Tag Archives: documentary

The Cosmology Documentary is finished!

It’s been a really big push the last couple weeks, but it’s finally done, and overall I will say I’m satisfied with how it turned out, even though of course things could always have been done better. This was the largest project I’ve ever committed myself to, but it was worth it in the end. Hopefully this will help many more people out there start to see how Cosmology and FE “fits” into the rest of the Biblical/Prophecy/Conspiracy narrative, from beginning to end. That is my hope anyway. Thanks to everyone who has been an encouragement and support over the past couple of years, since I first started tumbling down this crazy, crazy rabbit hole… – Will

1. The Ancient Conflict 4:36
2. A New Nation 11:00
3. The Cosmic Rewrite 17:30
4. The Quantum Deception 25:49
5. Sorcery Reborn 35:09
6. The Power of the Air 51:27
7. New Age “Zience” 1:12:33
8. Oracles of the Technium 1:28:27
9. The Templum Defiled 1:42:10
10. The Choice 1:47:53

Carolyn Hamlett and Daniel Duval: Higher Dimensions and Parallel Worlds (interview with Zen Garcia, V of VI): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IdTl…

“What is Reality?” [Quantum Gravity Research] https://youtu.be/w0ztlIAYTCU

“Flat Earth… Let there be Light” [Dan Dimension] https://youtu.be/3GZhj9BbIXc

Hitting Buttons… Making Words…

This week I’ve been busily typing away, trying to actually sit down and really focus on writing the outline for the documentary.  I actually started over from what I put together before.  Had gotten about three “chapters” in, then decided on a whole new approach.  C’est la vie.  It’s a totally different exercise overall though.  I had become quite accustomed to getting some kind of idea fixed in my head, some topic to explore  or thing to ramble about, then sitting down and writing it, recording it, turning it into a video usually between 10-15 minutes long.  It had finally gotten to the point of being almost instinctual.  I had a process more or less down.  But this?  This is just quite different.  I think I thought it would be slightly easier.  Simply what I’ve already been doing, only putting many of those 10-15 sections together into one piece.  Right?

Well, not really.  Not if I want to really make sense.  Make sense in the way that it all seems to make sense in my head.  (which, who knows, maybe isn’t all that sensible after all…) But overall I do feel a growing sense of “urgency” to get it put together.  I do believe the information and the project is worthwhile, and needed, and will perhaps only continue to become so even more, as this topic continues to expand in the public consciousness.

Perhaps I just needed a little “cathartic release typing”, as opposed to the much more intentional and scrutinized writing I’ve been doing this week.  That’s what this blog used to be about for me anyhow, but, it’s definitely taken a back seat.

But then, that’s what’s also kinda interesting.  Because, when I was “blogging regularly”, mainly focusing on the more “mundane” topics of things like the New World Order, Bible Prophecy, Transhumanism, the Occult, etc., and honestly, I wasn’t getting a ton of readers. Not that my material was so fascinating in the first place, but, in the past year or so, since getting into Flat Earth, and barely touching the blog, people continue to trickle in.  Not because of any of the things I used to write about.  But because of this topic.  It continues to grow, continues to spread, and this amazed me almost more than anything (even though I suppose it shouldn’t, considering how I believe it to be the Truth, but…)

A few days ago, Shaquille Oneill came out publicly and said the Earth is Flat.

I honestly still don’t even know quite know how I feel about that, since on the one hand I realize that things like that will inevitably cause more people to look into it, research it online, get blown away by what they actually find, etc., but….  at the same time, his “Flat Earth profession” was just, weak.  Very much sounded like he didn’t really investigate it himself (unlike NBA star Kyrie Irving, who does sound very knowledgeable as to why he believes the Earth is Flat.)

Edddie Bravo goes on Infowars talking about FE.  People are planning a “Flat Earth Conference” in November.  It’s being ridiculed on tv shows like “Tosh.0” and “The Jimmy Kimmel Show”.

