Tag Archives: Luciferianism

FLAT EARTH: “The Choice Awakens”…

(transcript of the video’s narration below, just in case it’s hard to hear some of the recording I guess…)

What do Star Wars, the recent attacks in Paris, and the Flat Earth, all have in common…?

Most people would probably think, not much, but I would actually like to suggest the idea that there is in fact a great deal of commonality amongst all three of these subjects, and I’m going to try and weave them all together by examining a theme which many us are probably already familiar with.

That theme, is the Hegelian Dialectic.

Now, for most people who would consider themselves a part of the “Truth Movement”, or participants in “conspiracy research”, and so on, this is something you are most likely already understand, at least on a certain level.

When looking at things like the New World Order agenda, and the laundry list of False Flag attacks that have increasingly occurred since 9/11, for a lot of people it’s fairly easy to comprehend how we can see this playing out again and again. Create the problem, which stimulates a reaction, then provide the solution. Thesis, antithesis, then synthesis. They instigate the crisis, and then promise to deliver everyone from said artificial crisis, using means and methods which previously there was no political will to support. In the “War on Terror”, we see how again and again the citizenry is manipulated into willingly giving up their personal freedoms in favor of an increasingly invasive surveillance society and militarized police state, because it promises to ensure safety in the face of the suddenly existent “terrorist threat”.

On September 10, 2001, there was absolutely no way the Bush administration could’ve cajoled the American public, and other countries around the world, into invading Afghanistan (and of course, Iraq a little later). By September 12 people were screaming for bombing raids and boots on the ground.
On November 12, 2015, France had little involvement in the hostilities in Syria. By the 14th, they were busily bombing “ISIS targets”…

Okay, so this is nothing new. But what about the Flat Earth? How does the Hegelian dialectic factor in there?

One of the amazing things about the “Flat Earth movement”, is that for so many individuals it is truly working to bring them to a place where they realize that they are NOT simply just a random accident of the Universe, an evolving blob of matter descended from countless others, which billions of years ago all just happened to spring to life from the primordial soup which had puddled together on a chunk of rock that was expelled from the Big Bang. And this is a fantastic, marvelous thing.

However, even when people get to that point of recognizing the lie of Evolution, and opening there hearts and minds to the idea of a “Creator”, the next big question of course has to do with just who/what that Creator actually is, and what do they want…
Was it “God”? Gods? Some advanced ancient alien race? Is the Cosmos itself sentient, i.e. pantheism? And so on.

One of the things which is so intriguing about the Flat Earth movement, and indeed the “Truth movement” in general really, is that there is actually a very strong tide of people coming to a place where they recognize that there just has to be something true in the belief in a spiritual reality. Lots of people who are seeing the evidence for the claims that the Earth has no discernable curvature, and that Heliocentricism is demonstrably false, are understably stopping and taking a second look at the Bible, even if often times they never considered themselves “religious”, because of all the things that it has to say pointing very much to an enclosed, finite cosmology.

But getting excited by the fact that the Bible describes a Flat Earth, and listening to what the Bible also has to say about things like the fallen nature of humanity, the Holiness of God, Christ’s atonement for sin on the cross, the existence of a literal devil, etc., are of course, two very different things…

So, just like with so many other “non-Flat-Earthers”, this “awakening to a greater spiritual reality” essentially leads one to a crossroads. What is the nature of this spiritual reality? What does it mean to “find God”? Or, are we all on our own journey of “finding our own God”? What about all these ancient, mystical traditions and shamanic practices, is there some value to be found in exploring those? And how does such esoteric knowledge which deals with issues like “magic” or “advanced entities” and dimensional transcendence and such relate to the sorts of things we can deduce about what the “NWO Elites” are themselves engaging in…?

And this is where we segway into Star Wars, and the whole cinematic, mythological universe that Lucas and co. created…
Unless you’ve somehow managed to boycott the Star Wars franchise altogether, and avoid watching the original trilogy, you undoubtedly know the scene from The Empire Strikes Back where in the Degobah swamp Yoda explains to Luke what the Force is… (scene here)

Now, the thing is, that this whole explanation of the Force here, is really a nutshell version of the entire belief system which the Bible sometimes refers to as “Mystery Babylon”. This is the core of ALL “mystery traditions”, ancient occultism, shamanic practices, and the modern New Age movement. Biblical prophecy actually says that in the Last Days there would be a renewed surge of interest in this Luciferian philosophy, and we can absolutely see this very thing taking place within the FE movement, the broader “Truth movement”, and yes, even “mainstream society” as a whole. So in that sense, (and I realize this may ruffle some feathers to hear this) it almost doesn’t even matter if a person becomes “awakened” to the reality of the New World Order agenda, or even “enclosed world cosmology”, because in any case we are all still faced with the same over-arching choice between the believing in the spiritual narrative of the Bible (where God sets the boundaries and defines how Deliverance from the Fallen system will ultimately happen) and believing in the alternative, in it’s countless varieties and forms.

