Tag Archives: Bible

God, Cosmology & the Problem of EVIL…

It’s funny how we use the term “awake” to describe the state of coming to recognize the reality of the evil agendas in this world. Recognize various conspiracies. The New Word Order agenda. The nefarious Elites. The Illuminati. The Satanic control system…

But in truth, such realizations are not the benchmark of awakening.

Because embedded within the denunciation of all of those agendas, is the underlying assumption that there IS such a thing as Evil in the first place. That there is such a thing as objective moral transgression. A true violation, of humanity.

And this is what so many people do not go so far as to ponder.

They learn about the powers that should not be, they learn about the fraud that is at the heart of our economic system, the corruption within our so-called democracies, the poisoning that is going on with our food supplies, our water sources, even the air we breathe…

They get angry upon learning that NASA are lying to everyone, along with every other space agency. Faking an entire history of moon landings and Hubble photos, an entire Copernican/Newtonian universe that doesn’t even exist.

They learn about the reality of dark Occult rituals. Human sacrifice. Pedophile rings. All being done with disturbing regularity, and under the protection of an infiltrated legal system, military, and law enforcement.

The reaction to learning about such unsettling realities is almost unanimously the same, no matter who it is.

The conscience SCREAMS in disgust. Outrage. Indignation…

These things are that which simply should not be.

But therein lies the question, that so many of these allegedly “awake” men and women, suddenly do everything in their power to evade, to ignore, to deflect…
The question is simply that of, WHY… Why are these things undeniably evil…?
What DEFINES evil..? What defines good……?

While our consciences collectively scream at the crimes against humanity being done by those in positions of wealth and power, when it comes to the matter of our own moral situation, suddenly the screams dull to a faint whisper. We even try to silence it altogether, if we can…

And this drive to ignore the evil in our own hearts is really what lies behind ALL the Deception going on in the world today. ALL the conspiracy. All the wars. ALL the lying, the stealing, the raping, the destruction.

But of course, the superficially awake do not accept this. They refuse to entertain the possibility that those despised Elites are ultimately at the end of the day, no different than themselves, ensnared by the same appetites, the same bondage, the same delusions…

And the delusions really only take a few different basic forms, and those few are themselves only variations of the same singular thing, at the end of the day.
Some will insist, “There is no God. There is only this vast universe. Exploded from nothing. Self-creating and self-organizing over billions of years.”
Only matter + energy + time + chance. And nothing more.

And as such they believe they excused themselves from the odious notion of being subject to some psychotic Deity that would dare impose any moral parameters upon their lives. They imagine themselves to be “free”, as they fly at 1000’s of miles per hour throughout the vast emptiness of an ever-evolving cosmos.
But are they are not free. Not at all. For in reducing everything to the mechanistic determinism of Scientific materialism, freedom comes at the cost of being free of ANY meaning, any morality, any purpose…

In the cold, impersonal universe of Cosmic Evolution, there is no Design. No plan. No blueprint. No expectation. Life cannot even be regarded as having any more value or significance than non-life. All is nothing more than matter and energy, molecules and galaxies, colliding and repelling, forming and dissolving, organizing and dispersing. Endlessly. And in such a cold universe, there is no way to call ANYTHING, “evil”. No basis upon which to object to anything at all. Because in such a universe, the desecration of a child is just another temporary random mechanical combination of matter and energy, no more or no less meaningful than a wave crashing on the shore, or a branch falling from a tree. It is a meaningless, hopeless, mechanistic worldview, that ultimately renders the individual, and humanity as a whole, completely worthless…

But somehow… Despite all of us having been taught that this is our reality through public schooling and academia and the media, we all press on in defiance of such a conclusion. We all persist, as though we are not worthless, as though we do have meaning, and purpose, and as if there is some basis for right and wrong, despite the complete lack of any basis for such a thing being presented in the construct of Scientific materialism…

And so that inner need for worth, for meaning, for purpose, drives us on, refusing to die, and so many people do eventually start to reject the emptiness of materialistic Evolution, and instead, turn to the seemingly warmer and more meaning-filled paradigm of spiritual evolution…

Polytheism, pantheism, pan-entheism, the belief in some form of “cosmic consciousness”, suddenly these ancient mystical concepts become increasingly appealing when compared to the nihilism inherent to scientific determinism.
If somehow there is divinity that is embedded within each and every one of us, where every person is some sort of fractalized manifestation of the broader cosmic consciousness, some individualized expression of this greater Source that some people refer to as “God”, then the void of meaning is thought to be filled. The dilemma of purpose is believed to finally solved.

Everyone is thought to be simply on this path of rediscovering the inherent divinity within.

We are said to be manifestations of the divine universal consciousness, and the universe is simultaneously a manifestation of our own consciousness. Everything is connected. Everything is one. Everything is divine. Everything is consciousness.
But there is still that pesky little problem, of Evil…

Because just as when the entire cosmos is said to be an impersonal materialistic accident, the deification of everything renders it all ultimately just as meaningless, and hopeless, and empty as when there is no deity at all.

Just as when you can’t say that any given mechanistic process is anymore objectively good or evil than any another, how can you actually argue that any specific manifestation of the divine consciousness is any more objectively good or evil than any other…….???

When you accept that the physical world is simply an illusion, or a manifestation of consciousness, the “divine dance”, or however you wish to describe it, then indeed, you have removed that pesky dogmatic notion of Sin that the Bible keeps pointing to, but you have removed it completely…

Not just from intruding upon your own life, but from any circumstance. Anywhere…
You then have no basis to say of anyone, or any situation, “That should not be”. “You should not do this”. “This should be stopped”… Because it’s all just part of the “dance”. It’s all just a dream. It’s all just a part of the “cosmic simulation”. It’s all just code. It’s all just information manifesting as action and substance, and information is morally sterile. There is no evil in the world to bother speaking out against, because everything going on the world is a manifestation of the divine.

There are no moral Laws to violate, because everything is part of the divine. Everything is “moral”. So then nothing is.

There is nothing left by which you can truly say that is good to feed a child, and evil to kill a child. There is no longer such a thing as moral choice. No external, objective rule by which anything can ultimately said to be right or wrong, no measure of action that can truly be called “evil”.

And so while so many people talk about their “awakening”, about how they’ve come to understand the “matrix” that has been woven around us, and they latch on to ideas such a simulation theory, because they are drawn to the idea of a reality being something that we can eventually learn to manipulate and control, just like a computer simulation, they don’t realize that by embracing such beliefs, and rejecting the plain and simple teaching found in the Bible, regarding the reality of Sin, and the need for forgiveness and Salvation, they have actually chose the most hellish form of self-imprisonment imaginable…

Because by deifying themselves, instead of the external, Eternal, self-existent Creator, by embracing the “divinity within”, they have actually, unknowingly, chosen to pursue a world in which anything goes.

And it’s incredible to me, how so many people in the “Truth movement” can be so horrified in their reactions, when they learn about young innocent children, even infants, being tortured and raped and sacrified as a part of all these ongoing Illuminati rituals, but then they turn around and say “How dare you say to me that there is a God, who has defined what is good, and what is evil!”

“How dare you peddle your suffocating religion!”

“How dare you suggest that people are fallen and sinful, and not simply rediscovering their own divinity!”

“Don’t you understand that the Elites are simply trying to keep us from discovering the ancient Occult wisdom that they have used against us…???”

This is what people say… This is what they actually believe.

People get bent out of shape when you start talking about heaven and hell… Don’t talk about hell. That’s painting God as some sadistic monster who wants to torture people…

But we can turn and look and hear MILLIONS of people, right now, alive on this earth, who we tell you TO YOUR FACE that it is sadistic to believe that God has any right to define what is good or evil at all…

No objective guidelines! No external boundaries. NO! That is unacceptable…
They want to decide for themselves what is good, and what is evil…

And so you explain to me, how that is not in itself people choosing a framework, that is ultimately nothing other than a recipe for hell…(?)

Being “awake” does not simply mean you wake up to the reality of things like false flag attacks, or the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, or the push for a one-world government, etc… You are still NOT awake until you wake up to the reality of Sin in your own heart. You are not awake until recognize that we react to evil in the world, because it IS objectively Evil, that it IS a true transgression, against a real moral Law that was put in place by a REAL God.

If you deny a real, external, personal God, who alone has the Authority to dictate the different between Righteousness and Evil, between Light and Darkness, then you have denied any legitimate basis to think anything is wrong at all, with anyone, anywhere. Period.

Evil is real, because Sin is real, just as Jesus says it is. But the most beautiful Truth of all, is that reality of Jesus Christ, and what He accomplished at the cross, supercedes the guilt that we all carry. We can be forgiven. We can have new Life. We can have hope. We can have peace, even while the rest of the world continues falling to pieces, as it chases it’s delusion of creating some type of humanist utopia where it defines morality for itself, and thus plunges itself deeper and deeper into a complete moral wasteland. A true hell on earth…

Your own conscience testifies to the fact that good and evil are objective realities, and not subjective projections. I implore anyone listening to this who has thus far written off the Bible and the person of Jesus, to stop and ponder this, and ask yourself why this is so….

Hitting Buttons… Making Words…

This week I’ve been busily typing away, trying to actually sit down and really focus on writing the outline for the documentary.  I actually started over from what I put together before.  Had gotten about three “chapters” in, then decided on a whole new approach.  C’est la vie.  It’s a totally different exercise overall though.  I had become quite accustomed to getting some kind of idea fixed in my head, some topic to explore  or thing to ramble about, then sitting down and writing it, recording it, turning it into a video usually between 10-15 minutes long.  It had finally gotten to the point of being almost instinctual.  I had a process more or less down.  But this?  This is just quite different.  I think I thought it would be slightly easier.  Simply what I’ve already been doing, only putting many of those 10-15 sections together into one piece.  Right?

Well, not really.  Not if I want to really make sense.  Make sense in the way that it all seems to make sense in my head.  (which, who knows, maybe isn’t all that sensible after all…) But overall I do feel a growing sense of “urgency” to get it put together.  I do believe the information and the project is worthwhile, and needed, and will perhaps only continue to become so even more, as this topic continues to expand in the public consciousness.

Perhaps I just needed a little “cathartic release typing”, as opposed to the much more intentional and scrutinized writing I’ve been doing this week.  That’s what this blog used to be about for me anyhow, but, it’s definitely taken a back seat.

But then, that’s what’s also kinda interesting.  Because, when I was “blogging regularly”, mainly focusing on the more “mundane” topics of things like the New World Order, Bible Prophecy, Transhumanism, the Occult, etc., and honestly, I wasn’t getting a ton of readers. Not that my material was so fascinating in the first place, but, in the past year or so, since getting into Flat Earth, and barely touching the blog, people continue to trickle in.  Not because of any of the things I used to write about.  But because of this topic.  It continues to grow, continues to spread, and this amazed me almost more than anything (even though I suppose it shouldn’t, considering how I believe it to be the Truth, but…)

A few days ago, Shaquille Oneill came out publicly and said the Earth is Flat.

I honestly still don’t even know quite know how I feel about that, since on the one hand I realize that things like that will inevitably cause more people to look into it, research it online, get blown away by what they actually find, etc., but….  at the same time, his “Flat Earth profession” was just, weak.  Very much sounded like he didn’t really investigate it himself (unlike NBA star Kyrie Irving, who does sound very knowledgeable as to why he believes the Earth is Flat.)

Edddie Bravo goes on Infowars talking about FE.  People are planning a “Flat Earth Conference” in November.  It’s being ridiculed on tv shows like “Tosh.0” and “The Jimmy Kimmel Show”.

It’s actually starting to “penetrate the mainstream”, in a way that 9/11 Truth or so many other conspiracy topics never have.  And in one sense you know that this will only make the anti-FE Truthers more skeptical that it’s a “psyop”, intended to make the Truth Community “look stupid”.  Christians are convinced it’s designed to make the Bible and Creationism “look stupid.  Many Flat Earthers believe that other Flat Earthers are “shills” designed to make Flat Earth look stupid.  So, (*sigh*), yes, the circus continues….

And I do tire of it.  I tire of the “buzz”, the increasing fixation so many FE people have with every time a celebrity or the mainstream media mentions FE, in any capacity.  I just don’t really care.  I don’t believe that celebrity hype or trying to get a topic to be “trending” on FB, or whatever else, are ultimately anything to give a rip about.  If the Earth really, truly, has no curve?  Is not a ball?  Is not floating in space…?  Well then, hey, it’s coming out, sooner or later.   And if the Bible really does describe such a thing as well?  Then the Spirit will guide us, those of us willing to search the Scriptures with an open heart, completely unrattled by how foolish the Evolution-preaching world thinks we are…

In the meantime, I am going to go bang on some more keys.  Make some more words.  Hopefully a few that even go together.  Thanks for letting me vent a little today.

A Documentary Series on Biblical Cosmology..??

Hi there, remember me? I have no idea if anyone will still happen along this ol’ blog of mine here, since I have officially treated it like a forgotten sock, lost behind the dryer, but, I do get people asking about it now and again, and I also just finally got around to fixing what was apparently a broken link to here from my YT page, so, looks like I am still the reigning world champion of procrastination. (undefeated!)

But speaking of procrastination… Since I’m here, I might as well take advantage of my dusty little corner of the blogosphere and stop to brain-puke about the current status and development of a project that I’ve been feeling more and more convinced I need to tackle as time has gone on.

It’s been a crazy last year and a half or so, since I first started tumbling down this “cosmology rabbit hole” as it were. The reason my blog wound up so woefully neglected is because it found itself playing third wheel to the youtube channel, which has indeed been a steadily-growing hub for my investigations into all sorts of aspects relating to “Biblical enclosed cosmology” or “original Hebrew cosmology” etc., as I’ve found myself increasingly referring to it as. The deeper we go, the more questions that arise, and the more things really do seem to continue fitting together in a manner which I can still scarcely believe.

Yet now, after putting up around 120 videos, the vast majority of which delve into the issue of the Flat, Enclosed Earth in some way or another, I am feeling ever-more convicted that despite all of the copious and increasing amount of FE material on YT and elsewhere that exists currently, I still don’t see anything out there which dares to try and take all of these revelations from true Biblical Cosmology, and then present it all in the context of the “whole story”, the grandiose cosmic Genesis-to-Revelation narrative, of which we are now presently somewhere in the middle of that last chapter.

My personal desire at this stage, is to see the Cosmology material put together in a way that starts from Creation, weaves through the ante-deluvian age with the Watchers/Nephilim and “Genesis 6 paradigm”, moves onto the post-flood era, with Nimrod and Babel and the “divine council” topic, and then so on and so forth, tracing the progression of this battle between the kingdoms of Light/Darkness, all the way up to our present day, in light of how the Enemy has been very intently working over the centuries to procure increasing control over various heavenly/earthly “principalities”, dominions, etc., and accomplishing this to a large degree by way of DECEIVING humanity about so many of the truths about heaven and earth, about cosmology, about Creation…

Satan has been fighting a war for heaven and earth, by doing what he does best, lying about the realities of heaven and earth, and the more we learn about just how pervasive and vast this complex of lies is, this spiritual stronghold of “Scientism” that we live entrenched in today, the more pressing it becomes (in my view) to put together all this information in a way that works as a cohesive whole, a holistic rebuttal of this monolithic, pseudo-scientific, Lie.

So, simple right? (!!!) The scope and scale of such a project to me is compelling, yet at the same time utterly terrifying. I keep going back and forth as to what the best overall approach to conceiving an outline would even be. Should it be chronological? Topical? Sort of a mix of both? My head hurts just thinking about it. I really must be getting super delusional to be seriously considering a project like this. But then again, the thing is, when I step back now and look over all the videos I’ve put in the last year and a half, if you add it all up, you’re looking at like dozens of hours worth of material now. And it’s for the most part, material which I sat down, researched, wrote out a “manuscript” for, recorded, mixed the audio, collected visual material, and then edited it all together. I’ll admit that overall it’s been kind of a good way to learn and hone that whole process, and it’s probably prepared me (since before I had ZERO video editing experience), but still… This project idea is simultaneously thrilling, yet totally daunting.

Maybe I’m just writing this out, and posting this little “Title screen” I threw together, so as to motivate my procrastinating butt to finally sit down, and just start writing. I know that’s the first step, and it’s probably going to be a fairly long and involved one, but in the end, I know I truly believe in the importance of this topic, and I believe in the need to see it all formulated in a way that perhaps will finally make BFE Cosmology finally “click” for some of those people out there who already understand all the other pieces, but still, somehow, just don’t see how amazingly and perfectly it all fits together within the context of true, original Hebrew cosmology. I think of it like, seeing a story portrayed in it’s final theatrical presentation, with all the background scenery and locations and historical settings, etc., instead of just reading random excerpts of the screenplay.

Anyhow, here’s the little Title Screen I’ve managed to throw together so far:

“Like a Pavement of Sapphire Stone” (video)

Okay, so I already wrote about this back in December, but ever since then I was hoping to throw something on it into video form, and this week I finally got around to it.

So I read the excerpt from Exodus 24, where it says that Moses and the elders actually “saw God”, walking on top of what looked like a pavement made of sapphire, and then I get into talking about this verse in conjunction with all of the other “Firmament verses” in the Bible, and then spend a fair amount of time just talking about the topic of Biblical literalism as a whole.

Who, Me….???

So, once again I have really lapsed with writing on the ol’ blog, but today I hope to try and explain a bit about why that has been the case, and share a little about the curious position I am now finding myself in at the moment.

For several years I was plugging away here on my blog, rather content with my relatively small amount of readers/subscribers, and appreciating the cathartic nature of being able to post about whatever I happened to find intriguing in the moment, all under the screen of my little WordPress pseudonym…

I had gone back and forth for some time, considering the idea of taking a stab at making videos and putting them up on youtube, and aside from a few that I had done on topics like CERN and “Transformational Festivals”, I really didn’t get that involved with until I found myself diving down the “Flat Earth rabbit hole”, and then suddenly I found myself furiously making videos discussing various “Flat Earth proofs”, as well as looking into the Biblical case for a flat, enclosed Cosmology.

When that began, I could count on one hand the number of Youtube subscribers I had on my little channel. Like I said, I have been accustomed to obscurity, and that has really been my preferred vantage point! Yet, as the months have passed, and the “Flat Earth Movement” has continued to expand and get more and more attention, so have my little videos, to the point where now not only does my “exposure” via YT far surpass anything I had previously experienced through blogging, but now it has also reached the stage whereby I am currently sitting on around half a dozen invitations to be interviewed by other Youtube channels/shows, or participate in discussion panels to talk about Flat Earth, Biblical Cosmology, etc.


And frankly, I’m terrified. It’s as though I’m inadvertently pushing the ever-shrinking line between remaining “safe” in my anonymity, and finally stepping across that line, into a realm where suddenly the human being has to step out from behind the internet avatar…

I have prayed about it. Agonized over it. Gone back and forth, again and again, between one day feeling like “Okay, I’m willing…” to then the next day feeling more compelled to simply pull the plug on everything altogether, and just get on with “real life”. I’m not trying to be anything remotely resembling an online “figurehead”. I never was. There are few things I dislike more in this world than the phenomena we often refer to as the “cult of personality”.

But then again… I find myself unable to pull myself away from continuing to explore this topic of the “Biblical Flat Earth”, and all the countless ways that it seems to fit in with all the various topics of Bible Prophecy, End-time Deception, New World Order agendas, and so much more, which I’ve already been navigating my way through over the past six years or so now. It’s almost like everything I’ve been learning up to this point has laid the foundation for now considering them all in this incredible “unified context” of a Cosmological model which I now have to confess appears to have been staring at me from the pages of Scripture the whole time. I mean, seriously, SO many things which I’ve written about over the past few years, whether it be interdimensional portals, or the Book of Enoch, UFO Deception, Genesis 6, the Occult, the Creation vs. Evolution debate, transhumanism, the fake moon landings, ancient megalithic structures, the infamous “Illuminati”, the tower of Babel, CERN, and on and on, now suddenly all “gel” in a way which before I never would’ve imagined…

Anyhow, so, this is my conundrum at the present moment. This is my crossroads that seemingly I can’t find a way around…

Another Christian FE Youtube channel by the name of “Celebrate Truth” recently finished a documentary he’s been working on for some time, called “The Global Lie”, and I was very privileged to be able to contribute several segments of content to the production. I’d have to say that the finished product is really quite superb and I hope everyone reading this is able find the time to watch it, as it really focuses on the connections between the Copernican system/cosmology and the Theory of Evolution (among other things). Several other fantastic researchers such as Rob Skiba are featured in the film, and it was truly an honor to be able to take part in this project. Here’s the full documentary:

Biblical Proof of the Flat Earth: THE GREAT FLOOD…

Anyone who has ever debated Creation vs. Evolution has almost certainly encountered the incredulity of the Evolutionist when it comes to the topic of Noah’s Flood.

While some Evolutionists might concede that perhaps there WAS at some point in the past a very significant flood event, due to the fact that so many ancient writings and oral traditions around the world refer to one, they almost inevitably insist that such an event would have had to have been merely some kind of localized occurrance, regardless of how cataclysmic it may have felt to the people at that time.

Why do Evolutionists have such a difficult time entertaining the possibility of Noah’s flood? When we look at the Biblical text it becomes fairly easy to see. In Genesis 7, starting in verse 11, it reads:

“In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, on the seventeenth day of the second month—on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened. And rain fell on the earth forty days and forty nights.

On that very day Noah and his sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth, together with his wife and the wives of his three sons, entered the ark. They had with them every wild animal according to its kind, all livestock according to their kinds, every creature that moves along the ground according to its kind and every bird according to its kind, everything with wings. Pairs of all creatures that have the breath of life in them came to Noah and entered the ark. The animals going in were male and female of every living thing, as God had commanded Noah. Then the Lord shut him in.

For forty days the flood kept coming on the earth, and as the waters increased they lifted the ark high above the earth. The waters rose and increased greatly on the earth, and the ark floated on the surface of the water. They rose greatly on the earth, and all the high mountains under the entire heavens were covered. The waters rose and covered the mountains to a depth of more than fifteen cubits. Every living thing that moved on land perished—birds, livestock, wild animals, all the creatures that swarm over the earth, and all mankind. Everything on dry land that had the breath of life in its nostrils died. Every living thing on the face of the earth was wiped out; people and animals and the creatures that move along the ground and the birds were wiped from the earth. Only Noah was left, and those with him in the ark.

The waters flooded the earth for a hundred and fifty days.”

Believers in Evolution, and it’s assertions that the Earth took billions of years to form, with various stages and ice ages and such, understandably scoff at the idea that water filled the entire Earth could have been covered with water for a 150 days, especially to the degree that it covered the highest mountains on Earth, surpassing them by 15 cubits (roughly 20 feet).

But if one holds the Bible as the authoritative Word of God, as a reliable and accurate account, then this is precisely what must be upheld if one wishes to hold to a position of literal Biblical interpretation, and not start sliding down the slippery slope of trying to make the text conform itself to our own modern assumptions about what is and isn’t possible.

Now, the reason I bring all this up, is because as I was thinking about this recently, I started to ask myself just how much water that would have actually required, to completely cover the entire Earth, over the tops of the highest mountains…

After a little googling and a little multiplication, this is what I came up with…

According to current models of the alleged Globe, the surface area of the earth is around 510 million square kilometers. Everyone knows that the highest mountain peak on Earth is Mount Everest, and if that is indeed the case, it’s elevation is purported to be 8.848 kilometers above sea level. When we multiply the two, we get the figure of 4,512,480,000 cubic kilometers. That’s how much water it would require to cover the top of Everest, if we are talking about how much water would be needed in ADDITION to the amount of water already present in all the oceans/lakes/rivers in the world today.

Now, I do recognize that this is a crude calculation, because it is not accounting for the amount of dry land that is above sea level, which would be cutting into that amount of required volume, however, it is also not accounting for the fact that in a globe model such a calculation really shouldn’t be made in a way that assumes a rectilinear volume, so in fact, if the Earth WAS a ball, the amount of required water would in fact be MORE than 4 1/2 billion cubic kilometers, (because the surface area of the top of the Flood waters would naturally be greater than the surface area of present day sea level, the required volume increasing the higher in elevation you fill, and so on). That being said, I am basically letting these two factors cancel each other out, since the whole point is really just to get a ball park idea of how much H2O we’d really be talking about anyway…

Because here’s the kicker: according to the USGS, (if we believe their statistics) the TOTAL amount of water, both saltwater and freshwater, in the entire Earth, amounts to somewhere around 1,386,000,000 cubic kilometers…


Now, assuming that the topography of the Earth was generally similar, both before and after the Flood, (and that’s a big assumption, I admit) then the total Flood waters would have been the present-day 1.386 billion cu km, PLUS the 4.5 billion cu km, bringing it to a total of 5.886…

But the bottom line is, if we are talking a different of 4.5 BILLION cubic kilometers of water, from the current amount that is on, above, and below the surface of the entire Earth, then the glaring question arises…



I mean, we are talking about a total difference of about 4.2 TIMES the amount of all the water supposedly on the Earth right now. And that, is a lot, of liquid…

For some time, many advocates of Biblical Creationism proposed the so-called “canopy theory” in attempt to explain this. The idea was that the flood waters were being held in a canopy of water vapor above the earth, and so this would have meant there were radically different atmospheric conditions between pre-flood and post-flood eras, as well as giving some effort into explaining the verses in Genesis which speak of the “waters above the Firmament”. However, many Creationist organizations and teachers have been shying away from the Canopy model in recent years, for very understandable reasons. Namely, it just doesn’t give you nearly enough water!


As we have seen, the amount of water required, in LIQUID form, to cover the tops of the highest mountains, is a phenomenal, mind-numbing amount. For that much water to have been up in the atmosphere, is gaseous form, would provide a whole host of other problems to your model. Would sunlight even be able to get through at all? Would it even be able to say in a gas form, if being pushed that far out into the upper edges of the atmosphere, and not turn to ice from the cold? Not only this, but I have even read an article from Answers in Genesis, the renowned Creationist organization, where in explaining why they have moved away from the canopy model, they mention that it also proves problematic, because if the “waters above the firmament” were actually this whole water vapor canopy idea, it would mean that the sun, moon and stars were inside the atmosphere…(!)

Which, of course, I can’t help but see the irony there. Because, truly, when you allow yourself to stop, take a step back, and re-examine the same model of the Earth/Cosmos that was held by the very same individuals who WROTE Genesis and the other books of the Bible, you suddenly no longer have any of these problems, which inevitably arise when trying to conform the Bible, and accounts such as that of the Great Flood, to the heliocentric Copernican model.

Beyond this, even if we were to grant the possibility of the Flood waters coming from a “vapor canopy” above the globe, this STILL wouldn’t explain the simple question as to where all that water went as the Flood waters receded, because even advocates of the Canopy Theory have to concede that the canopy is no longer present. Did all that water, (remember 4.8 billion cu km MORE than the 1.86 we can supposedly account for on the Earth today) somehow seep into the bowels of the spinning globe Earth? To try and argue such a thing would mean having to stand in opposition to the very same geological models of the Earth structure which the Copernican model asserts is established fact. You have to then start assuming the existence of MASSIVE fissures and caverns in the Earth’s oceanic and continental crusts, which overall is another interesting example of the problems which inevitably arise when trying to simultaneously conform the Biblical model to the models provided by modern Scientism, and yet also disregard them, whenever you need to need to force something to fit. How does such an approach know when to accept the official data, and when to dismiss it…?

However… If the Firmament isn’t some confusingly convoluted concept of the sky, and/or the atmosphere and/or “outer space”, but instead some kind of literal dome above our heads, then yeah, the “waters above the Firmament” could be of such a vast quantity that our tiny human brains couldn’t even fathom it. We no longer have to ignore or allegorize verses such as the ones that speak of the “floodgates” or “windows” of heaven, nor the ones that speak of the “fountains of the deep”.


It really is the only way to honestly render a literal interpretation of what Genesis has been plainly saying for thousands of years.

It is not difficult to understand why so many people, even those professing to hold to a literal interpretation of the Bible, would have such a difficult time accepting the idea that the globe model is false. Not only are there the intellectual obstacles of accepting the massive deception required to perpetuate things like the fake moon landings, Mars Rover, ISS, etc., but it would affect so many things which we assume to understand, about not just the “heavens” or outer space, but about our own atmosphere, the subterranean world, and even things as fundamental as the “water cycle”.

Psalm 148
1 Praise the Lord from the heavens;
Praise Him in the heights!
2 Praise Him, all His angels;
Praise Him, all His hosts!
3 Praise Him, sun and moon;
Praise Him, all you stars of light!
4 Praise Him, you heavens of heavens,
And you waters above the heavens!

Time to Look Beyond…?

Is it about that time to just put the ol’ blog on the “shelf”…?

I just don’t know at this point.  I’ve been going back and forth on this for some time now.  For some time now, the number of original written posts here has dwindled, as I’ve gotten busier making videos for YT, and it has felt like all I’ve been using WordPress for is mainly just to repost those here, and after a while, I just have started to wonder what the point is in that.

It’s been a few months here since I dove head first into all the “Flat Earth research”, and what an interesting time it has been. I suppose the most unexpected result of all of that has been in how it has slowly shaped my overall perspective and drive towards all of the sorts of things which I was previously so keen on writing about here. All the New World Order / conspiracy-filled “stuff”, which felt like something that I could probably write about forever, until they finally closed down the web entirely to content as “objectionable” as that. (which I still expect isn’t too far off)

But now… I don’t really know how to explain it, but, it’s like so much of that ‘righteous angst’ and determination just started to fade. First I assumed it was simply because I was so consumed with just “trying to get to the bottom” of the whole FE issue, and Biblical cosmology as a whole. For the record I’ll say that I am still of course looking into the side of “empirical evidence for the Flat Earth”, but as to the question of what kind of cosmology the BIBLE actually describes? I really don’t have any lingering questions left in that department.

The simple fact of the matter is that I can no longer read the Scriptures anymore and find anything that can be used, with any integrity, to defend the Copernican model of the universe. It just. Ain’t. There.


So I suppose that has really just served to change the way I think, and perceive, about so much, really. Because instead of wanting to jump on the computer and write about the latest examples of how our Constitutional rights are being steadily stripped away, or how Martial Law might actually be put into place one way or another, I now find myself just standing outside in my yard, staring up the sky. Or out for a drive, and looking across the valley at the mountains on the other side, marveling at the clouds, marveling at the sun, marveling at the moon… Just, marveling…

I don’t quite know how to explain how or why, but all the machinations of the World, and the Fallen One, seem so small now. So petty and almost comical. So much more about smoke-and-mirrors, really, than true, raw, dangerous “power”. Of course, prior to all this, I would have THOUGHT that I believed that’s all it was, but somehow now I can see how much I was still very much getting sucked into so much of the hype, the fear, the thought-diversion…

I still absolutely look at things like 9/11 and see a False Flag act of “terror”, if ever there was one. I still see nothing but lies in news reports about “ISIS” or “climate change” or “Russian aggression”, and so on. But, I just don’t know how to feel riled up about any of it anymore. I don’t feel the same sense of “urgency” about it all. Not because I don’t think a one-world-antiChrist-system isn’t being constructed all around us with each new day, but because I KNOW it is, and for whatever reason, all this “Flat Earth nonsense” has somehow worked to help me FINALLY grasp, (on an internal, gut-level) that God is absolutely, totally, in control.

