Category Archives: money

Money is Magic…

It’s one thing to learn that our money, (through the Federal Reserve, and it’s wicked step-mother, the Bank of London), is really nothing more than an artificial construct, an illusion of substance, being nothing but debt from it’s very inception. It’s quite another to then try and ponder what all the implications of this reality might be, as it effects us all on the day-to-day level.

The more I think about this bizarre concept, the more I find myself being convinced that the true purpose of fiat currency really is a type of “slavery”, though it’s arguably the most ingenious form of it, because inherent within this system of virtual finance and “voodoo economics” is the eventual take-away realization that the accumulation of money itself does not empower the individual, but only confine the individual further to the system as a whole. This may seem like a rather obvious thing to say, but what I am trying to get at is the idea that there really is a very marked distinction between money, and true physical wealth.

Most of us are inclined to believe that the “elite” are those holding positions of great power and influence, largely because they are also rich, which I would say has a great deal of truth to it, only, the true concept of being “rich”, in the way applied by the “Elite”, is one that I increasingly believe involves the understanding that wealth is something acquired through money, not simply by acquiring vast sums of money itself. After all, the true “wealth” of the world encompasses everything from raw goods, precious metals, land holdings, corporate ownership, military muscle, intelligence-gathering capability, and means of production. If you hold and control these things, as well as the means of producing the currency itself, then you are really the one calling shots. The quantification of dollars and pounds and yen are totally illusory in the end, ways to make the markets appear “vibrant” and self-actuated, rather than controlled and monopolized.
So from this kind of perspective, it is making more and more sense to me this concept of money being an “alchemical working”, a magic trick if you will, put in place to perpetuate the dream of the common person being able to go out and carve out his own little niche in the world, build up his own little “estate”, when in reality, all we are effectively doing is participating in a system of neo-feudalism that is so massive, and so complex, we can’t see it for what it is…

Think about it like this for a moment: When you stop and consider it all, again, from the perspective of “thinking like an Elite”, there is a very interesting dynamic that is really unavoidable. No matter how many millions, or billions, or trillions of dollars one might possess in their account, no matter how many hundreds or thousands of acres of land one might have, no matter how many cars and planes and yachts one might have at their disposal, no matter how many mansions, etc., all of these luxuries are really impossible to enjoy, in their modern sense, without the vast workforce of people required to build these vehicles, maintain your houses and land, grow and cook your food, etc., etc. Again, pretty simple concept! It is one we have very little difficulty in grasping when it comes to watching episodes of Downton Abbey, or studying the feudalism of the Middle Ages, but of course we have been convinced that these economic models are supposed to be a thing of the past. Particularly here in the United States, the “middle-class boom” that followed World War II was cemented into our collective consciousness as being the new normal. Capitalism was believed to have “triumphed”, and the proof was in the pudding, it was believed, and this belief was only deepened when the Soviet Union “unexpectedly collapsed”.

Today, especially after the market plunge in 2008 and associated housing market crash, followed by banker bailouts and occupy movements and all the rest, we are of course living in a time where the “dying middle class” is a real concern of people in America. The dreams once held of virtually everyone in this country being able to attend college if they so wanted, get a decent job, buy a home, etc., are now more of a pipe dream for many.

But did the “middle class” really go away? I actually don’t really think so. What I more or less perceive is that it is today simply much more globally dispersed…

So much of the issue, I believe, really comes down to a function of your vantage point. From the 1950’s to the 1990’s in America, despite a few recessions occurring intermittently, the middle class was seen as being pretty solid overall. Owning a home, driving a car down massive freeways to work everyday, shopping at massive grocery stores and malls, this was just accepted as the way “modern life in the 20th century” now was.

It just wasn’t like that for most of the rest of the world… When the United States (and it’s Allies, let’s not completely ignore them) emerged victorious from the clashes of WWII, it suddenly stood atop a vastly increased military and corporate empire around the globe. Access to important wartime materials such as oil and steel, were still maintained, and could now be funneled into the production of consumer goods, which the workforce of America quickly set out to make, for themselves, and slowly, the rest of the world, and… the “Elite”. But as the decades went on, and globalization of trade became more of a reality, the forces of labor costs and supply/demand shifted things.


