Tag Archives: Jade Helm 15

EKKLESIA of the ESCHATON: The Last Days Church…

This video incorporates a section of David Wilkerson’s Vision which God gave him concerning the fate of America, the World, and the road of refining that the true Body of Christ would have to endure in the days ahead. I believe he shared this vision around 1973 or so, and yet now, in the infamous month of September 2015, with all the talk of foretold collapse and martial law and everything else, it seemed like a rather fitting time to pull out Pastor Wilkerson’s words, and the words of Jesus too.

Jade Helm goes Live. What a shock…


Ok, so maybe I’m sensationalizing a little with that headline. Or am I…?

You gotta appreciate the irony. Using “domestic terrorists” with a stockpile of guns, and yet another insidious plot “foiled by the Feds”. Talk about self-fulfilling narratives. Good thing we have all those highly-trained military guys, practicing how to take down highly dangerous citizens!

Of course, we all know that “plot foiled by Feds” translates to “plot orchestrated by Feds”, but still, watching the inevitable game of propaganda and psy-operating still makes me a little sick….

“Don’t Freak Out”…

Some pretty solid, encouraging words in this latest video from Gonz here… It is indeed, ultimately, a spiritual war, and that is a fact that I find myself needing to be increasingly reminded of these days, as so many different elements of society, whether economic, technological, political, etc., are rapidly spiraling, faster and faster, towards all that was prophesied about it the scriptures, thousands of years ago.

Beware the Ides of, um… September..?

Now, I’m not saying that I believe the “Nephilim are going to return” in September, but then again, this compilation of pop music, documentary segments, and more, really does make you think…

SO much is being made about this coming September, so many different ideas being bandied about, be they the “Shemita”, the blood moons, the end of Jade Helm, the “70 Generations” of the Book of Enoch coming to an end, financial collapse, martial law, a comet/meteor striking the earth, tidal waves, etc., etc., it’s really quite off the charts in terms of any previous “end times/conspiracy speculation” I’ve ever seen before.

“Truthers” are buzzing about it. New Agers talking about it. Christians pointing to it. Not a day has gone by in like over a week now, where I’m not being bombarded from all directions of doom-predicting messages related to the “later this year”, “September”, or specifically around the 22/23rd. I dunno… I don’t really have any special insight or anything, but it’s just quite bizarre, and I find myself going back and forth between wondering if it’s just a massive psy-op going on, designed to program us to believe “something massive” is gonna go down around that time, or if it’s God who is also really trying to get people’s attention and wake them up so that His people are not caught off guard and swept away by hysteria/fear in the face of some unprecedented event.

What do you guys think??

“Maple Resolve”, Canadian Component to Jade Helm…?

Somehow I’m only just now hearing about the massive military exercises slated to occur in Canada dubbed “Maple Resolve”, in step with the much-discussed Jade Helm drills. It truly does appear to be shaping up to possibly be a truly continent-wide event getting ready to go down. Apparently, scores of Target stores have been inexplicably closed across Canada, just like how people have been connecting the Walmart closures in the Southern U.S. to Jade Helm.

Honestly folks, I wish I could say I wasn’t truly worried about this. After having now having had my ear to the “alternative” news arena for over five years now, I can’t say I’ve ever seen so much attention being given to any particular development, which is saying something, considering how much has gone on in the world during that time.

From Ferguson now on to Baltimore, these protest/riot events are clearly not purely accidental, but themselves part of the developing narrative. The media is constantly hyping the tension between police and citizenry. There are the reports about supposed “ISIS cells” just over the Texas border in Mexico. ISIS has claimed responsibility for the recent shooting in Garland Texas.

The more all the pieces come together, it really does appear to be setting the stage for what appears to be possibly the most massive false flag attack in all of history…

My Apologies. Turns Out I’m Just A Stupid Victim of Russian Propaganda…

I have to admit it. I found the video below VERY upsetting. I know it really shouldn’t be at all shocking. I should be of course expecting this kind of asinine rhetoric coming from Washington by now. I should be getting used to it. But this just, argggg…. Actually listening to these buffoons denigrate people in this way, actually comparing “conspiracy bloggers” to ISIS, and then linking it all to RT, was just almost more than I could bear.

Thanks to “Tyler Durden” at Zerohedge for bringing this painful piece of Congressional idiocy to my attention.

But ok, I’ll lower myself to attempt to provide a coherent response to this blatant fear-mongering garbage.

Overall it is of course nothing but more of the same ploy that has been developing over the last year and a half or so. Around the time of the Sochi Winter Olympics, or not long before, the demonization of Russia noticeably exploded in Western media. (Remember stories of “roaming wild dogs” and improperly installed toilets and Putin’s “anti-gay” stance, etc.??) This was all going on around the same time which Russia was voicing strong opposition to a full-scale U.S.-led invasion/bombing of Syria, which was eventually followed by all the drama going on to this day in Crimea, including a “mysteriously” downed passenger jet, bla bla bla.

So this quasi-revamped-“Cold War” narrative gets started up, very much simultaneous to the whole “ISIS is trying to take over the world in the name of Islamic extremism” narrative (which is just the reboot of the same narrative acted out under the names “Al Qaeda” and “Boko Haram” etc. You have to re-brand your CIA-asset terrorist organizations every so often, after all…) Hollywood isn’t the only propaganda industry to remake the same corny movies over and over again

So now, these two narratives, the rebooted Cold War and the rebooted “War on Terror”, are being increasingly combined into one big, massive, over-arching narrative designed to simply alienate and demonize anyone who would dare question the impeccable truth-telling record of the White House or the Pentagon.