It’s actually starting to “penetrate the mainstream”, in a way that 9/11 Truth or so many other conspiracy topics never have.  And in one sense you know that this will only make the anti-FE Truthers more skeptical that it’s a “psyop”, intended to make the Truth Community “look stupid”.  Christians are convinced it’s designed to make the Bible and Creationism “look stupid.  Many Flat Earthers believe that other Flat Earthers are “shills” designed to make Flat Earth look stupid.  So, (*sigh*), yes, the circus continues….

And I do tire of it.  I tire of the “buzz”, the increasing fixation so many FE people have with every time a celebrity or the mainstream media mentions FE, in any capacity.  I just don’t really care.  I don’t believe that celebrity hype or trying to get a topic to be “trending” on FB, or whatever else, are ultimately anything to give a rip about.  If the Earth really, truly, has no curve?  Is not a ball?  Is not floating in space…?  Well then, hey, it’s coming out, sooner or later.   And if the Bible really does describe such a thing as well?  Then the Spirit will guide us, those of us willing to search the Scriptures with an open heart, completely unrattled by how foolish the Evolution-preaching world thinks we are…

In the meantime, I am going to go bang on some more keys.  Make some more words.  Hopefully a few that even go together.  Thanks for letting me vent a little today.

A Documentary Series on Biblical Cosmology..??

Hi there, remember me? I have no idea if anyone will still happen along this ol’ blog of mine here, since I have officially treated it like a forgotten sock, lost behind the dryer, but, I do get people asking about it now and again, and I also just finally got around to fixing what was apparently a broken link to here from my YT page, so, looks like I am still the reigning world champion of procrastination. (undefeated!)

But speaking of procrastination… Since I’m here, I might as well take advantage of my dusty little corner of the blogosphere and stop to brain-puke about the current status and development of a project that I’ve been feeling more and more convinced I need to tackle as time has gone on.

It’s been a crazy last year and a half or so, since I first started tumbling down this “cosmology rabbit hole” as it were. The reason my blog wound up so woefully neglected is because it found itself playing third wheel to the youtube channel, which has indeed been a steadily-growing hub for my investigations into all sorts of aspects relating to “Biblical enclosed cosmology” or “original Hebrew cosmology” etc., as I’ve found myself increasingly referring to it as. The deeper we go, the more questions that arise, and the more things really do seem to continue fitting together in a manner which I can still scarcely believe.

Yet now, after putting up around 120 videos, the vast majority of which delve into the issue of the Flat, Enclosed Earth in some way or another, I am feeling ever-more convicted that despite all of the copious and increasing amount of FE material on YT and elsewhere that exists currently, I still don’t see anything out there which dares to try and take all of these revelations from true Biblical Cosmology, and then present it all in the context of the “whole story”, the grandiose cosmic Genesis-to-Revelation narrative, of which we are now presently somewhere in the middle of that last chapter.

My personal desire at this stage, is to see the Cosmology material put together in a way that starts from Creation, weaves through the ante-deluvian age with the Watchers/Nephilim and “Genesis 6 paradigm”, moves onto the post-flood era, with Nimrod and Babel and the “divine council” topic, and then so on and so forth, tracing the progression of this battle between the kingdoms of Light/Darkness, all the way up to our present day, in light of how the Enemy has been very intently working over the centuries to procure increasing control over various heavenly/earthly “principalities”, dominions, etc., and accomplishing this to a large degree by way of DECEIVING humanity about so many of the truths about heaven and earth, about cosmology, about Creation…

Satan has been fighting a war for heaven and earth, by doing what he does best, lying about the realities of heaven and earth, and the more we learn about just how pervasive and vast this complex of lies is, this spiritual stronghold of “Scientism” that we live entrenched in today, the more pressing it becomes (in my view) to put together all this information in a way that works as a cohesive whole, a holistic rebuttal of this monolithic, pseudo-scientific, Lie.

So, simple right? (!!!) The scope and scale of such a project to me is compelling, yet at the same time utterly terrifying. I keep going back and forth as to what the best overall approach to conceiving an outline would even be. Should it be chronological? Topical? Sort of a mix of both? My head hurts just thinking about it. I really must be getting super delusional to be seriously considering a project like this. But then again, the thing is, when I step back now and look over all the videos I’ve put in the last year and a half, if you add it all up, you’re looking at like dozens of hours worth of material now. And it’s for the most part, material which I sat down, researched, wrote out a “manuscript” for, recorded, mixed the audio, collected visual material, and then edited it all together. I’ll admit that overall it’s been kind of a good way to learn and hone that whole process, and it’s probably prepared me (since before I had ZERO video editing experience), but still… This project idea is simultaneously thrilling, yet totally daunting.

Maybe I’m just writing this out, and posting this little “Title screen” I threw together, so as to motivate my procrastinating butt to finally sit down, and just start writing. I know that’s the first step, and it’s probably going to be a fairly long and involved one, but in the end, I know I truly believe in the importance of this topic, and I believe in the need to see it all formulated in a way that perhaps will finally make BFE Cosmology finally “click” for some of those people out there who already understand all the other pieces, but still, somehow, just don’t see how amazingly and perfectly it all fits together within the context of true, original Hebrew cosmology. I think of it like, seeing a story portrayed in it’s final theatrical presentation, with all the background scenery and locations and historical settings, etc., instead of just reading random excerpts of the screenplay.

Anyhow, here’s the little Title Screen I’ve managed to throw together so far:

New Video: “The Cult of Pythagoras”…

In this video I explore how both Darwinian Evolution, and the Copernican heliocentric model, originated not from the application of the modern scientific method but instead from the ancient Mystery School traditions and pagan mysticism, specifically as evidenced through the figure of Pythagoras himself. In essence, heliocentric cosmology is an ancient satanic counterfeit to the true, Biblical, flat/enclosed Earth (just as Evolution is a Satanic counterfeit to God’s act of Creation…)

This made from the content of my previous post “Evolution needs Revolution”

“Apollo’s Key”: Connecting CERN to the Flat Earth Puzzle and Biblical Prophesy…

This. Is. Epic. Possibly the best comprehensive documentary touching on all these issues I’ve seen thus far. The first two hours offer a very well edited and fairly exhaustive compilation of the all the typical questions involving “Flat Earth proofs”, the true Biblical support of this model, as well as the evidence for a vast Luciferian N.W.O. agenda manipulating NASA and so much more. This portion alone would stand tall as a very well made piece, weaving together TONS of information in a manner which flows very naturally and is quite easy to watch. They really put a lot of effort into making this into a solid presentation.

But then, the final 45 minutes or so gets REALLY good, examining how the “Cosmic origins agenda” followed the “space race” agenda, and shows how the two fit together quite seemlessly, as seen now with CERN being the true “rebuilt tower of Babel”, the “Rainbow Bridge”, the “stargate”, etc., with which they intend to pierce the veil, punch through the Firmament, and invade the heavens… The UN logo, amazingly, not only depicts the flat earth map, (dividing the Earth into 33 regions), but ALSO has encoded within it a depiction of the 8-spoked “wheel of time”, just like the LHC, and the same elements can be found within the logo for “2015: The Year of Light” as well.

It shows how the UFO/alien Deception fits into the Globe/NASA deception, along with the Vatican, along with the LHC, all working together to bring about the very things which God revealed to the apostle John, almost two thousand years ago. If you are already in the place where your eyes are being opened to the Flat Earth issue, and don’t have time watch the entirety of this film, then I’d say it’s still well worth your time to watch that last 45 minutes. It even talks the New World Religion of “One-ness” which I’ve talked about in previous posts.

It’s all coming together, oh man… All these pieces we’ve been looking at individually for years now. To a degree that I honestly am not sure I ever fully expected to see it. This is it, the Great Deception, unfolding before our very eyes! This IS “Mystery Babylon”… And it’s only now being revealed to us, not by our own wisdom, but by the God of Heaven and Earth, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End…

This is just one of those crazy, Holy-Spirit-confirming kind of junctures for me, to be honest, because again and again I keep coming across other people who are seeing how all these pieces fit together too. This video puts it all together far better than my own feeble abilities of explanation could do. CERN is the “key”. Lucifer’s weapon is light…

Hard to Believe it was really that easy…


The more I learn about Mr. Cyrus Scofield and his “reference Bible”, the more insane the whole thing becomes. Can “Evangelicalism” in America really accept the idea that so much of the current political/prophetic lens through which they view the world was really injected into the pulpit through one guy without any real theological training and a history of being an absolute charlatan…? Apparently it really is that easy, especially if that one guy was hand-picked by Rothschild-connected financiers such as the “Secret Six” to be the figure-head through which they planned to insert the maxims of Zionism into mainstream Christian teaching. Amazing how much can be accomplished through one un-credentialed puppet and practically unlimited monetary resources.

But this is really what seems to have transpired, and as the Scofield Bible was then quickly distributed amongst so many of the major seminaries throughout the United States, with many new updated versions to accommodate the political evolution of the State of Israel, (which didn’t exist at the time of the first edition), the 20th Century saw Christians in America adopt a Zionist-skewed agenda in complete contradiction to the very words of their own alleged Master, Jesus Himself.

The following short video goes into detail on Scofield, the specific heretical doctrines which were introduced through the “Scofield Reference Bible”, and how it gave birth to so-called “Christian Zionism” and perpetuated racial hatred against Arabs etc.

As In the Days of Noah…

This is epic. I don’t know when Gonz finds the time to even sleep anymore…

Outrageous Coincidence Theories…

bcc8bdf6d269f237c278a2e85bdb5623“Coincidence theory”. Oh, how I wish I had come up with that one… I didn’t of course, but was simply enthralled by the term and the inference behind it when reading a recent repost from Orwelliana. I could have just reposted the article once again, for it itself is quite good, focusing mainly on this idea in the context of Charlie Hebdo, but I suppose I simply wanted to ruminate on the rather profound implications of just how much “coincidence theory” is actually promoted and preferred to such an overwhelming degree.

Lots of people have already put forth a good deal of thought-provoking content dealing with this, and I suppose I might just put together a little collage of sorts here centering around the “Coincidence Theory” theme.

glass_pyramidDave Hodges has a rather pithy but intriguing article called “Conspiracy Theorists vs. Coincidence Theorists” in in which he elucidates nine examples of “coincidences” which beleaguer the mind…

All the way back in 2004, Jeff Wells wrote a piece called “The Coincidence Theorist’s Guide to 9/11”, an absolutely fantastic compilation of factoids and links surrounding, of course, the litany of bizarre “coincidences” attached to 9/11.

Much more recently Bernie Suarez wrote “How Coincidence Theorists (Non-Conspiracy) Are Playing Key Role In Destruction Of America”, which does a fairly nice job of describing how the system is undergirded by a basic mentality whereby: “They believe that politicians, government bodies, agencies, and committees accept the end results of daily political 6849817403_1f5a563739events as all due to happenstance. They believe chaos and spoof coincidence is the norm…”

Another fascinating little tidbit I came across whilst searching for “conspiracy-or-coincidence-related stuff”, was the story of the “Deadly Double Dice Game“, which was advertised for in the New Yorker a few weeks before the attack on Pearl Harbor, bearing all kinds of rather telling occult symbolism and numerology that seems to predict the attack.

Also, these two vids seemed worthy of inclusion on this topic. The first is “9/11 Coincidence Theory”, an excerpt from a speech by David Ray Griffin:
And here is Alan Watt on Conspiracy vs. Coincidence Theory:

(I certainly don’t necessarily agree with every little thing the guy has to say, but I think he at least creates plenty of decent conversation-kickstarters, and really the last minute of the video is the best part)

Walter Veith: The Secret Behind Secret Societies…

This guys is apparently a pretty prominent dude in the SDA church, but this presentation actually contains a lot of really solid info, and I really liked the way he puts it all together. The task of creating any synopsis of the broader New World Order/masonic/Luciferian system is no small feat, and each one has it’s strengths and weaknesses. This one actually touched upon several connections that were new to me, I recommend it to anyone, whether you’re brand new to learning about the NWO, or have known about it for some time…

Why Is The Propaganda Box Producing So Many Shows About Living Off The Grid..??

Last night my wife and I saw this preview for a new upcoming reality show on TLC:

I confess, we watch a fair amount of reality tv shows in our house. We were there to see Jon and Kate’s marriage dissolve on national television, chain-smoker Phil finally die of a heart attack on Deadliest Catch, Honey Boo Boo fart-joke her way into the hearts of millions, and the Duck Dynasty clan celebrate their combination of million-dollar holdings and down home swamp family values. But lately, over the past couple of years, we have noticed an interesting trend in the pseudo-reality show realm, the increasing number of programs that in some way or another involve people living, by choice, in circumstances less than all of what modernity has to offer.

First there were all these “Survivalist” shows featuring guys like Bear Grylls, or that other survivalist guy, or the survivalist duo of guys, or the survivalist married couple. Lots of eating grubs and drinking from coconuts etc. Then you started seeing all these shows based in the wilderness of Alaska, like “Ultimate Survival Alaska“, on the National Geographic channel, where four teams were racing through the Alaskan wilderness, having to traverse all kinds of natural obstacles.   A litany of Alaska-themed shows has sprung up, such as “Alaska: The Last Frontier” and  “Life below Zero“, (which is actually pretty good), both of which feature families and individuals trying to live off the land.  There’s “Out of the Wild”, and “Alaskan Bush People“, the latter being a show which featured a family in very much the same manner that this new TLC show appears to be imitating and trying to expand upon.  To the east of Alaska, our Canadian neighbors have given us “Ice Lake Rebels“, which documents the lives of those living as inhabitants of house boats on a lake frozen for most of the year in Yellowknife Bay in the Northwest Territories.  The show “Mountain Men” features (of course) mountaineer-types living off the land in Alaska, the Rockies of Montana, and the Appalachians. But this new “reality” genre goes far beyond the Frozen North, with shows like “Naked and Afraid”, “Live Free or Die“, and “The Legend of Mick Dodge“.   Mick Dodge is a man who the cameramen follow around the forests of the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State, where he has lived as a sort of mick_dodgeroaming woodsman for decades now, bivouacking in mossy tree stumps and caves, eating things like wild mushrooms and fresh salmon.  In a similar vein, I have also taken notice of several shows dealing with various “prepper” topics, such as “Doomsday Preppers“, “Doomsday Castle” and “Doomsday Bunkers”.

There are really too many shows like this to try and list every last one of them, but you get the gist. The real question for me however, has been, “Why exactly are they so keen to highlight this broader topic, with all of it’s subcategories and tangential pursuits…?”

Obviously, the surface-level answer would be simply that an increasing number of people are interested in these kinds of “alternative” lifestyles, whether they are actually interested in possibly trying it out themselves one day, or simply because the mundane routine of suburban living has somehow made the act of watching someone eat larvae out of a log or try not to freeze to death overnight seem entertaining when compared to the thrilling adventure supplied by driving our climate-controlled S.U.V.’s to the grocery store and back. But I would say that just because a large segment of the population finds a topic interesting/appealing, doesn’t automatically mean that the controlling hands at the helms of the major networks will oblige and produce content in that direction. There’s always a reason. Always an agenda.

Has anyone else noticed this surge in going-back-to-nature programming? Could this spate of survivalist, living-off-the-grid t.v. shows really have something to do with being a response to the increasing number of people getting weary of things like smart-meters and endless energy-rate hikes and internet surveillance..? Do you think it does more to romanticize and glorify these kinds of less-is-more approaches to life, or do they in the end actually serve to show just how difficult, if not darn near impossible, such a goal is in the societal context we now find ourselves in? Is it being relegated as something that is nice to imagine, but not so much to personally attempt, in some lame wave of reverse-psychology against giving any serious consideration as to how we might take tangible steps towards detaching ourselves from this artificial and entropic matrix closing in all around us…?

What do you think, does it work towards portraying the people who are living by such ideologies as brave and ingenious, or as crazy as paranoid?