess this calls for a small addendum to our “bully-free America” policy when it comes to zero tolerance for things like spanking/discipline, etc.. If it helps further the narrative of why we need the State to be ready to intervene and put boots on the streets in order to keep us safe from backpack-wielding terrorists, or crazy right-wingers, or bored and angry black teenagers with ski masks on, well… SMACK AWAY!

But What If It’s Not Just A Figure Of Speech…

I read this story the other day, and it really did just break my heart…

I am almost afraid to even write anything at all on the subject, as it is such a horrendous tragedy, and I cannot imagine the pain being felt by the family, and yet, at the same time, as the article itself admits, this is not an isolated or unique case. These sorts of stories have affected, and are affecting, so many families in this country and around the world, and obviously the entire subject of clinical depression, suicide, and anti-depressant drugs is such a massive and daunting one.

What really struck me though when reading this piece, was how often the author (the mother) referred to what she eventually came to think of as “the demons”.

She writes toward the end:

“My daughter lived more than six years with an incurable disease that filled her head with devils that literally hounded her to death…”

Yet Natalie was clearly a bright and beautiful human being who indeed longed to be free from the internal suffering, who sadly after years of only numbing the voices and pain through meds came to conclude that nothing could truly cure her.

I also found this article as a possible notable anecdote in light of a conversation/debate I participated in not long ago, whereby the atheist author was basically arguing the point that “backwards religious people” were responsible for the injury and death of many individuals because they ignorantly attributed depression and other mental illnesses to demonic oppression, rather than the much more “scientifically enlightened” view of treating it as a chemical imbalance requiring the appropriate medication.

The thing is, if my arm was being devoured by a pack of rabid wolves, you could shoot me full of morphine until I could scarcely feel the sting of their teeth ripping my flesh, but the carnage would still be taking place…

It is indeed incredibly ironic that in the context of a case where seemingly there WAS no “religious ignorance” involved, and the doctors and specialists and all the resources of the medical establishment were being trusted with complete confidence, the “illness” somehow was still of such a nature that it prompted this kind of personification, this allusion to the ‘antiquated’ notion of devils and demons hounding someone mercilessly. Why would ‘chemical imbalances’ have such a pointed and twisted agenda..? Why would molecules in the brain seem to have the ability to speak, and prey upon our fears and pain..?

Why use such a figure of speech if there couldn’t possibly be any truth to such an outdated idea from the Dark Ages…

Portal of Heaven and the Last Days “Endgame”…?

Okay, so fair warning, this post might be a bit of a doozy for a number of readers to digest, but basically in this I am simply going to attempt to lay out a concept/question that I have been “chewing on” for some time now.

ladder2I have already written a few posts about the topic of portals and the possible connection to things like CERN, and as these kinds of ponderings have continued to seemingly flesh themselves out more and more as time has passed, it has brought me to wonder about how it might all connect to what the Bible describes as taking place in the Last Days, particularly in connection to the anti-Christ and the mysterious “abomination that causes desolation”.

When we start looking into the matter of inter-dimensional “portals”, or gateways between the physical spiritual realms, and how there is a lot of evidence to suggest that certain locations on Earth might be understood to be places where the veil is “thinner”, or even “poked through” to some degree, such as speculations about Mt. Graham (as discussed by researchers Cris Putnam and Tom Horn), or many, many other parts of the world, the one that has continually piqued my curiosity is the question of there being some kind of connection to the famous story of “Jacob’s Ladder” in the Bible.

In Genesis 28:10-17 it says, “Jacob left Beersheba and set out for Harran. When he reached a certain place, he stopped for the night because the sun had set. Taking one of the stones there, he put it under his head and lay down to sleep. He had a dream in which he saw a stairway resting on the earth, with its top reaching to heaven, and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it. There above it stood the Lord, and he said: “I am the Lord, the God of your father Abraham and the God of Isaac. I will give you and your descendants the land on which you are lying. Your descendants will be like the dust of the earth, and you will spread out to the west and to the east, to the north and to the south. All peoples on earth will be blessed through you and your offspring. I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.”

When Jacob awoke from his sleep, he thought, “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I was not aware of it.” He was afraid and said, “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven.”

symbolism_symbolic_jacobs_ladder_william_blake_postcard-rd971d8205eb34ab2a0ab0ac9fc92ee20_vgbaq_8byvr_324Many people have already pointed to this passage as an example of a “portal”, a spiritual gateway, and I think rightly so. From the Biblical description it would seem that it is not just any portal either, but one which actually leads “up” to the very throne of God Himself.