When I started blogging almost five years ago (I’ve had a few different blog titles/handles in that time) it was really just for the purpose of having my own little “corner” where I could ramble on about all the crazy information I was newly processing, a place where I could digest and discuss things, without getting eyebrow-raised looks from across the table, and just kind of collect and gather links and bit-and-pieces from around the net which seemed to correlate to where I was at. It wasn’t about spreading a “message” or “building readership”, but of course, when you blog for a while, you do start to feel those pressures, and I have pushed back and forth with them here and there, I’ll admit. I had to learn not to get frustrated with many of the very good-hearted and Spirit-filled fellow Christian bloggers I met, who are very solid in their Faith, but nonetheless quite adamant in not wanting to look into any of the “weird and dark” stuff which I found myself unable to not want to know if it was “really real”. I had to simultaneously learn to engage with and build relationships with fellow “conspiracy bloggers” who were either ambivalent, or even outright hostile, to the Gospel of Jesus. There have been too a small handful of treasured folks who have wound up in that “sliver in the middle” along with me, and I am grateful for them.


And then, once I started “tumbling down the Flat Earth rabbit hole”, that sliver turned into almost an imperceptible slice. I can probably count on one hand the number of people who have commented or engaged with me on the blog, since I stared writing about this FE question. Most “conspiracy folks” won’t touch it. Most Christians won’t touch it. And the thing is, I knew from the get-go that it would almost certainly be that kind of ultra-alienating endeavor, yet I did it anyway…

I’ve even seen a few people who started out as just “average-joe Christian conspiracy bloggers”, who have now several years later managed to make somewhat of a “name for themselves” in this bizarre little niche genre we happen to have here. I’ve never wanted that, and it has been admittedly somewhat difficult to watch some of those individuals go from being very approachable, “down-to-Earth people”, to now being more or less inaccessible, due to their throngs of Youtube subscribers and podcast listeners, etc. Yes, the spotlight of “alternative media” can seduce people just powerfully as any other form…

So, anyhow. I certainly hope that I’m not coming across as sounding bitter, or despondent, or anything like that, because like I said, I just feel… I dunno, a sense of “release”, at this point? I’m not really “burning with questions” or “fired up with indignation against the powers that be” like I once was. People believe, what they WANT to believe. I guess that is one of the biggest take-aways from this whole thing for me. (myself included there, plz don’t think I’m so arrogant as to not realize that!)

I don’t know what’s going to happen, in the next year, the next decade, or tomorrow. I don’t know if things like blogs, or youtube channels, or whatever, will even remain as uncensored as they have been for all that much longer. (Youtube is actually rolling out some very big changes in the next day or two, and we’ll see exactly what that’s going to entail soon enough) I don’t know if in my lifetime, the world is going to actually transition from the current state of still having “quasi-sovereign nation states” to a full-blown, fully-recognized, one-world-government.

But, I know what the Bible says, and I know it WILL happen, sooner or later.

I know that each of us is given what is really a very short time, on the Earth, (whatever it’s shape may be!), and that God wants us to use that time to recognize our true need for HIM, and to seek Him, and truly find Him…

It’s hard to step back, and look at all my writing, all the media I’ve thrown together in this way or that, and have to ask myself how much I’ve really helped anyone else do that. Have I helped anyone find HIM? or have I just spread more fear, and anxiety, and confusion? Have I helped strip away all the noise and nonsense which obscures the Light of Christ? or have I just added to it, in the midst of all my own confusion and ranting and rambling…

I do sincerely, earnestly, hope it has been at least a little more of the former than the latter. I’m no one special. I’m a very fallen, weak human, actually, just like the rest of us, and I am admittedly someone who for whatever reason just “has to look into it”, when something anomalous comes across my path. It gets me into trouble sometimes, but I do believe God is able to sympathize with a lot of it, and give more than enough Grace to pull you through over to the other side, where He has been patiently waiting, watching over you, the whole time.


Tomorrowland: Lucifer’s False Utopia…

Oh WordPress…. I know. I know I’ve been neglecting you… I keep meaning to actually WRITE some new posts, but I keep getting caught up making more videos, so, I don’t know what to say. Here is one I just made after watching the Disney film “Tomorrowland”.

I promise I will try to actually sit down and write something of substance soon. 😉