Anyhow, you all know the story by now, how factories in Asia and South America became much cheaper options for production, and slowly outsourcing became the norm, first for factories, then for mundane cubicle jobs like telephone call-centers and so on. But what is the point here? I guess the point I’m driving at is just that despite all the economic hardship, skyscrapers are still being built, million-dollar warplanes and missiles and aircraft carriers still being commissioned. Oil is still being drilled and satellites still being launched into space. The natural resources of the earth are still being collected and processed, turned into all sorts of manufactured things. There is really just only so much need for this middle “administration” class…

Not only this, but so much of what is being “built” today is in the form of computer codes. So much of the “middle class” today involves not armies of factory workers, but armies of programmers, busily constructing the vast digital virtua-scape that increasingly touches every corner of our lives. This is something I think about quite often actually, since our own family is supported by employment in the “tech sector”. It is a really sobering thought sometimes, to step back and think about the fact that what so many of us lingering “middle class folks” are really doing is building, line of code by line of code, the computer infrastructure that is all coalescing into what will eventually comprise the Mark-of-the-Beast-system.

And money, little pieces of paper, (or more accurately) little digits punched into a computer program out of NOTHING, are the incentive used to prompt us all to build it. It is the carrot-on-the-stick through which the Beast System as a whole is being constructed. The driving force used to build the very infrastructure which the Spirit of Lawlessness is simultaneously bringing down upon the lives of the people building it.

The thing is… We talk so often about the “Luciferian Elite”, and the “Banksters”, and the “Cabal”, the “Bilderbergers”, secret society members, and bla bla bla… But honestly, this relatively tiny group of people could not possibly build the “throne” for their long-awaited Osirian leader, without all of us

In the end, that’s essentially how I now view the “middle class” of United States in the 20th century. The first embodiment of the “administrative class” of the modern, global Luciferian empire. And just like this “administrative class” was not viewed by the elites as needing to be something that remained within the boundaries of a sovereign nation, (since dismantling the sovereignty of nations is a primary objective), so too I believe the will the financial tool once used to mobilize a massive workforce, (the “almighty dollar”) be eventually cast aside after it’s usefulness is over. After all… It’s just a fiat currency, an alchemical illusion, designed to lure the masses into building what they themselves could not, whilst acquiring the real wealth and power outside of the smoke and mirrors of global economics…

The Truth is stranger than Radio…. (project in the works…)

truthradioOk, so I’ve been kicking around the idea of doing some kind of podcast / radio project / “radio” sort of thang / for quite some time now, but still haven’t quite got there, although I am constantly playing around with sounds/music for “intros”, as that seems to be fun to do just for it’s own sake, and so perhaps that is even half my motive for wanting to do such a thing in the first place.  🙂  But anyhow, I’m still in the “brainstorming” phase really, (I suppose I more or less live in the that phase, but no matter…) and really I don’t know exactly where it might go, but all I think I do know at this point is that I’d want it to be something different, something very free and open in it’s format, and honestly I don’t think I’m looking to do another “let’s sit and interview this author/speaker/person” show, not because I don’t like those types of podcasts, because I love em, it’s just that I don’t necessarily think that’s either my “strength” or my cup o’ tea necessarily…

I think I’m more envisioning something more compilation-oriented, in the vein of say, NPR radio-shows such as “This American Life”, or “Radiolab”, if you’re familiar with those. Just more like little collections of “sound vignettes” and more like just random recorded conversations with people, about, well, all the fun/weird/crazy/prophetic stuff that typically finds it’s way onto the blog here, only I think I’d actually be hoping to collaborate with a lot of my fellow YOUs out there, in a project like this, my friends (and just anybody really) out there in the ‘sphere who might want to talk about, well, anything… How’s that sound? I’d love to just get recordings of stuff like, people’s testimonies, views on what’s going on in the world, governments, pop culture, music, art, the Bible, “spirituality”, conspiracies, NWO, movies, books, and of course, TRUTH!