Now… Bear with me for a moment while I jump to another tidbit of information which I came across a little while ago, which very much seemed to correlate to this whole discussion. I was listening to the Conspirinormal podcast a couple months ago, where they interviewed the author Tracy Twyman. Twyman started out as a researcher of secret societies and esoteric “stuff”, who eventually concluded that the common thread of all secret societies was that they were in contact with spiritual entities (a conclusion I would affirm). However, (and sadly, I would opine), she wound up using ouji boards to start contacting entities herself, and contact them she did. Two of the main entities she has interacted with are named “Cain” and “Baphomet” (and from my perspective, you shouldn’t need much more evidence than that alone to see these entities are in fact demonic…) and have relayed a host of information about the “forgotten history” of the world and many other things. The Bible calls this “didache demonoia”. Doctrines of demons. (so for anyone who might be wondering, please know I am not regarding such information as anything but that).

Yet, I must say that I found it quite fascinating to hear what she began to describe at around the 112 minute mark, where she speaks of what Cain, (and even an entity calling itself “Satan”) has to say about the “End of Days”. Essentially, (and I’m paraphrasing here) what they taught her was that the universe (in all of it’s dimensions/realms) is held together by a sort of central “pole”, an “axis”, which functions like a central pillar, keeping the realms separate and more or less holding the “structure” of the cosmos in place. She tells how from what she can gather, the basic goal of these “entities” (i.e. demons, fallen angels…) who are currently imprisoned in the “lower realm”, is to somehow collapse this pillar, and remove the separation between all the realms and actually storm heaven itself, take over the New Jerusalem, and put themselves on the throne.

Now, the reason I found this so telling was that after researching various occult concepts/teachings for several years now, I have to say it actually fits right in with so much of what I have encountered elsewhere, not to mention it actually fits quite nicely with what I find being described in much of Biblical prophecy as well…

Okay, so let’s throw in a third trajectory. The other vein of research which also seems to tie in with all of this is simply the broader question of the New World Order “endgame”. The Bible itself declares that the anti-Christ will crown himself as a “god” before the whole Earth, and set up an “image of the Beast” commanding the whole world to worship it, in the Holy of Holies… This is of course why so many Christians looking into Bible Prophecy are very fixed on the issue of watching to see if/when the Third Temple is finally rebuilt in Jerusalem. Traditionally, Bible prophecy has regarded this event from the perspective of it’s blasphemous characteristics, the idea of doing something profane in the “Holy of Holies” in the temple. More recent speculations have looked into possible connections between the “image of the Beast” and some kind of A.I. entity/creation. (see Gonz’s fantastic documentary Age of Deceit 2: Alchemy and the Rise of the Beast Image)

That being said, the more I have looked into the pieces/trails of all the “tentacles” of the NWO octopus, the more we so much of it pointing back to Luciferian elements operating behind the superficial motivations of political Zionism, and indeed this makes sense, if as the Bible says, the AC ultimately will set up a “throne” in Jerusalem itself and reign from there as the capitol of his unholy global empire. But is that it? Is that as far as Satan wants to go? Simply reigning over humanity and the rest of the Earth, or does he want more…?

Isaiah 14 says of Lucifer, the fallen star…

“How you have fallen from heaven,
morning star, son of the dawn!
You have been cast down to the earth,
you who once laid low the nations!
You said in your heart,
I will ascend to the heavens;
I will raise my throne
above the stars of God;
I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly,
on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon.
I will ascend above the tops of the clouds;
I will make myself like the Most High
But you are brought down to the realm of the dead,
to the depths of the pit.”

So what I am basically wondering about at this stage is this: What if this final “phase” of the Enemy’s agenda involves more than just setting up a physical global empire, more than the idolatrous worship of Lucifer in place of God in a rebuilt earthly temple, and even more than the opening up of a portal(s) between the “underworld” or “bottomless pit”, the “prison cube”, and the realm in which humanity lives. Wouldn’t there also be the attempt to not only stop here, but charge their way into the highest of the heavens, to the very Throne of God, and finish carrying out the “angelic coup” they originally started way back in the early dawn of earth’s history?

Could the abomination of desolation, as described in the Book of Daniel, perhaps be some kind of advanced form of the kind of thing being developed at CERN right now, (part ritual, part technology…), the opening of a spiritual portal which rocks the foundations of the Creation itself, (causing “desolation”…?) which Satan himself, through the figure of his “savior” the AC, opens up in order to try and invade the real Holy of Holies…?


