Tag Archives: stargates

Tomorrowland: Lucifer’s False Utopia…

Oh WordPress…. I know. I know I’ve been neglecting you… I keep meaning to actually WRITE some new posts, but I keep getting caught up making more videos, so, I don’t know what to say. Here is one I just made after watching the Disney film “Tomorrowland”.

I promise I will try to actually sit down and write something of substance soon. 😉

“Beam Me Up, Satan”…

I haven’t posted a video from Face like the Sun in a while. Honestly, I think Gonz is getting pretty tired of me leaving comments mentioning the Flat Earth and interdimensional travel and such, but, I guess I just can’t help it. His Canary Cry Radio podcast is where I first encountered Flat Earth Theory, and Gonz himself seemed to be giving it some consideration for a short while, that is until I listened to him do this interview: Stan Deyo: CERN and the ET deception. In the interview he asks Deyo what he thinks about Flat Earth, and Deyo just scoffs, and says something like “ergg, no, well, that’s ridiculous, because it would run against everything we know about the solar system and the orbits of the planets and the rotation of the Earth, etc…” Ever since that moment, I haven’t heard Gonz mention FE again.

But the crazy thing is, that from where I now stand, having plunged pretty deep down the FE rabbit hole now, it just blows me away how much virtually everything Gonz continues to report on and talk about, only fits in perfectly with the picture I now see. In the video above, he quotes from an article from Joseph P. Farrell, where Farrell talks about how CERN and interdimensional travel is possibly the answer to all the problems that space agencies are now coming out and admitting involving the issue of radiation and deep space flight. I mean, this is almost PRECISELY what I see coming together! This is even the same sort of message we can discern from propaganda films such as Interstellar. Traditional space travel = Slow. Cold. Dangerous. But using a wormhole to pop from one side of the universe to another? Instantaneous! Comfortable. Safe…

But so far, Gonz doesn’t seem to want to hear it. He more or less seems to be leaning in that opposite direction, namely, that the reason for all of NASA’s lies and trickery, isn’t because true “outer space travel” is impossible, but rather because they are hiding the REAL “secret space program”, which involves all kinds of more advanced technologies and types of craft than the public currently knows about, and that basically the Luciferian elites are actually very accomplished astronauts, who probably have massive star cruisers, and planetary bases, and who knows what else. Sigh….

Whether or not the chicanery of NASA will ever become a majority-accepted fact or not, it seems that the trajectory that everything is on is one whereby things like CERN and “light technology” will replace the primitive efforts of trying to travel the stars using booster rockets and space helmets. Personally, I am becoming more and more convinced that this was actually the intention of Lucifer, and his Masonic “spacemen”, all along….

“Apollo’s Key”: Connecting CERN to the Flat Earth Puzzle and Biblical Prophesy…

This. Is. Epic. Possibly the best comprehensive documentary touching on all these issues I’ve seen thus far. The first two hours offer a very well edited and fairly exhaustive compilation of the all the typical questions involving “Flat Earth proofs”, the true Biblical support of this model, as well as the evidence for a vast Luciferian N.W.O. agenda manipulating NASA and so much more. This portion alone would stand tall as a very well made piece, weaving together TONS of information in a manner which flows very naturally and is quite easy to watch. They really put a lot of effort into making this into a solid presentation.

But then, the final 45 minutes or so gets REALLY good, examining how the “Cosmic origins agenda” followed the “space race” agenda, and shows how the two fit together quite seemlessly, as seen now with CERN being the true “rebuilt tower of Babel”, the “Rainbow Bridge”, the “stargate”, etc., with which they intend to pierce the veil, punch through the Firmament, and invade the heavens… The UN logo, amazingly, not only depicts the flat earth map, (dividing the Earth into 33 regions), but ALSO has encoded within it a depiction of the 8-spoked “wheel of time”, just like the LHC, and the same elements can be found within the logo for “2015: The Year of Light” as well.

It shows how the UFO/alien Deception fits into the Globe/NASA deception, along with the Vatican, along with the LHC, all working together to bring about the very things which God revealed to the apostle John, almost two thousand years ago. If you are already in the place where your eyes are being opened to the Flat Earth issue, and don’t have time watch the entirety of this film, then I’d say it’s still well worth your time to watch that last 45 minutes. It even talks the New World Religion of “One-ness” which I’ve talked about in previous posts.

It’s all coming together, oh man… All these pieces we’ve been looking at individually for years now. To a degree that I honestly am not sure I ever fully expected to see it. This is it, the Great Deception, unfolding before our very eyes! This IS “Mystery Babylon”… And it’s only now being revealed to us, not by our own wisdom, but by the God of Heaven and Earth, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End…

This is just one of those crazy, Holy-Spirit-confirming kind of junctures for me, to be honest, because again and again I keep coming across other people who are seeing how all these pieces fit together too. This video puts it all together far better than my own feeble abilities of explanation could do. CERN is the “key”. Lucifer’s weapon is light…

Exposing more “portal propaganda”…

Amazing how this new Lego game and all the other examples Gonz points out in this video really underscores the very same kinds of observations I’ve been making over the past few years with myself and my kids, etc., as I spoke about on here in “Portal-Mania”.

THX: Sounds of Saturn…?

Screams coming from beyond “Saturn’s Gate”?  That was the thought which occurred to me as I was watching the video below…

The more I have watched videos from RSE, seeing him point out these same themes which show up in tv, movies, commercials etc., over and over and over again, the more I really do find myself starting to grasp this whole seemingly bizarre concept of Saturn-centric Luciferian eschatology. In the film Interstellar which I reviewed recently, it too contains the same connections between Saturn and a portal/wormhole. Not only is the first wormhole placed right next to Saturn, even the black hole on the other side of the galaxy, “Gargantua”, itself had a Saturn-shape to it, once again reflecting the same sorts of things that RSE is always talking about with Saturn being viewed by the Luciferians as both the mechanism of their own escape/rapture, and the gate through which the Fallen Ones will return to earth. It’s a two-way thing. I admit it has taken me a while to get to the point where I feel like I’m understanding how all these various symbologies work together and indeed all point to the same basic thing, the Luciferian “hope”, their version of Revelation, their anticipated “Resurrection”…

The oculus. The aperture. The gate. The cube. The eye. Again and again he shows these things working in conjunction with each other almost like symbolic talismans.

Something I found really interesting that he brings up in the video is some speculation regarding the possibility of “THX” being a way a different way of representing the “XIIX”, which is itself an alpha-numerical symbol for the “Saturn Gate” thing once again. Instantly I began to think of the movie itself “THX 1138”, which was a Coppola-funded remake of a student project Lucas did while in film school. My thoughts quickly recalled the scene at the end of the movie, where Robert Duvall’s character (his name being the number “THX 1138”) finally escapes from a drug-controlled, sexually-repressed dystopia controlled by robot policeman and an oppressive computerized messianic big-brother figure…


It is definitely a rather bizarre coincidence, to think about “THX” being another rendering of XIIX, some kind of code for this idea of “escaping out” through some kind of portal/tunnel/oculus, and then remember that this is precisely how “THX” escapes the oppressiveness of a “dictatorial god” by climbing up through a shaft, a “portal”, into the sunshine. How perfectly Gnostic and Luciferian a depiction for sure.

But then, Lucas’s obsession with the letters THX continues on, findinggraffiti%20coupe%20111 it’s way onto the license plate of the yellow roadster in Lucas’s “American Graffiti”, and then finally of course as the name of the Lucasfilm branch-off company which was developed to assure sound quality during the making of Return of the Jedi.

Star Wars is itself a whole other subject in and of itself with what I believe is a whole host of Luciferian eschatological concepts, memes (a virgin-birthed “sorcerer” Jedi, whose bloodline contains a unique ability to connect with the “universal force”, but then because a type of temporary “false-antichrist” who then turns on the “evil Emperor” in order to finally return the galaxy back to a “golden age”…) but that’s probably best kept for another time!

Overall, I guess what I’m saying is that the more I listen to these things being pointed out, the more I find it making so much sense that behind all this symbolism of Saturn, the “cube”, the “Dark Star”, is BOTH this whole portal idea, a “shaft of light” going up and out, the “rapture for the Illumined” if you will, AND the concept of the pit, the Abyss, the box, the cube, the prison that they want to break open in order to unleash the Beings on the other side.

I find it pretty astonishing, overall, to think that not only does “Luciferian eschatology” very much exist, but in fact we’ve all been watching it, reading it, learning it, for most of our lives now, without even realizing it…

Portals and Prisons…


This morning, I loaded up my mp3 player with some fresh content as I prepared to launch into my routine of making breakfast, washing dishes, and getting things moving along in the daily routine, as I usually do. (don’t have a dishwasher, so doing dishes by hand almost inevitably involves listening to one of my regular podcasts while I scrub away) Today, it happened to be Derek Gilbert’s latest interview from “A View from the Bunker”, as he spoke with author Dr. Michael Lake about his new book ‘The Shinar Directive’. Fabulous stuff. In many ways, it really reminded me of just how much information and understanding was all simultaneously assaulting my previous understanding of the Bible and the cosmos it describes, almost five years ago.

As phenomenal an idea as the “Genesis 6 paradigm” (the belief that fallen angels or “Watchers” mated with human women and had hybrid offspring) is to most church-reared folks, it is really just the launching point into an entire spectrum of ideas and events which shake most of our preconceived assumptions about the universe we live in, as is well explained in the aforementioned interview, which starts off with a great discussion of the person of Nimrod, a central part of Dr. Lake’s book.

Nimrod, as Dr. Lake explains, actually achieved something even beyond what the Watchers themselves were able to accomplish, that is, he “became a Gibborim”, a “mighty man before the Lord” (Genesis 10:8). Many scholars have limited this verse to simply meaning that he was a great warrior, hunter, king, but in fact, a deeper look reveals that what this is saying that Nimrod actually found a way to actually become a “nephilim”, through some manner of dark occult practice which the scripture (understandably!) does not expound upon, and became the figure who to this day stands as the epitome of what they hope and strive to become themselves, and what they hope to actually succeed in building as the coup de grace against God and His angelic army. Essentially, it could be regarded as the Tower of Babel 2.0, a gate to the heavens which Satan and his minions believe will give them the chance they’ve been waiting for to storm His presence and dethrone Him once and for all. I certainly never heard about those kinds of things in Sunday School…
Recently I saw the film “Snowpiercer“, which honestly I must say has to instantly rank right up at the top of the list of movies containing multiple layers of gnostic symbolism and interpretations. Seriously, I’d say it rivals the Matrix trilogy in terms of how much embedded ideas could be found within this screenplay, and as a result I’m still in the process of unpacking it all, but there is plenty that jumps out from onset, indeed just from the premise alone. Like all good examples of gnostic/NWO/fight-the-system movies, it works from several angles, the first being the more obvious allegory of humans fighting against an oppressive totalitarian system run by other humans. But, for those who have begun to understand what the underlying belief system of Gnosticism is truly all about, by the end of the film, we can start to recognize the similar themes being presented in terms of it working as a metaphor for “oppressed beings” seeking to find a way out of the prison they are in, built by a deluded and maniacal “Creator” who is always portrayed as having no inherent sense of morality in the end. The “tyrant god”, who must ultimately be outwitted and out-maneuvered in order to achieve true, lasting freedom…

snowpiercerfishtankIt is always about “escaping the Matrix”, escaping the “Cube”, the prison, the maze, the oppressive system. The genius of this gnostic “plot device” is that it appeals to what is often times a genuine reaction against real human examples of sin and misuse of authority, when in actuality we are being sucked into cheering for the cause of snowpiercerrevoltthe fallen angels who feel that God has callously and ruthlessly judged them for rebelling against Him, convincing themselves that they are in fact the benevolent ones, the true saviors of humanity, the “rebels” against an evil galactic empire…

The scene at the end of the film, where the freedom-fighters reach the “Engine” is perhaps the most revealing, in terms of just blatant visual cues. The room housing the “eternal engine” resembles a typical Hollywood portrayal of a “Stargate” if anything does, yet, in an interesting plot twist, the ultimate way of escape lies in blowing open the “gate” to the frozen outside world, rather than stepping into the role of becoming the conductor oneself. Like I said, there is a LOT that could be unpacked from this movie, but in the end we can at least say that it serves as yet another example of these same gnostic themes showing up with increasingly regularity in the latest Hollywood releases, alongside films like Noah, Transcendence, Maze Runner, Hunger Games, X-Men, Lucy, The Purge, and on and on and on…

It’s sort of funny, actually. One of the first things I came across when I encountered this realm of what some might call “fringe Christianity”, was this guy on youtube talking about “Nephilim Stargates“, and at the time I thought, “Wow, what a NUT!” 519hrrGgZeL__SY344_BO1,204,203,200_

But, alas, several years later, I count myself among those who now look at the Bible as the Word of God, and very much do see it describing things like interdimensional portals, and genetic manipulation, and a “Shinar Directive” which very much does link those in occult societies today to the person of Nimrod thousands of years ago. The objective is really quite unchanged, and even being loudly proclaimed all around us, if only we stop and take notice…