I already have several of you specifically in mind, so be prepared to start getting some emails peeps, and please, do take the time to let me know what kinds of things YOU’D be interested in talking about, listening to, and just seeing tried overall. It’s not intended to be the most amazing thing you’ve ever heard in terms of “production value” or anything, nor is it hoped to be something that would garner some massive audience. It’s just, like this blog, another small outlet, a way of hopefully being able connect in a slightly “deeper” way with lots of other people out there, collaborate, get creative, and actually be able to hear the tones in each other’s voices…. Here’s one of the “intros” I’ve come up with:

Shrugging Off Atlas Altogether…

Watched this doc on Netflix over the weekend. It makes a lot of poignant points, and the sequence at the beginning showing the fixed Monopoly game is especially good as an analogy. If anything, the documentary falls short because it doesn’t even show the full extent of the true wealth gap. Do people like the Rothschilds even register on the wealth radar anymore? Did they suddenly disappear in a puff of smoke? No, it’s almost like they got so rich that their vast empire is now broken up into a conglomerate of smaller business empires.

Anyhow, the documentary does do a decent job nonetheless at showing how such a small group of people really controls all the wealth, and how these people are in fact in control of the banking sector, as well as the legislature and it’s influence over things like the tax code via massive lobbying efforts, etc. I suppose the thing that just strikes me about it all, is that it simply shows how much of this stuff is absolutely not the stuff of “conspiracy theory” anymore. There is a ridiculous amount of public evidence to demonstrably show that America is not necessarily the “land of opportunity” that it is still be heralded as. In fact, one could argue that perhaps it never was, at least not in the way we typically think, when we are able to take a step back and get a reminder of just how much “wealth” is out there.

Of course, the point where I start to veer wildly from the perspective of such films is when it starts leaning into the familiar right/left partisan politics angle. It starts talking about the Koch dynasty and their financial contributions to the “tea party movement” and “smaller government” political ideology, etc. Basically at that point it turns into a smear against “Libertarian” views, most of which I’d probably have a lot of agreement with at least on a certain level, but then again, the film does a pretty good job of showing how in lot of ways Libertarianism is twisted in order to simply defend the “rights” of Billionaires to be Billionaires. The film actually starts talking about Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged” and how Republican Paul Ryan is basically an Ayn Rand devotee…

Overall it is merely a continuation of the broader polarized narrative that I am increasingly trying toatlas__vector__by_decoechoes-d6vnjf8 extricate myself from altogether. This is a fairly difficult thing to do, in many ways, since there are valid points to be made on each “side”, yet in the end, I find it to be the only worthwhile direction, because the more you examine all these issues, the more you eventually start to realize that it is really not a Republican vs. Democrat issue, nor a Capitalist vs. Socialist debate, or any of the ways we have been conditioned to approach the matter through some faulty, dichotomized lens. It isn’t even about “rich vs. poor”, at least not from the perspective of the Bible as Truth, because for those seeking the Kingdom of Heaven, we must remember that we are not to seek the type of riches of which “moth and rust destroy, and thieves break in and steal”…

What happened in 2008 was real, and it was criminal, and it did impact the lives of millions of people around the world. Our family was being supported by employment in the Real Estate sector at the time, Commercial Escrow specifically. We got out just before the commercial sector followed the residential into the mud, and six months later the national company which had looked rock solid for so many years was suddenly belly up, it’s stock sold for pennies to a former competitor, who gobbled up the few remaining assets/talent and jettisoned the leftovers.

Economics is really such a bizarre thing, and even though I have been able to slowly understand it more over the years, I never really get used to it’s surreal nature, the ways that immaterial concepts and figures and contracts eventually manifest themselves in the real world, impacting things like putting real food on our plates, real gas in our cars, and real roofs over our heads. It’s not wrong, or sinful, to recognize the basic needs we all have, and even the desire to enjoy “luxuries”, like vacation or travel, or a nice home, etc. But in the end, I am always both convicted, and encouraged, every single time I read the words of Jesus, when He says;

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness! No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.

Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life ?

And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

Do We Suffer from “A.A.F.S.”…?

