Tag Archives: government surveillance

A Media Clinic on Vilification…

Wanna see how to get the most “anti-anti-government” bang for your news-propaganda buck? Check out this story that I happened to catch this morning on the local Vegas news.

The piece I saw on tv today featured a young woman who supposedly had gone to this guy, after being referred to him by someone at a grocery store (?), and apparently she thought he was just some kind of wholeistic medicine dude, doing herbal remedies, etc. She described how “horrified” she was when she got there and discovered that his “clinic” was being done out of a trailer on his property, and how there were bags full of blood lying around on the floor, the place was filthy, and son on. The anchor goes on to explain how Rick Van Thiel was not a licensed physician, but was performing all kinds of procedures, such as abortions, “cancer cure treatments” and so on. The interviewee even mentions how shocked she was when the man’s girlfriend walked into the room topless, and at that point she just wanted to run out of there…

Topless girlfriend, perfect segue into sharing the juicy tidbit that apparently before Thiel was a non-licensed doctor, he was a porn star and director. Quite a zinger…

The tv news story also mentions how his website featured a “nude” picture of himself, (which actually only featured his bare upper body) wherein he apparently was claiming to have been able to cure a skin condition which he had contracted after the military had exposed him to harmful chemicals.

In this article, is says that his procedures included “everything from circumcisions and tooth extractions to cancer and HIV treatment. Authorities also found two firearms and ammunition in a safe inside the trailer.”

Another excerpt says, “A notice at the bottom of one site hints at an anti-establishment mindset: “For the purposes of this website the term ‘doctor’ or ‘Doctor Rick’ is a nick name and not intended to infer state sanction or Rockefeller drug pushing training. The purpose of this site is not to beg for FDA endorsement or to diagnose or treat disease, it is to help you make informed decisions necessary to take control of your own life and health, and now to care for it in in the manor you decide is best for you.”

And in this ‘full interview’, we discover that not only did Rick learn how to perform surgeries from watching Youtube, but he is also a part of a the much-maligned ‘sovereign-citizen’ movement, with connections the notorious ‘Bundy Ranch’ and also apparently to some plot against the life of a police officer. It says, “On his website, Van Theil offered “Sovereign Babies” delivering children in his trailer without a birth certificate. Telling parents that when the child is 18 they would have the choice to be a “free being or to become a slave”

I mean, wow…

You really gotta hand it to em, because they sure recognize that when an individual like Van Thiel finally gets brought out into the public eye, they’re gonna milk it for all it’s worth.

So hey, let’s do a little run-down of all the memes they managed to cram into this one story.

You are basically being are put into the same category as a “sex-crazed, backwards, baby-killing, nut-job” IF:

*You dare question the medical establishment, or would ever consider alternative/wholistic options.
*You dare to think that just MAYBE there ARE some ways that cancer could be treated or cured, which didn’t involve chemo/radiation.
*You would ever think that the military would expose it’s own soldiers to harmful substances.
*You dare have any misgivings about the “Rockefeller drug cartel”.
*You dare entertain the idea that somehow birth certificates and/or social security numbers could somehow be linked to a form of financial slavery.
*You own guns.
*You dare to entertain such “dangerous” questions about the ways in which ordinary citizens might be able to take more responsibility and informed ownership over their own health, and lives in general.

So yes, well done, dutiful propaganda establishment. While this specific individual may very well deserve to be prevented from doing various things that might indeed be a health and safety hazard, you have done a splendid job in not letting the story go to waste, and fear-porning it to the Nth degree so that the rest of the citizenry can be reminded to associate any and all notions of questioning the monolithic medical/drug empire, or the ever-increasing system of total government control, with “crazy” shirtless guys with leaky blood-bag-filled trailers in their backyards…

America, Blueprint for World Federalism and a “D.W.O.”..?

The history of our civilization is reaching its final destination. From a chaotic amalgam of competing and rival nations, the world is evolving into a unitary framework, in which different organized communities cooperate to prevent conflicts and promote the progress of humanity.

The above eyebrow-raising quote above is from the World Federalist Manifesto. I currently find my interest in the topic of Federalism being increasingly piqued, especially as I learn more about it in the context of it’s central role in the political debate since the very inception of the United States itself. I admit I am torn as I write this. Part of me wonders if the themes presenting themselves in such a discussion are already overly obvious to anyone who would be prone to reading it, and so the whole thing might be an exercise in redundancy, yet at the same time I feel as though the ramifications of World Federalism, and the role in which the U.S. has played in bringing the world closer and closer to it, is of such universal importance that it would hardly seem to be something that could ever be exhaustively treated.

