“Like a Pavement of Sapphire Stone” (video)

Okay, so I already wrote about this back in December, but ever since then I was hoping to throw something on it into video form, and this week I finally got around to it.

So I read the excerpt from Exodus 24, where it says that Moses and the elders actually “saw God”, walking on top of what looked like a pavement made of sapphire, and then I get into talking about this verse in conjunction with all of the other “Firmament verses” in the Bible, and then spend a fair amount of time just talking about the topic of Biblical literalism as a whole.

Who, Me….???

So, once again I have really lapsed with writing on the ol’ blog, but today I hope to try and explain a bit about why that has been the case, and share a little about the curious position I am now finding myself in at the moment.

For several years I was plugging away here on my blog, rather content with my relatively small amount of readers/subscribers, and appreciating the cathartic nature of being able to post about whatever I happened to find intriguing in the moment, all under the screen of my little WordPress pseudonym…

I had gone back and forth for some time, considering the idea of taking a stab at making videos and putting them up on youtube, and aside from a few that I had done on topics like CERN and “Transformational Festivals”, I really didn’t get that involved with until I found myself diving down the “Flat Earth rabbit hole”, and then suddenly I found myself furiously making videos discussing various “Flat Earth proofs”, as well as looking into the Biblical case for a flat, enclosed Cosmology.

When that began, I could count on one hand the number of Youtube subscribers I had on my little channel. Like I said, I have been accustomed to obscurity, and that has really been my preferred vantage point! Yet, as the months have passed, and the “Flat Earth Movement” has continued to expand and get more and more attention, so have my little videos, to the point where now not only does my “exposure” via YT far surpass anything I had previously experienced through blogging, but now it has also reached the stage whereby I am currently sitting on around half a dozen invitations to be interviewed by other Youtube channels/shows, or participate in discussion panels to talk about Flat Earth, Biblical Cosmology, etc.


And frankly, I’m terrified. It’s as though I’m inadvertently pushing the ever-shrinking line between remaining “safe” in my anonymity, and finally stepping across that line, into a realm where suddenly the human being has to step out from behind the internet avatar…

I have prayed about it. Agonized over it. Gone back and forth, again and again, between one day feeling like “Okay, I’m willing…” to then the next day feeling more compelled to simply pull the plug on everything altogether, and just get on with “real life”. I’m not trying to be anything remotely resembling an online “figurehead”. I never was. There are few things I dislike more in this world than the phenomena we often refer to as the “cult of personality”.

But then again… I find myself unable to pull myself away from continuing to explore this topic of the “Biblical Flat Earth”, and all the countless ways that it seems to fit in with all the various topics of Bible Prophecy, End-time Deception, New World Order agendas, and so much more, which I’ve already been navigating my way through over the past six years or so now. It’s almost like everything I’ve been learning up to this point has laid the foundation for now considering them all in this incredible “unified context” of a Cosmological model which I now have to confess appears to have been staring at me from the pages of Scripture the whole time. I mean, seriously, SO many things which I’ve written about over the past few years, whether it be interdimensional portals, or the Book of Enoch, UFO Deception, Genesis 6, the Occult, the Creation vs. Evolution debate, transhumanism, the fake moon landings, ancient megalithic structures, the infamous “Illuminati”, the tower of Babel, CERN, and on and on, now suddenly all “gel” in a way which before I never would’ve imagined…

Anyhow, so, this is my conundrum at the present moment. This is my crossroads that seemingly I can’t find a way around…

Another Christian FE Youtube channel by the name of “Celebrate Truth” recently finished a documentary he’s been working on for some time, called “The Global Lie”, and I was very privileged to be able to contribute several segments of content to the production. I’d have to say that the finished product is really quite superb and I hope everyone reading this is able find the time to watch it, as it really focuses on the connections between the Copernican system/cosmology and the Theory of Evolution (among other things). Several other fantastic researchers such as Rob Skiba are featured in the film, and it was truly an honor to be able to take part in this project. Here’s the full documentary:

Why the new ISS video is FAKE

If anyone can look at this imagery and not see straight away that it’s absolutely fake, for a number of reasons, then I really don’t know what to tell ya! (apparently the atmosphere is yellow here? In other ISS shots, the atmosphere is either blue, or not even visible at night. )

Ojas Shakti

The new footage released by RT showing a Time Lapse of Earth taken by the ISS is FAKE, PURE GARBAGE.
Fake footage URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1gP5…

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15/33; Why Is the Vatican the Largest and Longest Owners of Telescope Observatories, Including the Newest Named L.U.C.I.F.E.R.?


Why Is the Vatican the Largest and Longest Owners of Telescope Observatories, Including the Newest Named L.U.C.I.F.E.R.?

the dedication plaque of the VATT reads:

This new tower for studying the stars has been erected during the XV year of the reign of John Paul II on this peaceful site so fit for such studies, and it has been equipped with a new large mirror for detecting the faintest glimmers of light from distant objects. May whoever searches here night and day the far reaches of space use it joyfully with the help of God.

The Vatican’s latest ….The  L.U.C.I.F.E.R. Telescope

A key to understanding how long the myth of a global heliocentric, agnostic, universe has been perpetuated on all is to understand how long and deep the Vatican has been involved with observing the heavens all the way back to Copernicus, (who himself became a catholic priest in the last…

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Did Billy Graham Die…?

Before I took a little “Christmas break” for myself, I made a couple of videos talking about the Mandela Effect, the second being Mandela Effect, Flat Earth, and the Nature of Reality. These videos received a fair amount of attention right away, and I got a lot of very interesting comments as well.

One comment which really floored me however, was one which mentioned the fact that Billy Graham is still quite alive and kicking at the age of 97. Again, if you had asked me, I would’ve been quite ‘certain’ that Graham had died some time ago in his eighties. I distinctly remember hearing about how his family had gone ahead and built a “Billy Graham Museum”, which went so far as to feature an animatronic Billy preaching a sermon, like it was Disneyland or something. I remember thinking how Graham must be rolling in his grave, to have such an edifice erected which brought so adulation to himself, rather than Christ. (this was obviously back when I still assumed that Billy Graham was the stalwart bastion of Evangelical Truth that he is maintained to be by the pseudo-Christian establishment…)

I found the video below this morning, and most interesting is to note that it was uploaded in Aug of 2014, and so we can see that even at that point, over a year ago, people were talking about the Mandela Effect and the Berenstein Bears, etc….

The fact that false teacher Benny Hinn has made such bold “prophecies” about the death of Graham being the sign which will usher in some new era of ‘revival’ is also extremely peculiar, if you ask me.