Apocalyptic Anticipation Fatigue Syndrome.

So far, that’s the best acronym I could come up with.

It is hard for anyone who believes that we are indeed entering into the “Last Days” to not at times feel overwhelmed by the ceaseless array of warnings, wailings, railings and pronouncements of impending doom. Just yesterday, my mental faculties were presented with no less than four different occasions on which the prospect of an impending EMP attack was being put forth (and they weren’t all coming from “alternative media” sources”)

If you believe in the Bible, (and take it seriously) then you know about what Jesus says regarding the End of Age, and the “birthpangs” and wars and rumors of wars”. You know it will get increasingly unstable and tumultuous as we approach the Return of Christ, and as a result, it’s really not surprising that so many people get so easily fixated on waiting for the next big “cataclysmic thing”, be it a total global economic collapse, World War III, Israel going nuclear on it’s Arab neighbors, an earthquake so massive it changes the very landscape of the continent, “zombie apocalypse”, pandemic outbreak of disease, the next large-scale 9/11-type false flag attack, an alien invasion (real or synthetic), or some resurrected Nephilim horde spewing out of the pit to reek havoc upon mankind…

It’s not just people who believe in bible prophecy either, but it would seem that even the mainstream media is full-on participatory in promoting the idea that we’re gonna get hit with “the next big punch” at any given second. A suitcase nuke going off in NYC, or a secret army of Muslim assassins that has been sneaking across the southern border is suddenly unleashed… The net result is that we are collectively in a constant state of holding our breath, looking around, this way and that, wondering which direction that next big ‘ol punch is going to come from.

Our culture at large essentially equates the term “apocalyptic” with meaning massive, earth-shattering destruction. If an event is being described as “apocalyptic”, it more or less means it’s one of the most devastating floods, or earthquakes, or wars or whatever that humans have ever seen before. In the Bible however, “apocalypsis” in the Greek just means “unveiling” or “revealing”. Now, I’m not trying to get into a big debate on pre-Trib vs. pre-Wrath, but I will say that if Jesus’ return is what coincides with, and actually kicks off the brunt of God’s true unleashing of wrath upon the world (wrath being truly cataclysmic, not just “difficult” or a time of persecution, but where the elements are actually “destroyed by fire” 2 Peter 3:10) then this is the only sense in which “apocalyptic” can be accurately used to describe both the “Revealing” and “utter destruction”.

Anyhow… My point in all this, is that even though yes, we have absolutely seen an unprecedented number of “fantastic events” in our lifetimes, I would still have to say that when you step back and look at it all, the vast majority of how things have progressed towards a one-world government, one-world economy and one-world religion have not been via huge, massive cataclysmic events, but through a slow, steady progression that most people scarcely notice. I saw a piece on this show called “Brain Games” the other day, talking about how we are wired to notice sudden changes, but not so much gradual ones. They showed a painting of a town on the screen for about ten seconds, then ask if you could identify how many things in the painting changed. There were a few that were obvious, because they suddenly appeared/disappeared. But the rest were slow. From the beginning of the time to the end, the entire color of the sky actually changed, but you don’t even notice it, because your eyes are busily darting around the picture looking for rapid, sudden changes, and so the gradual color shift unfolds right in front of you and you don’t even realize it…

Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. But you, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief. You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be awake and sober. For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk, get drunk at night. But since we belong to the day, let us be sober, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet. For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him. Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

I grew up in a church environment where basically the prevailing mindset regarding the “End Times” was that sure, things in the world today are “evil” and getting further away from God, BUT, overall, we’re going to more or less keep trucking along in our comfortable middle-class American church-going lifestyle until Jesus suddenly beams us all up one unexpected moment, and the world is left without a clue, and then the “tribulation” will begin, and that’s when stuff get’s crazy.