Recently I have begun plodding my way through a copy of the “Federalist Papers”, an endeavor which unintentionally sparked a more pointed study of the whole topic I just described. While I confess that trying that trying to plod through the actual words of Madison and Hamilton has proven quite laborious, (due to the profuse usage of rambling, 18th Century sesquipedalian rhetoric), simply becoming more familiar with the gist of the debate itself has provided a much more focused picture of the early American political landscape, and also gone a long way in tracing the connections between the themes present at that time with those of our own day. In short, I find it fascinating to ponder the possibility that the very creation of the United States itself, has embedded within it’s own “political DNA” the inherent questions, arguments and obstacles connected to the broader challenge of actualizing a true, functioning, global government.

From my perspective, the formation of the United States is such a curious thing, and like so many other matters, I find it increasingly difficult not to view it through some kind of Hegelian lens. The “Federalist Papers”, as I have been recently learning, were a series of what were essentially political op-ed pieces, published bi-weekly in New York newspapers roughly a decade after the 13 American colonies achieved independence and established a government based upon it’s original founding document, the Articles of Confederation

But apparently there were many in the newly formed American Republic who became convinced that the Articles were insufficient, and so a campaign was mounted to try and convince enough of the newly formed States to ratify something which would provide a more effective and “energized” Union, a more powerfully endowed Federal government. The Constitution… At the time, New York State was one of the most stalwart of resistors against replacing the Articles of Confederation, and so these articles were written in hopes of swaying the voting public of New York towards a more sympathetic stance towards elevating the principles of a stronger Union.

(But hmmmmm… The ideals of Confederacy, pitted against the ideals of the Union. Why does that sound familiar? Ah, who knows…)

But is it not peculiar, when you stop and think about it, that the “Founding Fathers” decided to attempt this precarious approach to democratic government to begin with, in what would eventually be dubbed the “Great American Experiment”, whereby they started off by bequeathing the full privilege of “sovereignty” to each of the original 13 colonies (and I will try my best here to restrain from hypothesizing on the bizarre “coincidence” of them being 13 in number), yet each one a piece of a larger whole, a move which essentially created from the start the quasi-paradoxical scenario of determining which level of “sovereignty” truly held in the long run? The question of how state sovereignty could co-exist with a Federal sovereignty is a theme which fills many pages of the Federalist Papers, and so it is quite remarkable that a political debate which sprang forth in the first few years of the country’s existence has of course endured right up into our own time. It is essentially the quandary behind determining whether goal of the “experiment” was intended to result in the creation of a United States, or the United States…

Okay, I will cease with my lame topical prefacing here, and just get to my underlying point. As I see it, the fabricated political paradox of the State/Federal tension, serves (whether you want to ascribe it to sheer coincidence, or more calculated intention) as a pointedly applicable road map towards the eventual establishment of the same thing on a global scale, whereby the sovereignty of individual nations (“states”) are much less of a contrived and juvenile decision (as applied to the original 13 colonies), but the derivations of centuries upon centuries of combined historical, political, cultural and ancestral contexts. In short, the United States of America is as close a thing to a blueprint for establishing A Federalized (Centralized) Global Government as there ever has yet been.

So much could be touched upon as tangential explorations of this idea over the 200 plus years of history of the American empire, it’s hard to know where to go next. Simply examining the ramifications of these developments on the plane of economics alone could probably fill another ten posts, not to mention the arenas of things such as global militarization, cultural homogenization, technological revolutions, and so on. The ways that the United States of America could be demonstrated to have been steadily preparing and driving the rest of the world towards the eventuality of a true global empire are numerous and almost impossible to overstate. And for myself, the more this reality permeates my conscious reflection upon the nation of my birth, and the various political, economic and militaristic contexts of today, the more I am increasingly compelled to distance myself from the persistent narrative within American citizenry which longs for some nostalgic return to “Founding American Principles”, particularly the strain of this narrative commonly found amongst those who regard America as being built upon some set of allegedly “Christian Values”…

Where did Jesus, or His disciples, or the Early Church, ever agonize over things like the balance of powers between the governmental sovereignty of an individual “State” and it’s overarching Federal counterpart? Where do we find in the New Testament (or the Old…) deliberations on the definitions and protections of property, whether “realty” or “personalty”?