You see, throughout the Star Wars films, we are presented with the duality between the forces of tyrannical oppression, military aggression, and ruthless domination. This is all represented by the agenda of the “Empire”.

This is of course contrasted against the forces of the “Rebellion”, the collection of humans and alien races devoted to peace, harmony and galactic cooperation and so on.

Both sides have heroes and villains who have mastered the use of the “Force”, with the Sith Lords serving the evil forces of Empire, and the Jedi knights of course serving the cause of Truth, Justice and Peace.

But the “Force” itself is said to itself be rather unbiased. It can be used for ‘good’, or used for ‘evil’. And this is the trap, this is the spiritual lie. This is the same Hegelian dialectic being embedded into these most popular of films.

Because interestingly enough, Hegel didn’t actually invent the “Hegelian dialectic”. He merely recognized, categorized it, gave it a name. It was really Lucifer, the Fallen angel, who first developed and applied this method of deception, back in the Garden of Eden, in the account found in Genesis 3 where he tempted the first man and woman into eating the forbidden fruit. It was Satan who “created the first artificial problem”, by lying to them about the nature of God, and painting God Himself and the tyrannical, oppressive “Dark Lord”, who was holding Adam and Eve back from “having their eyes opened, so they could be like God…”

It was he who first suckered humanity into believing the lie, because he KNEW that it wouldn’t actually deliver that which he promised, but would instead bring death and seperation from God. It was indeed a “false flag argument”, whereby God was turned into the bad guy, while Lucifer portrayed himself as the “Savior”, who was trying to “free” humanity by showing them the path to enlightenment…

And absolutely, we can hear this very same argument being made to this very day.

Just recently I was listening to an interview with Jeran of “Jeranism”, where he was talking about the Bible as it relates to Flat Earth, (and I’m not picking on him or trying to attack him personally at all) but he was articulating this very same idea, wherein he believed the Bible has some “good stuff” in it, as it pertains to FE, and also certain generic concepts of “love your neighbor as yourself”, and so on, but adamently rejected the whole idea “idly sitting by and just waiting for Jesus to come back and save the world”, instead of getting up and trying to do something about all the problems in the world.

You hear this sort of thing all over the place, in the Truth movement, and again, in society as a whole. And so, while the concept of a “Creator” might be permitted, the question as to how we “approach all that is wrong with the world” is the one that is of the most ultimate significance, even more significance than the question as sweeping and massive as the size/shape of the world in which we live…

Because, really, how much sense does it make, if on the one hand we begin to see the scope of so many of the lies being perpretated upon the world, by this extremely nefarious group of “Elites”, only to turn around and eventually embrace the same ideology, and same spiritual practices, that they have…?

Why do you think that right in front of Rockefeller Center in NY, there is that famous statue of Prometheus, “The Light Bearer”…?

That is a representation of THEIR hope, THEIR “deliverence”. Prometheus is Lucifer! He is the one they believe “stole the fire from heaven”, and graciously shared it with humanity, so we can “save ourselves”… They too hate the idea of a Soveriegn, all-powerful God, who found mankind guilty of sin, and provided a way of Redemption through Jesus’ death on the cross. They too have instead turned to lying and suducing spirits, and their promises of “secret knowledge”, and benevolent gifts of “higher technologies” and the ability to transcend our current human limitations.
And so it is a complete false duality, to entertain this idea of trying to resist the forces of “Empire” by turning to the same spiritual sources and ideologies that they use.

You see, the God of the Bible does not offer us anything akin to the idea of the “Force”, whereby we can hope to master certain metaphysical secrets and become wizards, eventually elevating above the physical plane itself (as we see in Star Wars when “Jedi Masters” become ascended “light beings”…) His Way is completely upside-down from how we typically assume we can and should “fight the powers that be”. Jesus defeated Death, by submitting to it, as a sacrifice on our behalf. HE has the true power. His Holy Spirit is capable of workings and miracles which would shame anything Hollywood could dream up, BUT, it is not something that we can learn to wield like some mystical weapon, not something that “guides our actions, but also obeys our commands”. The Holy Spirit is a PERSON, whom we learn to Trust and submit to, and He leads us through this fallen, rebellious world…

I don’t know how much sense I’m really making here, I could honestly go on and on about this for hours probably, but for some time now, I have been feeling convicted to start speaking out on this issue more, especially as the longer I find myself navigating through this so-called “Flat Earth movement”, and seeing how many people are coming to a place where they are starting to seriously reconsider their opinions on things like astrology, and meditation, and hallucinogenic drugs like ayahuasca and DMT, and the role which various “spiritual entities” might actually be playing in the “Heavens” above our heads, and so on. Again, please know that I am not intending to attack or berate anyone for their current beliefs, but I do hope to do my part to ignite and sustain the conversation on this whole topic of the spiritual realm.

