Tag Archives: all-seeing eye

It’s ALL From the SAME Source…

I realize I’ve been a bit sparse on writing my own blog posts as of late, (mostly just been posting videos and reblogs if anything), but I’ve been taking a slight break I suppose, as well as last week I spent a couple of days putting together the “CERN Rock” vid. I’m starting to work on making a ‘part II’ video this week, to focus on the topic of the “adiabatic quantum computer” and it’s connection to CERN, the Mark of Beast, etc., but in the mean time I thought I’d write a little something about an interesting documentary I watched over the weekend.

sourcefamily“The Source Family” tells the story of an L.A.-based cult centered around a man named Jim Baker in the late sixties, early 70’s, a cult which had it’s beginnings in the natural foods restaurant known as the “Source Restaurant which Baker owned, but eventually progressed into a full-on every-hippie-cliché-imaginable, New Age guru/messiah-worshipping, polygamous sex-drugs-and-rock-n-roll commune.

Rather than trying to retell the progression of the rise and fall of “Father Yod’s” (as he came to call himself) Aquarian community, (which anyone I’m sure can google/wiki for themselves) I simply wanted to speak to the amazing proliferation of occult symbolism and connections which were prevalent throughout the documentary, and make a simple point about how this connects to the broader topic of NWO-type “Luciferian globalism” and Illuminati-esque occult “stuff”…

Right off the bat, no one could miss the glaring use of the “Great Seal” with the “All-seeing Eye” as the central image on the Source Restaurant’s sign on Sunset Blvd. This alone speaks volumes really. This is in the sixties after all, for a raw-food restaurant full of meditating hippies… Doesn’t get much more “anti-establishment” than that! Interestingly enough though, beyond just the prevalent use of the “Illuminati eye”, there are many shots in the film which also show signs made depicting the other side of the “Great Seal”, the one with the eagle holding the 13 arrows and everything. Apparently “Father Yod” understood these two images to be very powerful occult talismans indeed.

And “Father Yod”, (or “Ya-Ho-Wa” as he also blasphemously named himself), was no amateur dabbler when it came to the occult. One “Aquarian” tells of how the first time he met Father Yod, when he was touched on the shoulder, his “Kundalini” energy shot straight up his spine. Another woman tells of how “Yod” was determined to take all the “best” practices from all sorts of different mystical schools and traditions, and would take his “spiritual children” to learn at the feet of other “masters”, one of whom they mention by name is the famous author and Freemason, Manly P. Hall

0976082292Throughout the film, there is an absolute proliferation of pentagrams and hexagrams, pyramids, eyes and ankhs, often being incorporated into the album cover-art for the rock band that Father Yod and some of the cult-members formed. You see Hinduism, Buddhism, Kabbalah and Freemasonry all being thrown into a big groovy, psychedelic mix. Then, after the “Family” had left the restaurant business altogether, and moved to a more remote residence away from their Manson-family-fearing neighbors, and “Father Yod” had made the move to start taking on dozens of the women as “wives” (basically he was having sex with all of them, even ones very young) they talk about how he really started getting into the “dark stuff” when he began getting into ritual sex magic as taken from the teaching of the “Order of the Golden Dawn”…

Aleister_Crowley_1310Anyone who has studied the figure of Aleister Crowley and the occult orders he created should understand just how truly deep into the “dark side” one is venturing when they start incorporating rituals taught by Crowley. “Crowleyian magik” involves things so debased I wouldn’t begin to try and describe them here. But, it is all a rather poignant example which serves to illustrate just where all these dabblings with trying to “expand the mind” and reach “enlightment” by way of meditation and altered states of consciousness ultimately leads.