For the majority of my lifetime, I have been surrounded by a good many well-intentioned, patriotic, church-going folks, who have simplistically regarded things like the Constitution as though they had effectively been produced from the minds of more modernized prophets of the Almighty, primarily concerned with issues of individual rights and liberties as understood through a paradigm whereby all men are created by God, when in fact the more I look into it for myself, I find that such questions are themselves really only secondary to the core convictions tied to finance and industry, which the Founders seemed most primarily concerned with. I have come across a book written back in 1913 titled “An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution”, by Charles Beard, which puts forth a number of incredibly fascinating proposals indeed. In many ways it does challenge to turn a number of commonly held assumptions about the true nature and purpose of the ratification of the Constitution on their heads, yet at this point in my life I suppose I have become quite accustomed to having my previously-held assumptions and paradigms turned on their heads, and so at this stage this sort of perspective tends to add more light and clarity to such considerations than it does to confuse them. I am still in the process of trying to read this work in it’s entirety, and so I expect I will most likely be speaking more on it’s possible implications in the future.

But where to end this… Bringing it back to the present, I suppose the parallel between the late 1700’s and the modern world which most stands out to me is this question of how/when a centralized, Federally-modeled global government goes from being one which simply exists on paper, or just in some superficially-institutionalized form, to being one that has (as the writers of the Federalist Papers described it) one that has sufficient “energy” to truly exercise governance. That is essentially the transition point at which the world lies right now. After all, the United Nations has already been in existence, to a degree, since the close of WWII (and saw a type of incarnation even prior to that, with the failed “League of Nations”, I suppose), yet everyone knows that despite it’s decades of councils and resolutions and everything else, the U.N. does not hold true sovereignty over the sovereignty of individual nations to the same degree that Washington and the Federal branches hold ultimate sovereignty over the fifty “states” in the Union. The P.O.T.U.S. and the Secretary of State, etc., are still considered to have far more true practical sway over the affairs of global politics than say, the Secretary-General of the U.N. But, I do sincerely believe that this is state of affairs that will eventually change. Moreover, I believe that the intention was always for such a change to occur. The transition will be brought about, (through whatever specific calamity or set of calamities), so that the “Phoenix” of the Global, Federal, Government, will rise from the ashes of it’s precursor. This is why it should come as absolutely no surprise that the symbol of the United States is that of the Phoenix, disguised with the exoteric form of an “eagle”.

The “Great Experiment”, the “United States” (which if you think about it, is merely another way of coining the term, “United Nations”) must “die”, so it can then be reborn on the scale and scope of the entire world, for “Federalism”, as it’s own internal nature dictates, can ultimately aspire to no lesser aim.

I’ll close this post by simply directing the reader to a most intriguing example of what I am talking about, which I found on the Democratic World Federalist’s website, in an article titled “Stop the New World Order”, the argument being put forth that the current New World Order run by Oligarchs and Banksters etc., needs to be replaced by a “Democratic World Order”, where “we, the people” are in charge instead of a small group of people unaccountable to the world.” This kind of sentiment no doubt sounds about as appealing to the global citizenry of today as it did to those in the 1700’s who were tired of the tyranny of ol’ King George, and I fully expect this same type of message to be that which takes a deeper hold on the hearts and minds of people in the coming years, and America breathes it’s final, dying breaths, and it’s long-awaited offspring, the Phoenix, prepares to rise from it’s ashes…

Wake Up Church in America! This is our “Dietrich Bonhoeffer Moment”…

Right now I am listening to an interview on Truth Frequency Radio with Roy Potter, an ex-military, ex-special ops, and a Christian, talking about Jade Helm and how it is absolutely a preparation for imposing martial law in the United States.

How many people have to come out and speak up about this before Christians in America (and not just Christians of course, but everyone!) will stop and take heed????

I suppose I am just venting a little frustration here, towards my own fellow Christian brothers and sisters, even ones who I enjoy interacting on their own blogs etc. There are good many who are “awake”, and fully aware of what is going on, but there are also many, many others who will more or less admit “yeah, we know what’s coming down the road”, but then really don’t want to open their eyes and look at what is taking place RIGHT NOW.

Why are the people who believe in what the Bible has to say about the creation of a One World Government so often the same people who are the hardest to even have a conversation about it with?

I don’t know… I suppose I am just feeling frustrated with some of the great fellow Christian bloggers I’ve come to know out there. Many of them of them are quite happy to have me comment about theological matters or socio/political issues, etc., but man… Don’t get too much into that “conspiracy stuff” or they just kind of close off. No! Is this stuff real, or isn’t it!? Is Jade Helm really what people are saying it is, or isn’t it? Was 9/11 a false flag, or wasn’t it? You can’t keep running and hiding from these questions friends. You can’t. No more than we can look back on Germany in the 30’s and say that it was all well and good for the German churches to stick their heads in the sand when everything was developing all around them.