I believe it’s only going to press more and more to forefront as time goes on anyhow, and if you are someone who through looking into the Flat Earth has brought to taking a second look at the Bible, or the Book of Enoch, because of their FE implications, then I’m simply trying to encourage people to continue looking into what these writings have to say about the true nature of this “panorama of conspiracy” as a whole…

Pondering the Solar/Six Question…

Often times I’ve been getting questions/objections towards the Flat Earth idea which go something like this: “Well, until you have a perfect and complete model of the Earth, which can explain how all the sun, moon and stars really DO work, then you don’t have anything at all…”

I’m afraid I have to disagree with this, because to put it plainly, if we can first establish with quite simple and repeatable means that the thing which is under all of our feet doesn’t in fact ever demonstrate measurable curvature? Well, regardless of whatever else is going on above our heads, we ain’t standing on a big spinning ball.

But the point is taken, in that yes, I concede that I still have far more questions than answers, and I of course very much am driven by my own internal curiosity to have a “model of it all” that “works” within the framework of my own understanding. Is such a thing actually realistically achievable? Hard to say, especially when you start to allow for the possibility that much of what is going on with the “luminaries” might not actually be limited by the assumed bounds of scientific materialism and non-sentient mechanical matter. 😉

So here is one little thing that I will admit openly still puzzles and intrigues me.



1. The book of the courses of the luminaries of the heaven, the relations of each, according to their classes, their dominion and their seasons, according to their names and places of origin, and according to their months, which Uriel, the holy angel, who was with me, who is their guide, showed me; and he showed me all their laws exactly as they are, and how it is with regard to all the years of the world and unto eternity, till the new creation is accomplished which dureth till eternity. 2. And this is the first law of the luminaries: the luminary the Sun has its rising in the eastern portals of the heaven, and its setting in the western portals of the heaven. 3. And I saw six portals in which the sun rises, and six portals in which the sun sets and the moon rises and sets in these portals, and the leaders of the stars and those whom they lead: six in the east and six in the west, and all following each other in accurately corresponding order: also many windows to the right and left of these portals. 4. And first there goes forth the great luminary, named the Sun, and his circumference is like the circumference of the heaven, and he is quite filled with illuminating and heating fire. 5. The chariot on which he ascends, the wind drives, and the sun goes down from the heaven and returns through the north in order to reach the east, and is so guided that he comes to the appropriate (lit. ‘that’) portal and shines in the face of the heaven. 6. In this way he rises in the first month in the great portal, which is the fourth those six portals in the cast. (the entirety of Enoch chapter 72 here)


Honestly, ever since coming back and looking at this concept in Enoch of the sun having “six portals”, it has really intrigued me, and confounded me. I just can’t for the life of me wrap my brain around what exactly this might actually look like, or how it actually might work. It’s one of those peculiar things, which even though on a certain level I can’t see the logic of it, it still, somehow, “feels” like there is some very fundamental truth to it all.

Is this perhaps due to the fact that our entire system of measuring time is built around multiples/divisions of the number six?

This is an interesting thing to consider, because (at least for me anyways) it really begs the question as to how anyone ever decided upon 60 seconds, 60 minutes, 12 hours + 12 hours, etc. I remember reading somewhere that supposedly the Sumerians had a number system based on sixes, instead of tens. (at least I think it was Sumeria, it was one of those ancient Mesopotamian cultures…) Maybe that’s where people would say it originated from. But even so, that would still beg a further question, namely, as to why they would choose sixes as the basis of all their counting and quantification.

It’s easy to grasp where anthropologists attribute the origins of the ten-based numerical system. Everybody’s got ten fingers and ten toes. Only makes sense to count in tens! So why sixes??


Not only is time divided into sixes, but the means by which we divide and measure sections of a circle is via multiples of six. 360 Degrees… I find that very interesting too, in the context of FE contemplation, obviously you start to see the parallels and inferences, between the sun circumnavigating over the flat circle of the Earth, and the hands of the clock going around the 12 hours, (which I know, is derived from ancient sundials…), and so on.

What’s more, is that I find it of even further interest, when pondering the esoteric and occult connections between Luciferian sun worship, and the number six. Everybody knows about the “number of the Beast” from Revelation, the infamous 666 (even if they know nothing about it’s true prophetic context). Far less people understand that the so-called “Star of David” is in fact an ancient Satanic symbol, the “Star of Remphan”. The six-pointed star has nothing to do with the Israelites faith in the one true God, but seems to trace instead back to Babylon, and possibly was introduced to Israel by Solomon and his downfall into witchcraft.