This concept of a “world tree”, or “axis mundi”, is one that is absolutely ubiquitous throughout shamanic and esoteric traditions. It is found in ancient religious systems from Asia to the Middle East to early tribal Europe to the Americas. It is a very central theme of Wicca, the New Age movement, and Kabbalah. In short, in every “school” of spiritual learning where people are being taught by the demonic, this concept of a central “tree” or “pillar” or “axis” shows up again and again. It would seem that the fallen entities are in fact quite obsessed with it.

And so, if there was indeed at least some fraction of truth behind this concept (as usually there is within all occult teaching, albeit in a twisted and misrepresented form) then it would actually make a lot of sense as to why Lucifer and his underlings would be so fixated on getting access to it, forcing it open, as if it were akin to the “central elevator shaft” of the entire cosmos. And, if the vision beheld by Jacob really was a glimpse of that “central connector” between the realms, going all the way to the highest Heaven, then maybe, just maybe, this would explain a lot more as to why Satan would be so interested in that tiny sliver of land in the Middle East known as “Israel” for being the seat of his New World Order rule…

“Free Range Parenting”, Here’s My Rant…

I’m only learning about this situation with this family in Maryland for the first time yesterday. You’d think that by now, there would little left going on out there in the world that would shock me anymore. This whole thing though? I’m like… Are you? Is this? What the? Is this a joke!?!?

So… Where did this term “free range parenting” even come from? Suddenly we have this one insane case of a couple of kids being taken into custody by Protective Services, FOR WALKING IN THEIR OWN NEIGHBORHOOD A FEW BLOCKS FROM THEIR HOME, more than once now!?!?

I mean, if it had simply happened one time, it would be a crazy story, but you could regard it as a bizarre singular event, a misunderstanding, an overly-concerned neighbor calling the police or whatever. But it’s not some fluke thing anymore, it’s sparked an entire “nationwide debate” about something which I can hardly believe I’m hearing… “Free range parenting”? This is a “thing” now? This is a concept that many parents out there are actually accepting as something that is some kind of truly dangerous, neglectful act?

The thing is, as a parent myself, it’s been a very bizarre thing to realize just how much we ourselves are so much more leery and protective of our kids being out in public “unsupervised” than our own parents ever were about us at the same age. We really do live in an age where people are so much more conscious of real dangers like sex offenders, so it’s not like I’m at ALL the kind of person who feels very comfortable with my kids being out where anyone could just come up and grab them and throw them in a van. But at the same time… Protective Services?? Two blocks away from home??? This is insanity people! The “Nanny State” is truly going too far here. I mean, I just don’t get it… Do people in Maryland not even let their kids walk themselves to school anymore??? Is that considered “neglect” nowadays?


Most people like myself who experienced childhood prior to the mass hysteria of the war-on-terror, everyone-outside-your-door-could-potentially-be-a-terrorist-or-child-molestor era that we live in today, can probably remember being afforded a level of outdoor freedom that would be largely unthinkable in today’s climate. In the summertime, we’d be out riding our bikes around the neighborhood until the sun went down, having “adventures” in the woods, building forts, making little trips to 7-11, playing football at the nearby school, etc. Parents would simply tell you to “go outside and play!”, and so we did. People would’ve laughed their asses off at any sort of term such as “free range parenting”, (particularly in the pejorative sense that it is being applied), as if was even something worthy of debate.

Maybe part of the reason this story is just so bizarre to me, is that the neighborhood I live in currently is a far cry from whatever mindset is apparently the norm now in a place like Silver Springs MD. We actually live right by a park, and so if I were to be calling the police every time I saw kids walking around without parental supervision, I’d be clogging up the entire 9-11 dispatch. It’s almost funny, because whenever we do take our kids to the park, the other kids usually look at us as the weird ones, for being the only parents around. Even though we don’t necessarily feel comfortable ourselves with letting our children “roam free” the way we did as kids, we certainly aren’t going to call CPS on anyone else simply because they’re outside trying to play…

Insanity. Absolute insanity…

The Breaking Point…

What’s the matter with you guys? This was never about the money, this was about us against the system. That system that kills the human spirit. We stand for something. We are here to show those guys that are inching their way on the freeways in their metal coffins that the human sprit is still alive…” Bodhi – Point Break, 1991

Sometimes my little brain comes up with stuff that even makes me wonder… 😉

The other day I somehow wound up taking quite the random mental detour, and somehow coming out on the other side of it all suddenly marveling at how the low-brow Keanu/Swayze movie “Point Break” in fact possibly contained a very heavy gnostic message. Although, as time goes on, I’m realizing that such a thing isn’t much of a statement anymore, because honestly, it could almost be argued that virtually every film put out by Hollywood contains a gnostic message of one form or another, some being simply much more overt than others.