And hey, sorry to get all “crazy conspiratorial” once again, but I really am just having the hardest time swallowing the sludge of irony, when these kind of slander-them-into-silence tactics are being laid on so thick at the very same time that all these massive military drills and exercises, (which seem to be preparing for responding to a massive invasion, or massive civil unrest, or both) are being planned for the rest of the year, or already taking place, prompting people to compare it to allusions to the “Red Dawn Scenario”.

States in the “Jade Helm region”, such as California, are seeing national guardsmen marching through neighborhoods, while soldiers take turns practicing blocking traffic

Other drills such as CJOAX and CERTEX apparently involve things “active shooter drills” with MRAPS at a Middle School, or British paratroopers invading Fort Bragg(!?)

But don’t worry. Please return to your regularly scheduled program. Pay no attention to the men with military-grade hardware rehearsing the removal and detention of ordinary citizens. Stop listening to all that Russian propaganda which is telling you that is some ridiculous “conspiracy” behind everything…

Yes… That would be so nice. If this horrible B-movie would finally just end, and the credits936full-red-dawn-poster would roll, and I could just turn off the tube and go outside and play.

Unfortunately, my esteemed superiors conducting congressional hearings, it wasn’t RT or “Russian propaganda” which caused me to finally wake up from my catatonic state and realize that so much of what I had previously assumed to be true was made up of so many layers of pitiful, shameful lies.

I think it had much more to do with how they blew up those buildings in New York and then tried to blame it all on some guy hiding out in caves… 😉

A City of Walls and Gates: Las Vegas Through the Eyes of Agenda 21

walls - CopyWhen most people hear the name “Las Vegas”, they of course instantly start thinking about the bright lights and over-the-top attractions of “the Strip”. A mirage of pleasure, it’s a place where people fly in from around the world to indulge virtually every hedonistic desire under the sun, (in air-conditioned comfort of course), in the middle of desert.

Start driving in any direction away from the Strip, however, and you start to see something quite different.

streets - CopyThe rest of the Vegas Valley is comprised of an endless array of streets lined with concrete walls, punctuated by iron gates, which every so often cross at strip-mall-adorned junctions. Honestly, if we were to somehow line up all the cinder blocks used to build the “fences” surrounding all the homes and businesses here in Las Vegas alone, it would no doubt circle the globe. This was perhaps the most difficult of all aspects of this city for me to get used to, and it admittedly remains something that I have still never been able to get comfortable with. After living here for almost two years now, I still can’t get over the feeling that what has essentially been constructed is a massive artificial edifice that makes one feel like a rat in a giant, sun-scorched maze.

For the first year, we actually lived in a gated-community, which, (unlike in the Pacific Northwest where such things are rather rare and typically only a part of country-club-type elite neighborhoods), are very much the norm here. It was a “nice” little development, nothing fancy or “upper-middle class” or anything, but it was truly a strange thing to try and get accustomed to, having to have a remote control on hand just to get access to our own house. Even to go out for a walk, you could only leave the enclosed neighborhood through one of two electrically-powered gates, one for cars, another for pedestrians. It honestly did make me feel incredibly claustrophobic after a while, all the houses being built ridiculously close together, so that you couldn’t even go out into your postage-stamp-sized yard without the windows of at least five other houses looking down on you.

Currently we are now living in a neighborhood without any gates, or neighbor’s houses that are less than five feet from our own, but this of course brings other challenges. We’ve had people steal things right out of our front and back yards, spray paint the side of our house, etc. So essentially you have to weigh the costs between either living like a rat in a cage, or feeling like you’re at the mercy of anyone who can physically get access to you or your stuff. Honestly, I still feel more at ease taking my chances with the “riff raff”, since the more I reflect upon the broader implications of just accepting this idea that “comfortable suburban living” is synonymous with living in a low-level prison, the less I seem to like it.

A9996359_origgenda 21” is a UN-backed, multi-pronged plan which on the surface claims to be aimed at creating “sustainable urban environments” which are hailed as some kind of utopian, environmentally-friendly idea of having cities where the populations are tightly-packed into dense areas in the middle, surrounded by “local agriculture” and pristine nature. The environmentalist aspect is really nothing more than a ruse however, while the tightly-packed-humanity aspect is the true end-goal.

The rather insidious goals of “agenda 21” were already something I was familiar with before moving here, but I suppose it wasn’t something I was able to imagine quite so vividly, when living in a place like Seattle, where even if the densest areas of urban sprawl you are still surrounded everywhere by pockets of “greenbelts”, and the notion of building vast stretches of grid-like housing developments is made near-impossible by the mountainous topography.

But here? I admit it’s really a very unsettling thing to consider, when you start to realize that the ENTIRE valley which the city sits in really only has around five major road-routes that connect it with the rest of the country. Seriously, it would only require a handful of roadblocks to effectively quarantine the entire population 245171381_Agenda2021207_answer_2_xlargewithin this little desert bowl, unless you were willing to try hiking your way out over a lot of empty dirt, and some pretty imposing mountains after that. So when I ponder things such as the possibility of martial law being declared, or more specifically, all this talk lately about military exercises such as “Jade Helm 15“, it’s not at all something I find myself scoffing at.

In the end, I guess the thing that I have been coming to realize more and more the last couple of years is that walls and gates always have two sides. They not only work to keep the “riff raff” out, but they can in fact just as easily be turned and used to keep YOU in, especially if some kind of “national emergency” were to happen, and suddenly everyone found themselves being treated like potential “riff raff” by the powers-that-be…