But then juxtapose all of that with the vast amount of Satanic “sun-gods” throughout history, be it Apollo, Rah, etc., and it starts to make sense that the constant use of the number six by the Fallen one might itself be an extension of his affinity for likening himself to the sun. It makes perfect sense, from Satan’s ever-blasphemous point of view.

So, that’s something that’s been buzzing through my mind as of late. Lots of questions, lots to ponder. As always, I’d be delighted to hear what anyone else might think about these things (or whatever else is on your mind!) Have a great day.


(and here are a couple other links/resources I’ve found, pertaining to the issue of the sun, portals, and the Book of Enoch…)



“Just Let It In…?”

“The Force… It’s calling to you. Just let it in…”

When I heard the last two lines of the new Star Wars trailer, I just thought, “Wow… It’s all coming together.”

And yes, I will admit that to write this post, it takes a considerable amount of effort to squelch my inner fan boy, and not gush over how cool the new movie actually looks, or how bad a** it is to see Harrison Ford resuming the mantle of Han Solo, or how basically just watching that trailer was itself more satisfying than any of the prequels in their entirety… (oops, okay, no FURTHER gushing, beyond that.)

But in all seriousness, from what small plot points can be gleaned from the trailers, it really does seem to me that the message of Mysticism inherent in the entire SW franchise is really taking center stage in this final trilogy.

From what I can surmise, it appears as though our beloved “galaxy far, far away” is once again being threatened by totalitarian forces with Empirical aspirations, led once again by some black-clad Sith lord, wearing a mask, with a scary voice…(not exactly what you’d call originality there, but hey) It seems that one of the main characters is a stormtrooper (redesigned for the umpteenth time) who apparently abandons his post and joins up with what looks like the same 70’s-color-schemed (yay!) Rebel forces.

Then, good ol’ Han is explaining to the young Rebels that, “It’s true. All of it… The Dark Side. The Jedi. They’re real…”

Sounds like the GFFA has mostly forgotten about the magic and mystery of the Force-wielding Jedi, and in this movie, we get to watch them rediscover it. (Okay, I realize that this isn’t some genius-level investigation on my part, since the title of the movie IS “the Force Awakens”, after all…)

But all you need to do to get the case in point here, is apply this to our time, our own galaxy. It is all, of course, propaganda of the purest sort, playing upon the nostalgia of Gen-xers like myself, and the now Star-Wars-saturated-generation of my children as well.

Carl Teichrib refers to this phenomena as the “Era of Re-enchantment”, the amazing fact that indeed today we are observing our popular culture continue to veer away from the meaninglessness of Post-Modernism, (which itself was a reaction against the raw materialistic void of Modernism…) and is now in the middle of coming full circle, returning BACK to the mysticism and paganism of bygone centuries, mixed in with our modern technology of course.

And this is precisely what Star Wars always has, and continues to, embody 100%. Ancient mysticism, set in a high-tech world. It is about synthesizing what for a long time was perceived to be two fairly non-symbiotic elements, bridging that gap that had for a long time held strong in the realm of fiction, between pure “Science Fiction” with it’s robots and warp drives and aliens, and “Fantasy” with it’s magical wizards and powerful swords and endless connotations towards ancient Mythology.

So, sigh… As much as the inner 7-year-old in me just wants to revel in the rebooted Wookie howls, and light saber clashes, and the goose bumps I actually did get when in the new trailer, the orchestra started to play “bum buuum, buuum, bum ba buuuum, buuuuuuum….”, I have to steel myself, and step back, and remember the very LYING message that is still being trumpeted here, and probably more so than ever before.

Yes, “the Force IS calling to us”, more and more all the time. That “Force”, however, is not the power that comes through the Holy Spirit. It is not the Force which can raise the Dead, or heal the sick, or set men free from the bondage of their own sin. It is a lying Force. It is the same power once wielded by the magicians of Pharaoh’s court, and the girl in the Book of Acts who told fortunes, before the demons in her were cast out…

It is the “Force” which I really do believe the Devil is trying to entice the entire world into desiring, as a part of the final Great Deception, which somehow will all be tied into the Mark of the Beast system and the coming One World Religion and everything else. Ancient Occult magic meets modern technology indeed…

It is only going to keep “calling to us”, more and more and time progresses, but friends, we most certainly, unequivocally, do NOT want to “just let it in”…

Wandering Stars: Spheres of Deception…

This video is one I just made as a reflection on the Planets from a Biblical Flat Earth perspective…