I don’t believe that anymore. I guess now, I’m just at the place where I understand that being “sober-minded” doesn’t just entail being able to look at all the “birthpang events” and know that it means that Christ’s return is getting closer. Being “awake and sober” also means remembering what the scriptures also say about how people will be saying “peace and security”, all the way up until Jesus returns, until that final Day, that final moment when EVERYTHING in the world is baptized with fire, and God goes all the way with making a new heaven, and a new earth…

In the meantime, I am ever-increasingly feeling convicted that it’s not just the “big scary events” that we as Christians should so concerned with being prepared for, with all manner of things like food storage and guns and shelters and whatnot. It’s the “peace and security” that almost poses a more dangerous threat. The gradual, almost imperceptible change. The whole “boiling a frog” metaphor. We have now for decades been debating and discussing topics such as just what the “Mark of thedoomsday_wrist_watch Beast” will be. Will it be a chip? An implant? A code? Some kind of genetic “enhancement”? Every year the debate goes on, we all baby-step a little closer to that system. We all hold our breath, convinced that at any given day, the market could crash, the sky will fall, and then the need will arise for the Mark to be issued, but in the meantime, we’re still using our debit cards, and smart-phone apps, and digitized bank accounts, etc…

But what if it doesn’t actually happen like that. What if humanity, those who don’t believe in the Bible at all, and those who say they do, all of us, are all kept peering at the sky, glued to our screens, waiting for the market to drop, for the bomb to go off, for martial law to be declared… Waiting for that “doomsday clock” to finally, FINALLY “strike midnight”… And after decades of our groggy, droopy-eyed “apocalyptic anticipation”, we finally look down, and realize that somewhere in the midst of our planning and preparing and prognosticating, we somehow numbly went right ahead and took the Mark ourselves, and didn’t even realize it…


ar13039324114432  Recently I’ve wound up watching some documentaries and doing some extra reading that has delved deeper into the practice known as “fractional reserve banking”. Now, many people have varying levels of understanding as to the way in which the Federal Reserve (which is of course “neither Federal, nor a Reserve”!) essentially prints money out of nothing. Paper money, with nothing to back it, and they can simply print as much as they want, as often as the want. Ah, the beautiful, horrific reality of our fiat currency… But what has been really quite amazing to me, is to learn how the Fed is really only the first step in the process of “money-out-of-nothing” creation. Indeed, as I have come to understand it with my limited, ever-so-not-fiscally-inclined brain, it could be said that things like the Federal Reserve, and Central Banks in general, going all the way up to the IMF and World Bank, are all really just pieces of what could be described as the “global fractional reserve banking system”.

But what is fractional-reserve banking? Let me turn to a completely “non-conspiratorial” source for a simple explanation. The site gives a very simple and easy to follow outline. It explains how banks are able to loan out 90% of the deposited money they have “on hand”, and at the end, this very by-the-book explanation fully admits that through this process, more money is created! They show how an initial investment of $100,000 can grow into $1,000,000, under a ten percent reserve requirement.

But hey, so what? Isn’t that what banks are supposed to do? Reloan their money to other people, in order to make interest? Isn’t that how the “economy works”? How they “grease the wheels” of industry by keeping the liquidity flowing?

Well, we’ve been conditioned our entire lives to think so, and really, scrutinizing something like the banking system is really the perfect primer for coming to understand the whole bizarre genius of how to “hide something in plain sight”.

I used to listen to an almost embarrassing amount of National Public Radio. Every day, you’d listen to them rattle off the numbers. The Dow. The S&P. The Nasdaq. Is the Fed going to keep interest rates at an all time low, or are they going to raise the rates and send the whole economy teetering over the edge? Are the job numbers up or down? How is the dollar stacking up against the Yuan or the Pound or the Ruble? Oil cost how much per barrel today?

What if I told you banks create money out of nothing by typing numbers into a computerBut it’s really all just total fluff. Smoke and mirrors. Utterly meaningless noise. When you start to learn the ins and outs of where money “comes from”, beginning with central banks such as the Federal Reserve, and then on through all the various “smaller” banks who loan the money out on interest, over and over again, you begin to quickly realize how completely detached the “state of the economy” really is from anything as tangible as the actual work being done by actual living, breathing human beings.