But with Point Break, I have to say is a film that I honestly have to admit never occurred to me as one having much in the way of “hidden messaging”, and now that we’re here in 2015 and awaiting a remake of the film this coming Christmas, 24 years after the original movie, (seriously? Are there ANY movies they aren’t going to decide to remake…?) it seems like a decent enough excuse to write down my musings here on some thematic elements in the original “classic” that I had never before considered.

It’s pretty straight-forward, really. The film follows the path of “Johnny Utah” (Reeves) as he goes from an “All-American”, football-playing, FBI agent, dedicated to busting bad guys and being a faithful servant of the “system”, to eventually leaving it all behind to embrace surfing as the medium through which is sought a more meaningful and spiritually-defined existence. The main force responsible for this sweeping change is the character “Bodhi” (Swayze) who of course is the leader of the ex-presidents and sort of the “spiritual leader” of both the original group, and becomes a sort of mentor to Utah, who at first is merely trying to infiltrate the gang by posing as a surfer. prezs

Okay, so some key thematic items to note. The “ex-presidents” motif is itself quite interesting, as I started to think about how on several levels it could be thought to represent both statements about the whole usury-centered banking system, and the fact that it is inseparable from the government as a whole, including the office of the president, so there is a very interesting play on the whole idea of presidentially-masked bank robbers, and how the system itself is made up of presidential leaders who are just puppets of the bankers, who are very much robbing everyone. It’s a very thought-provoking possible way of alluding to the central-banking cabal, if you think about it.

But then, the “ex-presidents” are also all about “fighting the system”. The quote at the top of this article is one that stuck out to me, even as a young person seeing it for the very first time. Through Bodhi we actually see a very familiar gnostic theme of “hero/anti-hero confusion”, where the traditional concepts of “good and evil” are turned upside-down and sideways, so that by the end of the story, it’s notPoint-Break-skydiving at all as “black and white” as the audience, or the main character, first believed…

We see this demonstrated by things such as how Bodhi is on the one hand a pretty dangerous, violent guy, who on the one hand robs banks and eventually kidnaps Johnny’s girlfriend who is almost murdered per Bodhi’s orders. But in the final scene of the film, Utah has Bodhi captured, tracking him down at Bell’s Beach Australia during the “50 year storm”, and finally manages to handcuff in the shallow beach break. Instead of bringing Bodhi in, he lets him go, to die in the massive waves, and then Johnny himself hurls his FBI badge into the ocean, signifying his complete rejection of the system and life he once believed in…pointbreak1

So from the standpoint of that scene in particular, I realized that it very much embodies the whole meme of the “spirituality-seeking Truther”. The New-Age-influenced activist against the “corrupt system” .

If surfing is seen as a metaphor for New Age spiritualism, then suddenly the movie takes on a very different feel than it’s surface-level, testosterone-heavy appearance.

The “Point Break”, or “breaking point”, is then seen to be about the point at which a person loses their confidence and faith in the values of the “system”, in the rampant consumerism, the nationalistic compliance, the status quo. Many “Truthers”, whether of a more New Age spiritual vein or otherwise, often speak about the “waking up point”, something that can be likened by many to the idea of “enlightenment”, which is of course the whole goal of New Age practice and beliefs. Not to mention, the name “Bodhi” itself is a very transparent allusion to the “Bodhi Tree” of Buddhism, which Buddha supposedly sat under when he gained enlightenment.

When Bodhi surrenders himself to the waves in one final suicidal ride, it could be seen as representative of the notion of monism, becoming “one with the whole”, a final transcendent action through which he chooses to become “one with nature”, instead of facing the prospect of standing before a Judge for his crimes. You’d be hard-pressed to come up with a more striking allegory for the philosophical choice being made when a person chooses the “freedom” promised by the idea of gnostic transcendence, as opposed to the archaic notion of a God who ultimately judges everypointbreakone from His Throne. Like almost every other instance where Gnosticism is embedded into entertainment, it is done in a manner than is cleverly twisted around to make it seem quite appealing, to where the viewer is meant to find themselves at the end willing to question the pre-supposed sense of morality they might have held at the beginning, to bring them, willingly, to their own inner point of “breaking away” from the perceived confines of oppressive and uncompassionate rules…

It will be interesting to see if the remake contains the same types of themes, (my guess is that it almost certainly will), though I don’t think I could even bring myself to watch it. What are they going to remake next? Goonies? E.T.?