Additional info on the angels being stars, Book of Enoch, etc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfev-ivn320

G is for Gravity? Ruminations on the “Generative Principle” in Evolution…

Virtually anyone who has spent any time at all looking into the secret societies behind the panorama of conspiratorial activity within this country and around the world, has undoubtedly become familiar with Freemasonry, and in turn, with the infamous “G” so often incorporated into the square and compass logo.
Cursory explanations delve into the notion of the Freemasonic “god”, or “Grand Architect”, (who they ultimately point to as being Lucifer, of course), while the G is also said to represent the so-called “Generative Principle”, as explained here:

“It conceives of the divine nature as residing in man, and that it is especially active and expressive in the sexual passion; and that the gratification of this passion is pleasing to the deity and is the duty of the Mason. It aims to make passion, therefore, sacred by making its gratification a moral and religious duty. On its theological side, Freemasonry is a sort of Pantheism, the deity being the generative principle, the reproductive power which pervades all animated nature. And as this power inheres in man, it is viewed as “incarnate in humanity in toto,” thus establishing man’s union and unity with the divine nature.” (excerpt from this exposition on the meanings of Masonry)

Now, so far all this is fairly old news. But what has been really persistent in my inquiries towards the possibility of true enclosed, Flat Earth, (and the subsequent realization that heliocentricism is itself a component of the broader Evolutionary lie) is that the more I think about it all, the more it very much seems to me that perhaps this whole “NASA paradigm”, if we can call it that, in many ways has served to essentially indoctrinate the masses not just with lies, but lies that are actually materialistic, “scientistic” versions of ancient Occultic, Luciferian doctrines.

sts121-masonicAnd the subject of Freemasonry is itself a perfect example of helping us comprehend this, because we can look at the layers/levels/”degrees” of Masonry itself, and recognize how the lower, entry-level degrees are indeed quite oblivious to the hardened Satanic belief system propelling the entire thing. At the lower levels, they sincerely do just believe they are part of some kind of altruistic charitable Fraternity, and yet at the same time in those stages they are being presented with shallow, “hollowed out” explanations of the symbolism and rituals, which if they continue to “progress” in the Brotherhood they will become privy to the “deeper” meanings, etc.

Now, if we can fairly easily recognize Darwinian Evolution to be a repackaged Luciferian doctrine, masked in the guise of humanistic science, then when pondering the false cosmology of Copernicanism, I now have to say that the “theory of Gravity” does also seem to actually be another one of these ancient mystical concepts that has been repackaged and re-introduced to the masses as “scientific fact”.

Universe_expansion2After all, “Gravity” is not merely taught to be the pulling force produced by humongous collections of mass, such as stars/planets/moons etc., but it is also the very force which is alleged to have pulled all these celestial bodies together in the first place! According to the Big Bang, from the original “Singularity” sprang forth all the physical matter that is now still constantly being flung outward in every direction in an ever-expanding universe. But, that matter from the singularity then had to begin forming all the “elementary particles”, as described in such insanely convoluted manners as the following:

“In the most common models the universe was filled homogeneously and isotropically with a very high energy density and huge temperatures and pressures and was very rapidly expanding and cooling. Approximately 10−37 seconds into the expansion, a phase transition caused a cosmic inflation, during which the universe grew exponentially. After inflation stopped, the universe consisted of a quark–gluon plasma, as well as all other elementary particles. Temperatures were so high that the random motions of particles were at relativistic speeds, and particle–antiparticle pairs of all kinds were being continuously created and destroyed in collisions. At some point an unknown reaction called baryogenesis violated the conservation of baryon number, leading to a very small excess of quarks and leptons over antiquarks and antileptons—of the order of one part in 30 million. This resulted in the predominance of matter over antimatter in the present universe.”

hqdefaultOf course, this is pure nonsense, but throw in enough impressive-sounding words, and you can make it appear quite scientific indeed. First the “elementary particles” somehow are formed in all the heat, from an explosion which occurs for who-knows-what reason. Then those particles somehow form into atoms, then the atoms into the various periodic elements, and then the elements into molecules, and so on, and so forth…

1979-moon-masonic-medallion nasa-mason-signsEvolution is without question a mystical belief system at it’s core (which I have written about before), and so now in the context of Flat Earth research and the knowledge that NASA is basically a Freemasonic institution, it’s interesting, don’t you think, to ponder that ol’ “G” in the middle of the square/compass, in light of how Evolution and “Gravity” are more or less watered-down, “materialized” versions of what are really mystical, occult precepts.

This whole idea is one that I am actually exploring on a number of fronts here, as I do also suspect that the entire subject of the “planets” is again, another example of this same thing, but that will probably have to wait until another post. I do think I’m barely scratching the surface here, if indeed there is anything to these kinds of observations at all, and so I think it will be interesting to see what all might come out of it over time. If we have that much time left for such secondary speculations, I suppose…

DOMES: Flat Earth Symbolism in Architecture…?