We’ve all heard the politicians go on and on about dealing with the national debt”, or the “debt crisis”, or maybe you’ve even come the place where you understand that we in fact live in a completely debt-based economy. Yet, this still only scratches the surface, because as humans, we are inherently inclined to assume that all debts have to first start out somewhere as being based on things with actual value. And herein lies the rub, the core reason which makes this whole “debt-based system” so insidious. The travesty is not that we, either as a nation or as individuals, are “in debt” in the sense that we owe anyone a bunch of money. Rather, our money IS debt in itself, if that makes any sense whatsoever…

In a long but incredibly insightful documentary I watched last week, it made the most poignant statement about “credit”. They said, “Credit simply means to believe”. And after a bit of reflection, I realized, this was quite true. When you “give someone credit” for something, you believe they did something or will do something. When a lender “extends credit” to someone, they are essentially saying “We believe that you will pay us back”. But the crazy thing is, when it comes to money, and indeed, this entire juggernaut system as a whole, it is really OUR belief, in IT, in THEM, that makes it all work. It is simply us, giving “credit” to the worthless paper money (or worthless digital money, etc.) that gives it any value in the first place. It is manufactured out of thin air, and then multiplied countless times over, again out of thin air, and the only thing which allows this counter-intuitive and completely illogical system (i.e. racket) to operate is our own collective, acquiescence and participation.

Ok. Now, for me, the confusing part was to then stop and wonder, “But how could all money be worthless? There is obviously such a thing as ‘realwhoa2 wealth’ in the world. After all, isn’t that what the banksters are greedily trying to get their hands on, by benefiting from what is essentially a “too-big-to-fail” Ponzi scheme..?” And the answer is, of course there is such a thing as ‘real wealth’, i.e., things that have real, intrinsic value to human beings. (those things fall on a sliding scale of course, depending on how they fit into our current given scenario according to the whole ‘hierarchy of needs’) That real wealth, the real “stuff”, is what’s at stake. From the work we do to make it all “go”, to the food we eat, the water we drink, the houses we live in, and the land everything sits on.

Jesus said, “the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil”, and we all tend to simply think of this statement as a denouncement of generic greed, the basic coveting of another’s actual goods, an interpretation which of course is completely accurate. But there is a sense in which we can step back, and wonder if at the same Christ’s words don’t just as much cut through to the love of the system of money itself. The inherent nature that money has, as a system, to be manipulated, to represent everything, anything, and nothing. Money is a mechanism, which on the surface we look at as a necessary means by which we have a tool for common trade, a language for commerce, a “standard” by which we’re all allegedly playing by the same underlying rules. Only we aren’t. Money, particularly debt-based money, in an overall debt-based economy and society, is simply geared towards one thing, complete takeover. It is by far the most effective tool Satan has in his arsenal for building a global infrastructure that at some stage will be put in the hands of his false messiah. Some Christians still believe this is a coming reality, others do not. Of those that do, there are still a great many of them who do dare to recognize that this system is constantly being knit together all around them, and has been for quite some time now. It is not some thing coming over the horizon, something that will manifest suddenly after the saints have been safely whisked off to the clouds, but is being implemented right now, and we see it on our televisions and hear it on the radio every single day, and for the most part we continue to think of it as just “the way the world works”, as something normal, and although perhaps full of corrupt individuals, not a corrupt and insipid system in and of itself. Not the Faustian deal that it ultimately is…

illuminist_banksters_creating_money_out_of_nothing_lending_n_charging_interestScripture says, “There is nothing new under the sun”, and we see this truth born out once again, as the lie told in the garden by the serpent comes full circle, back to us in this late chapter of history, where he beckons us to exchange that which has true value for something that is in the end empty, and worthless, and fake. Let us cling to the words of the Son, who said:

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matt 6:19)

Some Fed. Reserve / Fractional Reserve Banking videos/documentaries worthy of note:

Century of Enslavement: History of the Federal Reserve by James Corbett
The Money Masters
The Federal Reserve Explained in 3 Minutes
George Carlin spills the beans on those who own everything (just for fun…)

Thank You, Dr. Stan…

drstanJust found out this morning that Dr. Stanley Monteith went to be with Jesus yesterday. It would be hard to fully encapsulate all that this man has done in service to the Lord and to the Truth regarding the Days that we are all living in today. The man was a pioneer, a servant, an intellectual, and a true example to all the Saints who have been destined by God to live in the Last Days. This man was researching and revealing the constructs of the New World Order before I was born, and I only discovered his show, Radio Liberty, a couple years ago, but in that time I have listened to countless hours of amazing interviews and discussions on all sorts of pressing international and spiritual topics. He has my utmost respect and thanks, and if anyone deserves to finally go and be able rest from his labors for the Lord in the last century, it is this man.

James Corbett, who was regularly featured as a guest on Radio Liberty, has written a stirring tribute, In Memoriam Stan Monteith.
Even Alex Jones (who I am often not a fan of his style/rhetoric) had some laudable words for this man who paved the way for so many now speaking out on these things today.

If the Dollar really Dies…


Even as a child, I was never particularly good with money. My meager allowance typically didn’t last longer than it took to walk into a pizza place with an arcade version of “Double Dragon” in the back. As an adult, my seeming inability to invest or save or even spend wisely soon led me to the same frustrating realization that so many other Americans have arrived at: debt sucks. My credit score is borderline embarrassing, my “assets” consist of little more than the collection of thrift-store “treasures” I’ve amassed over the years, and more than one used-car-salesman has had his way with me over the years. “Economics” was never a topic I found particularly intellectually stimulating, and so it was a long, winding road before I was able to finally come to the place where I really began to understand what all the fuss surrounding things like the Federal Reserve and “Fiat currency” and the petro-dollar was really all about.

Now, I’m finally there, just in time to see that the long-prophesied cracks in the damn are truly forming right before our collective eyes, that is, if we aren’t too busy watching celebrities dump ice water on their heads or putting together our fantasy-football rosters. The funny thing is, I have to confess that there is a part of me that almost feels a sense of relief at the idea of the dollar just suddenly kicking the bucket. All those years my family and I have struggled under the chains of stubborn student loans and high-interest car payments would finally (presumably) be no more. I almost feel like there would be a small taste of self-satisfaction in the thought that in a flash, all those people out there sitting on their IRA’s and stock portfolios and real-estate equity (I know, I know, all three of them who are left…) suddenly are in the same predicament I am. I suppose that’s an incredibly calloused and smug thing to think, but I’m just going for honesty here. Of course I know that my moment of relief from being released from the burdens of owing all that worthless paper money would be short-lived, and after about five minutes at the most, it would be overtaken by the reality setting in that now we have to figure out how to put food on the table without grocery stores. (small detail there!)

I’m certainly no economic analyst, or “date-setter”, or anyone who has anything resembling “inside information”, and I have no idea of the things we read about regarding Gazprom or the BRICS nations and all the rest is really spelling the end of the petro-dollar, or if the PTSB already have a dozen or so other mechanisms at their disposal to keep the “floating dollar” afloat for who knows how many more decades… I don’t know if the next month or so could see the next “big false flag event” or not, or if WWIII could really swing into action, but all I know is that I can’t sit and scoff at the possibility. I know I need to get more serious about having extra water and food on hand, just in case. I know from past experience, that economic “bubbles” are a real thing, and when they pop, it has real consequences. And I know that the U.S. dollar itself represents the most massive, economic “bubble” in all of human history, and this is undoubtedly something which came about not by accident, but by design…

For someone like me, who understands things so much better when I have a visual or an allegory to compare it to, the whole thing made so much more sense when I realized it was very much like the story of the “Emperor’s New Clothes”, and that for the majority of the past century, we have been living in what equates to the part of the story where the Emperor is parading along his kingdom’s streets, stark nude. The arrogant king ignorantly strides about without a stitch of clothing on, and there is no outbreak of scandal or hysteria until finally a child says what everyone else already internally knows, but is too scared to admit. The petro-dollar is very much like the unspoken agreement of the Emperor’s citizenry, the illusion carries itself forward, until finally the masses do not partake in the charade. If Russia and China et al have really ceased to buy/sell oil in dollars, then this could in fact be the moment that the child speaks out, and the nakedness of our fantasy economic world is made plain to all…

“Abandoned” Israel…?


I keep hearing this sort of statement.  “The United States has abandoned Israel”.  It’s almost as though every time anyone in the media even MENTIONS the deaths of Palestinian children, or a blown up hospital, it’s treated as though CNN was calling for the eradication of the entire Jewish populace.  I honestly don’t get it. If nothing else, to me these sorts of commentaries only speak to the incredible degree of bias and selective hearing on behalf of the people saying them. (people mostly comprised of well-meaning, “Hagee-ized” Christians in America and other places…)

I should probably attempt to make it clear from the get-go that I am not endeavoring to call people to “support” EITHER side of this conflict in any sort of political way. The only point is that from all that I observe, it is simply a most bizarre and confounding position indeed to hear so many people decrying this idea that the “United States has turned it’s back on Israel”, because I really don’t comprehend how on any level this is actually true.

Is it simply because the American media is actually willing to report the deaths of innocent children in Gaza, and show images of their mangled bodies on television? I admit that this in itself is probably something that should be treated with a fair amount of suspicion, from a discern-the-propaganda standpoint, since we know that we certainly don’t see the same sorts of images of murdered innocents in places like Iraq or Afghanistan too often, when they die at the hands of American troops…  Yet even so, I am still compelled to believe that if the true “agenda” of the Elite-controlled media was to outright demonize Israel and paint the ongoing military operations of the IDF as indefensible or “crimes against humanity”, then we would certainly see it happening in much sharper fashion than this!  We wouldn’t see American reporters constantly interviewing Netanyahu and IDF spokesman, allowing them to even try to explain their reasons for the assaults.  We would see the same kind of treatment as we do for figures like Putin, or Bashar Al-assad, or Kim John Un.  Those are all examples of folks the government-controlled media has painted as the “bad guys” and aggressors, etc.  It’s a far cry from anything we ever hear being said about Israel, even in the “Palestinian-loving Leftist media”…

israeliapachechopperBut the reality is that the true definition of what it would mean for a nation like the U.S. to “support” Israel in either war time or peace time, is not found in the murky propaganda war taking place in the “news” outlets or prophecy-teacher’s pulpits. It is actually easily traced and easily researched through conventional channels. It is not some shady “conspiracy theory” assembled through looking at tenuous business associations or obscure documentation or whatever else we might wish to speculate upon. It’s an in-your-face fact. The United States is THE biggest “supporter” of the Israeli Defense Force, both in terms of funding and actual military hardware, hands down.  This is an indisputable fact

The “Iron Dome” missile defense system we keep hearing so much glowing praise about from reporters and IDF spokesmen? The U.S. has been a prime investor. All the fighter planes which allow the IDF to carry out aerial attacks against terrorist targets? The vast majority are American made, through a long-standing partnership between Israeli and American defense contractors, including a large number of weapon systems and special modifications which are tailor-made for the Israel’s needs…  And what about the myriad of connections and collaborations between the nefarious domestic spying programs of the NSA and Israel? Connections which seem to go beyond any mere “partnership”, but actually suggest that much of the technology being used by the NSA actually came FROM Israel first, and essentially show that Israeli Intelligence has more keys to more back doors than anyone else, and is in fact spying on all kinds of citizens around the globe, (even though they are obviously nowhere near close enough to Israel to start launching rockets into Israeli territory or pose any kind of possible terrorist threat)…

I could fill pages upon pages citing evidence of this very real partnership, a partnership which proves whatever lamentations about how the U.S. might be “abandoning” Israel, either military or financially, as being totally ludicrous.  I would have to say that the amount of evidence is SO overwhelming in fact, that the onus is actually on the reader, to disprove that such a tight relationship is still in existence to this very day between the “military-industrial-intelligence-complex” that might still be claimed to reside largely on American soil or be run by American corporations (a notion which I’d suggest could itself be debated), and it’s Siamese twin over in the Middle Eastern country of Israel.

It just seems rather difficult to have an informed, intelligent discussion over what our stance on Israel should be as Christians, if we can’t even take the time to establish the political and military realities first…