Tag Archives: Federal Reserve

Oh You Don’t Like Central Banking? Well Then You Must Be a Terrorist…

That is basically what I glean from the latest “slick” production from the CIA, err, “ISIS”. People who are opposed to the world-wide Central Banking Cabal are fundamentalist crazies like that of the “Islamic State”. Yep, makes perfect sense to me. Demonize the desire to move back to a currency that is actually backed by something. Demonize people who make any connections whatsoever with the IMF central banks and the Rothschilds or Zionism. It’s so ridiculously transparent at this point, I almost feel like it’s pointless to keep posting about it. Like the guy in the video below says, they’re shoving their masonic logos right in our faces, using the same white-skinned actor to hand out coins, and it’s just beyond the pale. The agenda is about as blatant as it could be. Yes, they are using ISIS as a pretext to invade Syria. Yes, they will continue bombing and sending in “support” to combat ISIS, and yet somehow, this ragtag group of “Islamic mercenaries” driving U.S. made pickup trucks will only continue getting stronger, and yes, they will most likely keep expanding all the way to Israel’s doorstep, at which point the spark will truly have hit the powder keg…

Christian Zionism through the lens of a black-stone…

blackstonehexagramcrossI have been exploring quite the fascinating little rabbit trail as of late. It began as I was looking through material for my recent post on Scofield and his Rothschild connections/funding, which enabled his “Scofield Bible” to take the Zionist interpretations of the Bible in the form of the doctrine of “Dispensationalism” and disseminate it throughout American Christianity over the course of the 20th century. In the course of this research, three other names kept coming up in connection with Scofield. These would be John Nelson Darby (considered to be the “father of Dispensationalism), Dwight L. Moody (founder of Moody Bible Institute), and a Mr. William E. Blackstone, who was hailed by Superior Court Justice Louis Brandeis as the “father of Christian Zionism). (remember that name Brandeis, we will get back to him in a bit). Together, these four individuals could very well be said to at the very nexus of the inception of Zionism into Christianity during the late 1800’s and into the century that followed.

Image148Much like Scofield, Blackstone himself has no Biblical background but is “self-taught”, and actually comes from a background which is typically described vaguely as “success in business”. Further investigation reveals that he was in the railroad business in Chicago, as his cousin was no one less than Timothy Beach Blackstone, president of the Chicago and Alton Railroad from 1864 through 1899.  William sets aside his endeavors in the railroad business to author a booklet titled “Jesus Is Coming“. Public interest in the prophetic themes of this work eventually led to the creation of prophecy conferences in the late 1800’s often called the “Niagara Conferences“, where the prophetic themes of Dispensationalism, millennialism, and pre-Tribulationalism were all being heavily emphasized and presented in cohesion with one another and notable figures such as Scofield and many others attended. (This I find particularly interesting, since for some time now I have been suspecting that all of these prophetic doctrines have been quite interwoven since their inception, and the Niagara Conferences definitely seem to support this).

Cave in Jerusalem where Blackstone wrote his name
Cave in Jerusalem where Blackstone wrote his name

In 1888, Blackstone embarks on his first “missionary trip” to Palestine and essentially becomes one of the first notable Christian figures to espouse this idea of the persecuted Ashkenazi Jews in places like Russia and Eastern Europe and call for the re-creation of a Jewish Homeland.

Now, this is where it starts to get VERY interesting from a “NWO point of view”…

From “The Gospel According to Rothschild“:

On March 5, 1891, the Chicago businessman and Methodist Episcopal lay worker William E. Blackstone was introduced by Secretary of State James G. Blaine to President Benjamin Harrison in order to present a petition Blackstone authored, ‘Palestine for the Jews.’ ‘What shall be done for the Russian Jews?’ the petition asked, and Blackstone boldly answered:

“Why not give Palestine back to them again? According to God’s distribution of nations, it is their home, an inalienable possession, from which they were expelled by force….Why shall not the powers which under the treaty of Berlin, in 1878, gave Bulgaria to the Bulgarians and Servia to the Servians now give Palestine back to the Jews?…Let us now restore them to the land of which they were so cruelly despoiled by our Roman ancestors.

Nonetheless, Benjamin Harrison did not accept Blackstone’s proposal… Blackstone would send the Memorial to presidents Cleveland and Roosevelt (McKinley had already signed), but official government sympathy for the Zionist project would have to wait for Woodrow Wilson.”

The Blackstone Memorial emerged from the same Reformation and Enlightenment preoccupations with Jews as the original nation whose restoration confirms other ‘natural,’ European nations and comprises both a necessary prerequisite and model for the reconstitution of an authentic, ‘primitive’ Christianity. Blackstone’s contribution to this tradition was to elaborate a fully realized political Zionism that took long-standing religious narratives into the realm of late-nineteenth-century nationalism, colonialism, and imperialism. Indeed, with Blackstone’s petition and related activities antedating by six years the convening of Theodor Herzl’s first Zionist conference in 1897, Nathan Straus and Louis Brandeis thought enough of his practical efforts to flatter the evangelist as ‘the father of Zionism.’

Timothy Beach Blackstone (1829-1900), who was president of the Chicago & Alton Railroad from 1864 to 1899, had been a surveyor for the New York and New Haven Railroad under Col. Roswell B. Mason, who brought Blackstone after him to the Illinois Central Railroad in 1851. (Biography of Timothy B. Blackstone. By Ida Hinsman, 1917.) T.B. Blackstone was one of the financial supporters of his cousin, William Eugene Blackstone (1841-), of Blackstone Memorial fame. Marvin Hughitt, President of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad, Milton Stewart and his brother, Lyman Stewart, of the Union Oil Company of California, were other financial supporters of W.E. Blackstone. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis administered his funding for evangelizing to Jews…

“The signatories of the Blackstone Memorial included such powerful Wall Street figures as Chauncey M. Depew, John D. Rockefeller and his brother William Rockefeller, William E. Dodge, Frank Loomis, Cyrus W. Field, Russell Sage, and John A. Stewart, as well as Rev. Edward W. Gilman, brother of the president of Johns Hopkins University [Daniel Coit Gilman / S&B 1852]. Their Harriman, Vanderbilt, Guaranty Trust, Skull & Bones, and Standard Oil money and connections have created two world wars to drive the Jews out of Europe and into Palestine; and today, the resulting strife is the pretext for America’s invasion of the Middle East. And E.H. Harriman’s sons elevated the Bush family into the U.S. power elite…

So now we see this self-educated Protestant evangelist being lauded and promoted by the Rothschild agent of Louis Brandeis. This is huge. One could spend days going over all the various ways that the Rothschilds had arguably the largest involvement in the creation of the nation/state of Israel than anything else through such events as the Balfour Declaration and others, but for the sake of this discussion I am focusing on the Blackstone connection.

From “The History of the House of Rothschild“:

“On June 4, Ashkenazi Jew, Louis Dembitz Brandeis is appointed to the Supreme Court of the United States by President Wilson as per his agreed blackmail payment to Samuel Untermyer some three years earlier. Justice Brandeis is also the elected leader of the Executive Committee for Zionist Affairs, a position he has held since 1914.”

(Remember, this is the same “Untermeyer” that was so connected to Scofield and the publishing of the “Scofield Reference Bible”…) Brandeis is the political insider who backs Blackstone in his submissions of the “Blackstone Memorial”, (a petition calling for the restoration of Israel that was funded by the likes of the RockefellersImage149 and J.P. Morgan) first to President Harrison, and then to the much more compliant Wilson.

But indeed, the more you start digging around into all the connections between all these “Blackstone Zionists“, the more you keep coming across these same sorts of eyebrow-raising affiliations. Why do Blackstone and Moody and friends have so many connections to all the “usual suspects”? We’re talking New York bankers, Oil and Railroad tycoons, Yale graduates and “Bonesmen”, Rothschild middle-men, etc., etc. Honestly, the deeper I have dug into it all, the more I it just feels like an exercise in reading the same names over and over again, all pointing back to the same conglomerate of a highly powerful and influential people…

If nothing else, I think what must be absolutely shattered in the mindsets of modern evangelicals, is this preposterous assumption that the state of Israel just ‘miraculously’ came into existence in 1948 as though by the hand of God Himself. I know this is a tender matter for many Christians, but a thorough examination of the matter reveals a very different story. These plans and maneuverings for re-establishing a Jewish state FAR proceeded ’48, or the atrocities of the Holocaust, and can quite transparently be traced back to the same “cabal of kabbalists” who succeeding in robbing the United States of it’s own monetary system, and thus it’s very sovereignty. The “Blackstone lens” reveals that Dispensationalism, “Christian Zionism”, and pre-Trib millennialism were all in fact concepts heavily supported for over one hundred years by Satanically-motivated men who have sold their souls for the cause of the anti-Christ kingdom. I don’t know how else to put it. Either the “conspiracy” is staggeringly real, and far bigger than most people are willing to conceive (including all of the Rothschild/Israel/Zionism elements thereof), or it’s all just a bunch of nonsense so let’s go back to playing Candy Crush… 😉


(Further links:)

Click to access 022505.pdf


Click to access WEB+Forgotten+Founder108.pdf


Money is Magic…

It’s one thing to learn that our money, (through the Federal Reserve, and it’s wicked step-mother, the Bank of London), is really nothing more than an artificial construct, an illusion of substance, being nothing but debt from it’s very inception. It’s quite another to then try and ponder what all the implications of this reality might be, as it effects us all on the day-to-day level.

The more I think about this bizarre concept, the more I find myself being convinced that the true purpose of fiat currency really is a type of “slavery”, though it’s arguably the most ingenious form of it, because inherent within this system of virtual finance and “voodoo economics” is the eventual take-away realization that the accumulation of money itself does not empower the individual, but only confine the individual further to the system as a whole. This may seem like a rather obvious thing to say, but what I am trying to get at is the idea that there really is a very marked distinction between money, and true physical wealth.

Most of us are inclined to believe that the “elite” are those holding positions of great power and influence, largely because they are also rich, which I would say has a great deal of truth to it, only, the true concept of being “rich”, in the way applied by the “Elite”, is one that I increasingly believe involves the understanding that wealth is something acquired through money, not simply by acquiring vast sums of money itself. After all, the true “wealth” of the world encompasses everything from raw goods, precious metals, land holdings, corporate ownership, military muscle, intelligence-gathering capability, and means of production. If you hold and control these things, as well as the means of producing the currency itself, then you are really the one calling shots. The quantification of dollars and pounds and yen are totally illusory in the end, ways to make the markets appear “vibrant” and self-actuated, rather than controlled and monopolized.
So from this kind of perspective, it is making more and more sense to me this concept of money being an “alchemical working”, a magic trick if you will, put in place to perpetuate the dream of the common person being able to go out and carve out his own little niche in the world, build up his own little “estate”, when in reality, all we are effectively doing is participating in a system of neo-feudalism that is so massive, and so complex, we can’t see it for what it is…

Think about it like this for a moment: When you stop and consider it all, again, from the perspective of “thinking like an Elite”, there is a very interesting dynamic that is really unavoidable. No matter how many millions, or billions, or trillions of dollars one might possess in their account, no matter how many hundreds or thousands of acres of land one might have, no matter how many cars and planes and yachts one might have at their disposal, no matter how many mansions, etc., all of these luxuries are really impossible to enjoy, in their modern sense, without the vast workforce of people required to build these vehicles, maintain your houses and land, grow and cook your food, etc., etc. Again, pretty simple concept! It is one we have very little difficulty in grasping when it comes to watching episodes of Downton Abbey, or studying the feudalism of the Middle Ages, but of course we have been convinced that these economic models are supposed to be a thing of the past. Particularly here in the United States, the “middle-class boom” that followed World War II was cemented into our collective consciousness as being the new normal. Capitalism was believed to have “triumphed”, and the proof was in the pudding, it was believed, and this belief was only deepened when the Soviet Union “unexpectedly collapsed”.

Today, especially after the market plunge in 2008 and associated housing market crash, followed by banker bailouts and occupy movements and all the rest, we are of course living in a time where the “dying middle class” is a real concern of people in America. The dreams once held of virtually everyone in this country being able to attend college if they so wanted, get a decent job, buy a home, etc., are now more of a pipe dream for many.

But did the “middle class” really go away? I actually don’t really think so. What I more or less perceive is that it is today simply much more globally dispersed…

So much of the issue, I believe, really comes down to a function of your vantage point. From the 1950’s to the 1990’s in America, despite a few recessions occurring intermittently, the middle class was seen as being pretty solid overall. Owning a home, driving a car down massive freeways to work everyday, shopping at massive grocery stores and malls, this was just accepted as the way “modern life in the 20th century” now was.

It just wasn’t like that for most of the rest of the world… When the United States (and it’s Allies, let’s not completely ignore them) emerged victorious from the clashes of WWII, it suddenly stood atop a vastly increased military and corporate empire around the globe. Access to important wartime materials such as oil and steel, were still maintained, and could now be funneled into the production of consumer goods, which the workforce of America quickly set out to make, for themselves, and slowly, the rest of the world, and… the “Elite”. But as the decades went on, and globalization of trade became more of a reality, the forces of labor costs and supply/demand shifted things.


Anyhow, you all know the story by now, how factories in Asia and South America became much cheaper options for production, and slowly outsourcing became the norm, first for factories, then for mundane cubicle jobs like telephone call-centers and so on. But what is the point here? I guess the point I’m driving at is just that despite all the economic hardship, skyscrapers are still being built, million-dollar warplanes and missiles and aircraft carriers still being commissioned. Oil is still being drilled and satellites still being launched into space. The natural resources of the earth are still being collected and processed, turned into all sorts of manufactured things. There is really just only so much need for this middle “administration” class…

Not only this, but so much of what is being “built” today is in the form of computer codes. So much of the “middle class” today involves not armies of factory workers, but armies of programmers, busily constructing the vast digital virtua-scape that increasingly touches every corner of our lives. This is something I think about quite often actually, since our own family is supported by employment in the “tech sector”. It is a really sobering thought sometimes, to step back and think about the fact that what so many of us lingering “middle class folks” are really doing is building, line of code by line of code, the computer infrastructure that is all coalescing into what will eventually comprise the Mark-of-the-Beast-system.

And money, little pieces of paper, (or more accurately) little digits punched into a computer program out of NOTHING, are the incentive used to prompt us all to build it. It is the carrot-on-the-stick through which the Beast System as a whole is being constructed. The driving force used to build the very infrastructure which the Spirit of Lawlessness is simultaneously bringing down upon the lives of the people building it.

The thing is… We talk so often about the “Luciferian Elite”, and the “Banksters”, and the “Cabal”, the “Bilderbergers”, secret society members, and bla bla bla… But honestly, this relatively tiny group of people could not possibly build the “throne” for their long-awaited Osirian leader, without all of us

In the end, that’s essentially how I now view the “middle class” of United States in the 20th century. The first embodiment of the “administrative class” of the modern, global Luciferian empire. And just like this “administrative class” was not viewed by the elites as needing to be something that remained within the boundaries of a sovereign nation, (since dismantling the sovereignty of nations is a primary objective), so too I believe the will the financial tool once used to mobilize a massive workforce, (the “almighty dollar”) be eventually cast aside after it’s usefulness is over. After all… It’s just a fiat currency, an alchemical illusion, designed to lure the masses into building what they themselves could not, whilst acquiring the real wealth and power outside of the smoke and mirrors of global economics…

Leonard Ulrich and Rob Skiba Discuss 9/11 and the War on Terror…

Find the podcast here.

Fantastic, epic-length conversation between one of my favorite pairings, Skiba and Ulrich, starting with their own stories of waking up to 9/11 Truth and then tying it all into everything going on right now. If you have heard about this whole “9/11 Truth” thing but never actually looked into it yourself, or even if you have and are following current events with a deeper understanding of false flag events and Deep State shenanigans, this podcast episode is well worth your time.

A Titanic Coup…

Yesterday I wound up watching the second half of some show on History channel featuring a bunch of scientists exploring the wreckage of the Titanic and trying to piece together the last undiscovered fragments to figure out “how it sank”. Bla bla blah, it reminded me… “Wait, didn’t I read somewhere several years ago that the Titanic allegedly had something to do with the Federal Reserve being created?” Yes indeed, I remembered correctly…

What I DIDN’T know about was how the sinking of the Titanic was “foreshadowed” in a novella 14 years prior. How interesting…

Benjamin Guggenheim, Isidor Strauss, John Jacob Astor, were three incredibly powerful, incredibly wealthy men who together comprised the last major bulwark against the creation of the Federal Reserve, and mysteriously, all three of them died in the “tragedy” of the Titanic. Personally, I find this whole tale quite fascinating, and I for one, do indeed believe that in all likelihood the sinking of this “unsinkable ship” was no accident. It is all even more interesting when you stop and think about the prevailing concepts we have about what happened when it sank, and the overall premise of movie like James Cameron’s “Titanic”, where basically the “historical” take-away is that all the poor passengers from “steerage” drowned in the icy water, while the tuxedo-wearing aristocrats (like Billy Zane, “boo…”) were the ones who spinelessly climbed into the few lifeboats and survived…

whitestarpentagramIn reality, it’s a pretty ingenious method of pulling off the assassination of three of the most wealthy and powerful men in the world in a single moment. If those same men had all died on the same day, under almost any other circumstances, it would’ve seemed incredibly suspicious and rumors of murder and intrigue would’ve immediately flown. But building an entire massive passenger vessel, just to sink it and kill a handful of people? Outrageous… Until you stop and consider just how such an investment would’ve seen a return, millions upon millions of times over, once the Federal Reserve Act came into being….

Also interesting that J.P. Morgan, (who ultimately owned the Titanic’s White Star Line) cancelled his own ticket aboard the Titanic at the last minute, claiming he was ill. He was reported to have been in perfect health and enjoying vacation in France a couple of days later…

At the moment I am watching this documentary from several years ago, which explores the possibility that the ship that sank that night in 1911 was actually the H.M.S. Olympic, the Titanic’s identical “sister ship” which had been damaged several months before Titanic’s maiden voyage and would’ve provided additional financial incentive to intentionally sink that ship and collect the insurance money, rather than have to invest the sizeable amount it would’ve required to make it sea-worthy again…