This video explores some questions that have been poking at my brain for a few weeks now, and interestingly enough, the dome/oculus symbolism was something that seemed to keep popping up on my radar even before I had started looking into FE at all. Please remember that when it comes to the concept of portals, “stargates” etc., we are essentially speaking of dimensional realities, and not necessarily a literal, physical “door in the heavens” (although I would say it is still a “literal” door, just not a physical one that can necessarily be accessed from our own current dimensional existence…)

Still putting the pieces together of course, still pondering lots of avenues and angles. I did want to include this video from R$E as well, and I think you can easily see how there is definitely a confluence of ideas going on here.

(and he touches upon it again towards the middle of the video below as well:)

And amazingly, we see the same dome/oculus symbolism yet AGAIN in more commercials/media:

New Video: “The Cult of Pythagoras”…

In this video I explore how both Darwinian Evolution, and the Copernican heliocentric model, originated not from the application of the modern scientific method but instead from the ancient Mystery School traditions and pagan mysticism, specifically as evidenced through the figure of Pythagoras himself. In essence, heliocentric cosmology is an ancient satanic counterfeit to the true, Biblical, flat/enclosed Earth (just as Evolution is a Satanic counterfeit to God’s act of Creation…)

This made from the content of my previous post “Evolution needs Revolution”

Evolution needs Revolution: The Dual Gnostic Myths of Darwinism and Copernicanism…

The theme which unites ancient Sumeria to Darwinian scientific humanism, Big Bang assumptions, Luciferian Theosophy, liberal theology, occult New Age mysticism and all other anti-Christian but specifically anti-creation ex nihilo movements is the myth of evolution.

The myth of evolution stretches back to antiquity where it is closely connected to the idea that man is a being who though presently limited in time and space is nevertheless capable of achieving a great leap of being and evolving into a much more powerful god-like being in the future. Thus in the Epic of Gilgamesh, an epic poem from Babylonia (ancient Sumeria) Gilgamesh describes himself as two-parts god and one-part man as the result of the evolution of his being.

3a54094be9599215bba5f6e6266364e4Long before Darwin, Greek nature philosophers (600–100BC) were teaching primitive evolutionary conceptions, abiogenesis, natural selection, transmigration, reincarnation and vast ages together with many other modern assumptions. The fragments of Anaximander (c. 610–546 BC) show that he taught that ‘humans originally resembled another type of animal, namely fish’ while Democritus (c.460–370BC) taught that primitive people began to speak with ‘confused’ and ‘unintelligible’ sounds but ‘gradually they articulated words.’

The Greek Atomist Epicurus (341–270BC), the father of contemporary materialism and many of its’ modern assumptions, taught that there was no need of a God or gods, for the Universe came about by a chance movement of atoms. (Evolution: An Ancient Pagan Idea, Paul James Griffith, creation.com)

Darwinism affirms the claim made by Epicurus that living beings created themselves, making Darwinism a modern Gnostic myth, said Dr. Wolfgang Smith, physicist and mathematics professor at Oregon State University:

“…As a scientific theory, Darwinism would have been jettisoned long ago. The point, however, is that the doctrine of evolution has swept the world, not on the strength of its scientific merits, but precisely in its capacity as a Gnostic myth. It affirms, in effect, that living things created themselves, which is in essence a metaphysical claim….Thus…evolutionism is a metaphysical doctrine decked out in scientific garb….it is a scientistic myth. And the myth is Gnostic, because it implicitly denies the transcendent origin of being; for indeed, only after the living creature has been speculatively reduced to an aggregate of particles does Darwinist transformism become conceivable. Darwinism, therefore, continues the ancient Gnostic practice of deprecating ‘God the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth.’ It perpetuates…the venerable Gnostic tradition of ‘Jehovah bashing.'” (From Old Gnosticism to New Age I, Alan Morrison, SCP Journal Vol. 28:4-29:1, 2005, pp. 30-31)

darwingnosticismWith respect to long ages, Plato and many other Greek philosophers taught that the present Universe came about millions of years ago. Writing in the fourth century AD, Lactantius said:

“Plato and many others of the philosophers, since they were ignorant of the origin of all things, and of that primal period at which the world was made, said that many thousands of ages had passed since this beautiful arrangement of the world was completed … .“ (ibid)

After the Greeks, the Roman naturalist Pliny the Elder (AD23–79) said we are so subject to chance,

“….that Chance herself takes the place of God; she proves that God is uncertain.” (ibid)