I read Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s “Cost of Discipleship” many years ago, and boy did it shake me up. I know that Bonhoeffer is a controversial figure even within Christianity, and maybe not everyone is going to agree with every little detail of what he did or said. But the fact remains that to this day he is remembered as one who stood up amidst what he saw taking place around him, and he refused to be silent, and he eventually paid the ultimate price for his courage and faith.

We are not called to be afraid. But speaking out about the realities of the world in which we are living is not fear, but the very opposite. So many times we hear people accuse others of “fear-mongering” when they are only using common sense and critical thinking, and putting things together in a way which reveals how we are being steered towards a state of affairs which is opposed to everything that is of God.

Roy Potter’s Youtube page: https://www.youtube.com/user/roypotterqa

As In the Days of Noah…

This is epic. I don’t know when Gonz finds the time to even sleep anymore…

5 Reasons That Snowden Is Probably A PsyOp…

1. If he were a real whistleblower, leaking super-secret classified documents and agendas that posed an existential threat to the tyrannical powers, he would simply be dead.

Typically, honest-to-goodness whistleblowers have a tendency of suddenly committing “suicide”, (often inflicting damage upon themselves that would be quite difficult for a person to do themselves, such as multiple shots to the head). If you think Western intelligence agencies wouldn’t have been able to get to him in a Hong Kong airport, or even “hiding” in Russia, then I hate to burst your bubble…

2. The mainstream media is completely controlled by the very powers that Snowden is purportedly unmasking.

How many people know such names as Gary Webb or Bill Cooper? Yet Snowden is a household name, on the cover of Time magazine, WIRED, etc., a veritable celebrity, receiving interviews and coverage from all kinds of conglomerate news agencies. These networks simply do not report on stories/people without it being a part of the designed narrative. If persons/topics are not a part of that narrative, they are simply ignored and quickly slip away from the short-term memory of the general public. Instead of doing this, we see Snowden being cleared kept in the forefront of the American psyche.

3. Snowden is known to have worked for the CIA.

This fact alone is enough to warrant serious skepticism, since it means that even if his actions have been in “good faith” on his own behalf, he could still very will be unknowingly being used as a asset by his former employers, who, let’s face it, tend to tabs on basically anyone they’ve dealt with at any given time as a potential intelligence asset down the road.

4. The NSA “panopticon” is ultimately a much more effective tool if everyone knows they are being “watched”.

Many people that the main purpose of domestic spying would be to simply find out who is “speaking out” against the deep state forces continually taking away liberties, and this is most certainly true in part, yet at present the reality is that there is simply SO much data going back and forth every day, it is not realistic for them to try and process all of it. (at least not yet, we think…) But, if people are afraid to say things, read things, share things, which might get them put on some kind of government watch list, then the “panopticon” indeed becomes an effective psychological weapon for shutting down open discuss and the free exchange of ideas amongst the citizenry. Thus, the motive for having a “controlled release” such as Snowden is not that difficult to surmise.

5. There are always multiple layers of control.

The more you learn about the true history of this nation, the Western World, and the machinations of the “cabal” in the midst of all of it, the more you realize that there are really far fewer things to have happened purely of their own accord than we are lead to believe. Things like the “counter-culture” and drug explosion of the 60’s which was followed by the “War on Drugs”, or the “color revolutions” of the Middle East which are credited to groundswells of youth activist uprisings using social media, are ultimately all “movements” which were in fact instigated and promoted by the military-industrial-intelligence-complex which saw them as means to their ultimate end. It is the same complex which has inexplicably not only let Snowden avoid “suicide” for several years now, but is instead constantly shoving microphones in his face.

wired_2209_coverOverall, I believe it’s more or less a simple matter of common sense. The controlled media is all about handing us prefabricated heroes. If you don’t like this guy on the “Right”, here’s someone from the “Left”. If you don’t like anyone from the Right OR the Left, and think the whole thing is rotten, well then here, here’s a prefabricated modern-day Pancho Villa complete with requisite glasses-wearing, computer-hactivist appearance. Pin your hopes on Snowden and the idea that a 20-somethingc420b978364bf16816825422d28dbe70 ex-CIA, ex-NSA guy, being made into an international figurehead through mainstream media, it going to the be key to bringing the whole corrupt system down. And look, now you can get on board and help spread the word by tweeting pics of the Snowden bust that was covertly erected in an act of “artistic protest” before those goons of the government took it down. Boo goons.