In the course of following the various angles and agendas of the “shadow government”, one comes along many, many other like-minded individuals, often doing great research, who get sucked into the New Age themselves. This is no accident really, with the many “Truther”/conspiracy authors and researchers out there such as David Icke, David Wilcock, Michael Tsarion, Jordan Maxwell, (and many others) who are all communicating with the “other side”, and very much in contact with the SAME entities and powers who were leading and influencing Crowley, “Father Yod”, and yes, the “Luciferian elites” who are so despised by most “freedom-loving Truthers”…

It’s really NOT difficult to piece together friends, how all these esoteric branches are really just growing from the same Luciferian tree. They all make the same empty promises of “enlightenment”, “expanded consciousness”, in essence, becoming a god yourself. But in the end, they all lead to the same dead-end, the same used-up, disillusioned fate. Crowley died a penniless, haunted drug addict. “Father Yod” took a Kamikaze flight off a Hawaiian cliff in a hang-glider, hoping to sever ties with this world after realizing that in fact he was NOT God, but only a man… He landed safely, but still died somewhat mysteriously a few days later.

Jim Baker was truly worshipped by his “family”, not because people are simply horribly stupid and naïve, but because they really are hungry for Love, for a Father, and for a spiritual experience that feels real and alive, and not just dry, dead religion. Satan is good as offering counterfeits which can seem like the real deal. He is the source of countless false forms of spirituality and experience, on BOTH the “establishment” side, (the Bohemian-Grovers, the Vatican crypts, the well-healed secret societies…) AND the free-spirit, “anything goes”, a-la-carte New Age philosophy “Light” side…

Only JESUS can satisfy that inner hunger for Love, meaning, forgiveness, belonging and purpose. Only He can give us true freedom, and true Hope in the face of all the oppression, lies and death going on in the world today. All Satan has in the end are million different empty counterfeits. Only the true Christ, who died for our sins, can bring us back to the TRUE Source of all things….

Wait, WHAT!? “I Pet Goat”, CERN, and the Dome of the Rock???

This video starts off kinda slow, but if you watch till the end, it really IS pretty insane! (I didn’t know that if you type “itanimulli” (Illuminati backwards) into any search engine, the first result is the website for the NSA. Go figure…)

The video also mentions some of the symbolism in the famous “I pet Goat II” and androgynous sexuality.

But then WHAT? He shows that if you type “I pet goat” into Google Earth, it takes you to…. CERN(!?!?)

He also says that the second choice Google Earth gave him after CERN was the Dome of the Rock


Oh No They Didn’t…

Do you ever feel like they’re just taunting us through tv and commercials? I saw this last night, and was like, “whaaaaa?” I mean, seriously… Wink?

Of course, most people would probably say I’m just waaaay reading into things, but when you’ve dug into this junk long enough, this is hard to take instances like these as anything other than a subtle yet intentional little jab…

“Temple of Oculus Anubis” in Oregon…?

So the other day I came across a few blogs that were writing about a property in Damascus, OR with some very interesting features indeed. They all seemed to be more or less pulling from an original article published last fall in That Oregon Life called “Temple Oculus Anubis, One of the Creepiest Places in Oregon”. The story cites other online investigations/discussions on the property to be found on reddit and elsewhere, including some very frightened testimony of a young woman living in the area who had visited the entryway seen in the pictures several times, and reported seeing unmarked white vans and being followed and harassed.

Is this just typical “urban legend conspiracy theory” type stuff? Or is there possibly really something rather sinister going on in this place?

If you’re the kind of nerd like me who can find themselves reading through all the various threads and checking the place out on google maps etc., then I’d say there really is evidence to support that this very well might be something more going on here than just a “rich dude who likes weird Egyptian stuff”. There is indeed a business listing online for “Oculus Inc.”, (supposedly some kind of vague medical supplies company) which lists as it’s website heavensgate.com, which is amazingly enough the website associated the “Heaven’s Gate” cult famous for the “Haley Bop comet spaceship” suicides in 1997.

1377112355001sFor me, one of the most significant elements of this bizarre looking entryway is the “crest” on top of the gate. If it was just a matter of there being some pyramid-shaped stone markers and an Egyptian statue in the woods, then I might not be so inclined to find it so suspect. That crest alludes to much more than just “rich guy who likes Egyptian stuff”. It bears a rather obvious similarity to the Royal British crest, and other emblems of monarchies, and to me it just reeks of “ancient occult bloodline” connections. I mean, lions, a dragon, and a crown? Come on now…

Digging through the various threads, you read about claims of underground tunnels being built, about how the property is sold regularly to shadowy personages, etc., and again, it does become difficult to separate fact from speculative fiction. But at the same time, one thing that REALLY struck me almost instantly, especially as I was looking at the aerial view on google maps, was the realization that this ornate occult-themed entryway couldn’t possibly be the only entrance. This is a million dollar home we’re talking about after all. There is most certainly a multi-car garage back there somewhere, which would necessitate a driveway, presumably with a formidable gate, presumably on the other side of the property, possibly connecting to Clackamas highway which runs along the backside of the expansive wooded land surrounding the home/”business”…(?)

Of course, it really could just be some eccentric person/family with a taste for landscaping that is almost cliché in it’s Illuminati connotations…

oculus-damascus-or-1But especially whenever the calendar starts coming around to one the various occult holidays such as the one approaching tomorrow, and we know that on these “high days” of the Druidian and occult calendars ritual sacrifices ARE performed all over the world, while the majority of us go along with our merry little lives without noticing anything unusual, these sorts of head-scratchers really give me pause. Actually, they give me real chills. Because the reality is that there ARE properties and buildings, all over the place, which we probably drive by and see from the outside all the time, and never imagine the kinds of ritualistic horrors that take place inside them while we’re doing the laundry, or falling asleep to reruns of Seinfeld. They do “hide in plain sight”, relying more than anything else on the fact that most people simply can’t imagine that such organized evil really does exist, or that people really DO worship ancient “gods” in the modern technological world we live in today.

As In the Days of Noah…

This is epic. I don’t know when Gonz finds the time to even sleep anymore…

THX: Sounds of Saturn…?

Screams coming from beyond “Saturn’s Gate”?  That was the thought which occurred to me as I was watching the video below…

The more I have watched videos from RSE, seeing him point out these same themes which show up in tv, movies, commercials etc., over and over and over again, the more I really do find myself starting to grasp this whole seemingly bizarre concept of Saturn-centric Luciferian eschatology. In the film Interstellar which I reviewed recently, it too contains the same connections between Saturn and a portal/wormhole. Not only is the first wormhole placed right next to Saturn, even the black hole on the other side of the galaxy, “Gargantua”, itself had a Saturn-shape to it, once again reflecting the same sorts of things that RSE is always talking about with Saturn being viewed by the Luciferians as both the mechanism of their own escape/rapture, and the gate through which the Fallen Ones will return to earth. It’s a two-way thing. I admit it has taken me a while to get to the point where I feel like I’m understanding how all these various symbologies work together and indeed all point to the same basic thing, the Luciferian “hope”, their version of Revelation, their anticipated “Resurrection”…

The oculus. The aperture. The gate. The cube. The eye. Again and again he shows these things working in conjunction with each other almost like symbolic talismans.

Something I found really interesting that he brings up in the video is some speculation regarding the possibility of “THX” being a way a different way of representing the “XIIX”, which is itself an alpha-numerical symbol for the “Saturn Gate” thing once again. Instantly I began to think of the movie itself “THX 1138”, which was a Coppola-funded remake of a student project Lucas did while in film school. My thoughts quickly recalled the scene at the end of the movie, where Robert Duvall’s character (his name being the number “THX 1138”) finally escapes from a drug-controlled, sexually-repressed dystopia controlled by robot policeman and an oppressive computerized messianic big-brother figure…


It is definitely a rather bizarre coincidence, to think about “THX” being another rendering of XIIX, some kind of code for this idea of “escaping out” through some kind of portal/tunnel/oculus, and then remember that this is precisely how “THX” escapes the oppressiveness of a “dictatorial god” by climbing up through a shaft, a “portal”, into the sunshine. How perfectly Gnostic and Luciferian a depiction for sure.

But then, Lucas’s obsession with the letters THX continues on, findinggraffiti%20coupe%20111 it’s way onto the license plate of the yellow roadster in Lucas’s “American Graffiti”, and then finally of course as the name of the Lucasfilm branch-off company which was developed to assure sound quality during the making of Return of the Jedi.

Star Wars is itself a whole other subject in and of itself with what I believe is a whole host of Luciferian eschatological concepts, memes (a virgin-birthed “sorcerer” Jedi, whose bloodline contains a unique ability to connect with the “universal force”, but then because a type of temporary “false-antichrist” who then turns on the “evil Emperor” in order to finally return the galaxy back to a “golden age”…) but that’s probably best kept for another time!

Overall, I guess what I’m saying is that the more I listen to these things being pointed out, the more I find it making so much sense that behind all this symbolism of Saturn, the “cube”, the “Dark Star”, is BOTH this whole portal idea, a “shaft of light” going up and out, the “rapture for the Illumined” if you will, AND the concept of the pit, the Abyss, the box, the cube, the prison that they want to break open in order to unleash the Beings on the other side.

I find it pretty astonishing, overall, to think that not only does “Luciferian eschatology” very much exist, but in fact we’ve all been watching it, reading it, learning it, for most of our lives now, without even realizing it…

5 Reasons That Snowden Is Probably A PsyOp…

1. If he were a real whistleblower, leaking super-secret classified documents and agendas that posed an existential threat to the tyrannical powers, he would simply be dead.

Typically, honest-to-goodness whistleblowers have a tendency of suddenly committing “suicide”, (often inflicting damage upon themselves that would be quite difficult for a person to do themselves, such as multiple shots to the head). If you think Western intelligence agencies wouldn’t have been able to get to him in a Hong Kong airport, or even “hiding” in Russia, then I hate to burst your bubble…

2. The mainstream media is completely controlled by the very powers that Snowden is purportedly unmasking.

How many people know such names as Gary Webb or Bill Cooper? Yet Snowden is a household name, on the cover of Time magazine, WIRED, etc., a veritable celebrity, receiving interviews and coverage from all kinds of conglomerate news agencies. These networks simply do not report on stories/people without it being a part of the designed narrative. If persons/topics are not a part of that narrative, they are simply ignored and quickly slip away from the short-term memory of the general public. Instead of doing this, we see Snowden being cleared kept in the forefront of the American psyche.

3. Snowden is known to have worked for the CIA.

This fact alone is enough to warrant serious skepticism, since it means that even if his actions have been in “good faith” on his own behalf, he could still very will be unknowingly being used as a asset by his former employers, who, let’s face it, tend to tabs on basically anyone they’ve dealt with at any given time as a potential intelligence asset down the road.

4. The NSA “panopticon” is ultimately a much more effective tool if everyone knows they are being “watched”.

Many people that the main purpose of domestic spying would be to simply find out who is “speaking out” against the deep state forces continually taking away liberties, and this is most certainly true in part, yet at present the reality is that there is simply SO much data going back and forth every day, it is not realistic for them to try and process all of it. (at least not yet, we think…) But, if people are afraid to say things, read things, share things, which might get them put on some kind of government watch list, then the “panopticon” indeed becomes an effective psychological weapon for shutting down open discuss and the free exchange of ideas amongst the citizenry. Thus, the motive for having a “controlled release” such as Snowden is not that difficult to surmise.

5. There are always multiple layers of control.

The more you learn about the true history of this nation, the Western World, and the machinations of the “cabal” in the midst of all of it, the more you realize that there are really far fewer things to have happened purely of their own accord than we are lead to believe. Things like the “counter-culture” and drug explosion of the 60’s which was followed by the “War on Drugs”, or the “color revolutions” of the Middle East which are credited to groundswells of youth activist uprisings using social media, are ultimately all “movements” which were in fact instigated and promoted by the military-industrial-intelligence-complex which saw them as means to their ultimate end. It is the same complex which has inexplicably not only let Snowden avoid “suicide” for several years now, but is instead constantly shoving microphones in his face.

wired_2209_coverOverall, I believe it’s more or less a simple matter of common sense. The controlled media is all about handing us prefabricated heroes. If you don’t like this guy on the “Right”, here’s someone from the “Left”. If you don’t like anyone from the Right OR the Left, and think the whole thing is rotten, well then here, here’s a prefabricated modern-day Pancho Villa complete with requisite glasses-wearing, computer-hactivist appearance. Pin your hopes on Snowden and the idea that a 20-somethingc420b978364bf16816825422d28dbe70 ex-CIA, ex-NSA guy, being made into an international figurehead through mainstream media, it going to the be key to bringing the whole corrupt system down. And look, now you can get on board and help spread the word by tweeting pics of the Snowden bust that was covertly erected in an act of “artistic protest” before those goons of the government took it down. Boo goons.

Sorry folks, but if something seems just a little too good to be true, then it usually is…

The Hexagradient…

At this risk of possibly seeming like a “Face like the Sun groupie” here, I’m posting yet another video of his, simply because it is just so outstanding. I find it seriously encouraging to see other “researchers” who I’ve been following for many years now also learning about these complex and uncomfortable truths, and being willing to speak out on them, even though there are many people who do not want to hear it…

There are so many examples of the hexagram in occultism, Kabbalah, Hinduiusm, etc., it really is just ridiculous to deny how central of a symbol this “star” is to those who practicing one form of Biblically-denounced spiritualism or another…


A Continuation of the “Gradual Revealing of the Illumined”..?

CBYkR_7WoAAQlQ6When you put a group of “artists” together onstage consisting of figures like Jay Z, Nicki Minaj, Rinhann, and the princess of the provocative, Madonna, it’s no surprise that there would be an instant “buzz” online about it being akin to some kind of music industry Illuminati gathering/ceremony. What I do find interesting however, is the response Madonna gave about this on her instagram, which reads:

If you refer to Tidal as Illuminati, you are paying us the highest of compliments, As I’ve stated before it is another name for “The Enlightened Ones” a group of scientists, philosophers and artists that emerged after the dark ages. They changed and shaped the world for the better! Do the research and find out for yourself! #knowledge is power #rebelheart

“The highest of compliments”…(?) This is truly fascinating. “Do the research and find out for yourself”? Ok, so she’s not exactly coming out and saying “Yes we are all the Illuminati”, but she is undoubtedly giving praise to the term, and encouraging people to go research it themselves and learn about how the “Enlightened Ones” have changed and shaped the world for the better.

This is all the more interesting, when held up in context next to all the glowing hype Jay Z and his fellow “artist” owners (yes, I’m intentionally putting “artists” in quotes there….) are building around the new platform called “TIDAL”, which they claim is basically going to revolutionize the music industry and the listening experience of every music fan, and more or less change and shape the world for the better

Every one of the artists onstage during the “launch ceremony” took turns signing an absurdly pretentious “Declaration” proclaiming how TIDAL will put the power back in the “artists” hands and change the history of music forever…

So far though, it seems that all that TIDAL has done is make Jay Z that much richer.

But one thing I will say, in my own little addition to the ongoing Jay Z – Illuminati rumor mill that refusesTidallogo to die, (mainly because of the insane amount of symbolism/references he himself uses towards Aleister Crowley, Rockefellers, etc…) is that yet again, we see more blatant occult-related symbolism in the logo of this new venture, “TIDAL”, with the use of an upside triangle, checkered with the black and white squares, an obvious nod to Freemasonic ritual. Jay Z indeed seems incapable of putting out anything which does not in some way or another continue to perpetuate the appearance of him and all of his associations within the music industry as indeed being completely occult-centered at the core.