Greek and Roman philosophers received these ideas from ancient Sumerians (Babylonians), Egyptians and Hindus, whose nature philosophies extended back centuries before Greek and Roman civilization. For example, one Hindu belief was that Brahman (the Void or Universe) spontaneously generated itself (the modern theory of abiogenesis) as something like a seed or singularity about 4.3 billion years ago and then evolved under its’ own power by which it expanded and formed all that exists:

“These Hindus believed in an eternal Universe that had cycles of rebirth, destruction and dormancy, known as ‘kalpas’, rather like oscilla­ting big bang theories. We also read in the Hindu Bhagavad Gita that the god Krishna says, ‘I am the source from which all creatures evolve.”
(ibid, Griffith)

In India the doctrine of evolution/reincarnation/karma was thoroughly established from ancient times. It was expounded first in the Upanishads (c. 1000 BC – AD 4), the philosophical-mystic texts held to be the essence of the Vedas.

The idea that the soul reincarnates is intricately linked to karma, the idea that jiva-atmas (souls) pass from one plane of existence to another and carry with them samskaras (impressions) from former states of being. These karmic impressions on the soul are taken to the next life and result in a causally-determined state of being. In some schools of Hinduism liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth (samsara), is considered the ultimate goal of earthly existence. This is known as Moksha in Hinduism or nirvana in Buddhism. Other traditions assert that liberation from samsara is merely the beginning of real spiritual life and beyond nirvana, activities continue, but are no longer of a worldly nature. Both sides agree on the phenomenon of evolution/reincarnation.

In its modern version Darwinian evolution describes the progress (or transmigration) of energy as it emerged out of spontaneously generated matter (chemicals) and its successive incarnations within the bodies of different kinds of nonlife-bearing and life-bearing beings over the course of millions and billions of years. Its counterpart, spiritual evolution, bespeaks the progress of spirit or divine spark as it reincarnates within the bodies of different beings over the course of millions and billions of years. In the words of Emergent Church leader Rob Bell, evolution is energy,

“…. a spark, an electricity that everything is plugged into. The Greeks called it zoe, the mystics call it ‘Spirit,’ and Obi-Wan called it ‘the Force’…..This energy, spark, and electricity that pulses through all of creation sustains it, fuels it, and keeps it growing. Growing, evolving, reproducing…” (Love Wins, pp. 144-145)

For Mystery Religion initiates and adepts evolution spiritually transforms man into superman:

“….the evolution of man into superman — was always the purpose of the ancient Mysteries, and the real purpose of modern Masonry is not the social and charitable purposes to which so much attention is paid, but the expediting of the spiritual evolution of those who aspire to perfect their own nature and transform it into a more god-like quality. And this is a definite science, a royal art, which it is possible for each of us to put into practice…” (The Meaning of Masonry, W.L. Wilmhurst, p. 47)

Evolution is an animated energy, serpent power or force which may or may not be divine depending on whether it is of the ‘secular’ Darwinian school of thought or of its’ spiritually pantheist counterpart. In either case, this energy usually emanates from an impersonal substance which from antiquity has been known variously as the Void, Chaos, Ground of Being, and Brahman for example. (all of the above borrowed from here.)

23c82e6f426c6d3ec7036b903b843349The Cult of Pythagoras…

Just as the Gnostic mythical concept of Evolution can be demonstrated to have originated LONG before Darwin, the mythological concept of helio-centric universe can also be shown to have arisen long before individuals such as Copernicus were credited with popularizing it.

The Gnostic origins of a non-stationary Earth take us back to the figures of Philolaus and Pythagoras. Most sources credit Philolaus as the one who came up with the model of the Earth, Sun, Moon all rotating around “central fire” in the universe, while others claim that Pythagoras held to this idea even before his student Philolaus. Either way, what is absolutely undeniable is the extremely Gnostic and esoteric footing on which both these men stood. To most of us average folks, Pythagoras is presented in school as the ancient Greek mathematician who gave us basic proofs such as the famous “Pythagorean theorem” regarding triangles (A squared plus B squared equals C squared).

To occult adepts however, Pythagoras is understood to be one of the most revered of ancient mystics and Mystery School teachers. Said to have been consecrated to the god Apollo even before his birth, Pythagoras was reared under the tutelage of teachers urlsuch as Thales and Anazimander at Miletus, but as a young man found himself unsatisfied by their seemingly disparate and contradictory forms of Gnosticism. He set out to find a more “synthesized” universal Truth, and allegedly traveled through most of the great civilizations at the time, visiting the priests of various Mystery Schools in places like Egypt, Babylon and Chaldea.

He basically combined all the Occult knowledge he could gather from the world at that time, and then eventually settled in Croton, Greece, where he started his own Mystery School, and developed a system of initiations and degrees, training through aestheticism, the majority of which was embedded within a complex code of numerical values and derivations. Thus, a vast amount of the concepts found in Occult Numerology and ‘Sacred Geometry’ which have filtered down through the centuries to our own time can be traced back to Pythagoras himself.

Freemason Albert Pike says in “Morals and Dogma”:

“Pythagoras refused the title of Sage, which means ‘One who knows’. He invented and applied to himself that of Philosopher, signifying one who is fond of or studies things secret or occult. The astronomy of which he was taught was astrology: his science of numbers was based on Kabalistic principles. Everything is veiled in numbers.

And truly, the further one might look into the beliefs and pursuits of individuals such as Pythagoras and Philolaus, the more it becomes plain that these were not simply individuals preoccupied with a rational and scientific analysis of the natural world, as our secular education system to often portrays them. Indeed, Pythagoras is revered by Plato and all the famous Greek Philosophers who came after him, and in that light we can understand just how pervasively Gnostic all of Greek “Philosophy” truly is, how it was seeded and guided not simply by the imaginations and musings of speculative men, but by the doctrines of Demons as they were passed down through Mystery tradition and ancient secret societies.


Is it any wonder that occult brotherhoods such as the Freemasons have such a high regard for Pythagoras? Is it at all surprising to discover that his mathematical codes and numerological interpretations of the universe such as the “tetractys” are interwoven throughout Kabbalistic and Masonic symbolism?

And so from afar, when we step back and consider that neither Darwinian Evolution and Copernican Cosmology are not based on authentic scientific observation and experimentation, but rather on presupposed philosophical assumptions, it should also come as no real surprise that the ideological roots of both assumptions are practically the same. This only makes sense, really, because there is a rather obvious interdependence between the two. Darwinian Evolution really can’t even be conceived of outside of a massive, ever-expanding, self-creating Universe. A recognized geocentric cosmology would reveal the true absurdity of Evolution’s basic premises. At the same time, the limitless expanse of the Copernican Cosmos are offered as the last great challenge for humans to conquer in their Evolution as a species, and so, their is an undeniable symbiotic relationship between these two assumptive maxims which we are all inculcated with from the earliest age.

Both are designed to shape our perceptions of human origin, and human destiny alike. What is so interesting about looking at the example of Pythagoras, and the whole of ‘Greek Philosophy’ really, is that it could almost be said to be the first example of Esoteric/Occult knowledge being taken and formulated in such a way so that the “uninitiated” were still being given a version of the teaching on a level which was merely mechanical and non-spiritual. Greek Gnosticism is really where the ideological division between matter/spirit started, the false division between physical/ethereal, mechanical/mythical, scientific/religious… It’s actually a basic tenet OF Gnosticism, which pits the material against the spiritual, rejecting the Biblical concept of hell/hades and replacing it with the physical reality itself. So indeed, Gnosticism contains an Esoteric and exoteric exposition for everything, which has more or less been the template for all Occulted information ever since.

I believe this very much applies to our own time, where these Gnostic doctrines have been quite meticulously repackaged into forms which genuinely believe themselves to be wholly materialistic, empirical and scientific. So many adherents of Evolution today are staunchly materialistic in their worldview, completely oblivious to the fact that their beliefs stem from intensely religious and mythological beginnings. Currently we can see philosophies at the core of Evolutionary theory propelling the agendas of things like Transhumanism and the constant re-brandings of the New Age movement. The teachings of the Occult realm have always sought to pervert the Created order of the world, and obscure the true identity of it’s Creator. As Blavatsky said:


It is from this sobering perspective that I am unable to sympathize with the notion that the Flat Earth debate is a “distraction”, a complaint I have now heard countless times from various individuals who seem convinced that there is nothing of substance to the sudden ignition of this online discussion, and view it all as some intentional diversion from the Enemy himself. I concede that indeed it could be a distraction, in the sense that anything can be turned into a distraction, if it becomes the sole focus, eclipsing the Gospel of Salvation itself. However, I would say that it could only be reduced to the inevitably of a distraction, if such investigations were indeed shown to be utterly and entirely unsubstantiated. If the Flat Earth claims are instead shown to have real merit however, then it would make about as much sense to dismiss it from the Christian standpoint as it would to casually ignore the debate surrounding the theory of Evolution. If Evolution is not “scientific fact”, but only a horrific, Satanic lie, being propagated since ancient times, and now in every official institution of our modern world, then the subject itself is not a “distraction”, because it is a lie from the pit of hell, intended to lead men and women away from their Creator. The question of the Earth, and the Cosmology of the universe as a whole, is no different, because it cannot hardly be separated from the other question. It is all, quite plainly, surrounding the question of origins, and destiny…


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