Sorry folks, but if something seems just a little too good to be true, then it usually is…

Leonard Ulrich and Rob Skiba Discuss 9/11 and the War on Terror…

Find the podcast here.

Fantastic, epic-length conversation between one of my favorite pairings, Skiba and Ulrich, starting with their own stories of waking up to 9/11 Truth and then tying it all into everything going on right now. If you have heard about this whole “9/11 Truth” thing but never actually looked into it yourself, or even if you have and are following current events with a deeper understanding of false flag events and Deep State shenanigans, this podcast episode is well worth your time.

Big Sister is Watching You…?


Say hello to “Hello Barbie“, the world’s first fully interactive, Wi-Fi enabled doll. Not surprising that “privacy advocates” are up-in-arms over the fact that Mattel’s new release is equipped with a microphone which captures your children’s conversations and questions, pinging them back to the corporate “cloud” where servers process the information and send responses back to “Hello Barbie” to speak in response to your enamored child. Of course, reactions such as the found here on theverge.com only go so far as to be concerned about your basic “meta-data gathering”, as if the worst thing to ponder is simply another way that companies can track consumer data to give them an “unfair marketing advantage”.

I’d say they’ve already figured out that you’re probably in the market for female-geared children’s toys by the fact that you bought a Barbie doll in the first place. A doll with a microphone, installed voice-recognition software, and constant Wi-Fi connection (assuming it it’s batteries aren’t completely taken out) allows for oh so much more fun times for the creepy/pervy ears of the panopticon which are capable of dipping into EVERYTHING that makes it’s way into the nebulous “cloud”…bigbrotherbarbie

As if there wasn’t already enough reasons to hate Barbie, with her long-reviled standards of anorexic beauty, but now she’s really gone too far, whoring out her platinum-blonde coiffure to the domestic surveillance agenda. But hey, let’s not be too hasty in our condemnation. Perhaps the watchmen on the cyber-walls are simply hoping to catch some new terror-cell by matching the ringleader’s voiceprint, as his daughter plays blissfully in the corner. Who knows, maybe the next line of pedophile’s-dream Barbie could include a secret compartment hiding a tiny canister of tear gas, which could be deployed at just the right moment once the Feds have the terrorists surrounded.

Or maybe they should hold off, and put that particular upgrade in the “I-Can-See-You-In-Infrared Barbie”…

The Truth is stranger than Radio…. (project in the works…)

truthradioOk, so I’ve been kicking around the idea of doing some kind of podcast / radio project / “radio” sort of thang / for quite some time now, but still haven’t quite got there, although I am constantly playing around with sounds/music for “intros”, as that seems to be fun to do just for it’s own sake, and so perhaps that is even half my motive for wanting to do such a thing in the first place.  🙂  But anyhow, I’m still in the “brainstorming” phase really, (I suppose I more or less live in the that phase, but no matter…) and really I don’t know exactly where it might go, but all I think I do know at this point is that I’d want it to be something different, something very free and open in it’s format, and honestly I don’t think I’m looking to do another “let’s sit and interview this author/speaker/person” show, not because I don’t like those types of podcasts, because I love em, it’s just that I don’t necessarily think that’s either my “strength” or my cup o’ tea necessarily…

I think I’m more envisioning something more compilation-oriented, in the vein of say, NPR radio-shows such as “This American Life”, or “Radiolab”, if you’re familiar with those. Just more like little collections of “sound vignettes” and more like just random recorded conversations with people, about, well, all the fun/weird/crazy/prophetic stuff that typically finds it’s way onto the blog here, only I think I’d actually be hoping to collaborate with a lot of my fellow YOUs out there, in a project like this, my friends (and just anybody really) out there in the ‘sphere who might want to talk about, well, anything… How’s that sound? I’d love to just get recordings of stuff like, people’s testimonies, views on what’s going on in the world, governments, pop culture, music, art, the Bible, “spirituality”, conspiracies, NWO, movies, books, and of course, TRUTH!

I already have several of you specifically in mind, so be prepared to start getting some emails peeps, and please, do take the time to let me know what kinds of things YOU’D be interested in talking about, listening to, and just seeing tried overall. It’s not intended to be the most amazing thing you’ve ever heard in terms of “production value” or anything, nor is it hoped to be something that would garner some massive audience. It’s just, like this blog, another small outlet, a way of hopefully being able connect in a slightly “deeper” way with lots of other people out there, collaborate, get creative, and actually be able to hear the tones in each other’s voices…. Here’s one of the “intros” I’ve come up with: